959 resultados para DC magnetic field


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Recent progress in material science has proved that high-temperature superconductors, such as bulk melt-processed yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) single domains, have a great potential to trap significant magnetic fields. In this paper, we will describe a novel method of YBCO magnetization that only requires the applied field to be at the level of a permanent magnet. Instead of applying a pulsed high magnetic field on the YBCO, a thermally actuated material (TAM), such as Mg0.15}hbox{Cu}0.15} hbox{Zn0.7 Ti0.04}Fe1.96boxO4, has been used as an intermedium to create a travelling magnetic field by changing the local temperature so that the local permeability is changed to build up the magnetization of the YBCO gradually after multiple pumping cycles. It is well known that the relative permeability of ferrite is a function of temperature and its electromagnetic properties can be greatly changed by adding dopants such as Mg or Ti; therefore, it is considered to be the most promising TAM for future flux pumping technology. Ferrite samples were fabricated by means of the conventional ceramic method with different dopants. Zinc and iron oxides were used as raw materials. The samples were sintered at 1100 C, 1200 C} , and 1300 C. The relative permeability of the samples was measured at temperatures ranging from 77 to 300 K. This work investigates the variation of the magnetic properties of ferrites with different heat treatments and doping elements and gives a smart insight into finding better ferrites suitable for flux pumping technology. © 2002-2011 IEEE.


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Both MgB2 and (RE)BCO bulk materials can provide a highly compact source of magnetic field when magnetized. The properties of these materials when magnetized by a pulsed field are potentially useful for a number of applications, including magnetic levitation. This paper reports on pulsed field magnetization of single 25 mm diameter (RE)BCO bulks using a recently constructed pulse magnetization facility, which allows an automated sequence of pulses to be delivered. The facility allows measurement of force between a magnetized (RE)BCO bulk and a bulk MgB2 hollow cylinder, which is field cooled in the field of the magnetized (RE)BCO bulk. Hysteresis cycling behavior for small displacement is also measured to extract the stiffness value. The levitation forces up to 500 N were obtained, the highest ever measured between two bulks and proves the concept of a bulk-bulk superconducting bearing design. © 2002-2011 IEEE.


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The trapped magnetic field is examined in bulk high-temperature superconductors that are artificially drilled along their c-axis. The influence of the hole pattern on the magnetization is studied and compared by means of numerical models and Hall probe mapping techniques. To this aim, we consider two bulk YBCO samples with a rectangular cross-section that are drilled each by six holes arranged either on a rectangular lattice (sample I) or on a centered rectangular lattice (sample II). For the numerical analysis, three different models are considered for calculating the trapped flux: (i), a two-dimensional (2D) Bean model neglecting demagnetizing effects and flux creep, (ii), a 2D finite-element model neglecting demagnetizing effects but incorporating magnetic relaxation in the form of an E-J power law, and, (iii), a 3D finite element analysis that takes into account both the finite height of the sample and flux creep effects. For the experimental analysis, the trapped magnetic flux density is measured above the sample surface by Hall probe mapping performed before and after the drilling process. The maximum trapped flux density in the drilled samples is found to be smaller than that in the plain samples. The smallest magnetization drop is found for sample II, with the centered rectangular lattice. This result is confirmed by the numerical models. In each sample, the relative drops that are calculated independently with the three different models are in good agreement. As observed experimentally, the magnetization drop calculated in the sample II is the smallest one and its relative value is comparable to the measured one. By contrast, the measured magnetization drop in sample (1) is much larger than that predicted by the simulations, most likely because of a change of the microstructure during the drilling process.


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This paper deals with the magnetic properties of bulk high temperature superconducting cylinders used as magnetic shields. We investigate, both numerically and experimentally, the magnetic properties of a hollow cylinder with two axial slits which cut the cylinder in equal halves. Finite element method modelling has been used with a three-dimensional geometry to help us in understanding how the superconducting currents flow in such a cut cylinder and therefore how the magnetic shielding properties are affected, depending on the magnetic field orientation. Modelling results show that the slits block the shielding current flow and act as an entrance channel for the magnetic flux lines. The contribution of the slits to the total flux density that enters the cylinder is studied through the angle formed between the applied field and the internal field. The modelled data agree nicely with magnetic shielding properties measured on a bulk Bi-2212 hollow cylinder at 77K. The results demonstrate that the magnetic flux penetration in such a geometry can be modelled successfully using only two parameters of the superconductor (constant J c and n value), which were determined from magnetic measurements on the plain cylinder. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The magnetocaloric effect in magnetic materials is of great interest nowadays. In this article we present an investigation about the magnetic properties near the magnetic transition in a polycrystalline sample of a manganite Tb0.9 Sn0.1 MnO3. Particularly, we are interested in describing the nature of the magnetic interactions and the magnetocaloric effect in this compound. The temperature dependence of the magnetization was measured to determine the characteristics of the magnetic transition and the magnetic entropy change was calculated from magnetization curves at different temperatures. The magnetic solid is paramagnetic at high temperatures. We observe a dominant antiferromagnetic interaction below Tn =38 K for low applied magnetic fields; the presence of Sn doping in this compound decreases the Ńel temperature of the pure TbMnO3 system. A drastic increase in the magnetization as a function of temperature near the magnetic transition suggests a strong magnetocaloric effect. We found a large magnetic entropy change Δ SM (T) of about -4 J/kg K at H=3 T. We believe that the magnetic entropy change is associated with the magnetic transition and we interpret it as due to the coupling between the magnetic field and the spin ordering. This relatively large value and broad temperature interval (about 35 K) of the magnetocaloric effect make the present compound a promising candidate for magnetic refrigerators at low temperatures. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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This communication aims at reporting the superconducting properties of Bi-2223/Ag tapes determined by using various measuring techniques. First, the original samples have been characterized by electrical resistance, AC susceptibility, and DC magnetization. The transport (intergranular) critical current vs. magnetic field was also determined at T = 77 K using pulsed currents up to 40 A. Next, the same combination of experiments was performed on bent tapes in order to bring out relevant information concerning the strength of the intergranular coupling. The results show that intergranular and intragranular currents differ by at least one order of magnitude. Finally, additional magnetic measurements were carried out in order to determine the anisotropy ratio Jc ab/Jc c, which was found to lie around 30. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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High temperature superconducting (HTS) synchronous motors can offer significant weight and size reductions, as well as improved efficiency, over conventional copper-wound machines due to the higher current density of high temperature superconducting (HTS) materials. In order to optimise the design parameters and performance of such a machine, this paper proposes a basic physical model of an air-cored HTS synchronous motor with a copper armature winding and HTS field winding. An analytical method for the field analysis in the synchronous motor is then presented, followed by a numerical finite element analysis (FEA) model to verify the analytical solution. The model is utilised to study the influence of the geometry of the HTS coils on the magnetic field at the armature winding, and geometrical parameter optimisation is carried out using this theoretical model to obtain a more sinusoidal magnetic field at the armature, which has a major influence on the performance of the motor.


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Pancake or racetrack coils wound with second generation high-temperature superconductors (2G HTSs) are important elements for numerous applications of HTS. The applications of these coils are primarily in rotating machines such as motors and generators where they must withstand external magnetic fields from various orientations. The characterization of 2G HTS coils is mostly focused on AC loss assessment, critical current and maximum magnetic field evaluation. In this study, racetrack coils will be placed in different orientations of external magnetic fields - Jc (Ic) versus angle measurements will be performed and interpreted. Full attention is paid to studies of anisotropy Jc versus angle curves for short samples of 2G HTS tapes. As will be shown, the shape of the Jc versus angle curves for tapes has a strong influence on the Jc (Ic) versus angle curves for coils. In this work, a unique and unpredicted behavior of the Jc versus angle curves for the 2G HTS racetrack coils was found. This will be analyzed and fully explained. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Nanomagnetic structures have the potential to surpass silicon's scaling limitations both as elements in hybrid CMOS logic and as novel computational elements. Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) offers a convenient characterization technique for use in the design of such nanomagnetic structures. MFM measures the magnetic field and not the sample's magnetization. As such the question of the uniqueness of the relationship between an external magnetic field and a magnetization distribution is a relevant one. To study this problem we present a simple algorithm which searches for magnetization distributions consistent with an external magnetic field and solutions to the micromagnetic equations' qualitative features. The algorithm is not computationally intensive and is found to be effective for our test cases. On the basis of our results we propose a systematic approach for interpreting MFM measurements.


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We report the observation of strongly temperature (T)-dependent spectral lines in electronic Raman-scattering spectra of graphite in a high magnetic field up to 45 T applied along the c axis. The magnetic field quantizes the in-plane motion, while the out-of-plane motion remains free, effectively reducing the system dimension from 3 to 1. Optically created electron-hole pairs interact with, or shake up, the one-dimensional Fermi sea in the lowest Landau subbands. Based on the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory, we show that interaction effects modify the spectral line shape from (ω-Δ)-1/2 to (ω-Δ)2α-1/2 at T = 0. At finite T, we predict a thermal broadening factor that increases linearly with T. Our model reproduces the observed T-dependent line shape, determining the electron-electron interaction parameter α to be ∼0.05 at 40 T. © 2014 American Physical Society.


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The ability to generate a permanent, stable magnetic field unsupported by an electromotive force is fundamental to a variety of engineering applications. Bulk high temperature superconducting (HTS) materials can trap magnetic fields of magnitude over ten times higher than the maximum field produced by conventional magnets, which is limited practically to rather less than 2 T. In this paper, two large c-axis oriented, single-grain YBCO and GdBCO bulk superconductors are magnetized by the pulsed field magnetization (PFM) technique at temperatures of 40 and 65 K and the characteristics of the resulting trapped field profile are investigated with a view of magnetizing such samples as trapped field magnets (TFMs) in situ inside a trapped flux-type superconducting electric machine. A comparison is made between the temperatures at which the pulsed magnetic field is applied and the results have strong implications for the optimum operating temperature for TFMs in trapped flux-type superconducting electric machines. The effects of inhomogeneities, which occur during the growth process of single-grain bulk superconductors, on the trapped field and maximum temperature rise in the sample are modelled numerically using a 3D finite-element model based on the H-formulation and implemented in Comsol Multiphysics 4.3a. The results agree qualitatively with the observed experimental results, in that inhomogeneities act to distort the trapped field profile and reduce the magnitude of the trapped field due to localized heating within the sample and preferential movement and pinning of flux lines around the growth section regions (GSRs) and growth sector boundaries (GSBs), respectively. The modelling framework will allow further investigation of various inhomogeneities that arise during the processing of (RE)BCO bulk superconductors, including inhomogeneous Jc distributions and the presence of current-limiting grain boundaries and cracks, and it can be used to assist optimization of processing and PFM techniques for practical bulk superconductor applications. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The refractive nonlinearities of InAs/GaAs quantum dots under a dc electric field at photon energies above its band gap energy have been studied using the reflection Z-scan technique. The effect of the dc electric field on the nonlinear response of InAs/GaAs quantum dots showed similar linear and quadratic electro-optic effects as in the linear response regime at low fields. This implies that the electro-optic effect in the nonlinear regime is analogous to the response in the linear regime for semiconductor quantum dots. Our experimental results show the potential for voltage tunability in InAs quantum dot-based nonlinear electro-optic devices.


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We study quantum oscillations of the magnetization in Bi2Se3 (111) surface system in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. The combined spin-chiral Dirac cone and Landau quantization produce profound effects on the magnetization properties that are fundamentally different from those in the conventional semiconductor two-dimensional electron gas. In particular, we show that the oscillating center in the magnetization chooses to pick up positive or negative values depending on whether the zero-mode Landau level is occupied or empty. An intuitive analysis of these features is given and the subsequent effects on the magnetic susceptibility and Hall conductance are also discussed.


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Electron spin-dependent transport properties have been theoretically investigated in two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) modulated by the magnetic field generated by a pair of anti-parallel magnetization ferromagnetic metal stripes and the electrostatic potential provided by a normal metal Schottky stripe. It is shown that the energy positions of the spin-polarization extremes and the width of relative spin conductance excess plateau could be significantly manipulated by the electrostatic potential strength and width, as well as its position relative to the FM stripes. These interesting features are believed useful for designing the electric voltage controlled spin filters. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate theoretically CdTe quantum dots containing a single Mn2+ impurity, including the sp-d exchange interaction between carriers and the magnetic ion and the short-range exchange interaction between electron and hole. We find anticrossing behaviors in the energy spectrum of the electron-hole (e-h) pair that arise from the interplay between exchange interactions and the magnetic field. In addition to the s-d exchange interaction, we find that other mechanisms inducing the anticrossings become important in the strong heavy hole-light hole (hh-lh) mixing regime. The transition strengths between the states with spin projection of Mn2+ ion S-z not equal -5/2 (S-z = -5/2) decrease (increase) with increasing magnetic fields due to the alignment of the Mn2+ spin. The spin splitting of the e-h pair states depends sensitively on the external magnetic and electric field, which reveals useful information about the spin orientation and position of the magnetic ion. Meanwhile, the manipulation of the position of the magnetic ion offers us a way to control the spin splitting of the carriers. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.