977 resultados para DENTAL OCCLUSION


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Lead (Pb) poisoning is preventable but continues to be a public health problem in several countries. Measuring Pb in the surface dental enamel (SDE) using microbiopsies is a rapid, safe, and painless procedure. There are different protocols to perform these microbiopsies, but the reliability of dental enamel lead levels (DELL) determination is dependent upon biopsy depth (BD). It is established that DELL decrease from the outermost superficial layer to the inner layer of dental enamel. The aim of this study was to determine DELL obtained by two different microbiopsy techniques on SDE termed protocol I and protocol II. Two consecutive enamel layers were removed from the same subject group (n = 138) for both protocols. Protocol I consisted of a biopsied site with a diameter of 4 mm after the application of 10 l HCl for 35 s. Protocol II involved a biopsied site of 1.6 mm diameter after application of 5 l HCl for 20 s. The results demonstrated that there were no significant differences for BD and DELL between homologous teeth using protocol I. However, there was a significant difference between DELL in the first and second layers using both protocols. Further, the BD in protocol II overestimated DELL values. In conclusion, SDE analyzed by microbiopsy is a reliable biomarker in protocol I, but the chemical method to calculate BD in protocol II appeared to be inadequate for measurement of DELL. Thus, DELL could not be compared among studies that used different methodologies for SDE microbiopsies.


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Purpose: The aim of this in situ double-blind randomised crossover study was to investigate the effect of calcium (Ca) pre-rinse on the composition of plaque and on enamel prior to the use of fluoride (F) dentifrice. Materials and Methods: During four phases (14 days each) of this study, 10 volunteers had agreed to wear dental appliances containing two healthy bovine enamel blocks. A fresh solution containing 20% weight/volume (w/v) sucrose was dripped on the enamel blocks ex vivo for 5 min three times a day. Subsequently, the appliances were replaced in the mouth, and the volunteers rinsed their mouth with 10 mL of a Ca (150 mmol/L) or a placebo rinse (1 min). In sequence, a slurry (1:3 w/v) of F (1030 ppm) or placebo dentifrice was dripped onto the blocks ex vivo for 1 min. During this time, the volunteers brushed their teeth with the respective dentifrice. The appliances were replaced in the mouth, and the volunteers rinsed their mouth with water. The plaque formed on the blocks was analysed for F and Ca. The enamel demineralisation as well as the incorporation of F on enamel was evaluated by cross-sectional microhardness and alkali-soluble F analysis, respectively. Data were tested using analysis of variance (P < 0.05). Results: The Ca pre-rinse prior to the use of the F dentifrice led to a three- and sixfold increase in the plaque F and Ca concentrations, respectively. It also did not have any additive effect on the F content on the enamel and the demineralisation of the enamel, in comparison with the use of F dentifrice alone. Conclusions: A Ca lactate rinse used prior to the F dentifrice was able to change the mineral content in the plaque, but it was unable to prevent enamel demineralisation.


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This paper describes the use of a dental amalgam electrode (DAE) to evaluate the electrochemical behaviour and to develop an electroanalytical procedure for determination of diquat herbicide in natural water and potato samples. The work was based on the square wave voltammetry responses of diquat, which presented two well-defined and reversible reduction peaks, at -0.56 V (peak 1) and -1.00V (peak 2). The experimental and voltammetric parameters were optimised, and the analytical curves were constructed and compared to similar curves performed by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometric detector (HPLC/UV-vis). The responses were directly proportional to diquat concentration in a large interval of concentration, and the calculated detection limits were very similar, around 10 mu g L(-1) (10 ppb) for voltammetric and chromatographic experiments. These values were lower than the maximum residue limit established for natural water by the Brazilian Environmental Agency. The recovery percentages in pure electrolyte, natural water and potato samples showed values from 70% to 130%, demonstrating that the voltammetric methodology proposed is suitable for determining any contamination by diquat in different samples, minimising the toxic residues due to the use of liquid mercury or the adsorptive process relative to use of other solid surfaces. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Different compositions of visible-light-curable triethylene glycol dimethacrylate/bisglycidyl methacrylate copolymers used in dental resin formulations were prepared through copolymerization photoinitiated by a camphorquinone/ethyl 4-dimethylaminobenzoate system irradiated with an Ultrablue IS light-emitting diode. The obtained copolymers were evaluated with differential scanning calorimetry. From the data for the heat of polymerization, before and after light exposure, obtained from exothermic differential scanning calorimetry curves, the light polymerization efficiency or degree of conversion of double bonds was calculated. The glass-transition temperature also was determined before and after photopolymerization. After the photopolymerization, the glass-transi-tion temperature was not well defined because of the breadth of the transition region associated with the properties of the photocured dimethacrylate. The glass-transition temperature after photopolymerization was determined experimentally and compared with the values determined with the Fox equation. In all mixtures, the experimental value was lower than the calculated value. Scanning electron microscopy was used to analyze the morphological differences in the prepared copolymer structures. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the storage time on the thermal properties of triethylene glycol dimethacrylate/2,2-bis[4-(2-hydroxy-3-methacryloxy-prop-1-oxy)-phenyl]propane bisphenyl-alpha-glycidyl ether dimethacrylate (TB) copolymers used in formulations of dental resins after photopolymerization. The TB copolymers were prepared by photopolymerization with an Ultrablue IS light-emitting diode, stored in the dark for 160 days at 37 degrees C, and characterized with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflection. DSC curves indicated the presence of an exothermic peak, confirming that the reaction was not completed during the photopolymerization process. This exothermic peak became smaller as a function of the storage time and was shifted at higher temperatures. In DMA studies, a plot of the loss tangent versus the temperature initially showed the presence of two well-defined peaks. The presence of both peaks confirmed the presence of residual monomers that were not converted during the photopolymerization process. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 112: 679-684, 2009


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Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema de medição para a análise biomecânica da força desenvolvida durante a escovação dental, com aquisição e processamento de dados de dinamometria para a análise da escovação dental como um processo eficaz de higiene bucal. Foi desenvolvida uma célula de carga com extensômetros de resistência elétrica, montada em uma escova dental. A célula de carga foi construída com 2 Strain Gages montados em meia ponte de Wheatstone, medindo força em flexão, e 4 Strain Gages montados em ponte completa de Wheatstone medindo força de torque. A aquisição dos dados e análise foi feita através do software SAD2. Foram selecionados 6 indivíduos, dois do sexo masculino e 4 do sexo feminino, todos destros, e instruídos a escovarem os dentes por 1 minuto. Os valores medidos para a força de flexão média variam de 24gf à 526gf e para o esforço de torque médio de –76gfmm à 1890gfmm. A célula de carga desenvolvida mostrou-se repetitiva, com boa sensibilidade e confiável com um erro em flexão de 2,7% e 5,5% em torque. A célula de carga apresentou resultados semelhantes a de outros trabalhos publicados anteriormente, sendo estes válidos para uma análise quantitativa inicial no processo de escovação.


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Ao se estudar as consequências sobre o bem-estar social de um mercado relevante onde há elevada concentração na produção, deve-se identificar, primeiramente, se a competição potencial existe. Uma forma de detecta-la seria através do exame das barreiras à entrada da concorrência no mercado relevante em estudo. O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar, no setor brasileiro de creme dental, as barreiras para firmas: entrarem ou; aumentarem sua participação de mercado. A motivação para este estudo decorre da mudança na estrutura deste mercado relevante, uma vez que, em janeiro de 1995, a Colgate, empresa com a segunda maior fatia do mercado nacional, adquiriu a Kolynos, firma detentora de metade do faturamento brasileiro deste setor.


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O estudo das estruturas da placas maxilo-dentárias dos rincossauros Hyperodapedon Huxley, 1859, do Triássico da Formação Santa Maria, em nova abordagem histológica e ontogênica resultou na identificação da natureza do esmalte aprismático verdadeiro, de variados elementos histológicos dentinários e osteológicos, e de um centro de ossificação periosteal primário. Também foram encontradas evidências histológicas dos mecanismos de fusionamento maxilo-dentinário e amelo-maxilar. Com estes elementos, inferimos os modelos de organogênese dental, da ontogênese maxilar e dos mecanismos de fusionamento maxilodental. Encontrou-se uma singular e raríssima coroa dental, imatura e ainda não erupcionada, na região posterior da placa dental e assim evidenciou-se a correta posição da margem odontogenicamente ativa. Adicionalmente inferiu-se a localização da posição da lâmina dentária embrionária. Constatou-se a não formação de alvéolos dentários, de cemento radicular e do espaço necessário à formação do ligamento periodontal e, assim, se deduziu a não formação do folículo dental embriônico. As presenças de especiais elementos anatômicos e histológicos nos tecidos ósseos periapicais evidenciam o crescimento radicular contínuo, enquanto a forma e o fusionamento radicular imediato depõe a favor de uma função dentária fisiológica diferenciada para as baterias dentárias maxilares dos Rincossauros do gênero Hyperodapedon. Os mecanismos que possibilitaram o controle embriônico para a deposição das lamelas de tecido ósseo coronal e seu preciso fusionamento sobre o esmalte dentário, declinam por modificações nas funções tardias do órgão reduzido do esmalte e pela presença de uma membrana oral com funções osteogênicas e também protetivas, situada nas porções posteriores da placa maxilo-dentária em desenvolvimento. Mudanças heterocrônicas no tempo de diferenciação das células da crista neural embriônica e em seus derivados, como a lâmina dentária e órgãos dentários embrionários ou correlacionadas com a organogênese das placas maxilo-dentárias e seus anexos periodontais, todos como condições plesiomórficas para Diápsidas Triássicos, poderiam ser as causas responsáveis pela origem e evolução deste estranho aparelho estomatognático nos clados de Hyperodapedon sp..


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Não há concordância em relação ao número total e intervalo entre as aplicações do verniz de clorexidina (CLX) a 1%. Além disso, os resultados quanto ao período de redução dos níveis de estreptococos do grupo mutans (EGM) na saliva ou biofilme dental são controversos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar, através de um estudo clínico randomizado e controlado, o efeito de diferentes posologias do verniz de CLX a 1% nos níveis de EGM. Pacientes com níveis de EGM ≥ 105 UFC/ml saliva, 11-16 anos, foram distribuídos em 4 grupos: grupo A (n=14): 1 aplicação do verniz de CLX; grupo B (n=14): 1 aplicação diária do verniz CLX, em 3 dias consecutivos; grupo C (n=15): 3 aplicações do verniz CLX com intervalo de 4 dias entre cada aplicação; grupo D (n=12): 1 aplicação diária do verniz placebo, em 3 dias consecutivos. Amostras de saliva e biofilme dental foram coletadas no início do estudo e 1, 4 e 8 semanas após o término das aplicações e foram cultivadas para avaliação dos níveis de EGM e bactérias totais. Os dados foram avaliados através do teste ANOVA (medidas repetidas) e teste de Tukey. Após 1 semana, observou-se uma leve redução nos níveis salivares de EGM nos grupos A, B e C (-0,70; -0,90; -0,41 log10 UFC/ml saliva; respectivamente), significativa somente nos grupos A e B (p < 0,05). Não foram observadas diferenças nos níveis salivares de EGM entre os grupos experimentais nos diferentes períodos do experimento. No biofilme dental, 1 semana após o término do tratamento, foi observado um aumento significativo nos níveis de bactérias totais em todos os grupos experimentais e uma redução significativa nos níveis de EGM apenas no grupo A. O verniz de CLX a 1% resultou em uma leve e curta redução nos níveis de EGM. Este estudo demonstrou que repetidas aplicações do verniz de clorexidina a 1% não aumentam o seu efeito na redução dos níveis de EGM.


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Nowadays, composite resins are the direct restorative materials more important in dental clinical performance, due to their versatility and aesthetic excellence. Bis-GMA (2,2-bis[4(2-hydroxy-3-metacryloxypropoxy)phenil]propane) is the base monomer more frequently used in restorative composite resins. However, this monomer presents some disadvantages, such as high viscosity and two aromatic rings in its structure that can promote allergic reactions to the humans. In this work, the main purpose was to synthesize new monomers from glycidyl methacrylate to use in dental restorative materials. Structural characterization of the monomers was carried out through FTIR and NMR 1H, and eight composites were produced from the new monomers, by addition of silane-treated alumino silicate particles (inorganic filler) and a photocuring system (camphorquinone and ethyl 4-dimethylaminebenzoate). The composites were analyzed by environmental scanning electronic microscopy and the water sorption and solubility, compressive strength and elastic modulus were determined. A commercial composite resin [Z100 (3M)] was used to comparison effect. The new composites presented general characteristics similar to the commercial ones; however, they didn t present the properties expected. This behavior was attributed to the lower degree of monomer reaction and to the granulometry and size distribution of the mineral filler in the polymeric matrix


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The people of Ceará state are descended from miscegenation between the Portuguese colonizers and the native population, resulting in a different facial pattern from other populations. It is important that this pattern be thoroughly understood, along with its minimum and maximum values so that they can be assessed and respected, allowing professionals who deal with the craniofacial complex to work more efficiently and scientifically. Aim: To characterize the morphological pattern of individuals from Ceará state, whose father and grandfather are also native from Ceará, in the 10-12 year age group, not submitted to previous orthodontic treatment, in order to determine: 1) the prevalence of occlusal pattern; 2) the prevalence of dental anomalies (DA) and, 3) the skeletal and dental cephalometric characteristics of individuals that present with normal occlusion and harmonious facial pattern. Methodology: A list of 10-12 year-olds was obtained from 515 schools containing 162,713 students (Education Secretariat of Ceará State), from which 234 individuals were examined (107 boys and 157 girls). The assessment criteria adopted were: 1) Angle s Classification System to determine occlusal pattern. The occlusal characteristics were measured through overbite, overjet, crowding and interincisal diastema. 2) DA are anomalies of number, shape, size, eruption and structure and, 3) in the group that presented with normal occlusion, we used cephalometric analysis measures proposed by Downs, Steiner, Tweed, Holdaway, Jacobson and McNamara. Results: 1) 25.8% of the schoolchildren had normal occlusion, 47.5% class I malocclusion, 22.3% class II malocclusion and 4.2% class III malocclusion. No statistically significant difference was found between the age group studied and sex. Thirty percent of the individuals had normal overbite, while 36.7% and 19.7% had increased and reduced overbite, respectively. Normal overjet was found in 33.7% of the individuals, increased overjet in 50% and reduced in 16.3%. Dental crowding was observed in 62.5% of the individuals and the presence of interincisal diastema in 14.8%. 2) The prevalence of DA was 56.1%, 6.8% in the number, 10.8% in shape, 4.1% in size, 34.5% in eruption, 26.4% in structure and 17.4% had more than one DA. No association was found between DA and sex, but DA was significantly associated to malocclusion (p<0.05); 3) there was no association between sex or facial type between the measures of nasal-labial angle, position and effective maxillary length, effective mandibular length and the sagittal relationship between the molars, overjet and overbite, position of upper incisors, lower incisors and between the incisors themselves. There was a difference between sex, on the VERT index and in lower anterior facial height, upper incisor inclination and line-H, between facial types for the occlusal plane angles, mandibular plane, facial axis, lower incisor inclination, mandibular position, upper incisor position, lower anterior facial height, ANB and line-H. It was concluded that: 1) the most prevalent occlusal type was class I malocclusion, with no distinction for sex or age group, and the assessment of occlusal characteristics showed that excessive overbite and overjet were the most predominant findings, along with a high occurrence of tooth crowding; 2) a high prevalence of DA was found, particularly eruption anomalies, not influenced by sex but significantly associated to malocclusion and 3) individuals from Ceará are predominantly brachyfacial, exhibiting a number of similarities inherent to their facial pattern, such as a convex profile, retracted jaw, reduced lower third and protruded lower incisors. This study was multidisciplinary, involving researchers from the areas of epidemiology, radiology and dentistry, thereby meeting the multidisciplinarity requirements of the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences


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Since Demirjian's system of estimating dental maturity was first described, many researchers from different countries have tested its accuracy among diverse populations. Some of these studies have pointed out a need to determine population-specific standards. In Brazil, the Northeast region is the one that most suffers the negative impact of exodus, specially related to the increase of abandoned children in the cities. The aim of this study was to test the accuracy of Demirjian's system for assessing the dental maturity of northeastern Brazilian children, so as to present a scale for maturity score conversion into dental age developed specifically for this population. This could be used for forensic, anthropological and legal matters, and also as a model for other countries attempting to formulate their own conversion scales. Panoramic radiographs of 1,491 children (821 females and 670 males), aged 7 to 13 years, from Ceará state, northeast Brazil, were assessed by a single observer to determine dental age (DA) according to Demirjian's system. The mean percentage of intra-observer agreement was 86.6%, with a mean Cohen's Kappa coefficient of 0.67 (substantial agreement). The DA was compared by paired t-test to subjects' chronological age (CA). The differences between CA and DA in all age groups were statistically significant (p<0.0001), demonstrating a great advancement in DA among Brazilians. Scatter plots were drawn for both genders, and the data were fitted to a growth curve, y = 100/ (1 + e-a(x b)). Graphs corresponding to the 50th percentile curves were produced. A table with new values for the conversion of maturity score into dental age for northeastern Brazilian children is presented. The great advancement in DA, as obtained by Demirjian's system in this population, justified the determination of specific scores for dental maturity assessment


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This study aimed to evaluate factors associated to orthodontic treatment stability and patient satisfaction in the long-term. A total of 209 patients (88 class I and 121 class II) treated with straight wire fixed appliance were selected at least 5 years post treatment. Six hundred twenty seven dental casts were examined with the PAR Index at pretreatment (T1), end of treatment (T2), and at long-term follow up (T3, mean 8.5 years post treatment). At T3, a Dental Impact on Daily Living questionnaire was used to assess patient satisfaction with the dentition in the long-term. Friedman test and multiple regression analysis were used to evaluate changes among the time points and factors associated with stability and patient satisfaction. Predictive factors used to exam the occlusion were: PAR Index at T1 and T2, age at T1, the amount of time without retainer, length of Hawley retainer wear, length of follow-up, sex, extraction and third molar status. To assess patient satisfaction were considered: changes produced by the orthodontic treatment (PAR T2-T1), post treatment stability (PAR T3), age at the start of treatment (T1), length of treatment (T2-T1), gender, and extraction. Orthodontic treatment produced a significant improvement of 94.2% in the PAR Index (T2-T1), but this change was not associated with the level of satisfaction when the patient was questioned at T3. No significant change was observed between T2 and T3. However, when the sample was divided according to the level of finalization (PAR T2), it was observed that well-finished patients experienced some deterioration (P<.001), whereas the less well-finished ones showed some improvement (P<.05). Even with the deterioration, the well-finished patients still had a better PAR Index at T3 compared to the less well-finished ones (PAR T2- T3). Regression analysis showed that PAR Index at T1 and T2, age at T1, and length of retainer wear had a slight association with occlusal stability (R2 = 0.27). Patient satisfaction was significantly associated only with PAR Index at T3 (r2=0.125, P<.0001). We can conclude that, even thought orthodontic treatment is quite stable, not so well-finished treatments tend to show some improvement and well-finished ones deteriorate some in the long-term. Despite of that, well-finished patients still have better occlusal characteristics. Patient satisfaction is not related to the result of orthodontic treatment; nevertheless, there is a slight association with dentition in the long-term