922 resultados para Detecção de Interface
The ion transfer of 0hromazural S (CAS) across ~he in%erface of W/NB and W/l, 2- ])CE was sgadied by oyclie vol~amme~ry and ehronopoten~iome~ry wibh linear current scanning. The $ransfer mechanism of GAS was proposed in terms of lis eleo~roohemic~l behavior and equilibria of diasocia~ion. The experimental da~a obtained for half-wave po~eniial AoWT~/~ and pH in W phase are in agreemen~ wi~h ~he ~heoretieal equation based on ~he mechanism proposal. The siandard po~engial differences AoWT~ and standa...
The transfer behavior of tetramethylammonium cation (TMA~+) across the water/ nitrobenzene interface has been investigated by neopolarography including semiintegral (m), semidifferential (e), 1.5th order differential (e′) and 2.5 th order differential (e″) methods. The predicted dependences of peak height, peak potential and peak width on concentration and scan rate, etc have been discussed theoretically. The neopolarographic theory on the transfer of ions across the interface has been confirmed ...
I. INTRODUCTIONStudies on the electrochemical phenomena at the liquid-liquid interface are a developing area in electrochemistry and electroanalytical chemistry. The exploration for new ion transfer systems is very important in the development of this area. Dyes are a large group of reagents used widely in analytical chemistry. But no paper deals with the tran,fer processes of dyes at the liquid-liquid (L/L) interface so far.
It has been firstly found by means of cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronopotentiometry with linear current-scanning (CLC)that 12-silicotungstate anion (SiW_(12)O_(40)~(4-)) with high charge numbers, large molecular volume and symmetric structure can cross
The chemical reactions coupled with the phase transfer of Co(Ⅱ) catalyzed by 2,2′ -bipyridine across the water/nitrobenzene interface have been observed by using cyclic voltammetry (CV). Coupled chemical reactions both in the organic phase or in the aqueus phase influence the CV behavior of successive complex phase transfer obviously and an irreversible phenomenon similar to that existed at the metal electrode/electrolyte solution interface was observed. For different complexes, the phase transfer mechanism...
On the basis of data collected in the Jiaozhou Bay in June and July 2003, the DIC distribution in seawater is studied, and an average air-sea flux of CO2 is estimated. The results show that the content of DIC inside the bay is markedly higher than outside the bay in June, but the content of DIC outside the bay is markedly higher than inside the bay in July. The trend of DIC distribution inside the bay is similar, viz. the content is the maximum in the northeast, then decreases gradually toward the west, and the content is the minimum in the west. The total trend of vertical distribution is to increase gradually from surface to bottom. This characteristic of DIC distribution is determined by Jiaozhou Bay hydrology and there is a close relation between DIC and particulate N,P. Average CO2 flux across the air-sea interface is 0.55 mol/(m(2.)a) in June and 0.72 mol/(m(2.)a) in July. Jiaozhou Bay is considered as a net annual source for atmospheric CO2 in June and July, and the total CO2 flux from seawater into atmosphere is about 740 t in June and 969 t in July.
The field observation of this study was carried out in the Changjiang Estuary from May 19 to 26,2003, just a few days before the Three Gorges Dam began to store water. A total of 29 stations, including 2 anchor stations, were distributed through almost the whole salinity gradient Based on the data gained from these stations, the biogeochemical characteristics of dissolved oxygen (DO) were examined. Spatial distribution of DO concentrations showed the pattern that it increased in a downriver direction. DO concentration generally varied within a narrow range of 733-8.10 mg l(-1) in the freshwater region and the west part of the mixed water region, and after that it increased rapidly. In vertical direction, the differences in DO concentrations between surface and 2 m above the bottom were big at the stations with water depths exceeding 20 m; DO concentration up to 14.88 mg l(-1) was recorded at the sea surface, while at 2 m above the bottom its concentration was only about 4 mg l(-1). The fluctuation in DO concentrations was small during a period of 48 h in the mixed water region and 2 m above the bottom of the seawater region; while it was large during the same period in the seawater region for surface and 5 m below the surface layer, and a maximum variation from 8.77 to 12.66 mg l(-1) in 4 h was recorded. Oxygen fluxes also showed a marked spatio-temporal variation. As a whole, the freshwater region and mixed water region were an oxygen sink while the seawater region was a source. Relationships between dissolved oxygen and some biogeochemical parameters which could markedly influence its spatio-temporal distribution were discussed in this paper. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Partial pressure of CO2 (pCO(2)) was investigated in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary, Hangzhou Bay and their adjacent areas during a cruise in August 2004, China. The data show that pCO(2) in surface waters of the studied area was higher than that in the atmosphere with only exception of a patch east of Zhoushan Archipelago. The pCO(2) varied from 168 to 2 264 mu atm, which fell in the low range compared with those of other estuaries in the world. The calculated sea-air CO2 fluxes decreased offshore and varied from -10.0 to 88.1 mmol m(-2) d(-1) in average of 24.4 +/- 16.5 mmol m(-2) d(-1). Although the area studied was estimated only 2 x 10(4) km(2), it emitted (5.9 +/- 4.0) x 10(3) tons of carbon to the atmosphere every day. The estuaries and their plumes must be further studied for better understanding the role of coastal seas playing in the global oceanic carbon cycle.
Os objetivos buscados pelos autores neste estudo foram produzir e solubilizar a proteína MSP5 recombinante truncada de Anaplasma marginale e avaliar seu desempenho em um ensaio de imunoadsorção enzimática indireto para detecção de anticorpos contra a riquétsia. O gene msp5, exceto a região N-terminal hidrofóbica, foi amplificado por reação em cadeia da polimerase, clonado em plasmídeo pTrcHis-TOPO e expresso em Escherichia coli. A solubilização da proteína recombinante foi avaliada em diferentes pHs e concentrações de uréia. A sensibilidade e a especificidade do ensaio foram avaliados testando-se 66 soros de animais infectados experimentalmente com A. marginale e 96 soros negativos, com o estado de infecção desses animais confirmado por reação em cadeia da polimerase. Um total de 1.666 amostras de soros bovinos, provenientes do Brasil - Rio Grande do Sul (73), Mato Grosso do Sul (91), Pernambuco (86), Bahia (314) e Minas Gerais (267), assim como do Uruguai (32) e Costa Rica (803) foram testadas nos ELISAs com MSP5 truncada e com MSP1a recombinantes, e a concordância entre os dois testes foi avaliada. O ELISA indireto com MSP5 truncada foi capaz de detectar animais infectados com 96,97% de sensibilidade e 100% de especificidade. Nos animais infectados experimentalmente, o ELISA detectou anticorpos do 12o dia após a inoculação (DPI) até o último dia de observação (37o DPI). Os ELISAs para MSP5 e MSP1a apresentaram concordância de 95,67%, com índice kappa de 0,81. Os resultados discordantes apresentaram uma diferença significativa (P < 0,001). Anticorpos contra A. marginale foram detectados em animais de todas asregiões estudadas. O ELISA com MSP5 recombinante truncada apresentou bom desempenho na detecção de anticorpos contra A. marginale, com alta sensibilidade e especificidade, representando uma importante ferramenta para o diagnóstico da anaplasmose bovina em estudos epidemiológicos.
Detecção do melon yellowing associated virus (MYaV) em áreas produtoras de melão na Região Nordeste.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar o efeito da aplicação a longo prazo e continuada de lodo de esgoto da Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto de Barueri, SP, no fluxo de gases na interface soloatmosfera sob condições de campo e em condições tropicais.
A mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) é afetada por inúmeras pragas, dentre as quais estão duas espécies de broca-da-haste Sternocoelus spp. (Curculianidae) e Tropidozineus fulveolus (Lameere) (Cerambycidae). Até o momento, o método de controle recomendado era destruir restos de plantas infestadas no campo.
A importância dos ácaros do gênero Brevipalpus vem crescendo, tornando-se evidente seu potencial como praga de plantas, especialmente por sua capacidade de transmitir vírus (CHILDERS et al., 2003; KITAJIMA et al., 2010). Os vírus transmitidos por Brevipalpus sp. (VTBs) têm em comum, além do vetor, a morfologia das partículas e semelhanças em sintomas e efeitos citopatológicos que induzem nas plantas hospedeiras (KITAJIMA et al., 2003). Os sintomas nos hospedeiros consistem de lesões locais (cloróticas, necróticas, manchas verdes ou ainda manchas anelares) em folhas e ramos afetados (KITAJIMA et al., 2003). Ao contrário de outros vírus que invadem sistemicamente seus hospedeiros, as partículas dos VTBs permanecem concentradas nas lesões, não sendo capazes de circular nas plantas que infectam. A relação dos VTBs com seus vetores não é completamente conhecida. A otimização dos protocolos de extração de ácidos nucleicos e a possibilidade de se utilizar primers específicos não apenas para a sua detecção nos hospedeiros, mas também em seus vetores, são passos importantes para os estudos da interação vetor-patógeno-hospedeiro. Podem também ser úteis para o manejo de culturas com relação às doenças causadas pelos VTBs, como a mancha anular do cafeeiro, a leprose dos citros e a pinta verde do maracujazeiro, pois, em alguns casos, é possível a detecção precoce dos vírus nos ácaros antes mesmo do aparecimento dos sintomas no campo.