994 resultados para Crop residue


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The pathogens manifestation in plantations are the largest cause of damage in several cultivars, which may cause increase of prices and loss of crop quality. This paper presents a method for automatic classification of cotton diseases through feature extraction of leaf symptoms from digital images. Wavelet transform energy has been used for feature extraction while Support Vector Machine has been used for classification. Five situations have been diagnosed, namely: Healthy crop, Ramularia disease, Bacterial Blight, Ascochyta Blight, and unspecified disease. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.


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In the last few years, crop rotation has gained attention due to its economic, environmental and social importance which explains why it can be highly beneficial for farmers. This paper presents a mathematical model for the Crop Rotation Problem (CRP) that was adapted from literature for this highly complex combinatorial problem. The CRP is devised to find a vegetable planting program that takes into account green fertilization restrictions, the set-aside period, planting restrictions for neighboring lots and for crop sequencing, demand constraints, while, at the same time, maximizing the profitability of the planted area. The main aim of this study is to develop a genetic algorithm and test it in a real context. The genetic algorithm involves a constructive heuristic to build the initial population and the operators of crossover, mutation, migration and elitism. The computational experiment was performed for a medium dimension real planting area with 16 lots, considering 29 crops of 10 different botanical families and a two-year planting rotation. Results showed that the algorithm determined feasible solutions in a reasonable computational time, thus proving its efficacy for dealing with this practical application.


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The sequential extraction procedure of Zinc and lead performed in a Brazilian soil showed that it presents high pollution potential once over 90% of total lead is present in fractions where the metals can be easily mobilized. The fraction contents are as follow: F1 = 174 and 15 mg kg-1; F2 = 3155 and 9.7 mg kg -1; F3 = 99 and 1.6 mg kg -1; Residual fraction = 38 and 5.5 mg kg -1 for lead and zinc, respectively. The comparison with non contaminated soil only Pb 2+ concentration is above its intervention reference concentration, 900 mg kg -1.


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Soil management and crop rotations can affect P and K budget in soil, decreasing losses, and increasing fertilizer use efficiency. The P and K budget in the soil-plant system at depths up to 60. cm was studied for different soil managements and crop rotations under no-till for three years in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. The investigated crop rotations were: triticale (X Triticosecale) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus) cropped in autumn-winter; pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), and Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) were grown in the spring, as well as an additional treatment with chiseling followed by a fallow period; and soybean (Glycini max, L., Merril) was cropped in the summer. Each year triticale and sunflower were grown in plots and pearl millet, forage sorghum, Sunn hemp and of chisel/fallow in sub-plots. The triticale/millet rotation led to the largest decrease in available P within the 0-0.60. m layer of the soil profile and the largest K increase within the 0-0.05. m layer. Potassium mobility in the soil profile and the increases in the available K content in the 0.40-0.60. m layer were independent of the management system. Crop rotations with or without chiseling are not effective in preventing soil P losses. There is considerable K leaching below 0.60. m, but chiseling and the use of high K accumulating plants as triticale results in lower K losses. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This investigation has demonstrated the need for thermal treatment of seawater neutralised red mud (SWRM) in order to obtain reasonable adsorption of Reactive Blue dye 19 (RB 19). Thermal treatment results in a greater surface area, which results in an increased adsorption capacity due to more available adsorption sites. Adsorption of RB 19 has been found to be best achieved in acidic conditions using SWNRM400 (heated to 400 °C) with an adsorption capacity of 416.7. mg/g compared to 250.0. mg/g for untreated SWNRM. Kinetic studies indicate a pseudosecond-order reaction mechanism is responsible for the adsorption of RB 19 using SWNRM, which indicates adsorption occurs by electrostatic interactions. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Soil acidity and low natural fertility are the main problems for grain production in Brazilian 'cerrado'. Although lime has been the most applied source for soil correction, silicate may be an alternative material due to its lower solubility and Si supply, which is beneficial to several crops. This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of superficial liming and calcium/magnesium silicate application on soil chemical attributes, plant nutrition, yield components and final yield of a soybean/white oat/maize/bean rotation under no-tillage system in a dry-winter region. The experiment was conducted under no tillage system in a deep acid clayey Rhodic Hapludox, Botucatu-SP, Brazil. The design was the completely randomized block with sixteen replications. Treatments consisted of two sources for soil acidity correction (dolomitic lime: ECC=90%, CaO=36% and MgO=12%; calcium/magnesium silicate: ECC=80%, CaO=34%, MgO=10% and SiO2=22%) applied in October 2006 to raise base saturation up to 70% and a control, with no soil correction. Soybean and white oat were sown in 2006/2007 as the main crop and off-season, respectively. Maize and bean were cropped in the next year (2007/2008). Products from silicate dissociation reach deeper soil layers after 18months from the application, compared to liming. Additionally, silicate is more efficient than lime to increasing phosphorus availability and reducing toxic aluminum. Such benefits in soil chemical attributes were only evidenced during bean cropping, when grain yield was higher after silicate application comparatively to liming. Both correction sources were improved mineral nutrition of all the other crops, mainly Ca and Mg levels and agronomical characteristics, reflecting in higher yield. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Influence of different foliar fertilizers (phosphite, micronutrients, biostimulant, phosphite + micronutrients, phosphite + biostimulant, micronutrients + biostimulant and phosphite + micronutrients + biostimulant) on yield of sugarcane was evaluated after fertilization at 30, 90 and 150 days after harvesting two-year-old sugarcane. The experiment was carried out in a commercial crop employing a randomized block design in four replicates. Higher stalk masses were observed for fertilization at 30 days after harvest, and the higher content of sucrose, total recoverable sugar and Brix degrees were observed for sugarcane fertilized after 150 days. Statistical analysis (Duncan's test) revealed no significant variation (P & 0.05) in Brix degree, sucrose content and total recoverable sugar. For total recoverable sugar x stalk weight (the main payment type for sugarcane producers), the following sequence (time treatment, fertilizer composition) 30-days, micronutrient + biostimulant; 150-days, biostimulant; and 90-days, biostimulant increased 11%, 17%, and 21% the yield of sugarcane. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Reuse of industrial and agricultural wastes as supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in concrete and mortar productions contribute to sustainable development. In this context, fluid catalytic cracking catalyst residue (spent FCC), a byproduct from the petroleum industry and petrol refineries, have been studied as SCM in blended Portland cement in the last years. Nevertheless, another environmental friendly alternative has been conducted in order to produce alternative binders with low CO2 emissions. The use of aluminosilicate materials in the production of alkali-activated materials (AAMs) is an ongoing research topic which can present low CO2 emissions associated. Hence, this paper studies some variables that can influence the production of AAM based on spent FCC. Specifically, the influence of SiO 2/Na2O molar ratio and the H2O/spent FCC mass ratio on the mechanical strength and microstructure are assessed. Some instrumental techniques, such as SEM, XRD, pH and electrical conductivity measurements, and MIP are performed in order to assess the microstructure of formed alkali-activated binder. Alkali activated mortars with compressive strength up to 80 MPa can be formed after curing for 3 days at 65°C. The research demonstrates the potential of spent FCC to produce alkali-activated cements and the importance of SiO2/Na2O molar ratio and the H2O/spent FCC mass ratio in optimising properties and microstructure. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nutrient use efficiency has become an important issue in agriculture, and crop rotations with deep vigorous rooted cover crops under no till may be an important tool in increasing nutrient conservation in agricultural systems. Ruzigrass (Brachiaria ruziziensis) has a vigorous, deep root system and may be effective in cycling P and K. The balance of P and K in cropping systems with crop rotations using ruzigrass, pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and ruzigrass + castor bean (Ricinus communis), chiseled or not, was calculated down to 0.60 m in the soil profile for 2 years. The cash crops were corn in the first year and soybean in the second year. Crop rotations under no-till increased available P amounts in the soil-plant system from 80 to 100 %, and reduced K losses between 4 and 23 %. The benefits in nutrient balance promoted by crop rotations were higher in the second year and under without chiseling. Plant residues deposited on the soil surface in no-till systems contain considerable nutrient reserve and increase fertilizer use efficiency. However, P release from ruzigrass grown as a sole crop is not synchronized with soybean uptake rate, which may result in decreased yields. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Intercropping corn (Zea mays L.) with palisadegrass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich) Stapf] can result in high amounts of residue and improve nutrient cycling. Long-season corn hybrids will live longer, competing with palisadegrass, which may reduce both corn and forage biomass yields. This study, conducted in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, had the objective of evaluating nutrient concentration and yield of corn hybrids with different maturity ratings as affected by intercropped palisadegrass as well as forage dry matter production. Te experimental design was randomized blocks with a factorial arrangement of eight treatments consisting of two cropping systems (corn alone and intercropped with palisadegrass) and four corn hybrids (105-, 121-, 132, and 144-d relative maturity). Compared with corn grown alone, intercropping treatments resulted in corn grain yields of 107% (105-d hybrid) to 71.7% (144-d hybrid). In the corn-alone system, the 132- and 144-d corn hybrids provided the highest corn yields (9581 and 9606 kg ha-1, respectively). Corn yield was similar between the single-crop and intercrop systems when using 105-, 121-, and 132-d hybrids. Intercropping with the 144-d hybrid reduced forage production (6619 kg ha-1) and quality of palisadegrass (86 g kg-1 of crude protein) compared with the other hybrids. Te intercropping system with the 132-d hybrid allowed both the highest corn grain (8860 kg ha-1) and palisadegrass (8256 kg ha-1) yields. Therefore, intercropping palisadegrass with the earlier (105-, 121-, and 132-d) corn hybrids is a viable option for crop-livestock integration because it did not affect either corn or palisadegrass yield. © 2013 by the American Society of Agronomy, 5585 Guilford Road, Madison, WI 53711. All rights reserved.


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The agricultural use of sewage sludge as organic fertilizer is considered nowadays as on alternative of disposal, in the end of the residue in addition to possible environmental problems, it's using can decrease the mineral fertilizers and avoid provide organic matter to the soil. The objective of this study it was to evaluate the parameters of soil fertility under different managements and doses of sewage sludge after the third application of the residue. The experiment was carried out in São Manuel - SP, with the cultivation of sunflower in two consecutives cycles, followed by wheat and triticale without application of the residual, and in the following year with the application of sewage sludge and cultivated the black oats. It was adopted a randomized complete block design, consisting of six treatments and five repetitions defined as follows: T0 - without fertilization; T1 - mineral fertilizer nitrogen according to crop need, T2 - 50% of N from sewage sludge and 50% in mineral form, T3 - 100% of N from sewage sludge, T4 - 150% of N from sewage sludge, T5 - 200% of N derived from sewage sludge. Soil samples were collected in the end of the trial of oats. There were an increase in the levels of P, H + Al, CEC and OM, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn as a function of increasing dose of sewage sludge. To V% and pH were decreased the values in the proportional soil to the increase of sludge dose until 24 and 22 t ha-1, respectively and after increasing the pH and V%.


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El símbolo E/840/Rev.1 corresponde a la edición bilingüe inglés/francés publicada en 1953


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Growing cover crops in systems under no tillage affects different pools of soil organic matter, and eventually soil physical attributes are modified. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in soil organic matter and their relationship with soil physical attributes as affected by plant species grown in rotation with soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] under no-till for 3 yr. Crop rotations included grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], ruzigrass [Urochloa ruziziensis (R. Germ, and CM. Evard) Crins] and sorghum mixed with ruzigrass, all grown in fall/winter, followed by pearl millet [Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke], sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) and sorghum-sudangrass [S. bicolor × S. sudanense (Piper) Stapf] grown during the spring, plus a fallow check plot. Soybean was grown as the summer crop. Millet and sorghum-sudangrass cropped in spring showed higher root and shoot production as spring cropping. In fall/winter, sorghum mixed with ruzigrass yielded higher phytomass compared with sole cropping. Soil physical attributes and organic matter fractioning were positively affected by cropping millet and sorghum-sudangrass whereas intermediate effects were observed after sunn hemp. Maintaining fallow in spring had negative effects on soil organic matter and physical properties. Ruzigrass and sorghum mixed with ruzigrass cropped in fall/winter resulted in better soil quality. Spring cover crops were more efficient in changing soil bulk density, porosity, and aggregates down to 0 to 10 cm; on the other hand, fall/winter cropping showed significant effects on bulk density in the uppermost soil layer. Total C levels in soil were increased after a 3-yr rotation period due to poor initial physical conditions. Fractions of particulate organic C, microbial C, and C in macroaggregates were the most affected by crop rotations, and showed high relation with improved soil physical attributes (porosity, density, and aggregates larger than 2 mm). © Soil Science Society of America, All rights reserved.


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The inadequate and indiscriminate disposal of sugarcane vinasse in soils and water bodies has received much attention since decades ago, due to environmental problems associated to this practice. Vinasse is the final by-product of the biomass distillation, mainly for the production of ethanol, from sugar crops (beet and sugarcane), starch crops (corn, wheat, rice, and cassava), or cellulosic material (harvesting crop residues, sugarcane bagasse, and wood). Because of the large quantities of vinasse produced, alternative treatments and uses have been developed, such as recycling of vinasse in fermentation, fertirrigation, concentration by evaporation, and yeast and energy production. This review was aimed at examining the available data on the subject as a contribution to update the information on sugarcane vinasse, from its characteristics and chemical composition to alternatives uses in Brazil: fertirrigation, concentration by evaporation, energy production; the effects on soil physical, chemical and biological properties; its influence on seed germination, its use as biostimulant and environmental contaminant. The low pH, electric conductivity, and chemical elements present in sugarcane vinasse may cause changes in the chemical and physical-chemical properties of soils, rivers, and lakes with frequent discharges over a long period of time, and also have adverse effects on agricultural soils and biota in general. Thus, new studies and green methods need to be developed aiming at sugarcane vinasse recycling and disposal. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.