916 resultados para Cucumis melo var. reticulatus Naud.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of herbicides in desiccation Raphanus raphanistrum (wild radish) in different application times and their effects on weed seed germination. The experimental had a randomized block design with three replications. The herbicides used were: glyphosate (360; 720; and 1080 g ha(-1)), 2,4-D (335; 670; and 1005 g ha(-1)), glyphosate + 2,4-D (360 + 335; 720 + 670; and 1080 + 1005 g ha(-1)). Spraying was conducted at three different times: 1st season (full bloom) - at 62 days after emergence (DAE), 2nd season (beginning of pod formation) - at 92 DAE and 3rd season (end of pod formation) - at 108 DAE. At 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 days after application (DAA), the desiccation was evaluated visually, and 42 DAA dry mass of shoots and seeds of the 2nd and 3rd times were collected for the test of germination. All chemical treatments tested were effective in controlling the plants of wild radish in the 1st and 2nd times, but in the 3rd time doses of 2,4-D applied singly were not effective and only the highest dose of glyphosate applied singly or in mixture provided a total plant control. In terms of percentage, the reduction in dry matter of plants was higher with the application of larger doses of chemical treatments. The herbicides affected the germination of seeds of wild radish, and the herbicide 2,4-D provided greater reduction in germination in the 2nd and 3rd seasons.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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The aim of this article is to present some considerations on the contemporary city figurativizations, from the reading of “O Arquiteto”, a Bernardo Carvalho’s short story, published in the anthology “Aberração” (2004). In this short story, the writer retakes the city theme following a modernity tradition, established, among others, by Poe and Baudelaire, making his voice embrace other Brazilian writers voices, that have represented the town, but, at the same time, recreating, in his scripture body, dense and intense, quick and, in some sense, agonic, the utopist projects of renascence ideal cities, questioning the utopias and the aesthetics traces which can be found on the nowadays texts. To enlarge the metalinguistic proposal that emerges from the analysis, some poems by João Cabral de Melo Neto are considered. This comparison allow us to establish parameters to think about influence in certain perspective of contemporary literature, which epicenter configures less the supremacy of the newty and more a aesthetic of deletions of the origins, tracks, traces, which are possible by the canon invention.


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Neste artigo, apresentaremos um estudo da tradução da obra Inferno da autora Patrícia Melo, com o título Inferno, por Clifford Landers. Buscamos refletir sobre como são projetados no exterior uma visão da realidade violenta de grandes centros urbanos brasileiros e sobre o quanto o tradutor conseguiu resgatar da nossa sociedade no texto traduzido. Partimos do pressuposto de que o tradutor, consciente ou inconscientemente, usa recursos durante o processo de mediação entre o texto de partida e o texto de chegada, que tornam a leitura da obra traduzida mais fácil. Baker (1996) propõe a investigação de tipos de comportamento linguístico característicos de textos traduzidos. O objetivo desse trabalho é identificar aspectos de normalização presentes na tradução. Para a investigação, recorremos aos Estudos da Tradução Baseados em Corpus (Baker, 1993, 1996; Camargo, 2005, 2007), à Linguística de Corpus (Berber Sardinha, 2004) e aos estudos sobre normalização de Scott (1998). Pode-se observar a ocorrência de mudança de registro de linguagem, omissões, adições, diferenças no comprimento das sentenças e relacionadas a imprecisões de expressões. Espera-se que o presente trabalho possa contribuir para uma maior conscientização das tendências apresentadas pelos tradutores, e para apresentar as possibilidades oferecidas pela intersecção dos Estudos da Tradução Baseados em Corpus e da Linguística de Corpus.


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Techniques of production of enthomopatogenic bacteria are developed aiming to increase the productivity and to reduce the costs of the fermentative process. Like this, it has been using agroindustrial wastes or by-products as nutrient sources in culture medium, having been used, in this study, the manipueira, a by-product of the processing of the cassava flour. Fermentations were performed in flasks of Erlenmeyer of 500 mL containing 250 mL of culture media, conditioned in shaker at 180 r.p.m. and 28°C, and the media were composed by manipueira, in concentrations that varied between 400 and 1000 mL/L. The time of the process varied between 48 and 120 hours. They appraised the following parameters: cellular growth, the production of spores, the reduction of organic matter (COD analysis) and the variation of reduction sugar. Although there was a proportional cellular growth to the manipueira concentration, the production of spores was similar in all the cases, at the end of the process, in spite of the smallest speed of production of the same ones in the highest concentrations. In relation to the variation of COD, it has, also, a percentile minor of reduction in the highest concentrations. In the analysis of variation of reduction sugars, the higher concentrations are the ones that they present larger slowness in the reduction of this.


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Maintaining the viability of probiotic microorganisms from production to consumption has long been a technological challenge for the food industry. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the in vitro interaction between Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 and Williopsis saturnus var. suaveolens and the effect of this yeast on acidification kinetics, viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus and post-acidification in fermented milk during refrigerated storage at 5 °C. The in vitro study showed a positive interaction between the acid cell free-supernatant (CFS) of probiotic bacteria La-5 and the yeast. The addition of W. saturnus var. suaveolens increased the fermentation time due to consumption of the organic acids produced by L. acidophilus. During the refrigerated storage of the samples, the presence of the yeast increased the viability of L. acidophilus and reduced post-acidification. However, the mechanism of such interaction of bacteria and yeast is not fully understood.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The critic João Alexandre Barbosa, points in the work Agrestes (1981-1985), of the Brazilian poet João Cabral de Melo Neto, the presence of individualized death. Thus way, this study proposes to analyse the meanings of lyrism and first-person enunciations, in the work Agrestes, a trace gradually eliminated from Cabral’s discursive field since his first work, Pedra do Sono (1940-1). These elements will clash with João Cabral’s poetics, previously based on the selection of voices and artistic practices consistent with his compositional method, with rigorous sorting values and elimination of any subjectivism. To understand this inconsistency, we propose studying the last part of the work Agrestes, entitled “A indesejada das gentes”, a place where the theme of death is recurrent, as well as the presence of enunciators to set out, even to reveal its feelings about aging and death. The analytical procedure should research the hypothesis of rupture of the inflexible tone of João Cabral’s speech that would follow in respect to the poetic project, a reverse path, starting from objective poetry in the direction of subjective poetry.