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The main purpose of this thesis is to promote the Slovak culture in Italy through the adaptation of Pásli ovce valasi (The shepherd grazed the sheep), a TV series for children by director Ladislav Čapek. The series, which was released in Czechoslovakia in 1973, is divided into thirteen episodes and tells the story of Matko and Kubko, two shepherds who live in the mountains in central Slovakia. Pásli ovce valasi represented an interesting choice from the adaptation point of view, due to its deep cultural value and the peculiarities of the language used by the characters. The constraints of audiovisual translation were combined to the difficulty of rendering Slovak cultural-specific elements into Italian, together with the limits imposed by having children as a primary recipient. The importance of their role as a target has constrained not only our translation choices, but also the adaptation mode. For this reason, it was decided to realise subtitles in order to make the audiovisual product immediately available, together with an adaptation for dubbing, more suitable for a young audience. The opportunity to present two different forms of adaptation is closely linked to the specific characteristics of the cartoon language. The present study consists of four chapters. The first one provides a brief introduction to the series, its language and setting. The second chapter outlines the main characteristics of audiovisual translation, focusing on dubbing and subtitling in particular. It also presents an analysis of the role of children as a target and the consequent decision to realise an adaptation for dubbing. The two adaptation modes, together with the transcription of the original dialogues, are provided in the third chapter. The fourth and last chapter consists of a description and analysis of the translation process, focusing on morphosyntactic, lexical, rethorical, historical and cultural aspects. The last part of the chapter analyses the differences between the subtitles and the adaptation for dubbing.
The digital revolution has affected all aspects of human life, and interpreting is no exception. This study will provide an overview of the technology tools available to the interpreter, but it will focus more on simultaneous interpretation, particularly on the “simultaneous interpretation with text” method. The decision to analyse this particular method arose after a two-day experience at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), during research for my previous Master’s dissertation. During those days, I noticed that interpreters were using "simultaneous interpretation with text" on a daily basis. Owing to the efforts and processes this method entails, this dissertation will aim at discovering whether technology can help interpreters, and if so, how. The first part of the study will describe the “simultaneous with text” approach, and how it is used at the CJEU; the data provided by a survey for professional interpreters will describe its use in other interpreting situations. The study will then describe Computer-Assisted Language Learning technologies (CALL) and technologies for interpreters. The second part of the study will focus on the interpreting booth, which represents the first application of the technology in the interpreting field, as well as on the technologies that can be used inside the booth: programs, tablets and apps. The dissertation will then analyse the programs which might best help the interpreter in "simultaneous with text" mode, before providing some proposals for further software upgrades. In order to give a practical description of the possible upgrades, the domain of “judicial cooperation in criminal matters” will be taken as an example. Finally, after a brief overview of other applications of technology in the interpreting field (i.e. videoconferencing, remote interpreting), the conclusions will summarize the results provided by the study and offer some final reflections on the teaching of interpreting.
Three-month anticoagulation is recommended to treat provoked or first distal deep-vein thrombosis (DVT), and indefinite-duration anticoagulation should be considered for patients with unprovoked proximal, unprovoked recurrent, or cancer-associated DVT. In the prospective Outpatient Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Switzerland (OTIS-DVT) Registry of 502 patients with acute objectively confirmed lower extremity DVT (59% provoked or first distal DVT; 41% unprovoked proximal, unprovoked recurrent, or cancer-associated DVT) from 53 private practices and 11 hospitals, we investigated the planned duration of anticoagulation at the time of treatment initiation. The decision to administer limited-duration anticoagulation therapy was made in 343 (68%) patients with a median duration of 107 (interquartile range 91-182) days for provoked or first distal DVT, and 182 (interquartile range 111-184) days for unprovoked proximal, unprovoked recurrent, or cancer-associated DVT. Among patients with provoked or first distal DVT, anticoagulation was recommended for < 3 months in 11%, 3 months in 63%, and for an indefinite period in 26%. Among patients with unprovoked proximal, unprovoked recurrent, or cancer-associated DVT, anticoagulation was recommended for < 6 months in 22%, 6-12 months in 38%, and for an indefinite period in 40%. Overall, there was more frequent planning of indefinite-duration therapy from hospital physicians as compared with private practice physicians (39% vs. 28%; p=0.019). Considerable inconsistency in planning the duration of anticoagulation therapy mandates an improvement in risk stratification of outpatients with acute DVT.
Renal transplantation has become an established option for renal replacement therapy in many patients with end stage renal disease. Living donation is a possibility for timely transplantation, hampered in 20 % of all possible donors and recipients byincompatible blood groups. AB0-incompatible renal transplantation overcomes this hurdle with acceptable allograft survival compared to conventional living-donor renal transplantation. During the last 10 years, the number of patients awaiting renal transplantation older than 65 years has nearly doubled. The decision to transplant those patients and their medical treatment is a growing challenge in transplantation. On the other hand donor age is increasing with potential negative consequences for long-term outcome of organ function. Antibody-mediated humoral rejection have been identified lately as an important cause for allograft failure during long-term follow up of renal transplant patients. New immunological methods to detect donor-specific antibodies, like solid-phase assays (Luminex®), have increased the knowledge and understanding of humoral rejection processes. This will lead hopefully to modified immunosuppressive strategies to minimize organ failure due to chronic rejection.
This article deals with the European minorities in the period between the two world wars and with their final expulsion from nation-states at the end of World War II. First, the tensions which arose between the organised minorities and the successor states of the Habsburg Monarchy are accounted for primarily by the argument that the various minorities located within the successor states had already undergone a comprehensive processes of nationalisation within the Habsburg Empire. Therefore they were able to resist assimilation by the political elites of the new titular nations (Czechs, Poles, Rumanians, Serbs). A second topic is that of the use made of the minorities issue by Adolf Hitler to help achieve his expansionist aims. The minorities issue was central to the international destabilisation of interwar Europe. Finally, the mass expulsion of minorities (above all, Germans) after the end of the war is explained by strategic considerations on the part of the Allied powers as well as involving the nation-state regimes. It is argued, against a commonly held view, that German atrocities during the period of occupation had little to do with the decision to expel most ethnic Germans from their territories of settlement in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. The article shows that it is necessary to treat national minorities in the first half of the twentieth century as a single phenomenon which shares similar features across the various nation-states of East-Central Europe.
The aim of the study was to examine the economic performance as well as perceived social and environmental impacts of organic cotton in Southern Kyrgyzstan on the basis of a comparative field study (44 certified organic farmers and 33 conventional farmers) carried out in 2009. It also investigated farmers’ motivation for and assessment of conversion to organic farming. Cotton yields on organic farms were found to be 10% lower whereby input costs per unit were 42% lower, which resulted in organic farmers having a 20% higher revenue from cotton. Due to lower input costs and organic and fair trade price premiums the average gross margin from organic cotton was 27%. In addition to direct economic benefits organic farmers enjoy a number of additional benefits such as easy access to credits on favourable terms, provision with uncontaminated cotton cooking oil and seed cake as animal feed, marketing support as well as extension and training, services provided by the newly established organic service provider. A big majority of organic farmers perceives an improvement of soil qualities, improved health conditions, and positively assesses their previous decision to convert to organic farming. The major disadvantage of organic farming is the high manual labour input required. In the study area, where manual farm work is mainly women’s work and male labour migration widespread, women are most affected by this negative aspect of organic farming. Altogether, the results suggest that despite the inconvenience of higher work load the advantages of organic farming outweigh the disadvantages and that conversion to organic farming can improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers.
In this descriptive study, we examined the influences and experiences motivating students to enter college-level music schools as reported by a population of precollegiate students auditioning (but not yet accepted) to music education degree programs. As a follow-up to a published pilot study, this research was designed to quantify the various experiences respondents had as part of their precollege school and community programs that related to teaching and music. Results indicate a strong connection between respondents’ primary musical background and future teaching interest. The top three influential experiences were related to high school ensemble membership (band, choir, orchestra), and the most influential group of individuals in the decision to become a music educator were high school ensemble directors. Respondents from all four primary background groups (band, choir, orchestra, and general or other) rated private lesson teaching as their second strongest future teaching interest, just behind teaching at the high school level in their primary background. Respondents rated parents as moderately influential on their desire to become a music teacher.
Cotton is a leading agricultural non-food commodity associated with soil degradation, water pollution and pesticide poisoning due to high levels of agrochemical inputs. Organic farming is often promoted as a means of addressing the economic, environmental and health risks of conventional cotton production, and it is slowly gaining ground in the global cotton market. Organic and fair trade cotton are widely seen as opportunities for smallholder farmers to improve their livelihoods thanks to higher returns, lower input costs and fewer risks. Despite an increasing number of studies comparing the profitability of organic and non-organic farming systems in developing and industrialized countries, little has been published on organic farming in Central Asia. The aim of this article is to describe the economic performance and perceived social and environmental impacts of organic cotton in southern Kyrgyzstan, drawing on a comparative field study conducted by the author in 2009. In addition to economic and environmental aspects, the study investigated farmers’ motivations toward and assessment of conversion to organic farming. Cotton yields on organic farms were found to be 10% lower, while input costs per unit were 42% lower; as a result, organic farmers’ cotton revenues were 20% higher. Due to lower input costs as well as organic and fair trade price premiums, the average gross margin from organic cotton was 27% higher. In addition to direct economic benefits, organic farmers enjoy other benefits, such as easy access to credit on favorable terms, provision of uncontaminated cottonseed cooking oil and cottonseed cake as animal feed, and marketing support as well as extension and training services provided by newly established organic service providers. The majority of organic farmers perceive improved soil quality, improved health conditions, and positively assess their initial decision to convert to organic farming. The major disadvantage of organic farming is the high manual labor input required. In the study area, where manual farm work is mainly women's work and male labor migration is widespread, women are most affected by this negative aspect of organic farming. Altogether, the results suggest that, despite the inconvenience of a higher workload, the advantages of organic farming outweigh its disadvantages and that conversion to organic farming improves the livelihoods of small-scale farmers.
Background. To guide the administration of blood products, coagulation screening of trauma patients should be fast and accurate. The purpose of this study was to identify the correlation between CCT and TEG in trauma, to determine which CCT or TEG parameter is most sensitive in predicting transfusion in trauma, and to define TEG cut-off points for trauma care. Methods. A six-month, prospective observational study of 76 adult patients with suspected multiple injuries was conducted at a Level 1 trauma centre of a university hospital. Physicians blinded to TEG results made the decision to transfuse based on clinical evaluation. Results. The study results showed that conventional coagulation tests correlate moderately with Rapid TEG parameters (R: 0.44–0.61). Kaolin and Rapid TEG were more sensitive than CCTs, and the Rapid TEG α-Angle was identified as the single parameter with the greatest sensitivity (84%) and validity (77%) at a cut-off of 74.7 degrees. When the Rapid TEG α-Angle was combined with heart rate >75 bpm, or haematocrit < 41%, sensitivity (84%, 88%) and specificity (75%, 73%) were improved. Conclusion. Cutoff points for transfusion can be determined with the Rapid TEG α-Angle and can provide better sensitivity than CCTs, but a larger study population is needed to reproduce this finding.
In this thesis, I explore the meaning behind sustainable living among organic farmers and their families in two countries. It is based on original, ethnographic research that I conducted in New Zealand in fall 2012 and Peru in summer 2012 with support from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology Meerwarth Undergraduate Research Fund. In carrying out my research I relied on participant-observation, semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and writing ethnographic fieldnotes. Drawing on contemporary scholarship in the anthropology of food and the environment, my thesis contributes to cross-culturally understandings of sustainability and local and global foodways. Specifically, I will interpret the meaning and significance of my informants’ decision to live sustainably through their participation in wwoofing. The global network of wwoofing aims to connect volunteers interested in learning about organic farming techniques with farmers looking for labor assistance. Volunteers exchange work for food, accommodation, knowledge, and experience. As a method of farming and a subjective ideological orientation, this global movement allows travelers from all over the world to experience organic lifestyles worldwide. In my thesis, I connect my experiences of organic living in Peru and New Zealand. In comparing wwoofing practices in these two field sites, I argue that despite observable differences in organic practices, a global organic culture is emerging. Here I highlight some shared features of this global organic culture, such as food authenticity, sustainability of the earth, and a personal connection of individuals to the land. The global organic culture emphasizes a conscious awareness of what is going into one’s body and why. Using food as an expression of values and beliefs, organic farmers reconnect to the land and their food in attempts to construct an alternative identity. By focusing on food authenticity, my informants develop vast relationships with the land, which shapes their identity and creates new forms of self-enhancement.
Fluctuations of food availability, habitat quality, and environmental conditions throughout the year have been implicated in the breeding success and survival of migratory birds. Levels of circulating corticosterone, the hormone involved in energy balance and the stress response in birds, are also affected by fluctuations in these variables, and also play a role in self-maintenance and survival. In addition to changes in behaviors and resource allocation, the metabolic effects of corticosterone increase the amount of free radicals in the body, which can cause oxidative stress and damage lipids and DNA. In this thesis, I assessed if diet and physiology during the breeding and non-breeding seasons contributed to the reproductive success, survival, and oxidative stress of a long-lived migratory seabird, Leach’s storm-petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa). I tested the hypotheses that 1.) diet and physiology throughout the breeding and non-breeding seasons predict reproductive effort; and 2.) corticosterone affects telomere length, a measure of oxidative damage. Through analyses of stable isotopes, corticosterone, and antioxidant capacity, I found that although there was variation in these measures of diet and physiology within the population, none of these factors during the breeding or non-breeding seasons correlated with reproductive effort or success. I also found that feather and plasma corticosterone did not predict telomere length. The life history strategies of Leach’s storm-petrels appear to be complex, and many factors likely contribute to self-maintenance and the decision to breed. Long-term monitoring of these variables may help identify relationships between trends in oceanographic variables during both the breeding and non-breeding seasons with reproductive effort and success, and survival.
This was an exploratory study that aimed to gain a rough understanding of the possible ways of implementing community development. The study was carried out between October 1998 and August 1999 in Lupeni, in the Jiu Valley, which is a mining area facing major decline following the government's decision to restructure the mining industry. Against a background of the history of sociology and its insights into the development of the community concept and its theoretical, methodological and practical significance, an analysis was carried out on four levels relevant to the community development approach: social participation, citizens' level of dependency on the state, and membership and the sense of belonging to the local and national community. A needs analysis approach using questionnaires, in-depth interviews and the Delphi approach took into consideration all those actors who could play important roles in local development: local authorities, representatives of local organisations (schools, trade unions, local associations, churches), and local residents.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The decision to maintain intensive treatment in cardiac surgical patients with poor initial outcome is mostly based on individual experience. The risk scoring systems used in cardiac surgery have no prognostic value for individuals. This study aims to assess (a) factors possibly related to poor survival and functional outcomes in cardiac surgery patients requiring prolonged (> or = 5 days) intensive care unit (ICU) treatment, (b) conditions in which treatment withdrawal might be justified, and (c) the patient's perception of the benefits and drawbacks of long intensive treatments. METHODS: The computerized data prospectively recorded for every patient in the intensive care unit over a 3-year period were reviewed and analyzed (n=1859). Survival and quality of life (QOL) outcomes were determined in all patients having required > or =5 consecutive days of intensive treatment (n=194/10.4%). Long-term survivors were interviewed at yearly intervals in a standardized manner and quality of life was assessed using the dependency score of Karnofsky. No interventions or treatments were given, withhold, or withdrawn as part of this study. RESULTS: In-hospital, 1-, and 3-year cumulative survival rates reached 91.3%, 85.6%, and 75.1%, respectively. Quality of life assessed 1 year postoperatively by the score of Karnofsky was good in 119/165 patients, fair in 32 and poor in 14. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of 19 potential predictors of poor outcome identified dialysis as the sole factor significantly (p=0.027) - albeit moderately - reducing long-term survival, and sustained neurological deficit as an inconstant predictor of poor functional outcome (p=0.028). One year postoperatively 0.63% of patients still reminded of severe suffering in the intensive station and 20% of discomfort. Only 7.7% of patients would definitely refuse redo surgery. CONCLUSIONS: This study of cardiac surgical patients requiring > or =5 days of intensive treatment did not identify factors unequivocally justifying early treatment limitation in individuals. It found that 1-year mortality and disability rates can be maintained at a low level in this subset of patients, and that severe suffering in the ICU is infrequent.
OBJECTIVE: To consider the reasons and context for test ordering by doctors when faced with an undiagnosed complaint in primary or secondary care. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: We reviewed any study of any design that discussed factors that may affect a doctor's decision to order a test. Articles were located through searches of electronic databases, authors' files on diagnostic methodology, and reference lists of relevant studies. We extracted data on: study design, type of analysis, setting, topic area, and any factors reported to influence test ordering. RESULTS: We included 37 studies. We carried out a thematic analysis to synthesize data. Five key groupings arose from this process: diagnostic factors, therapeutic and prognostic factors, patient-related factors, doctor-related factors, and policy and organization-related factors. To illustrate how the various factors identified may influence test ordering we considered the symptom low back pain and the diagnosis multiple sclerosis as examples. CONCLUSIONS: A wide variety of factors influence a doctor's decision to order a test. These are integral to understanding diagnosis in clinical practice. Traditional diagnostic accuracy studies should be supplemented with research into the broader context in which doctors perform their work.
BACKGROUND: Abciximab, a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonist has been shown to improve patency and clinical outcome in patients undergoing endovascular recanalization of femoro-popliteal occlusions. However, data on abciximab therapy in complex peripheral catheter interventions of lower limbs are quite limited. The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the clinical and hemodynamic outcomes of patients treated with provisional abciximab during complex peripheral catheter interventions. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Analysis of a consecutive series of 44 patients with provisional abciximab therapy in complex peripheral catheter interventions with imminent risk of early rethrombosis defined as revascularization of arterial occlusions associated with one or more of the following additional circumstances named as time-consuming intervention > 3 hours, compromised contrast flow not solved by stenting, distal embolization not solved by mechanical thromboembolectomy, and peri-interventional notice of thrombus evolution despite adequate heparin adjustment of lower limbs. Adjunctive abciximab therapy was started in accordance to percutaneous coronary bailout situations. The decision to add abciximab was based on the decision of the operator and went along with the judgement that there is a rising risk of reocclusion due to the progressive complexity of an individual intervention. A bolus of 0.25 mg per kilogram of body weight, followed by a maintenance infusion of 0.125 microg/kg/min (up to a maximum dosage of 10 microg/min) for 12 hours was administered. Clinical and hemodynamic outcome was prospectively assessed at discharge, three and six months after the index procedure. RESULTS: The occluded artery of 44 limbs was in the iliac (2%), in the femoro-popliteal (73%) or below the knee segment (25%). Overall, occlusion length was 11.5 +/- 6.5 cm. Technical success rate was 95%. Mean ABI increased from 0.5 +/- 0.16 to 0.88 +/- 0.19 (p < 0.001) with immediate hemodynamic improvement of 91%. Overall, sustained clinical improvement was 84% and 66% at three and six months follow-up, with best results in iliac (100%), followed by below the knee (73%) and by femoro-popliteal segment (63%) at six months, respectively. Overall, secondary clinical improvement was 86% at six months. Minor and major bleeding complications were 16% and 9%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Abciximab should be noticed as medical adjunct in the interventional armamentarium to prevent imminent rethrombosis in complex peripheral catheter interventions.