970 resultados para Copper(II) Complexes
The thesis is an introduction to evaluate the coordination behaviour of a few compounds of our interest. The crucial aim of these investigations was to synthesize and characterize some transition metal complexes using the ligands benzaldehyde, 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde and 4-methoxybenzaldehyde N(4)-ring incorporated thiosemicarbazones.The study involves a brief foreword of the metal complexes of thiosemicarbazones including their bonding, stereochemistry and biological activities.The different analytical and spectroscopic techniques used for the analysis of the ligands and their complexes are discussed.It also deals with the synthesis and spectral characterization of the thiosemicarbazones and single crystal X-ray diffraction study of one of them.Chapter 3 describes the synthesis, spectral characterization, single crystal X-ray diffraction studies of copper(ll) complexes with ONS/NS donor thiosemicarbazones. Chapter 4 deals with the synthesis, spectral characterization and single crystal X-ray diffraction studies of nickel(II) complexes. Chapter 5 contains the synthesis, structural and spectral characterization of the cobalt(III) complexes. Chapters 6 and 7 include the synthesis, structural and spectral characterization of zinc(II) and cadmium(ll) complexes with ONS/NS donor thiosemicarbazones.
Thiosemicarbazones have recently attracted considerable attention due to their ability to form tridentate chelates with transition metal ions through either two nitrogen and sulfur atoms, N–N–S or oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur atoms, O–N–S. Considerable interest in thiosemicarbazones and their transition metal complexes has also grown in the areas of biology and chemistry due to biological activities such as antitumoral, fungicidal, bactericidal, antiviral and nonlinear optical properties. They have been used for metal analyses, for device applications related to telecommunications, optical computing, storage and information processing.The versatile applications of metal complexes of thiosemicarbazones in various fields prompted us to synthesize the tridentate NNS-donor thiosemicarbazones and their metal complexes. As a part of our studies on transition metal complexes with these ligands, the researcher undertook the current work with the following objectives. 1. To synthesize and physico-chemically characterize the following thiosemicarbazone ligands: a. Di-2-pyridyl ketone-N(4)-methyl thiosemicarbazone (HDpyMeTsc) b. Di-2-pyridyl ketone-N(4)-ethyl thiosemicarbazone (HDpyETsc) 2. To synthesize oxovanadium(IV), manganese(II), nickel(II), copper(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) complexes using the synthesized thiosemicarbazones as principal ligands and some anionic coligands. 3. To study the coordination modes of the ligands in metal complexes by using different physicochemical methods like partial elemental analysis, thermogravimetry and by different spectroscopic techniques. 4. To establish the structure of compounds by single crystal XRD studies
This thesis deals with the studies on the synthesis and characterisation of the complexes of embelin with manganese (II), cobalt(II), nickel (II), copper (II), zinc (II), cadmium (II), chromium (III), iron (III) lanthanum(III), praseodymium (III) neodymium (III) Samarium (III), gadolinium (III) dysprosium (III), yttrium (III) thorium (IV) and uranium (VI). Elemental analysis as well as spectral, thermal and magnetic data were used to ascertain the composition of the complexes and to establish the structures of the metal complexes. Wherever possible, the electronic spectra and magnetic data were used to predict the stereochemistry of the complexes.The thesis is divided into four chapters.
El treball de tesi s'emmarca dins del camp de la bioinorgànica, disciplina que estudia les propietats estructurals i de reactivitat dels centres actius dels enzims, servint-se de models síntètics de baix pes molecular per tal d'intentar reproduïr la reactivitat presentada per l'enzim i conèixer els mecanismes de reacció a nivell molecular que tenen lloc en els processos biològics.1 Més concretament el treball posa especial èmfasi en els processos d'activació d'oxigen molecular que tenen lloc en les metaloproteïnes de Coure del Tipus 3, com són l'hemocianina i la tirosinasa, ambdues presentant un complex dinuclear de Cu(I)) en el centre actiu de la forma reduïda, capaç d'activar l'O2 cap a espècies de tipus peròxid.2 Un altre camp d'interès ha estat l'estudi dels processos d'activació d'enllaços C-H no activats en hidrocarburs, tant per la seva importàcia a nivell industrial com per comprendre els mecanismes intrínsecs d'aquesta activació a través de metalls de trancisió.3,4 Durant el treball de tesi presentat s'ha desenvolupat la síntesi de nous complexes de Coure(I), Coure(II) y Cu(III) utilitzant lligands macrocíclics de tipus triaza i hexaaza, i s'han estudiat la seves propietats estructurals així com la seva reactivitat. La reacció dels lligands triazacíclics H32m, H2Me33m i H33m amb sals de coure(II) dóna lloc a una reacció de desproporció de Cu(II) per obtenir-se en quantitats equimolars un complex organometàl·lic de Cu(III) i un complex de Cu(I). La caracterizació estructural exhaustiva dels complexes del tipus aryl-Cu(III) evidencia la formació d'un enllaç organometàl·lic entre l'àtom de Cu(III) i el carboni més próxim de l'anell aromàtic del lligand. Aquesta reacció, a més de representar una nova forma de desproporció en la química del Cu, suposa l'activació d'un enllaç C-H aromàtic a temperatura ambient que, mitjançant l'estudi cinètic d'aquesta desproporció per espectroscòpia UV-Vis, dels càlcul de l'efecte cinètic isotòpic utilitzant el lligand deuterat en el C-H de l'anell, juntament amb el recolzament teòrics dels càlculs DFT per a la optimització de geometries d'intermedis de reacció, ens permeten proposar un mecanisme de reacció pel nostre sistema, on l'activació de l'enllaç C-H aromàtic transcorre per la formació d'un enllaç de tipus agòstic C-H ? Cu(II),5 seguit de la desprotonació del C-H aromàtic per acció d'una base i posterior transferència electrònica per obtenir el complex organometàlic de Cu(III) i el complex de de Cu(I). En quant a la reactivitat d'aquests complexes organometàl·lics aryl-Cu(III) s'ha observat que una base en medi aquós causa la inestabilitat d'aquests compostos, evolucionant cap a la inserció d'un àtom d'oxigen sobre la posició activada de l'anell aromàtic, per a donar lloc a un complex dinuclear de Cu(II) amb dos grups fenoxo actuant de pont entre els àtoms metàl·lics. La reacció transcorre per un intermedi colorejat, caracteritzat com el complex ayl-Cu(III) monodesprotonat en una de les seves amines benzíliques, els quals s'observen igualment en la reacció dels correponents complexos de Cu(I) amb oxigen molecular (O2). És en els nostres sistemes en els quals es descriu per primera vegada la participació d'intermedis organometàl·lics Cu(III)-C en processos d'hidroxilació aromàtica, tals com el desenvolupat per l'enzim tirosinasa o per alguns dels seus models químics de síntesi.6,7,8 S'han estudiat les propietats magnètiques dels quatre bis(fenoxo)complexes de Cu(II) descrits, obtenint-se uns acoplaments de tipus antiferromagnètic o ferromagnètic de diversa magnitud, depenent del solapament orbitalari a l'enllaç Cu-O, a través del qual es produeix el superintercanvi. Nous complexos de Cu(I) sintetitzats amb lligands hexaazamacrocíclics han estat estudiats, i posant especial èmfasi a la seva reactivitat respecta a l'activació d'oxigen molecular (O2). S'ha observat una reactivitat diferenciada segons la concentració de complex de Cu(I) utilitzada, de manera que a altes concentracions s'obté un carbonato complex tetranuclear de Cu(II) per fixació de CO2 atmosfèric, mentre que a baixes concentracions s'observa la hidroxilació aromàtica intramolecular d'un dels anells benzílics del lligand, reacció que presumiblement transcorre per atac electrofílic d'un peroxo complex intermedi sobre el sistema ? de l'anell.6 Els resultats obtinguts en aquest treball ens mostren la facilitat per activar enllaços C-H aromàtics per metalls de transició de la primera sèrie (Cu, Ni) quan aquests estan suficientment pròxims a l'enllaç C-H, en unes condicions de reacció molt suaus (1atm., temperatura ambient). Els nous complexos organometàl·lics Aryl-Cu(III) són el producte d'una nova reacció de desproporció de Cu(II), així com un posició aromàtica activada que podria ser el punt de partida per l'estudi de funcionalització selectiva d'aquests grups aromàtics.
Molybdenum(II) complexes [MOX(CO)(2)(eta(3)-allyl)(CH3CN)(2)] (X = Cl or Br) were encapsulated in an aluminium-pillared natural clay or a porous clay heterostructure and allowed to react with bidentate diimine ligands. All the materials obtained were characterised by several solid-state techniques. Powder XRD, and Al-27 and Si-29 MAS NMR were used to investigate the integrity of the pillared clay during the modification treatments. C-13 CP MAS NMR, FTIR, elemental analyses and low-temperature nitrogen adsorption showed that the immobilisation of the precursor complexes was successful as well as the in situ ligand-substitution reaction. The new complex [MoBr(CO)(2)(eta(3)-allyl)(2-aminodipyridyl)] was characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic techniques, and NMR studies were used to investigate its fluxional behaviour in solution. The prepared materials are active for the oxidation of cis-cyclooctene using tert-butyl hydroperoxide as oxidant, though the activity of the isolated complexes is higher. ((c) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2008).
it has been established that triazinyl bipyridines (hemi-BTPs) and bis-triazinyl pyridines (BTPs), ligands which are currently being investigated as possible ligands for the separation of actinides from lanthanides in nuclear waste, are able to form homoleptic complexes with first row transition metals such as cobalt(IT), copper(II), iron(II), manganese(II), nickel(II) and zinc(II). The metal complexes exhibit six-co-ordinate octahedral structures and redox states largely analogous to those of the related terpyridine complexes. The reactivity of the different redox states of cobalt bis-hemi-BTP complex in aqueous environments has been studied with two-phase electrochemistry by immobilisation of the essentially water-insoluble metal complexes on graphite electrodes and the immersion of this modified electrode in an aqueous electrolyte. It was found that redox potentials for the metal-centred reactions were pH-independent whereas the potentials for the ligand-centred reactions were strongly pH-dependent. The reductive degradation of these complexes has been investigated by computational methods. Solvent extraction experiments have been carried out for a range of metals and these show that cobalt(II) and nickel(II) as well as palladium(II), cadmium(II) and lead(II) were all extracted with the ligands 1e and 2c with higher distribution ratios that was observed for americium(III) under the same conditions. The implications of this result for the use of these ligands to separate actinides from nuclear waste are discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The structures of intermediates formed in propylene polymerisation using neutral salicyladiminato palladium(II) and nickel(II) complexes as catalysts have been investigated using density functional theory. Calculations show that all low energy intermediates contain agostic interactions either between the metal and a hydrogen from the added propylene forming four- or five-membered chelate rings, or, when a phenyl ring is present, between the metal and an aromatic C-C bond. The agostic interactions with the metal are concomitant with changes in ligand dimensions and electronic properties. In particular when a metal to hydrogen bond is formed, there is a lengthening of the C-H bond. Significant differences are found for the agostic interactions with palladium and nickel in that for Pd there is a clear preference for specific intermediates but for Ni there are several different structures with similar energies which are likely to lead to a greater variety of products on further polymerisation. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Three mu(1.5)-dicyanamide bridged Mn(II) and Co(II) complexes having molecular formula [Mn(dca)(2)(H2O)(2)](n)center dot(hmt)(n) (1), [Co(dca)(2) (H2O)(2)](n)center dot(hmt)(n) (2) and [Co(dca)(2)(bpds)](n) (3) [dca = dicyanamide; hmt = hexamethylenetetramine; bpds = 4,4'-bipyridyl disulfide] have been synthesized and characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction study, low temperature (300-2 K) magnetic measurement and thermal behavior. The X-ray diffraction analysis of 1 and 2 reveals that they are isostructural, comprising of 1D coordination polymers [M(dca)(2)(H2O)(2)](n) [M = Mn(II), Co(II) for 1 and 2. respectively] with uncoordinated hmt molecules located among the chains. The [M(dca)(2)(H2O)(2)](n) chains and the lattice hint molecules are connected through H-bonds resulting in a 3D supramolecular architecture. The octahedral N4O2 chromophore surrounding the metal ion forms via two trans located water oxygens and four nitrogens from four nitrile dca. Complex 3 is a 1D chain formed by two mu(1.5)-dca and one bridging bpds. The octahedral N-6 coordination sphere surrounding the cobalt ions comprises four nitrogens from dca and two from bpds. Low temperature magnetic study indicates small antiferromagnetic coupling for all the complexes. Best fit parameters for 1: J = -0.17 cm(-1), g = -2.03 with R = 6.1 x 10(-4), for 2, J = -0.50 cm(-1), and for 3, J = -0.95 cm(-1). (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Two concomitant polymorphic coordination complexes (dark blue - I and black - II) with the formula (Cu2C44H60N4O4) have been synthesized and characterized crystallographically. Magnetic measurements show the presence of a strong antiferromagnetic interaction and the 2J value corresponds extremely well to the theoretically calculated one, indicating the fact that it follows nicely the magneto-structural relationship. Immobilization of the copper(II) complex I on a 2D-hexagonal mesoporous silica showed good catalytic efficiency in the liquid phase partial oxidation of olefins in the presence of TBHP as an oxidant. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Three new linear trinuclear nickel(II) complexes, [Ni-3(salpen)(2)(OAc)(2)(H2O)(2)]center dot 4H(2)O (1) (OAc = acetate, CH3COO-), [Ni-3(salpen)(2)(OBz)(2)] (2) (OBz=benzoate, PhCOO-) and [Ni-3(salpen)(2)(OCn)(2)(CH3CN)(2)] (4) (OCn = cinnamate, PhCH=CHCOO-), H(2)salpen = tetradentate ligand, N,N'-bis(salicylidene)-1,3-pentanediamine have been synthesized and characterized structurally and magnetically. The choice of solvent for growing single crystal was made by inspecting the morphology of the initially obtained solids with the help of SEM study. The magnetic properties of a closely related complex, [Ni-3(salpen)(2)(OPh)(2)(EtOH)] (3) (OPh = phenyl acetate, PhCH2COO-) whose structure and solution properties have been reported recently, has also been studied here. The structural analyses reveal that both phenoxo and carboxylate bridging are present in all the complexes and the three Ni(II) atoms remain in linear disposition. Although the Schiff base ligand and the syn-syn bridging bidentate mode of the carboxylate group remain the same in complexes 1-4, the change of alkyl/aryl group of the carboxylates brings about systematic variations between six- and five-coordination in the geometry of the terminal Ni(II) centres of the trinuclear units. The steric demand as well as hydrophobic nature of the alkyl/aryl group of the carboxylate is found to play a crucial role in the tuning of the geometry. Variable-temperature (2-300 K) magnetic susceptibility measurements show that complexes 1-4 are antiferromagnetically coupled (J = -3.2(1), -4.6(1). -3.2(1) and -2.8(1) cm(-1) in 1-4, respectively). Calculations of the zero-field splitting parameter indicate that the values of D for complexes 1-4 are in the high range (D = +9.1(2), +14.2(2), +9.8(2) and +8.6(1) cm(-1) for 1-4, respectively). The highest D value of +14.2(2) and +9.8(2) cm(-1) for complexes 2 and 3, respectively, are consistent with the pentacoordinated geometry of the two terminal nickel(II) ions in 2 and one terminal nickel(II) ion in 3. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Copper(l) complexes of 1:3 condensates of tris(2-aminoethyl)amine and p-X-benzaldehydes (X = K Cl, NMe2 and NO2) of the type [Cu(ligand)]ClO4 are synthesised. The X-ray crystal structures of the copper(l) complexes with X = K, Cl and NMe2 are determined. In these complexes copper(l) is found to have trigonal pyramidal N-4 coordination sphere with the apical N forming a longer bond (2.191-2.202 Angstrom) than the trigonal ones (2.003-2.026 Angstrom). The Cu(II/I) potentials in these complexes span a range of 0.71-0.90 V vs SCE increasing linearly with the resonance component of the Hammett sigma for the para substituent X. It is concluded that trigonal pyramidal geometry is destabilising for copper(II).
Two new mono-aqua-bridged dinuclear Cu(II) complexes of tridentate NNO Schiff bases, [Cu-2(mu-H2O)L-2(1)(H2O)(2)](BF4)(2)center dot 2H(2)O (1) and [Cu-2(mu-H2O)L-2(2)(H2O)(2)](BF4)(2)center dot 2H(2)O (2) where HL1 = 2-[1-(2-dimethylamino-ethylimino)-ethyl]-phenol and HL2 =2-[(2-dimethylamino-ethylimino)-methyl]-phenol were synthesized. Both the complexes were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses and variable-temperature magnetic measurements. For both the complexes each Cu(II) ion is in a square-pyramidal environment being bonded to three atoms from the tridentate NNO Schiff base and a terminal H2O molecule in the equatorial plane; a second H2O ligand acts as a bridge between the two Cu(II) centres through the axial positions. Hydrogen bonds between the terminal H2O ligand and the Schiff base of the adjacent centre complete the intra-dimer linkages. Variable-temperature (4-300 K) magnetic susceptibility measurement shows the presence of significant antiferromagnetic coupling for both the complexes (J = -12.2 and -12.5 cm(-1), respectively, for 1 and 2), mediated mainly through the intra-dimer H-bonds.
Metathesis reactions were used to prepare a range of dicopper(II), monocopper(I), diruthenium(II, III), dimolybdenum(II,II) and dirhodium(II,II) complexes of either racemic or resolved forms of endo- and exo-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylic acid (C7H9CO2H). The X-ray crystal structure of [Cu2{(±)-endo-μ-O2CC7H9}4(CH3OH)2]·2CH3OH shows the two copper(II) ions bridged by two (+)-endo-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylate anions and two (−)-endo-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylate anions. Methanol molecules occupy the two trans axial sites, and there are also two methanol molecules hydrogen bonded to opposite carboxyl oxygens.
Addition of 1,4-dithiols to dichloromethane solutions of [PtCl2(P-P)] (P-P = (PPh3)2, Ph2P(CH2)3PPh2, Phd2P(CH2)4PPh2; 1,4-dithiols = HS(CH2)4SH, (−)DIOSH2 (2,3-O-isopropylidene-1,4-dithiol-l-threitol), BINASH2 (1,1′-dinaphthalene-2,2′-dithiol)) in the presence of NEt3 yielded the mononuclear complexes [Pt(1,4-dithiolato)(P-P)]. Related palladium(II) complexes [Pd(dithiolato)(P-P)] (P-P=Ph2P(CH2)3PPh2, Ph2P(CH2)4PPh2; dithiolato = −S(CH2)4S−, (−)-DIOS) were prepared by the same method. The structure of [Pt((−)DIOS)(PPh3)2] and [Pd(S(CH2)4S)(Ph2P(CH2)3PPh2)] complexes was determined by X-ray diffraction methods. Pt—dithiolato—SnC12 systems are active in the hydroformylation of styrene. At 100 atm and 125°C [Pt(dithiolate)(P-P)]/SnCl2 (Pt:Sn = 20) systems provided aldehyde conversion up to 80%.
The molecular structure of trans-[PtCl(CCPh)(PEt2Ph)2] has been determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The crystals are monoclinic, space group P21, with a= 12.359(3), b= 13.015(3), c= 9.031(2)Å, β= 101.65(2)°, and Z= 2. The structure has been solved by the heavy-atom method and refined by full-matrix least squares to R 0.046 for 1 877 diffractometric intensity data. The crystals contain discrete molecules in which the platinum coordination is square planar. The phenylethynyl group is non-linear, with a Pt–CC angle of 163(2)°. Selected bond lengths are Pt–Cl 2.407(5) and Pt–C 1.98(2)Å. The structural trans influences of CCPh, CHCH2, and CH2SiMe3 ligands in platinum(II) complexes are compared; there is only a small dependence on hybridization at the ligating carbon atom.