954 resultados para Cu, Iodine-arene, hypersilylcopper, copper catalysis, cross-coupling


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A colorless transparent, blue green emission material was fabricated by sintering porous glass impregnated with copper ions. The emission spectral profile obtained from Cu+ -doped high silica glass (HSG) by 267-mn monochromatic light excitation matches that obtained by pumping with an 800-nm femtosecond laser, indicating that the emissions in both cases come from an identical origin. The upconversion emission excited by 800-nm femtosecond laser is considered to be a three-photon excitation process. A tentative scheme of upconverted emission from Cu+ -doped HSG was also proposed. The glass materials presented herein are expected to find application in lamps, high density optical storage, and three-dimensional color displays.


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The effect of organotin compounds and copper, commonly used as antifouling agent, were studied on Mercenaria mercernaria larvae. They were reared under usual hatchery conditions until they reached 190 um in diameter. The larvae were subjected to four compounds, tributylin chloride (TBT), monobutyltin chloride (MBT), trimethyltin chloride (TMT), cupric sulfate (CuSo4) plus control. Mortality was measured at 24, 48 h, and 96h. Behavioral and/or metamorphic changes were recorded in triplicate at 24-48 and 96 h. The appearance in swimming larvae of a functional foot was considered a sign of competence to set and was recorded as a "pediveliger". Swimming larvae were considered as larvae that have not yet reached their total development and they were recorded as "swimming". Larvae that did not show foot or swimming activity and were static but alive on the bottom were recorded as "bottom". TBT was found to completely inhibit swimming activity at sublethal concentrations throughout the period of observation. Copper and MBT inhibited swimming from 48 h, TMT did not inhibit swimming activity at any of the times recorded. The four compounds ranked in order of decreasing toxicity were TBT>TMT>CU>MBT.


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Esta dissertação teve como objetivo, a preparação de hidrogéis à base de alginato contendo argila e material magnético em sua estrutura. Foram analisadas as modificações nas características físico-químicas dos hidrogéis preparados com diferentes reticulantes (CaCl2 e FeCl3) e diferentes concentrações de material magnético (1 e 3 % m/m) e argila (1, 5 e 10 %). Após isso, os hidrogéis foram avaliados quanto à capacidade de remoção de íons Cu2+ e Zn2+ de soluções aquosas. As amostras foram caracterizadas quanto à composição química por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), quanto à morfologia por microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM) e quanto às propriedades magnéticas por magnetometria de amostra vibrante (VSM). Através da técnica de difratometria de raios-X (XRD), foi possível verificar a natureza do material magnético e a dispersão da argila nos hidrogéis. A estabilidade térmica das amostras foi analisada por análise termogravimétrica (TGA). Os resultados mostraram que tanto a argila como o material magnético ficaram bem dispersos nas amostras. De forma geral, foram preparados hidrogéis com morfologia esférica, sendo que os hidrogéis de alginato de cálcio tenderam a apresentar maior resistência térmica do que os hidrogéis de alginato de ferro. Todas as amostras magnéticas apresentaram comportamento superparamagnético, porém as amostras de alginato de ferro mostraram-se quebradiças após o intumescimento em água. O tempo médio de equilíbrio de intumescimento foi de 240 minutos. Os resultados de cinética de adsorção mostraram que os hidrogéis de alginato de cálcio preparados nas condições avaliadas nesta Dissertação foram eficientes na remoção dos íons Cu2+ e Zn2+, sendo que o cobre apresentou maior afinidade pelo hidrogel do que o zinco


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Revestimentos funcionais compósitos são um atrativo tecnológico crescente, pois possibilitam a combinação de materiais metálicos, poliméricos ou cerâmicos, resultando em propriedades superiores as dos materiais individuais, sendo por este motivo, largamente aplicados na engenharia de materiais. Na presente dissertação, foram produzidos revestimentos compósitos por eletrodeposição através da codeposição de uma matriz metálica de cobre e de partículas de óxidos de alumínio incorporadas (g - Al2O3 ou AlO(OH)), sobre substratos de aço carbono, a partir de diferentes banhos eletrolíticos. Três etapas foram efetuadas, na primeira realizou-se o estudo da influência do modo de agitação e da presença ou não de ligantes (citrato de sódio 1,00 mol/L) nos teores de cobre e alumina nos revestimentos produzidos. Em seguida foi avaliada a ação de complexantes (citrato de sódio 1,00 mol/L e pirofosfato de potássio 0,90 mol/L) usando polarização potenciodinâmica e voltametria cíclica, em conjunto com microbalança eletroquímica de cristal de quartzo (EQCM) e a posterior produção de revestimentos compósitos a partir de banhos contendo CuSO4 0,02 mol/L + pirofosfato de potássio 0,90 mol/L + 20 g/L de alumina, variando a densidade de corrente aplicada (I), a velocidade de agitação do eletrodo rotatório (A) e o do tempo de agitação prévia (t). Por fim, na terceira etapa, fez-se a substituição de alumina por Boehmita e a produção dos revestimentos a partir de banhos contendo CuSO4 0,02 mol/L + pirofosfato de potássio 0,90 mol/L + 20 g/L de Boehmita, empregando um planejamento composto central, em que os parâmetros citados também foram variados. Os resultados mostraram que a presença de um ligante e a agitação prévia e continuada do eletrólito durante o experimento foram fundamentais para a produção dos revestimentos compósitos. Ensaios de EQCM mostraram que o citrato se adsorveu na superfície do eletrodo de ouro, diferentemente do pirofosfato. Os teores de Boehmita e cobre nos revestimentos produzidos, assim como a morfologia, resistência de polarização e densidade de corrente de corrosão dos revestimentos foram influenciados pelos parâmetros avaliados.


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Revestimentos produzidos a partir de ligas de Cu-Sn apresentam grande interesse em função de suas propriedades, originando uma grande capacidade de aplicação industrial, especialmente em indústrias de componentes e materiais eletrônicos. Tais ligas também têm sido comercialmente utilizadas como revestimentos em metais diferentes, como o aço, para protegê-los contra a corrosão e melhorar sua aparência. Na presente dissertação, técnicas de voltametria cíclica, cronoamperometria e voltametria de varredura anódica linear foram utilizadas para o estudo dos processos de deposição de Cu e/ou Sn a partir de dois conjuntos de soluções contendo CuCl2.2H2O e SnCl2.2H2O nas razões de Cu:Sn = 1:10 e 10:1, além de Na3C6H5O7 1,00 mol/L, em pH = 6,0. As curvas de voltametria cíclica realizadas sobre o eletrodo de grafita foram utilizadas para o cálculo das constantes de equilíbrio dos complexos de ambos os metais com citrato de sódio, bem como na determinação dos potenciais catódicos aplicados nos ensaios de cronoamperometria. Após a deposição da liga nos potenciais estipulados para cada uma das duas soluções, os revestimentos de liga Cu-Sn foram ressolubilizados em solução de NaNO3 0,5 mol/L, empregando varredura anódica linear para a avaliação de suas composições químicas. Os resultados iniciais mostraram que a variação da concentração de Cu (II) e do potencial aplicado influenciaram no teor de cobre na liga. Contudo, percebeu-se que o teor de estanho não sofreu grandes variações, independente das concentrações das soluções e do potencial aplicado. Na solução com maior concentração de cobre foram alcançados teores dos metais na liga em maior proximidade com o da liga de bronze comercial. Com base nesses resultados, foram produzidos revestimentos de ligas sobre substrato de aço carbono, a partir de soluções contendo CuCl2.2H2O e SnCl2.2H2O na razão de 10:1, empregando a técnica de cronoamperometria potenciostática. Quatro diferentes valores de potencial (-0,39V, -0,67V, -1,00V, -1,20V e -1,94V vs. Ag/AgClsat.) foram aplicados, obtendo-se camadas cujas colorações variaram do rosa claro ao marrom escuro, sempre sem brilho. A eficiência de corrente catódica (Ef) decresceu conforme o potencial aplicado se tornou mais negativo. Nesta mesma direção, verificou-se um aumento do teor de estanho na liga depositada e menores tamanhos de grão. Porém, quando o potencial tornou-se mais negativo (-1,20V e -1,94V), observou-se a presença de cristalitos de diferentes tamanhos e de dendritos. Revestimentos com melhores resistências à corrosão em solução de NaCl 0,5 mol/L foram produzidos nos potenciais de -1,00V e -1,20V, cujas composições foram 99,40 % m/m Cu / 0,60 % m/m Sn e 97,70 % m/m Cu / 2,30 % m/m Sn, respectivamente. As análises por DRX permitiram verificar que estes revestimentos eram constituídos, principalmente, da fase α-CuSn


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NOAA's Biogeograpy Branch, the National Park Service (NPS), US Geological Survey, and the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) are using acoustice telemetry to quantify spatial patterns and habitat affinities of reef fishes in the US Virgin Islands (USVI). The objective of the study is to define the movements of reef fishes among habitats within and between the Virgin Islands Coral Reef Nationla Monument (VICRNM), adjacent to Virgin Islands National Park (VIIS), and USVI Territorial waters. In order to better understand species habitat utilization patterns and movement of fishes among management regimes and areas open to fishing around St. John, we deployed an array of hydroacoutstic receivers and acoustically tagged reef fishes. A total of 150 fishes, representing 18 species and 10 families were acoustically tagged along the south shore of St. John from July 2006 to June 2008. Thirty six receivers with a detection range of approximately 300m each were deployed in shallow nearshore bays and across the shelf to depths of approximately 30m. Receivers were located within reefs and adjacent to reefs in seagrass, algal beds, or sand habitats. Example results include the movement of lane snappers and blue striped grunts that demonstrated diel movement from reef habitats during daytime hours to offshore seagrass beds at night. Fish associated with reefs that did not have adjacent seagrass beds made more extensive movements than those fishes associated with reefs that had adjacent seagrass habitats. The array comprised of both nearshore and cross shelf location of receives provides information on fine to broad scale fish movement patterns across habitats and among management units to examine the strength of ecological connectivity between management areas and habitats. For more information go to: http://ccma.nos.noaa.gov/ecosystems/ coralreef/acoustic_tracking.html


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Total concentrations and chemical forms of heavy metals in sediment samples from the Gulf of Suez and the northern part of the Red Sea, collected during January 2003, were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Maximum concentrations of 49.56, 65.42, 33.52 and 3.52 µg/g were recorded for total Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd respectively at Adabiya location. These may reflect the high contribution of land-based activities in the northern part of the Gulf. Also, high percentages of heavy metals were found in the residual fraction (Cu=78.61, Zn=77.10 and Pb=66.80%) while a high percentage of Cd was found in the carbonate fraction (45.82%). However, few or negligible percentages were recorded in the exchangeable fractions (Cu=0.51, Zn=1.57 and Pb=1.74%). Concentration of Cd in the exchangeable fraction was too low to be detected.


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Surface- and bottom-water samples were collected from October 1996 to August 1997 to study levels of iron, copper, and cadmium species in their dissolved labile as well as non-labile and particulate forms in the waters of El-Mex Bay. The results showed that the non-labile concentration of the metals was generally more abundant than that of the labile form: its content reached more than 90% of the total dissolved metal for Cu and more than 80% for Fe. The particulate form was almost at the level of the labile form. The annual concentration of the trace metals of the labile form was 13 µglˉ¹ for Fe; 3µglˉ¹ for Cu, and 1.2 µglˉ¹ for Cd in the surface- and bottom-waters.


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Quantitative microbeam Rutherford backscattering (RBS) analysis with a 1.5 MeV 4He+ beam has determined limits on the purity of copper deposited on glass with a novel inkjet process. A tetravinyl silane tetrakisCu(I) 1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoroacetylacetonate (TVST[Cu]hfac) complex was heated to 70 °C and jetted onto the glass substrate through a piezoelectric ceramic print head in droplets about 0.5 mm diameter. The substrate temperature was 150 °C. Solid well-formed deposits resulted which have a copper content greater than about 90% by weight. The RBS spectra were analysed objectively using the DataFurnace code, with the assumption that the deposit was CuOx, and the validity of different assumed values of x being tested. The assumptions and the errors of the analysis are critically evaluated. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A systematic study of the Cu-catalyzed chemical vapor deposition of graphene under extremely low partial pressure is carried out. A carbon precursor supply of just P CH4∼ 0.009 mbar during the deposition favors the formation of large-area uniform monolayer graphene verified by Raman spectra. A diluted HNO 3 solution is used to remove Cu before transferring graphene onto SiO 2/Si substrates or carbon grids. The graphene can be made suspended over a ∼12 μm distance, indicating its good mechanical properties. Electron transport measurements show the graphene sheet resistance of ∼0.6 kΩ/□ at zero gate voltage. The mobilities of electrons and holes are ∼1800 cm 2/Vs at 4.2 K and ∼1200 cm 2/Vs at room temperature. © 2011 IEEE.


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An improved technique for transferring large area graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition on copper is presented. It is based on mechanical separation of the graphene/copper by H2 bubbles during H2O electrolysis, which only takes a few tens of seconds while leaving the copper cathode intact. A semi-rigid plastic frame in combination with thin polymer layer span on graphene gives a convenient way of handling- and avoiding wrinkles and holes in graphene. Optical and electrical characterizations prove the graphene quality is better than that obtained by traditional wet etching transfer. This technique appears to be highly reproducible and cost efficient. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper we report about the electrical properties of La 0.7Ca0.3MnO3 compounds substituted by copper on the manganese site and/or deliberately contaminated by SiO2 in the reactant mixture. Several phenomena have been observed and discussed. SiO2 addition leads to the formation of an apatite-like secondary phase that affects the electrical conduction through the percolation of the charge carriers. On the other hand, depending on the relative amounts of copper and silicon, the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity can be noticeably modified: our results enable us to compare the effects of crystallographic vacancies on the A and B sites of the perovskite with the influence of the copper ions substituted on the manganese site. The most original result occurs for the compounds with a small ratio Si/Cu, which display double-peaked resistivity vs. temperature curves. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BGCore is a software package for comprehensive computer simulation of nuclear reactor systems and their fuel cycles. The BGCore interfaces Monte Carlo particles transport code MCNP4C with a SARAF module - an independently developed code for calculating in-core fuel composition and spent fuel emissions following discharge. In BGCore system, depletion coupling methodology is based on the multi-group approach that significantly reduces computation time and allows tracking of large number of nuclides during calculations. In this study, burnup calculation capabilities of BGCore system were validated against well established and verified, computer codes for thermal and fast spectrum lattices. Very good agreement in k eigenvalue and nuclide densities prediction was observed for all cases under consideration. In addition, decay heat prediction capabilities of the BGCore system were benchmarked against the most recent edition of ANS Standard methodology for UO2 fuel decay power prediction in LWRs. It was found that the difference between ANS standard data and that predicted by the BGCore does not exceed 5%.


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This paper investigates the vibration dynamics of a closed-chain, cross-coupled architecture of MEMS resonators. The system presented here is electrostatically transduced and operates at 1.04 MHz. Curve veering of the eigenvalue loci is used to experimentally quantify the coupling spring constants. Numerical simulations of the motional resistance variation against induced perturbation are used to assess the robustness of the cross-coupled system as opposed to equivalent traditional open-ended linear one-dimensional coupling scheme. Results show improvements of as much as 32% in the motional resistance between the cross-coupled system and its one-dimensional counterpart. © 2013 IEEE.