987 resultados para DEAL


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Pelvic floor anatomy is complex and its three-dimensional organization is often difficult to understand for both undergrad- uate and postgraduate students. Here, we focused on several critical points that need to be considered when teaching the perineum. We have to deal with a mixed population of students and with a variety of interest. Yet, a perfect knowledge of the pelvic floor is the basis for any gynecologist and for any surgical intervention. Our objectives are several-fold; i) to estab- lish the objectives and the best way of teaching, ii) to identify and localize areas in the female pelvic floor that are suscepti- ble to generate problems in understanding the three-dimensional organization, iii) to create novel approaches by respecting the anatomical surroundings, and iv) prospectively, to identify elements that may create problems during surgery i.e. to have a closer look at nerve trajectories and on compression sites that may cause neuralgia or postoperative pain. A feedback from students concludes that they have difficulties to assimilate this much information, especially the different imaging tech- niques. Eventually, this will lead to a severe selection of what has to be taught and included in lectures or practicals. Another consequence is that more time to study prosected pelves needs to be given.


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The influence of theoretical discourse on the corresponding field of investigation is an important feature of social science : social scientists shape the world by describing it. This phenomenon has been studied in several ways. Economic sociology has recently focused on the fact that the economy is embedded in the economics through which it is scrutinized. Great names of economic theory have focused on the effects of economists' discourse on agents' behaviours. This article aims to bring out the distinction between these two kinds of contributions which deal with the same object. Finally, it explains the analytical distinction by a difference in the initial problematic. Following trends in the French school of the economics of convention, the social influence of theoretical discourse is analyzed on the strategic side (in connection with economics) and on the interpretative side (in connection with sociology).


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La proliferació de llicències consorciades i el "Big Deal" ha estat ràpida i transcendental. Podria semblar que hi ha moltes avantatges associades a aquest model de compra, però també hi ha reserves sobre l'impacte que pot tenir en la selecció dels bibliotecaris i preocupació per si servirà encara més per consolidar la posició dominant d'alguns dels grans editors STM**. Aquest article resum les conclusions d'un programa de recerca dut a terme per l'Ingenta Institute al 2002 que consistia en tres estudis independents on es consideraven les avantatges i inconvenients de la llicència institucional consorciada per biblioteques, institucions, editors i usuaris finals. Les conclusions preliminars suggereixen que malgrat que aquest model ha aportat molts beneficis a tots els grups d’interès, no es probable que continuï en la seva forma actual, hi haurà modificacions importants i desenvolupament anticipat en la propera tanda de renovació de llicències consorciades. Mentre que el nombre de contractes consorciats pot ser que s'incrementi en el futur, aquests no seran necessàriament "Big Deals".


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Informe de investigación realizado a partir de una estancia en el Instituto de Biotecnología Medioambiental de la Universidad Tecnológica de Graz, Austria, entre Julio y Agosto de 2006. Se ha estudiado la decoloración de varios tintes sintéticos de estructuras químicas diferentes (Rojo Congo, Azul de Naftol, Indigo Carmín, Lanaset Gris, Azul de Nilo) por la enzima lacasa inmovilizada. La inmovilización de la enzima lacasa se llevó a cabo sobre esferas de alúmina (Al2O3) de 3 mm de diámetro debido a la resistecia mecánica de este material. La lacasa y la proteína inmovilizada se determinaron como la diferencia entre las concentraciones iniciales y residuales (obtenidas en los lavados). El porcentaje de lacasa inmovilizada fue del 68% y la cantidad de proteína inmovilizada por gramo de soporte de 5,6 mg. La enzima lacasa inmovilizada fue capaz de decolorar tintes de diferente estructura sin la necesidad de añadir mediadores redox, lo cual la hace una enzima muy adecuada para su aplicación en la decoloración de efluentes procedentes de la industria textil. De todas formas, son necesarios más estudios para optimizar la técnica de inmovilización así como el proceso de decoloración. Es interesante destacar que aunque hay muchos estudios basados en la oxidación de tintes textiles por lacasa la mayoría utilizan la enzima libre y hay muy poca información disponible sobre la aplicación de lacasas inmovilizadas, por lo que el presente estudio constituye una aportación muy interesante y novedosa.


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Informe de investigación realizado a partir de una estancia en el Department of Computer and Information Science de la Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Noruega, entre setiembre i diciembre de 2006. El uso de componentes de software llamados Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) en el desarrollo de sistemas basados en componentes implica varios retos. Uno de ellos es la falta de información disponible y adecuada para dar soporte al proceso de selección de componentes a ser integrados. Para lidiar con estos problemas, se esta desarrollando un trabajo de tesis que propone un método llamado GOThIC (Goal-Oriented Taxonomy and reuse Infrastructure Construction). El método está orientado a construir una infrastructura de reuse para facilitar la búsqueda y reuse de componentes COTS. La estancia en la NTNU, reportada en este documento, tuvo como objetivo primordial las mejora del método y la obtención de datos empíricos para darle soporte. Algunos de los principales resultados fueron la obtención de datos empíricos fundamentando la utilización del método en ámbitos industriales de selección de componentes COTS, así como una nueva estrategia para conseguir de forma factible e incremental, la federación y reuso de los diferentes esfuerzos existentes para encontrar, seleccionar y mantener componentes COTS y Open Source (OSS) -comúnmente llamados componentes Off-The-Shelf (OTS) - en forma estructurada.


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Informe de investigación realizado a partir de una estancia en el Équipe de Recherche en Syntaxe et Sémantique de la Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, Francia, entre julio y setiembre de 2006. En la actualidad existen diversos diccionarios de siglas en línea. Entre ellos sobresalen Acronym Finder, Abbreviations.com y Acronyma; todos ellos dedicados mayoritariamente a las siglas inglesas. Al igual que los diccionarios en papel, este tipo de diccionarios presenta problemas de desactualización por la gran cantidad de siglas que se crean a diario. Por ejemplo, en 2001, un estudio de Pustejovsky et al. mostraba que en los abstracts de Medline aparecían mensualmente cerca de 12.000 nuevas siglas. El mecanismo de actualización empleado por estos recursos es la remisión de nuevas siglas por parte de los usuarios. Sin embargo, esta técnica tiene la desventaja de que la edición de la información es muy lenta y costosa. Un ejemplo de ello es el caso de Abbreviations.com que en octubre de 2006 tenía alrededor de 100.000 siglas pendientes de edición e incorporación definitiva. Como solución a este tipo de problema, se plantea el diseño de sistemas de detección y extracción automática de siglas a partir de corpus. El proceso de detección comporta dos pasos; el primero, consiste en la identificación de las siglas dentro de un corpus y, el segundo, la desambiguación, es decir, la selección de la forma desarrollada apropiada de una sigla en un contexto dado. En la actualidad, los sistemas de detección de siglas emplean métodos basados en patrones, estadística, aprendizaje máquina, o combinaciones de ellos. En este estudio se analizan los principales sistemas de detección y desambiguación de siglas y los métodos que emplean. Cada uno se evalúa desde el punto de vista del rendimiento, medido en términos de precisión (porcentaje de siglas correctas con respecto al número total de siglas extraídas por el sistema) y exhaustividad (porcentaje de siglas correctas identificadas por el sistema con respecto al número total de siglas existente en el corpus). Como resultado, se presentan los criterios para el diseño de un futuro sistema de detección de siglas en español.


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Clinical and laboratory evidence is reviewed which shows that there is a great deal of variation in the susceptibility of Schistosoma mansoni to oxamniquine. This variation occurs both among endemic regions and within endemic regions in Brazil and Kenya. It is genetically controlled. It is suggested that the parasite possesses a large capacity for developing resistance to the drug and that resistance will develop where sufficient drug pressure is maintained.


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The danger of neck compression without restriction of the arterial flow remains unresolved in forensic medicine. There is an ongoing debate concerning life endangerment due to the cardioinhibitory reflex. The aim of this study was to determine what forensic medical experts believe and how they deal with this reflex. An anonymous electronic questionnaire was sent to 1429 forensic medical experts all over the world. We asked them about their opinion on the cardioinhibitory reflex, its role in causing death, and what their diagnostic criteria were.A total of 182 questionnaires were returned. The experts who answered were from 32 different countries. Our survey showed that 80.2% of experts believe that the cardioinhibitory reflex can theoretically cause death. In the practical application opinions diverge though. Apparently, the practical application mainly depends on the habit of the individual expert. We observed no consensus on the diagnostic criteria to be used. Given the potentially frequent use of the concept of the cardioinhibitory reflex in forensic practice and its judicial impact it would be important to reach a consensus.


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This article provides a fresh methodological and empirical approach for assessing price level convergence and its relation to purchasing power parity (PPP) using annual price data for seventeen US cities. We suggest a new procedure that can handle a wide range of PPP concepts in the presence of multiple structural breaks using all possible pairs of real exchange rates. To deal with cross-sectional dependence, we use both cross-sectional demeaned data and a parametric bootstrap approach. In general, we find more evidence for stationarity when the parity restriction is not imposed, while imposing parity restriction provides leads toward the rejection of the panel stationar- ity. Our results can be embedded on the view of the Balassa-Samuelson approach, but where the slope of the time trend is allowed to change in the long-run. The median half-life point estimate are found to be lower than the consensus view regardless of the parity restriction.


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Immunotherapy, especially therapeutic vaccination, has a great deal of potential in the treatment of cancer and certain infectious diseases such as HIV (Allison et al., 2006; Fauci et al., 2008; Feldmann and Steinman, 2005). Numerous vaccine candidates have been tested in patients with a variety of tumor types and chronic viral diseases. Often, the best way to assess the clinical potential of these vaccines is to monitor the induced T cell response, and yet there are currently no standards for reporting these results. This letter is an effort to address this problem.


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The present work carries out an analysis about which elements of the socioaffective structure take more importance for different male team sports coaches. Data obtaining carries out by using a survey applied directly by interview. In the first part, the interviewed coaches were asked to point out the indicators of the stated structure they considered more important, using a previous selection. In the second part, using a qualitative technique, the interviewed coaches were asked to explain own strategies to work, to control or to evaluate the indicators they pointed out as important in the first part. Analysis show that most of the coaches gave great importance to this structure (80% of the values are over 4 points on a top 5 points scale), and all of them had their own strategies to deal with the structure in their sports.


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This paper forms part of a wider project to show the significance of archival material on distinguished economists, in this case Lauchlin Currie (1902-93), who studied and taught at Harvard before entering government service at the US Treasury and Federal Reserve Board as the intellectual leader of Roosevelt’s New Deal, 1934-39, as FDR’s White House economic adviser in peace and war, 1939-45, and as a post-war development economist. It discusses the uses made of the written and oral material available when the author was writing his intellectual biography of Currie (Duke University Press 1990) while Currie was still alive, and the significance of the material that has come to light after Currie’s death.


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland, between September and December 2007. In order to make robots useful assistants for our everyday life, the ability to learn and recognize objects is of essential importance. However, object recognition in real scenes is one of the most challenging problems in computer vision, as it is necessary to deal with difficulties. Furthermore, in mobile robotics a new challenge is added to the list: computational complexity. In a dynamic world, information about the objects in the scene can become obsolete before it is ready to be used if the detection algorithm is not fast enough. Two recent object recognition techniques have achieved notable results: the constellation approach proposed by Lowe and the bag of words approach proposed by Nistér and Stewénius. The Lowe constellation approach is the one currently being used in the robot localization project of the COGNIRON project. This report is divided in two main sections. The first section is devoted to briefly review the currently used object recognition system, the Lowe approach, and bring to light the drawbacks found for object recognition in the context of indoor mobile robot navigation. Additionally the proposed improvements for the algorithm are described. In the second section the alternative bag of words method is reviewed, as well as several experiments conducted to evaluate its performance with our own object databases. Furthermore, some modifications to the original algorithm to make it suitable for object detection in unsegmented images are proposed.


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That financial matters did not constrain industrial takeoff in the UK is generally accepted in the historical literature; in contrast, contemporary empirical analyses have found evidence that financial development can be a causal determinant of economic growth. We look to reconcile these findings by concentrating on a particular aspect of industrialising UK where inefficiencies in finance could have had bite: The finance of physical infrastructures. We document the historical record and develop the importance of spatial disaggregation and spillovers in both technological and financial development. We develop a simple model that captures the nature of infrastructure finance within a theory of endogenous growth where financial costs are endogenous. We argue that the conception of the finance-growth nexus as a largely static, aggregative phenomenon misses out a good deal of complexity and we relate that complexity to a number of implications for regulation of both financial systems and the emergence of infrastructures


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We develop methods for Bayesian inference in vector error correction models which are subject to a variety of switches in regime (e.g. Markov switches in regime or structural breaks). An important aspect of our approach is that we allow both the cointegrating vectors and the number of cointegrating relationships to change when the regime changes. We show how Bayesian model averaging or model selection methods can be used to deal with the high-dimensional model space that results. Our methods are used in an empirical study of the Fisher effect.