976 resultados para DIAZ, JOSE JAVIER
Uno de los objetivos de las estrategias de desarrollo rural es frenar el proceso de despoblamiento ya que la baja densidad de población va unida a un descenso en la cantidad y calidad de los servicios sociales. Por ello, son muchos los estudios que intentan identificar las causas de las migraciones en una u otra dirección, pero no existen estudios que se hayan preocupado por identificar las razones por las que determinadas personas actúan ?contracorriente? y deciden permanecer en el medio rural. Con esta perspectiva, se ha realizado un estudio en la provincia de Cuenca en el que se analizan casos individuales de personas menores de cuarenta años que han elegido el medio rural como marco de vida. El ?apego al pueblo? se revela como el principal factor determinante para que un joven decida quedarse a vivir en su pueblo.
Experiences relating to the InternationalMasters in Rural Development from the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM), the first Spanish programme to receive a mention as a Registered Education Programme by InternationalProject Management Association (IPMA) are considered. Backed by an educational strategy based on Project-Based Learning dating back twenty years, this programme has managed to adapt to the competence evaluation requirements proposed by the European Space for Higher Education (ESHE). In order to do this the training is linked to the professional qualification using competences as a reference leading to the qualification in project management as established by the IPMA.
This study analyses the effects that the project management certification has on employability. This analysis started with a participative process in which various groups of experts who are involved in the certification of people were consulted. A personal interview was carried out amongst 106 professionals —certifying bodies, training institutions, the civil service, and international organisations— and amongst professional who are certified in project management by the International Project Management Association in Spain. The results show that the certification emerges as a powerful tool for improving employability. The effects are demonstrated across two complementary aspects: internal company aspects and external aspects relating to the labour market. Finally, by compiling the different agents’ opinions, a series of measures emerge for improving the accreditation processes as an employability tool and increasing the mutual learning between public and private actors.
La organización es considerada como elemento estratégico en el desarrollo de una localidad rural, ya que a través de ésta se obtienen mayores beneficios, permite a las personas desarrollar sus capacidades y son impulsoras de proyectos dentro de las comunidades. Sin embargo, es común que los territorios rurales cuenten con un tejido asociativo desarticulado que limita esas posibilidades. Por lo anterior se planteo conocer las causas de la escasa participación de la sociedad en grupos organizados y la problemática que enfrentan las organizaciones asentadas en un territorio, a través de un estudio de caso en el municipio de Salinas, San Luis Potosí, México, en 2009. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar las causas que están originando que la organización no tenga impacto en el municipio, lo que permitirá formular una estrategia para lograr que ésta sea un motor de desarrollo en el territorio. Los resultados indican que la mayoría de las personas no participan en ningún tipo de organización aún cuando les gusta trabajar en grupo. En general, las organizaciones se enfrentan a dificultades para tomar acuerdos y cumplir los compromisos adquiridos. Las organizaciones formales en el municipio incluyen organizaciones económicas y de representación. Ambas presentan problemas internos relacionados con la falta de recursos económicos, la escasa capacitación y la falta compromiso del grupo; elementos que no han permitido su consolidación y su participación en el desarrollo del territorio.
This communication presents the results of an innovative approach for competencedevelopment suggesting a new methodology for the integration of these elements in professional development within the ADA initiative (AulaaDistanciaAbierta, Distance and Open Classroom) of the Community of Madrid. The main objective of this initiative is to promote the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for educational activities by creating a new learning environment structured on the premises of commitment to self–learning, individual work, communication and virtual interaction, and self and continuous assessment. Results from this experience showed that conceptualization is a positive contribution to learning, as students added names and characteristics to competences and abilities that were previously unknown or underestimated. Also, the diversity of participants’ disciplines indicated multidimensional interest in this idea and supported the theory that this approach to competencedevelopment could be successful in all knowledge areas.
La falta de garantías al solicitar un crédito, la poca información donde recurrir a solicitarlo y las diferentes formas de exclusión a los servicios financieros, coloca a las personas que pertenecen al sector rural como los más vulnerables para acceder a estos servicios. A nivel internacional se han generado diversos modelos que permiten el acercamiento de financiamiento al sector. El objetivo de la presente investigación es entender cuáles son los principales problemas que enfrentan los productores al solicitar un crédito, averiguar si ven al crédito como una fuente de financiamiento y realizar recomendaciones que permitan ayudar a mejorar dicha situación. En el municipio de Salinas, San Luis Potosí, México, es una zona con características que pueden facilitar la generación de proyectos productivos, si se contara con un esquema de financiamiento. Durante el 2008, se aplicaron 186 encuestas y se analizaron estadísticas nacionales. Los resultados mostraron que no hay cultura financiera, los productores no tienen información necesaria, de quién ofrece los créditos o dónde invertir sus recursos; a la banca comercial no le interesa el impacto de desarrollo que puedan tener sus créditos; el crédito de avío es el más solicitado. Las conclusiones señalan que la situación actual en el municipio respecto al crédito, es la misma que en cualquier nivel, por tanto es importante articular modelos de financiamiento, que consideren al crédito como motor para el desarrollo, permitiendo así la generación de oportunidades de empleo y autoempleo.
We describe a compact lightweight impulse radar for radio-echo sounding of subsurface structures designed specifically for glaciological applications. The radar operates at frequencies between 10 and 75 MHz. Its main advantages are that it has a high signal-to-noise ratio and a corresponding wide dynamic range of 132 dB due mainly to its ability to perform real-time stacking (up to 4096 traces) as well as to the high transmitted power (peak voltage 2800 V). The maximum recording time window, 40 ?s at 100 MHz sampling frequency, results in possible radar returns from as deep as 3300 m. It is a versatile radar, suitable for different geophysical measurements (common-offset profiling, common midpoint, transillumination, etc.) and for different profiling set-ups, such as a snowmobile and sledge convoy or carried in a backpack and operated by a single person. Its low power consumption (6.6 W for the transmitter and 7.5 W for the receiver) allows the system to operate under battery power for mayor que7 hours with a total weight of menor que9 kg for all equipment, antennas and batteries.
Early 18th century treatise writer Tomas Vicente Tosca1 includes in his Tratado de la montea y cortes de Canteria [On Masonry Design and Stone Cutting], what is an important documentary source about the lantern of Valencia Cathedral. Tosca writes about this lantern as an example of vaulting over cross arches without the need of buttresses. A geometrical description is followed by an explanation of the structural behavior which manifests his deep understanding of the mechanics of masonry structures. He tries to demonstrate the absence of buttresses supporting his thesis on the appropriate distribution of loads which will reduce the "empujos" [horizontal thrusts] to the point of not requiring more than the thickness of the walls to stand (Tosca [1727] 1992, 227-230). The present article2 assesses T osca' s appreciation studying how loads and the thrusts they generate are transmitted through the different masonry elements that constitute this ciborium. In order to do so, we first present a geometrical analysis and make considerations regarding its materials and construction methods to, subsequently, analyze its stability adopting an equilibrium approach within the theoretical framework of the lower bound limit analysis.
Purpose: Best percutaneous treatment strategy for lesions in coronary bifurcations is an ongoing subject of debate. There is limited data that analyses the effect of the different bifurcation strategies on coronary flow. Our aim is to evaluate the influence of different bifurcation stenting strategies on hemodynamic parameters, both in the main vessel (MV) and side branch (SB).
Accreditation models in the international context mainly consider the evaluation of learning outcomes and the ability of programs (or higher education institutions) to achieve the educational objectives stated in their mission. However, it is not clear if these objectives and therefore their outcomes satisfy real national and regional needs, a critical point in engineering master's programs, especially in developing countries. The aim of this paper is to study the importance of the local relevancy evaluation of these programs and to analyze the main models of quality assurance and accreditation bodies of USA, Europe and Latin America, in order to ascertain whether the relevancy is evaluated or not. After a literature review, we found that in a free-market economic context and international education, the accreditation of master’s programs follows an international accreditation model, and doesn´t take in account in most cases criteria and indicators for local relevancy. It concludes that it is necessary both, international accreditation to ensure the effectiveness of the program (achievement of learning outcomes) and the national accreditation through which it could ensure local relevancy of programs, for which we are giving some indicators.
En el campo de la biomedicina se genera una inmensa cantidad de imágenes diariamente. Para administrarlas es necesaria la creación de sistemas informáticos robustos y ágiles, que necesitan gran cantidad de recursos computacionales. El presente artículo presenta un servicio de cloud computing capaz de manejar grandes colecciones de imágenes biomédicas. Gracias a este servicio organizaciones y usuarios podrían administrar sus imágenes biomédicas sin necesidad de poseer grandes recursos informáticos. El servicio usa un sistema distribuido multi agente donde las imágenes son procesadas y se extraen y almacenan en una estructura de datos las regiones que contiene junto con sus características. Una característica novedosa del sistema es que una misma imagen puede ser dividida, y las sub-imágenes resultantes pueden ser almacenadas por separado por distintos agentes. Esta característica ayuda a mejorar el rendimiento del sistema a la hora de buscar y recuperar las imágenes almacenadas.
Advanced liver surgery requires a precise pre-operative planning, where liver segmentation and remnant liver volume are key elements to avoid post-operative liver failure. In that context, level-set algorithms have achieved better results than others, especially with altered liver parenchyma or in cases with previous surgery. In order to improve functional liver parenchyma volume measurements, in this work we propose two strategies to enhance previous level-set algorithms: an optimal multi-resolution strategy with fine details correction and adaptive curvature, as well as an additional semiautomatic step imposing local curvature constraints. Results show more accurate segmentations, especially in elongated structures, detecting internal lesions and avoiding leakages to close structures
Eutectic rods of Al2O3–Er3Al5O12 were grown by directional solidification using the laser-heated floating zone method at rates in the range 25–1500 mm/h. Their microstructure and mechanical properties (hardness, toughness and strength) were investigated as a function of the growth rate. A homogeneous and interpenetrated microstructure was found in most cases, and interphase spacing decreased with growth rate following the Hunt–Jackson law. Hardness increased slightly as the interphase spacing decreased while toughness was low and independent of the microstructure. The rods presented very high bending strength as a result of the homogeneous microstructure, and their strength increased rapidly as the interphase spacing decreased, reaching a maximum of 2.7 GPa for the rods grown at 750 mm/h. The bending strength remained constant up to 1300 K and decreased above this temperature. The relationship between the microstructure and the mechanical properties was established from the analysis of the microstructure and of the fracture mechanisms
In this research the mechanical behaviour of pure tungsten (W) and its alloys (2 wt.% Ti–0.47 wt.% Y2O3 and 4 wt.% Ti–0.5 wt.% Y2O3) is compared. These tungsten alloys, have been obtained by powder metallurgy. The yield strength, fracture toughness and elastic modulus have been studied in the temperature interval of 25 °C to 1000 °C. The results have shown that the addition of Ti substantially improves the bending strength and toughness of W, but it also dramatically increases the DBTT. On the other hand, the addition of 0.5% Y2O3, is enough to improve noticeably the oxidation behaviour at the higher temperatures. The grain size, fractography and microstructure are studied in these materials. Titanium is a good grain growth inhibitor and effective precursor of liquid phase in HIP. The simultaneous presence of Y2O3 and Ti permits to obtain materials with low pores presence
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation is a complex clinic process which tries to restore or compensate cognitive and behavioral disorders in people suffering from a central nervous system injury. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Biomedical Engineering play an essential role in this field, allowing improvement and expansion of present rehabilitation programs. This paper presents a set of cognitive rehabilitation 2D-Tasks for patients with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). These tasks allow a high degree of personalization and individualization in therapies, based on the opportunities offered by new technologies.