900 resultados para Condition-based maintenance


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The aim of the paper is to discuss the use of knowledge models to formulate general applications. First, the paper presents the recent evolution of the software field where increasing attention is paid to conceptual modeling. Then, the current state of knowledge modeling techniques is described where increased reliability is available through the modern knowledge acquisition techniques and supporting tools. The KSM (Knowledge Structure Manager) tool is described next. First, the concept of knowledge area is introduced as a building block where methods to perform a collection of tasks are included together with the bodies of knowledge providing the basic methods to perform the basic tasks. Then, the CONCEL language to define vocabularies of domains and the LINK language for methods formulation are introduced. Finally, the object oriented implementation of a knowledge area is described and a general methodology for application design and maintenance supported by KSM is proposed. To illustrate the concepts and methods, an example of system for intelligent traffic management in a road network is described. This example is followed by a proposal of generalization for reuse of the resulting architecture. Finally, some concluding comments are proposed about the feasibility of using the knowledge modeling tools and methods for general application design.


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Knowledge acquisition and model maintenance are key problems in knowledge engineering to improve the productivity in the development of intelligent systems. Although historically a number of technical solutions have been proposed in this area, the recent experience shows that there is still an important gap between the way end-users describe their expertise and the way intelligent systems represent knowledge. In this paper we propose an original way to cope with this problem based on electronic documents. We propose the concept of intelligent document processor as a tool that allows the end-user to read/write a document explaining how an intelligent system operates in such a way that, if the user changes the content of the document, the intelligent system will react to these changes. The paper presents the structure of such a document based on knowledge categories derived from the modern knowledge modeling methodologies together with a number of requirements to be understandable by end-users and problem solvers.


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This paper describes a particular knowledge acquisition tool for the construction and maintenance of the knowledge model of an intelligent system for emergency management in the field of hydrology. This tool has been developed following an innovative approach directed to end-users non familiarized in computer oriented terminology. According to this approach, the tool is conceived as a document processor specialized in a particular domain (hydrology) in such a way that the whole knowledge model is viewed by the user as an electronic document. The paper first describes the characteristics of the knowledge model of the intelligent system and summarizes the problems that we found during the development and maintenance of such type of model. Then, the paper describes the KATS tool, a software application that we have designed to help in this task to be used by users who are not experts in computer programming. Finally, the paper shows a comparison between KATS and other approaches for knowledge acquisition.


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Due to the high dependence of photovoltaic energy efficiency on environmental conditions (temperature, irradiation...), it is quite important to perform some analysis focusing on the characteristics of photovoltaic devices in order to optimize energy production, even for small-scale users. The use of equivalent circuits is the preferred option to analyze solar cells/panels performance. However, the aforementioned small-scale users rarely have the equipment or expertise to perform large testing/calculation campaigns, the only information available for them being the manufacturer datasheet. The solution to this problem is the development of new and simple methods to define equivalent circuits able to reproduce the behavior of the panel for any working condition, from a very small amount of information. In the present work a direct and completely explicit method to extract solar cell parameters from the manufacturer datasheet is presented and tested. This method is based on analytical formulation which includes the use of the Lambert W-function to turn the series resistor equation explicit. The presented method is used to analyze the performance (i.e., the I - V curve) of a commercial solar panel at different levels of irradiation and temperature. The analysis performed is based only on the information included in the manufacturer's datasheet.


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The calibration results of one anemometer equipped with several rotors, varying their size, were analyzed. In each case, the 30-pulses pert turn output signal of the anemometer was studied using Fourier series decomposition and correlated with the anemometer factor (i.e., the anemometer transfer function). Also, a 3-cup analytical model was correlated to the data resulting from the wind tunnel measurements. Results indicate good correlation between the post-processed output signal and the working condition of the cup anemometer. This correlation was also reflected in the results from the proposed analytical model. With the present work the possibility of remotely checking cup anemometer status, indicating the presence of anomalies and, therefore, a decrease on the wind sensor reliability is revealed.


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Fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRP) have found widespread usage in the repair and strengthening of concrete structures. FRP composites exhibit high strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and are convenient to use in repair applications. Externally bonded FRP flexural strengthening of concrete beams is the most extended application of this technique. A common cause of failure in such members is associated with intermediate crack-induced debonding (IC debonding) of the FRP substrate from the concrete in an abrupt manner. Continuous monitoring of the concrete?FRP interface is essential to pre- vent IC debonding. Objective condition assessment and performance evaluation are challenging activities since they require some type of monitoring to track the response over a period of time. In this paper, a multi-objective model updating method integrated in the context of structural health monitoring is demonstrated as promising technology for the safety and reliability of this kind of strengthening technique. The proposed method, solved by a multi-objective extension of the particle swarm optimization method, is based on strain measurements under controlled loading. The use of permanently installed fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors embedded into the FRP-concrete interface or bonded onto the FRP strip together with the proposed methodology results in an automated method able to operate in an unsupervised mode.


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A numerical simulation of the aerodynamic behavior of high-speed trains under synthetic crosswinds at a 90 yaw angle is presented. The train geometry is the aerodynamic train model (ATM). Flow description based on numerical simulations is obtained using large eddy simulation (LES) and the commercial code ANSYSFluent V14.5. A crosswind whose averaged velocity and turbulence characteristics change with distance to the ground is imposed. Turbulent fluctuations that vary temporally and spatially are simulated with TurbSim code. The crosswind boundary condition is calculated for the distance the train runs during a simulation period. The inlet streamwise velocity boundary condition is generated using Taylor?s frozen turbulence hypothesis. The model gives a time history of the force and moments acting on the train; this includes averaged values, standard deviations and extreme values. Of particular interest are the spectra of the forces and moments, and the admittance spectra. For comparison, results obtained with LES and a uniform wind velocity fluctuating in time, and results obtained with Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equations (RANS), and the averaged wind conditions, are also presented.


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Con 1.300 millones de personas en el mundo sin acceso a la electricidad (la mayora en entornos rurales de pases empobrecidos), la energa solar fotovoltaica constituye una solucin viable tcnica y econmicamente para electrificar las zonas ms remotas del planeta donde las redes elctricas convencionales no llegan. Casi todos los pases en el mundo han desarrollado algn tipo de programa de electrificacin fotovoltaica rural durante los ltimos 40 aos, principalmente los pases ms pobres, donde a travs de diferentes modelos de financiacin, se han instalado millones de sistemas solares domiciliarios (pequeos sistemas fotovoltaicos para uso domstico). Durante este largo perodo, se han ido superando muchas barreras, como la mejora de la calidad de los sistemas fotovoltaicos, la reduccin de costes, la optimizacin del diseo y del dimensionado de los sistemas, la disponibilidad financiera para implantar programas de electrificacin rural, etc. Gracias a esto, la electrificacin rural descentralizada ha experimentado recientemente un salto de escala caracterizada por la implantacin de grandes programas con miles de sistemas solares domiciliarios e integrando largos perodos de mantenimiento. Muchos de estos grandes programas se estn llevando a cabo con limitado xito, ya que generalmente parten de supuestos e hiptesis poco contrastadas con la realidad, comprometiendo as un retorno econmico que permita el desarrollo de esta actividad a largo plazo. En este escenario surge un nuevo reto: el de cmo garantizar la sostenibilidad de los grandes programas de electrificacin rural fotovoltaica. Se argumenta que la principal causa de esta falta de rentabilidad es el imprevisto alto coste de la fase de operacin y mantenimiento. Cuestiones clave tales como la estructura de costes de operacin y mantenimiento o la fiabilidad de los componentes del sistema fotovoltaico no estn bien caracterizados hoy en da. Esta situacin limita la capacidad de disear estructuras de mantenimiento capaces de asegurar la sostenibilidad y la rentabilidad del servicio de operacin y mantenimiento en estos programas. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo responder a estas cuestiones. Se ha realizado varios estudios sobre la base de un gran programa de electrificacin rural fotovoltaica real llevado a cabo en Marruecos con ms de 13.000 sistemas solares domiciliarios instalados. Sobre la base de este programa se ha hecho una evaluacin en profundidad de la fiabilidad de los sistemas solares a partir de los datos de mantenimiento recogidos durante 5 aos con ms de 80.000 inputs. Los resultados han permitido establecer las funciones de fiabilidad de los equipos tal y como se comportan en condiciones reales de operacin, las tasas de fallos y los tiempos medios hasta el fallo para los principales componentes del sistema, siendo este el primer caso de divulgacin de resultados de este tipo en el campo de la electrificacin rural fotovoltaica. Los dos principales componentes del sistema solar domiciliario, la batera y el mdulo fotovoltaico, han sido analizados en campo a travs de una muestra de 41 sistemas trabajando en condiciones reales pertenecientes al programa solar marroqu. Por un lado se ha estudiado la degradacin de la capacidad de las bateras y por otro la degradacin de potencia de los mdulos fotovoltaicos. En el caso de las bateras, los resultados nos han permitido caracterizar la curva de degradacin en capacidad llegando a obtener una propuesta de nueva definicin del umbral de vida til de las bateras en electrificacin rural. Tambin sobre la base del programa solar de Marruecos se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de caracterizacin de los costes reales de operacin y mantenimiento a partir de la base de datos de contabilidad del programa registrados durante 5 aos. Los resultados del estudio han permitido definir cules son costes que ms incidencia tienen en el coste global. Se han obtenido los costes unitarios por sistema instalado y se han calculado los montantes de las cuotas de mantenimiento de los usuarios para garantizar la rentabilidad de la operacin y mantenimiento. Finalmente, se propone un modelo de optimizacin matemtica para disear estructuras de mantenimiento basado en los resultados de los estudios anteriores. La herramienta, elaborada mediante programacin lineal entera mixta, se ha aplicado al programa marroqu con el fin de validar el modelo propuesto. ABSTRACT With 1,300 million people worldwide deprived of access to electricity (mostly in rural environments), photovoltaic solar energy has proven to be a costeffective solution and the only hope for electrifying the most remote inhabitants of the planet, where conventional electric grids do not reach because they are unaffordable. Almost all countries in the world have had some kind of rural photovoltaic electrification programme during the past 40 years, mainly the poorer countries, where through different organizational models, millions of solar home systems (small photovoltaic systems for domestic use) have been installed. During this long period, many barriers have been overcome, such as quality enhancement, cost reduction, the optimization of designing and sizing, financial availability, etc. Thanks to this, decentralized rural electrification has recently experienced a change of scale characterized by new programmes with thousands of solar home systems and long maintenance periods. Many of these large programmes are being developed with limited success, as they have generally been based on assumptions that do not correspond to reality, compromising the economic return that allows long term activity. In this scenario a new challenge emerges, which approaches the sustainability of large programmes. It is argued that the main cause of unprofitability is the unexpected high cost of the operation and maintenance of the solar systems. In fact, the lack of a paradigm in decentralized rural services has led to many private companies to carry out decentralized electrification programmes blindly. Issues such as the operation and maintenance cost structure or the reliability of the solar home system components have still not been characterized. This situation does not allow optimized maintenance structure to be designed to assure the sustainability and profitability of the operation and maintenance service. This PhD thesis aims to respond to these needs. Several studies have been carried out based on a real and large photovoltaic rural electrification programme carried out in Morocco with more than 13,000 solar home systems. An indepth reliability assessment has been made from a 5year maintenance database with more than 80,000 maintenance inputs. The results have allowed us to establish the real reliability functions, the failure rate and the main time to failure of the main components of the system, reporting these findings for the first time in the field of rural electrification. Both infield experiments on the capacity degradation of batteries and power degradation of photovoltaic modules have been carried out. During the experiments both samples of batteries and modules were operating under real conditions integrated into the solar home systems of the Moroccan programme. In the case of the batteries, the results have enabled us to obtain a proposal of definition of death of batteries in rural electrification. A cost assessment of the Moroccan experience based on a 5year accounting database has been carried out to characterize the cost structure of the programme. The results have allowed the major costs of the photovoltaic electrification to be defined. The overall cost ratio per installed system has been calculated together with the necessary fees that users would have to pay to make the operation and maintenance affordable. Finally, a mathematical optimization model has been proposed to design maintenance structures based on the previous study results. The tool has been applied to the Moroccan programme with the aim of validating the model.


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Las Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) SRAM se construyen sobre una memoria de configuracin de tecnologa RAM Esttica (SRAM). Presentan mltiples caractersticas que las hacen muy interesantes para disear sistemas empotrados complejos. En primer lugar presentan un coste no-recurrente de ingeniera (NRE) bajo, ya que los elementos lgicos y de enrutado estn pre-implementados (el diseo de usuario define su conexionado). Tambin, a diferencia de otras tecnologas de FPGA, pueden ser reconfiguradas (incluso en campo) un nmero ilimitado de veces. Es ms, las FPGAs SRAM de Xilinx soportan Reconfiguracin Parcial Dinmica (DPR), la cual permite reconfigurar la FPGA sin interrumpir la aplicacin. Finalmente, presentan una alta densidad de lgica, una alta capacidad de procesamiento y un rico juego de macro-bloques. Sin embargo, un inconveniente de esta tecnologa es su susceptibilidad a la radiacin ionizante, la cual aumenta con el grado de integracin (geometras ms pequeas, menores tensiones y mayores frecuencias). Esta es una precupacin de primer nivel para aplicaciones en entornos altamente radiativos y con requisitos de alta confiabilidad. Este fenmeno conlleva una degradacin a largo plazo y tambin puede inducir fallos instantneos, los cuales pueden ser reversibles o producir daos irreversibles. En las FPGAs SRAM, los fallos inducidos por radiacin pueden aparecer en en dos capas de arquitectura diferentes, que estn fsicamente superpuestas en el dado de silicio. La Capa de Aplicacin (o A-Layer) contiene el hardware definido por el usuario, y la Capa de Configuracin contiene la memoria de configuracin y la circuitera de soporte. Los fallos en cualquiera de estas capas pueden hacer fracasar el sistema, lo cual puede ser s o menos tolerable dependiendo de los requisitos de confiabilidad del sistema. En el caso general, estos fallos deben gestionados de alguna manera. Esta tesis trata sobre la gestin de fallos en FPGAs SRAM a nivel de sistema, en el contexto de sistemas empotrados autnomos y confiables operando en un entorno radiativo. La tesis se centra principalmente en aplicaciones espaciales, pero los mismos principios pueden aplicarse a aplicaciones terrenas. Las principales diferencias entre ambas son el nivel de radiacin y la posibilidad de mantenimiento. Las diferentes tcnicas para la gestin de fallos en A-Layer y C-Layer son clasificados, y sus implicaciones en la confiabilidad del sistema son analizados. Se proponen varias arquitecturas tanto para Gestores de Fallos de una capa como de doble-capa. Para estos ltimos se propone una arquitectura novedosa, flexible y verstil. Gestiona las dos capas concurrentemente de manera coordinada, y permite equilibrar el nivel de redundancia y la confiabilidad. Con el objeto de validar tcnicas de gestin de fallos dinmicas, se desarrollan dos diferentes soluciones. La primera es un entorno de simulacin para Gestores de Fallos de C-Layer, basado en SystemC como lenguaje de modelado y como simulador basado en eventos. Este entorno y su metodologa asociada permite explorar el espacio de diseo del Gestor de Fallos, desacoplando su diseo del desarrollo de la FPGA objetivo. El entorno incluye modelos tanto para la C-Layer de la FPGA como para el Gestor de Fallos, los cuales pueden interactuar a diferentes niveles de abstraccin (a nivel de configuration frames y a nivel fsico JTAG o SelectMAP). El entorno es configurable, escalable y verstil, e incluye capacidades de inyeccin de fallos. Los resultados de simulacin para algunos escenarios son presentados y comentados. La segunda es una plataforma de validacin para Gestores de Fallos de FPGAs Xilinx Virtex. La plataforma hardware aloja tres Mdulos de FPGA Xilinx Virtex-4 FX12 y dos Mdulos de Unidad de Microcontrolador (MCUs) de 32-bits de propsito general. Los Mdulos MCU permiten prototipar Gestores de Fallos de C-Layer y A-Layer basados en software. Cada Mdulo FPGA implementa un enlace de A-Layer Ethernet (a travs de un switch Ethernet) con uno de los Mdulos MCU, y un enlace de C-Layer JTAG con el otro. Adems, ambos Mdulos MCU intercambian comandos y datos a travs de un enlace interno tipo UART. Al igual que para el entorno de simulacin, se incluyen capacidades de inyeccin de fallos. Los resultados de pruebas para algunos escenarios son tambin presentados y comentados. En resumen, esta tesis cubre el proceso completo desde la descripcin de los fallos FPGAs SRAM inducidos por radiacin, pasando por la identificacin y clasificacin de tcnicas de gestin de fallos, y por la propuesta de arquitecturas de Gestores de Fallos, para finalmente validarlas por simulacin y pruebas. El trabajo futuro est relacionado sobre todo con la implementacin de Gestores de Fallos de Sistema endurecidos para radiacin. ABSTRACT SRAM-based Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are built on Static RAM (SRAM) technology configuration memory. They present a number of features that make them very convenient for building complex embedded systems. First of all, they benefit from low Non-Recurrent Engineering (NRE) costs, as the logic and routing elements are pre-implemented (user design defines their connection). Also, as opposed to other FPGA technologies, they can be reconfigured (even in the field) an unlimited number of times. Moreover, Xilinx SRAM-based FPGAs feature Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR), which allows to partially reconfigure the FPGA without disrupting de application. Finally, they feature a high logic density, high processing capability and a rich set of hard macros. However, one limitation of this technology is its susceptibility to ionizing radiation, which increases with technology scaling (smaller geometries, lower voltages and higher frequencies). This is a first order concern for applications in harsh radiation environments and requiring high dependability. Ionizing radiation leads to long term degradation as well as instantaneous faults, which can in turn be reversible or produce irreversible damage. In SRAM-based FPGAs, radiation-induced faults can appear at two architectural layers, which are physically overlaid on the silicon die. The Application Layer (or A-Layer) contains the user-defined hardware, and the Configuration Layer (or C-Layer) contains the (volatile) configuration memory and its support circuitry. Faults at either layers can imply a system failure, which may be more ore less tolerated depending on the dependability requirements. In the general case, such faults must be managed in some way. This thesis is about managing SRAM-based FPGA faults at system level, in the context of autonomous and dependable embedded systems operating in a radiative environment. The focus is mainly on space applications, but the same principles can be applied to ground applications. The main differences between them are the radiation level and the possibility for maintenance. The different techniques for A-Layer and C-Layer fault management are classified and their implications in system dependability are assessed. Several architectures are proposed, both for single-layer and dual-layer Fault Managers. For the latter, a novel, flexible and versatile architecture is proposed. It manages both layers concurrently in a coordinated way, and allows balancing redundancy level and dependability. For the purpose of validating dynamic fault management techniques, two different solutions are developed. The first one is a simulation framework for C-Layer Fault Managers, based on SystemC as modeling language and event-driven simulator. This framework and its associated methodology allows exploring the Fault Manager design space, decoupling its design from the target FPGA development. The framework includes models for both the FPGA C-Layer and for the Fault Manager, which can interact at different abstraction levels (at configuration frame level and at JTAG or SelectMAP physical level). The framework is configurable, scalable and versatile, and includes fault injection capabilities. Simulation results for some scenarios are presented and discussed. The second one is a validation platform for Xilinx Virtex FPGA Fault Managers. The platform hosts three Xilinx Virtex-4 FX12 FPGA Modules and two general-purpose 32-bit Microcontroller Unit (MCU) Modules. The MCU Modules allow prototyping software-based CLayer and A-Layer Fault Managers. Each FPGA Module implements one A-Layer Ethernet link (through an Ethernet switch) with one of the MCU Modules, and one C-Layer JTAG link with the other. In addition, both MCU Modules exchange commands and data over an internal UART link. Similarly to the simulation framework, fault injection capabilities are implemented. Test results for some scenarios are also presented and discussed. In summary, this thesis covers the whole process from describing the problem of radiationinduced faults in SRAM-based FPGAs, then identifying and classifying fault management techniques, then proposing Fault Manager architectures and finally validating them by simulation and test. The proposed future work is mainly related to the implementation of radiation-hardened System Fault Managers.


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The solutions to cope with new challenges that societies have to face nowadays involve providing smarter daily systems. To achieve this, technology has to evolve and leverage physical systems automatic interactions, with less human intervention. Technological paradigms like Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are providing reference models, architectures, approaches and tools that are to support cross-domain solutions. Thus, CPS based solutions will be applied in different application domains like e-Health, Smart Grid, Smart Transportation and so on, to assure the expected response from a complex system that relies on the smooth interaction and cooperation of diverse networked physical systems. The Wireless Sensors Networks (WSN) are a well-known wireless technology that are part of large CPS. The WSN aims at monitoring a physical system, object, (e.g., the environmental condition of a cargo container), and relaying data to the targeted processing element. The WSN communication reliability, as well as a restrained energy consumption, are expected features in a WSN. This paper shows the results obtained in a real WSN deployment, based on SunSPOT nodes, which carries out a fuzzy based control strategy to improve energy consumption while keeping communication reliability and computational resources usage among boundaries.


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Durante las ltimas dcadas se ha producido un fenmeno global de envejecimiento en la poblacin. Esta tendencia se puede observar prcticamente en todos los pases del mundo y se debe principalmente a los avances en la medicina, y a los descensos en las tasas de fertilidad y mortalidad. El envejecimiento de la poblacin tiene un gran impacto en la salud de los ciudadanos, y a menudo es la causa de aparicin de enfermedades crnicas. Este tipo de enfermedades supone una amenaza y una carga importantes para la sociedad, especialmente en aspectos como la mortalidad o los gastos en los sistemas sanitarios. Entre las enfermedades cardiovasculares, la insuficiencia cardaca es probablemente la condicin con mayor prevalencia y afecta a 23-26 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Normalmente, la insuficiencia cardaca presenta un mal pronstico y una tasa de supervivencia bajas, en algunos casos peores que algn tipo de cncer. Adems, suele ser la causa de hospitalizaciones frecuentes y es una de las enfermedades ms costosas para los sistemas sanitarios. La tendencia al envejecimiento de la poblacin y la creciente incidencia de las enfermedades crnicas estn llevando a una situacin en la que los sistemas de salud no son capaces de hacer frente a la demanda de la sociedad. Los servicios de salud existentes tendrn que adaptarse para ser efectivos y sostenibles en el futuro. Es necesario identificar nuevos paradigmas de cuidado de pacientes, as como mecanismos para la provisin de servicios que ayuden a transformar estos sistemas sanitarios. En este contexto, esta tesis se plantea la bsqueda de soluciones, basadas en las Tecnologas de la Informacin y la Comunicacin (TIC), que contribuyan a realizar la transformacin en los sistemas sanitarios. En concreto, la tesis se centra en abordar los problemas de una de las enfermedades con mayor impacto en estos sistemas: la insuficiencia cardaca. Las siguientes hiptesis constituyen la base para la realizacin de este trabajo de investigacin: 1. Es posible definir un modelo basado en el paradigma de lazo cerrado y herramientas TIC que formalice el diseo de mejores servicios para pacientes con insuficiencia cardaca. 2. El modelo de lazo cerrado definido se puede utilizar para definir un servicio real que ayude a gestionar la insuficiencia cardaca crnica. 3. La introduccin, la adopcin y el uso de un servicio basado en el modelo definido se traducir en mejoras en el estado de salud de los pacientes que sufren insuficiencia cardaca. a. La utilizacin de un sistema basado en el modelo de lazo cerrado definido mejorar la experiencia del usuario de los pacientes. La definicin del modelo planteado se ha basado en el estndar ISO / EN 13940- Sistema de conceptos para dar soporte a la continuidad de la asistencia. Comprende un conjunto de conceptos, procesos, flujos de trabajo, y servicios como componentes principales, y representa una formalizacin de los servicios para los pacientes con insuficiencia cardaca. Para evaluar el modelo definido se ha definido un servicio real basado en el mismo, adems de la implementacin de un sistema de apoyo a dicho servicio. El diseo e implementacin de dicho sistema se realiz siguiendo la metodologa de Diseo Orientado a Objetivos. El objetivo de la evaluacin consista en investigar el efecto que tiene un servicio basado en el modelo de lazo cerrado sobre el estado de salud de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardaca. La evaluacin se realiz en el marco de un estudio clnico observacional. El anlisis de los resultados ha comprendido mtodos de anlisis cuantitativos y cualitativos. El anlisis cuantitativo se ha centrado en determinar el estado de salud de los pacientes en base a datos objetivos (obtenidos en pruebas de laboratorio o exmenes mdicos). Para realizar este anlisis se definieron dos ndices especficos: el ndice de estabilidad y el ndice de la evolucin del estado de salud. El anlisis cualitativo ha evaluado la autopercepcin del estado de salud de los pacientes en trminos de calidad de vida, auto-cuidado, el conocimiento, la ansiedad y la depresin, as como niveles de conocimiento. Se ha basado en los datos recogidos mediante varios cuestionarios o instrumentos estndar (i.e. EQ-5D, la Escala de Ansiedad y Depresin (HADS), el Cuestionario de Cardiomiopata de Kansas City (KCCQ), la Escala Holandesa de Conocimiento de Insuficiencia Cardaca (DHFKS), y la Escala Europea de Autocuidado en Insuficiencia Cardaca (EHFScBS), as como cuestionarios dedicados no estandarizados de experiencia de usuario. Los resultados obtenidos en ambos anlisis, cuantitativo y cualitativo, se compararon con el fin de evaluar la correlacin entre el estado de salud objetivo y subjetivo de los pacientes. Los resultados de la validacin demostraron que el modelo propuesto tiene efectos positivos en el cuidado de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardaca y contribuye a mejorar su estado de salud. Asimismo, ratificaron al modelo como instrumento vlido para la definicin de servicios mejorados para la gestin de esta enfermedad. ABSTRACT During the last decades we have witnessed a global aging phenomenon in the population. This can be observed in practically every country in the world, and it is mainly caused by the advances in medicine, and the decrease of mortality and fertility rates. Population aging has an important impact on citizens health and it is often the cause for chronic diseases, which constitute global burden and threat to the society in terms of mortality and healthcare expenditure. Among chronic diseases, Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) or Heart Failure (HF) is probably the one with highest prevalence, affecting between 23 and 26 million people worldwide. Heart failure is a chronic, long-term and serious condition with very poor prognosis and worse survival rates than some type of cancers. Additionally, it is often the cause of frequent hospitalizations and one of the most expensive conditions for the healthcare systems. The aging trends in the population and the increasing incidence of chronic diseases are leading to a situation where healthcare systems are not able to cope with the society demand. Current healthcare services will have to be adapted and redefined in order to be effective and sustainable in the future. There is a need to find new paradigms for patients care, and to identify new mechanisms for services provision that help to transform the healthcare systems. In this context, this thesis aims to explore new solutions, based on ICT, that contribute to achieve the needed transformation within the healthcare systems. In particular, it focuses on addressing the problems of one of the diseases with higher impact within these systems: Heart Failure. The following hypotheses represent the basis to the elaboration of this research: 1. It is possible to define a model based on a closed-loop paradigm and ICT tools that formalises the design of enhanced healthcare services for chronic heart failure patients. 2. The described closed-loop model can be exemplified in a real service that supports the management of chronic heart failure disease. 3. The introduction, adoption and use of a service based on the outlined model will result in improvements in the health status of patients suffering heart failure. 4. The user experience of patients when utilizing a system based on the defined closed-loop model will be enhanced. The definition of the closed-loop model for health care support of heart failure patients have been based on the standard ISO/EN 13940 System of concepts to support continuity of care. It includes a set of concept, processes and workflows, and services as main components, and it represent a formalization of services for heart failure patients. In order to be validated, the proposed closed-loop model has been instantiated into a real service and a supporting IT system. The design and implementation of the system followed the user centred design methodology Goal Oriented Design. The validation, that included an observational clinical study, aimed to investigate the effect that a service based on the closed-loop model had on heart failure patients health status. The analysis of results comprised quantitative and qualitative analysis methods. The quantitative analysis was focused on determining the health status of patients based on objective data (obtained in lab tests or physical examinations). Two specific indexes where defined and considered in this analysis: the stability index and the health status evolution index. The qualitative analysis assessed the self-perception of patients health status in terms of quality of life, self-care, knowledge, anxiety and depression, as well as knowledge levels. It was based on the data gathered through several standard instruments (i.e. EQ-5D, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire, the Dutch Heart Failure Knowledge Scale, and the European Heart Failure Self-care Behaviour Scale) as well as dedicated non-standardized user experience questionnaires. The results obtained in both analyses, quantitative and qualitative, were compared in order to assess the correlation between the objective and subjective health status of patients. The results of the validation showed that the proposed model contributed to improve the health status of the patients and had a positive effect on the patients care. It also proved that the model is a valid instrument for designing enhanced healthcare services for heart failure patients.


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En todo el mundo se ha observado un crecimiento exponencial en la incidencia de enfermedades crnicas como la hipertensin y enfermedades cardiovasculares y respiratorias, as como la diabetes mellitus, que causa un nmero de muertes cada vez mayor en todo el mundo (Beaglehole et al., 2008). En concreto, la prevalencia de diabetes mellitus (DM) est aumentando de manera considerable en todas las edades y representa un serio problema de salud mundial. La diabetes fue la responsable directa de 1,5 millones de muertes en 2012 y 89 millones de aos de vida ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD) (OMS, 2014). Uno de los principales dilemas que suelen asociarse a la gestin de EC es la adherencia de los pacientes a los tratamientos, que representa un aspecto multifactorial que necesita asistencia en lo relativo a: educacin, autogestin, interaccin entre los pacientes y cuidadores y compromiso de los pacientes. Medir la adherencia del tratamiento es complicado y, aunque se ha hablado ampliamente de ello, an no hay soluciones de oro (Reviews, 2002). El compromiso de los pacientes, a travs de la participacin, colaboracin, negociacin y a veces del compromiso firme, aumentan las oportunidades para una terapia ptima en la que los pacientes se responsabilizan de su parte en la ecuacin de adherencia. Comprometer e involucrar a los pacientes diabticos en las decisiones de su tratamiento, junto con expertos profesionales, puede ayudar a favorecer un enfoque centrado en el paciente hacia la atencin a la diabetes (Martin et al., 2005). La motivacin y atribucin de poder de los pacientes son quizs los dos factores interventores ms relevantes que afectan directamente a la autogestin de la atencin a la diabetes. Se ha demostrado que estos dos factores desempean un papel fundamental en la adherencia a la prescripcin, as como en el fomento exitoso de un estilo de vida sana y otros cambios de conducta (Heneghan et al., 2013). Un plan de educacin personalizada es indispensable para proporcionarle al paciente las herramientas adecuadas que necesita para la autogestin efectiva de la enfermedad (El-Gayar et al. 2013). La comunicacin efectiva es fundamental para proporcionar una atencin centrada en el paciente puesto que influye en las conductas y actitudes hacia un problema de salud ((Frampton et al. 2008). En este sentido, la interactividad, la frecuencia, la temporalizacin y la adaptacin de los mensajes de texto pueden promover la adherencia a un rgimen de medicacin. Como consecuencia, adaptar los mensajes de texto a los pacientes puede resultar ser una manera de hacer que las sugerencias y la informacin sean ms relevantes y efectivas (Nundy et al. 2013). En este contexto, las tecnologas mviles en el mbito de la salud (mHealth) estn desempeando un papel importante al conectar con pacientes para mejorar la adherencia a medicamentos recetados (Krishna et al., 2009). La adaptacin de los mensajes de texto especficos de diabetes sigue siendo un rea de oportunidad para mejorar la adherencia a la medicacin y ofrecer motivacin a adultos con diabetes. Sin embargo, se necesita ms investigacin para entender totalmente su eficacia. Los consejos de texto personalizados han demostrado causar un impacto positivo en la atribucin de poder a los pacientes, su autogestin y su adherencia a la prescripcin (Gatwood et al., 2014). mHealth se puede utilizar para ofrecer programas de asistencia de autogestin a los pacientes con diabetes y, al mismo tiempo, superar las dificultades tcnicas y financieras que supone el tratamiento de la diabetes (Free at al., 2013). El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigacin es demostrar que un marco tecnolgico basado en las teoras de cambios de conducta, aplicado al campo de la mHealth, permite una mejora de la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes diabticos. Como mtodo de definicin de una solucin tecnolgica, se han adoptado un conjunto de diferentes tcnicas de conducta validadas denominado marco de compromiso de retroaccin conductual (EBF, por sus siglas en ingls) para formular los mensajes, guiar el contenido y evaluar los resultados. Los estudios incorporan elementos del modelo transterico (TTM, por sus siglas en ingls), la teora de la fijacin de objetivos (GST, por sus siglas en ingls) y los principios de comunicacin sanitaria persuasiva y eficaz. Como concepto general, el modelo TTM ayuda a los pacientes a progresar a su prxima fase de conducta a travs de mensajes de texto motivados especficos y permite que el mdico identifique la fase actual y adapte sus estrategias individualmente. Adems, se adoptan las directrices del TTM para fijar objetivos personalizados a un nivel apropiado a la fase de cambio del paciente. La GST encierra normas que van a ponerse en prctica para promover la intervencin educativa y objetivos de prdida de peso. Finalmente, los principios de comunicacin sanitaria persuasiva y eficaz aplicados a la aparicin de los mensajes se han puesto en marcha para aumentar la efectividad. El EBF tiene como objetivo ayudar a los pacientes a mejorar su adherencia a la prescripcin y encaminarlos a una mejora general en la autogestin de la diabetes mediante mensajes de texto personalizados denominados mensajes de retroaccin automticos (AFM, por sus siglas en ingls). Despus de una primera revisin del perfil, consistente en identificar caractersticas significativas del paciente basadas en las necesidades de tratamiento, actitudes y conductas de atencin sanitaria, el sistema elige los AFM personalizados, los aprueba el mdico y al final se transfieren a la interfaz del paciente. Durante el tratamiento, el usuario recopila los datos en dispositivos de monitorizacin de pacientes (PMD, por sus siglas en ingls) de una serie de dispositivos mdicos y registros manuales. Los registros consisten en la toma de medicacin, dieta y actividad fsica y tareas de aprendizaje y control de la medida del metabolismo. El compromiso general del paciente se comprueba al estimar el uso del sistema y la adherencia del tratamiento y el estado de los objetivos del paciente a corto y largo plazo. El mdulo de anlisis conductual, que consiste en una serie de reglas y ecuaciones, calcula la conducta del paciente. Tras lograr el anlisis conductual, el mdulo de gestin de AFM actualiza la lista de AFM y la configuracin de los envos. Las actualizaciones incluyen el nmero, el tipo y la frecuencia de mensajes. Los AFM los revisa peridicamente el mdico que tambin participa en el perfeccionamiento del tratamiento, adaptado a la fase transterica actual. Los AFM se segmentan en distintas categoras y niveles y los pacientes pueden ajustar la entrega del mensaje de acuerdo con sus necesidades personales. El EBF se ha puesto en marcha integrado dentro del sistema METABO, diseado para facilitar al paciente diabtico que controle sus condiciones relevantes de una manera menos intrusiva. El dispositivo del paciente se vincula en una plataforma mvil, mientras que una interfaz de panel mdico permite que los profesionales controlen la evolucin del tratamiento. Herramientas especficas posibilitan que los profesionales comprueben la adherencia del paciente y actualicen la gestin de envos de AFM. El EBF fue probado en un proyecto piloto controlado de manera aleatoria. El principal objetivo era examinar la viabilidad y aceptacin del sistema. Los objetivos secundarios eran tambin la evaluacin de la eficacia del sistema en lo referente a la mejora de la adherencia, el control glucmico y la calidad de vida. Se reclutaron participantes de cuatro centros clnicos distintos en Europa. La evaluacin del punto de referencia inclua datos demogrficos, estado de la diabetes, informacin del perfil, conocimiento de la diabetes en general, uso de las plataformas TIC, opinin y experiencia con dispositivos electrnicos y adopcin de buenas prcticas con la diabetes. La aceptacin y eficacia de los criterios de evaluacin se aplicaron para valorar el funcionamiento del marco tecnolgico. El principal objetivo era la valoracin de la eficacia del sistema en lo referente a la mejora de la adherencia. En las pruebas participaron 54 pacientes. 26 fueron asignados al grupo de intervencin y equipados con tecnologa mvil donde estaba instalado el EBF: 14 pacientes tenan T1DM y 12 tenan T2DM. El grupo de control estaba compuesto por 25 pa cientes que fueron tratados con atencin estndar, sin el empleo del EBF. La intervencin profesional tanto de los grupos de control como de intervencin corri a cargo de 24 cuidadores, entre los que incluan diabetlogos, nutricionistas y enfermeras. Para evaluar la aceptabilidad del sistema y analizar la satisfaccin de los usuarios, a travs de LimeSurvey, se cre una encuesta multilinge tanto para los pacientes como para los profesionales. Los resultados tambin se recopilaron de los archivos de registro generados en los PMD, el panel mdico profesional y las entradas de la base de datos. Los mensajes enviados hacia y desde el EBF y los archivos de registro del sistema y los servicios de comunicacin se grabaron durante las cinco semanas del estudio. Se entregaron un total de 2795 mensajes, lo que supuso una media de 107,50 mensajes por paciente. Como se muestra, los mensajes disminuyen con el tiempo, indicando una mejora global de la adherencia al plan de tratamiento. Como se esperaba, los pacientes con T1DM recibieron ms consejos a corto plazo, en relacin a su estado. Del mismo modo, al ser el centro de T2DM en cambios de estilo de vida sostenible a largo plazo, los pacientes con T2DM recibieron ms consejos de recomendacin, en cuanto a dietas y actividad fsica. Tambin se ha llevado a cabo una comparacin de la adherencia e ndices de uso para pacientes con T1DM y T2DM, entre la primera y la segunda mitad de la prueba. Se han observado resultados favorables para el uso. En lo relativo a la adherencia, los resultados denotaron una mejora general en cada dimensin del plan de tratamiento, como la nutricin y las mediciones de insercin de glucosa en la sangre. Se han llevado a cabo ms estudios acerca del cambio a nivel educativo antes y despus de la prueba, medidos tanto para grupos de control como de intervencin. Los resultados indicaron que el grupo de intervencin haba mejorado su nivel de conocimientos mientras que el grupo de control mostr una leve disminucin. El anlisis de correlacin entre el nivel de adherencia y las AFM ha mostrado una mejora en la adherencia de uso para los pacientes que recibieron los mensajes de tipo alertas, y unos resultados no significativos aunque positivos relacionados con la adherencia tanto al tratamiento que al uso correlacionado con los recordatorios. Por otra parte, los AFM parecan ayudar a los pacientes que no tomaban suficientemente en serio su tratamiento en el principio y que s estaban dispuestos a responder a los mensajes recibidos. Aun as, los pacientes que recibieron demasiadas advertencias, comenzaron a considerar el envo de mensajes un poco estresante. El trabajo de investigacin llevado a cabo al desarrollar este proyecto ofrece respuestas a las cuatro hiptesis de investigacin que fueron la motivacin para el trabajo. Hiptesis 1 : es posible definir una serie de criterios para medir la adherencia en pacientes diabticos. Hiptesis 2: es posible disear un marco tecnolgico basado en los criterios y teoras de cambio de conducta mencionados con anterioridad para hacer que los pacientes diabticos se comprometan a controlar su enfermedad y adherirse a planes de atencin. Hiptesis 3: es posible poner en marcha el marco tecnolgico en el sector de la salud mvil. Hiptesis 4: es posible utilizar el marco tecnolgico como solucin de salud mvil en un contexto real y tener efectos positivos en lo referente a indicadores de control de diabetes. La verificacin de cada hiptesis permite ofrecer respuesta a la hiptesis principal: La hiptesis principal es: es posible mejorar la adherencia diabtica a travs de un marco tecnolgico mHealth basado en teoras de cambio de conducta. El trabajo llevado a cabo para responder estas preguntas se explica en este trabajo de investigacin. El marco fue desarrollado y puesto en prctica en el Proyecto METABO. METABO es un Proyecto I+D, cofinanciado por la Comisin Europea (METABO 2008) que integra infraestructura mvil para ayudar al control, gestin y tratamiento de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus de tipo 1 (T1DM) y los que padecen diabetes mellitus de tipo 2 (T2DM). ABSTRACT Worldwide there is an exponential growth in the incidence of Chronic Diseases (CDs), such as: hypertension, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as diabetes mellitus, leading to rising numbers of deaths worldwide (Beaglehole et al. 2008). In particular, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) is largely increasing among all ages and constitutes a major worldwide health problem. Diabetes was directly responsible for 1,5 million deaths in 2012 and 89 million Disability-adjusted life year (DALYs) (WHO 2014). One of the key dilemmas often associated to CD management is the patients adherence to treatments, representing a multi-factorial aspect that requires support in terms of: education, self-management, interaction between patients and caregivers, and patients engagement. Measuring adherence is complex and, even if widely discussed, there are still no gold standards ((Giardini et al. 2015), (Costa et al. 2015). Patients engagement, through participation, collaboration, negotiation, and sometimes compromise, enhance opportunities for optimal therapy in which patients take responsibility for their part of the adherence equation. Engaging and involving diabetic patients in treatment decisions, along with professional expertise, can help foster a patient-centered approach to diabetes care (Martin et al. 2005). Patients motivation and empowerment are perhaps the two most relevant intervening factors that directly affect self-management of diabetes care. It has been demonstrated that these two factors play an essential role in prescription adherence, as well as for the successful encouragement of a healthy life-style and other behavioural changes (Heneghan et al. 2013). A personalised education plan is indispensable in order to provide the patient with the appropriate tools needed for the effective self-management of the disease (El-Gayar et al. 2013). Effective communication is at the core of providing patient-centred care since it influences behaviours and attitudes towards a health problem (Frampton et al. 2008). In this regard, interactivity, frequency, timing, and tailoring of text messages may promote adherence to a medication regimen. As a consequence, tailoring text messages to patients can constitute a way of making suggestions and information more relevant and effective (Nundy et al. 2013). In this context, mobile health technologies (mHealth) are playing significant roles in improving adherence to prescribed medications (Krishna et al. 2009). The tailoring of diabetes-specific text messages remains an area of opportunity to improve medication adherence and provide motivation to adults with diabetes but further research is needed to fully understand their effectiveness. Personalized text advices have proven to produce a positive impact on patients empowerment, self-management, and adherence to prescriptions (Gatwood et al. 2014). mHealth can be used for offering self-management support programs to diabetes patients and at the same time surmounting the technical and financial difficulties involved in diabetes treatment (Free et al. 2013). The main objective of this research work is to demonstrate that a technological framework, based on behavioural change theories, applied to mHealth domain, allows improving adherence treatment in diabetic patients. The framework, named Engagement Behavioural Feedback Framework (EBF), is built on top of validated behavioural techniques to frame messages, guide the definition of contents and assess outcomes: elements from the Transtheoretical Model (TTM), the Goal-Setting Theory (GST), Effective Health Communication (EHC) guidelines and Principles of Persuasive Technology (PPT) were incorporated. The TTM helps patients to progress to a next behavioural stage, through specific motivated text messages, and allow clinicians identifying the current stage and tailor its strategies individually. Moreover, TTM guidelines are adopted to set customised goals at a level appropriate to the patients stage of change. The GST was used to build rules to be applied for enhancing educational intervention and weight loss objectives. Finally, the EHC guidelines and the PPT were applied to increase the effectiveness of messages. The EBF aims to support patients on improving their prescription adherence and persuade them towards a general improvement in diabetes self-management, by means of personalised text messages, named Automatic Feedback Messages (AFM). After a first profile screening, consisting in identifying meaningful patient characteristics based on treatment needs, attitudes and health care behaviours, customised AFMs are selected by the system, approved by the professional, and finally transferred into the patient interface. During the treatment, the user collects the data into a Patient Monitoring Device (PMD) from a set of medical devices and from manual inputs. Inputs consist in medication intake, diet and physical activity, metabolic measurement monitoring and learning tasks. Patient general engagement is checked by estimating the usage of the system and the adherence of treatment and patient goals status in the short and the long term period. The Behavioural Analysis Module, consisting in a set of rules and equations, calculates the patients behaviour. After behavioural analysis is accomplished, the AFM library and the dispatch setting are updated by the AFM Manager module. Updates include the number, the type and the frequency of messages. The AFMs are periodically supervised by the professional who also participates to the refinement of the treatment, adapted to the current transtheoretical stage. The AFMs are segmented in different categories and levels and patients can adjust message delivery in accordance with their personal needs. The EBF was integrated to the METABO system, designed to facilitate diabetic patients in managing their disease in a less intrusive approach. Patient device corresponds in a mobile platform, while a medical panel interface allows professionals to monitoring the treatment evolution. Specific tools allow professional to check patient adherence and to update the AFMs dispatch management. The EBF was tested in a randomised controlled pilot. The main objective was to examine the feasibility and acceptance of the system. Secondary objectives were also the assessment of the effectiveness of system in terms of adherence improvement, glycaemic control, and quality of life. Participants were recruited from four different clinical centres in Europe. The baseline assessment included demographics, diabetes status, profile information, knowledge about diabetes in general, usage of ICT platforms, opinion and experience about electronic devices and adoption of good practices with diabetes. Acceptance and the effectiveness evaluation criteria were applied to evaluate the performance of the technological framework. The main objective was the assessment of the effectiveness of system in terms of adherence improvement. Fifty-four patients participated on the trials. Twenty-six patients were assigned in the intervention group and equipped with mobile where the EBF was installed: 14 patients were T1DM and 12 were T2DM. The control group was composed of 25 patients that were treated through a standard care, without the usage of the EBF. Professionals intervention for both intervention and control groups was carried out by 24 care providers, including endocrinologists, nutritionists, and nurses. In order to evaluate the system acceptability and analyse the users satisfaction, an online multi-language survey, using LimeSurvey, was produced for both patients and professionals. Results were also collected from the log-files generated in the PMDs, the professional medical panel and the entries of the data base. The messages sent to and from the EBF and the log-files of the system and communication services were recorded over 5 weeks of the study. A total of 2795 messages were submitted, representing an average of 107,50 messages per patient. As demonstrated, messages decrease over time indicating an overall improvement of the care plans adherence. As expected, T1DM patients were more loaded with short-term advices, in accordance with their condition. Similarly, being the focus of T2DM on long-term sustainable lifestyle changes, T2DM received more reminders advices, as for diet and physical activity. Favourable outcomes were observed for treatment and usage adherences of the intervention group: for both the adherence indices, results denoted a general improvement on each care plans dimension, such as on nutrition and blood glucose input measurements. Further studies were conducted on the change on educational level before and after the trial, measured for both control and intervention groups. The outcomes indicated the intervention group has improved its level of knowledge, while the control group denoted a low decrease. The correlation analysis between the level of adherences and the AFMs showed an improvement in usage adherence for patients who received warnings message, while non-significantly yet even positive indicators related to both treatment and usage adherence correlated with the Reminders. Moreover, the AFMs seemed to help those patients who did not take their treatment seriously enough in the beginning and who were willing to respond to the messages they received. Even though, patients who received too many Warnings, started to consider the message dispatch to be a bit stressful. The research work carried out in developing this research work provides responses to the four research hypothesis that were the motivation for the work: Hypothesis 1: It is possible to define a set of criteria to measure adherence in diabetic patients. Hypothesis 2: It is possible to design a technological framework, based on the aforementioned criteria and behavioural change theories, to engage diabetic patients in managing their disease and adhere to care plans. Hypothesis 3: It is possible to implement the technological framework in the mobile health domain. Hypothesis 4: It is possible to use the technological framework as a mobile health solution in a real context and have positive effects in terms of diabetes management indicators. The verification of each hypothesis allowed us to provide a response to the main hypothesis: The Main Hypothesis is: It is possible to improve diabetic adherence through a mHealth technological framework based on behavioural change theories. The work carried out to answer these questions is explained in this research work. The framework was developed and applied in the METABO project. METABO is an R&D project, co-funded by the European Commission (METABO 2008) that integrates mobile infrastructure for supporting the monitoring, management, and treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients.


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La competitividad del transporte de mercancas depende del estado y funcionamiento de las redes existentes y de sus infraestructuras, no del modo de transporte. En concreto, la rentabilidad o la reduccin de los costes de produccin del transporte martimo se vera incrementado con el uso de buques de mayor capacidad y con el desarrollo de plataformas portuarias de distribucin o puertos secos, ya que el 90% del comercio entre la Unin Europea y terceros pases se realiza a travs de sus puertos a un promedio de 3,2 billones de toneladas de mercancas manipuladas cada ao y el 40% del trfico intraeuropeo utiliza el transporte martimo de corta distancia. A pesar de que los puertos europeos acogen anualmente a ms de 400 millones de pasajeros, los grandes desarrollos se han producido en los puertos del norte de Europa (Rterdam, Amberes, msterdam). Los pases del Sur de Europa deben buscar nuevas frmulas para ser ms competitivos, ya sea mediante creacin de nuevas infraestructuras o mediante refuerzo de las existentes, ofreciendo los costes de los puertos del Norte. El fomento del transporte martimo y fluvial como alternativa al transporte por carretera, especialmente el transporte martimo de corta distancia, ha sido impulsado por la Comisin Europea (CE) desde 2003 a travs de programas de apoyo comunitario de aplicacin directa a las Autopistas del Mar, a modo de ejemplo, cabra citar los programas Marco Polo I y II, los cuales contaron con una dotacin presupuestaria total de 855 millones de euros para el perodo 2003 2013; en ese perodo de tiempo se establecieron objetivos de reduccin de congestin vial y mejora del comportamiento medio ambiental del sistema de transporte de mercancas dentro de la comunidad y la potenciacin de la intermodalidad. El concepto de Autopista del Mar surge en el Libro Blanco de Transportes de la Comisin Europea La poltica europea de transportes de cara al 2010: La hora de la verdad del 12 de diciembre de 2001, en el marco de una poltica europea para fomento y desarrollo de sistemas de transportes sostenibles. Las Autopistas del Mar consisten en rutas martimas de corta distancia entre dos puntos, de menor distancia que por va terrestre, en las que a travs del transporte intermodal mejoran significativamente los tiempos y costes de la cadena logstica, contribuyen a la reduccin de accidentes, ruidos y emisiones de CO2 a la atmsfera, permite que los conductores pierdan horas de trabajo al volante y evita el deterioro de las infraestructuras terrestres, con el consiguiente ahorro en mantenimiento. La viabilidad de una Autopista del Mar depende tanto de factores de ubicacin geogrficos, como de caractersticas propias del puerto, pasando por los diferentes requerimientos del mercado en cada momento (energticos, medio ambientales y tecnolgicos). Existe un elemento nuevo creado por la Comisin Europea: la red transeuropea de transportes (RTE-T). En el caso de Espaa, con sus dos accesos por los Pirineos (La Junquera e Irn) como nicos pasos terrestres de comunicacin con el continente y con importantes limitaciones ferroviarias debido a los tres anchos de va distintos, le resta competitividad frente al conjunto europeo; por el contrario, Espaa es el pas europeo con ms kilmetros de costa (con ms de 8.000 km) y con un emplazamiento geogrfico estratgico, lo que le convierte en una plataforma logstica para todo el sur de Europa, por lo que las Autopistas del Mar tendrn un papel importante y casi obligado para el desarrollo de los grandes corredores martimos que promueve Europa. De hecho, Gijn y Vigo lo han hecho muy bien con sus respectivas lneas definidas como Autopistas del Mar y que conectan con el puerto francs de Nantes-Saint Nazaire, ya que desde ah los camiones pueden coger rutas hacia el Norte. Paralelamente, la Unin Europea ha iniciado los pasos para el impulso de la primera Autopista del Mar que conectar Espaa con el mercado de Reino Unido, concretamente los Puertos de Bilbao y Tilbury. Adems, Espaa e Italia sellaron un acuerdo internacional para desarrollar Autopistas del Mar entre ambos pases, comprometindose a impulsar una docena de rutas entre puertos del litoral mediterrneo espaol y el italiano. Actualmente, estn en funcionando los trayectos como Barcelona-Gnova, Valencia-Civitavecchia y Alicante- Npoles, notablemente ms cortos por mar que por carretera. Bruselas identific cuatro grandes corredores martimos que podran concentrar una alta densidad de trfico de buques, y en dos de ellos Espaa ya tena desde un principio un papel crucial. La Comisin dise el 14 de abril de 2004, a travs del proyecto West-Mos, una red de trfico martimo que tiene como vas fundamentales la denominada Autopista del Bltico (que enlaza Europa central y occidental con los pases blticos), la Autopista de Europa suroriental (que une el Adritico con el Jnico y el Mediterrneo ms oriental) y tambin la Autopista de Europa occidental y la Autopista de Europa suroccidental (que enlazan Espaa con Reino Unido y la Francia atlntica y con la Francia mediterrnea e Italia, respectivamente). Para poder establecer Autopistas del Mar entre la Pennsula Ibrica y el Norte de Europa primar especialmente la retirada de camiones en la frontera pirenaica, donde el trfico pesado tiene actualmente una intensidad media diaria de 8.000 unidades, actuando sobre los puntos de mayor congestin, como por ejemplo los Alpes, los Pirineos, el Canal de la Mancha, las carreteras fronterizas de Francia y Euskadi, y proponiendo el traslado de las mercancas en barcos o en trenes. Por su parte, para contar con los subsidios y apoyos europeos las rutas seleccionadas como Autopistas del Mar deben mantener una serie de criterios de calidad relacionados con la frecuencia, coste plataforma logstica a plataforma logstica, simplicidad en procedimientos administrativos y participacin de varios pases, entre otros. Los estudios consideran inicialmente viables los tramos martimos superiores a 450 millas, con un volumen de unas 15.000 plataformas al ao y que dispongan de eficientes comunicaciones desde el puerto a las redes transeuropeas de autopistas y ferrocarril. Otro objetivo de las Autopistas del Mar es desarrollar las capacidades portuarias de forma que se puedan conectar mejor las regiones perifricas a escala del continente europeo. En lo que a Puertos se refiere, las terminales en los muelles deben contar con una lnea de atraque de 250 m., un calado superior a 8 m., una rampa ro-ro de doble calzada, gras portainer, y garantizar operatividad para un mnimo de dos frecuencias de carga semanales. El 28 de marzo de 2011 se public el segundo Libro Blanco sobre el futuro del transporte en Europa Hoja de ruta hacia un espacio nico europeo de transporte: por una poltica de transportes competitiva y sostenible, donde se defini el marco general de las acciones a emprender en los prximos diez aos en el mbito de las infraestructuras de transporte, la legislacin del mercado interior, la reduccin de la dependencia del carbono, la tecnologa para la gestin del trfico y los vehculos limpios, as como la estandarizacin de los distintos mercados. Entre los principales desafos se encuentran la eliminacin de los cuellos de botella y obstculos diversos de nuestra red europea de transporte, minimizar la dependencia del petrleo, reducir las emisiones de GEI en un 60% para 2050 con respecto a los niveles de 1990 y la inversin en nuevas tecnologas e infraestructuras que reduzcan estas emisiones de transporte en la UE. La conexin entre la UE y el norte de frica provoca elevados niveles de congestin en los puntos ms crticos del trayecto: frontera hispano-francesa, corredor del Mediterrneo y el paso del estrecho. A esto se le aade el hecho de que el sector del transporte por carretera est sujeto a una creciente competencia de mercado motivada por la eliminacin de las barreras europeas, mayores exigencias de los cargadores, mayores restricciones a los conductores y aumento del precio del gasleo. Por otro lado, el mercado potencial de pasajeros tiene una clara diferenciacin en tipos de flujos: los flujos en el perodo extraordinario de la Operacin Paso del Estrecho (OPE), enfocado principalmente a marroques que vuelven a su pas de vacaciones; y los flujos en el perodo ordinario, enfocado a la movilidad global de la poblacin. Por tanto, lo que se pretende conseguir con este estudio es analizar la situacin actual del trfico de mercancas y pasajeros con origen o destino la pennsula ibrica y sus causas, as como la investigacin de las ventajas de la creacin de una conexin martima (Autopista del Mar) con el Norte de frica, basndose en los condicionantes tcnicos, administrativos, econmicos, polticos, sociales y medio ambientales. The competitiveness of freight transport depends on the condition and operation of existing networks and infrastructure, not the mode of transport. In particular, profitability could be increased or production costs of maritime transport could be reduced by using vessels with greater capacity and developing port distribution platforms or dry ports, seeing as 90% of trade between the European Union and third countries happens through its ports. On average 3,2 billion tonnes of freight are handled annualy and 40% of intra-European traffic uses Short Sea Shipping. In spite of European ports annually hosting more than 400 million passengers, there have been major developments in the northern European ports (Rotterdam, Antwerp, Amsterdam). Southern European countries need to find new ways to be more competitive, either by building new infrastructure or by strengthening existing infrastructure, offering costs northern ports. The use of maritime and river transport as an alternative to road transport, especially Short Sea Shipping, has been driven by the European Commission (EC) from 2003 through community support programs for the Motorways of the Sea. These programs include, for example, the Marco Polo I and II programs, which had a total budget of 855 million euros for the period 2003-2013. During this time objectives were set for reducing road congestion, improving the environmental performance of the freight transport system within the community and enhancing intermodal transport. The Motorway of the Sea concept arises in the European Commissions Transport White Paper "European transport policy for 2010: time to decide" on 12 December 2001, as part of a European policy for the development and promotion of sustainable transport systems. A Motorway of the Sea is defined as a short sea route between two points, covering less distance than by road, which provides a significant improvement in intermodal transport times and to the cost supply chain. It contributes to reducing accidents, noise and CO2 emissions, allows drivers to shorten their driving time and prevents the deterioration of land infrastructure thereby saving on maintenance costs. The viability of a Motorway of the Sea depends as much on geographical location factors as on characteristics of the port, taking into account the different market requirements at all times (energy, environmental and technological). There is a new element created by the European Commission: the trans-European transport network (TEN-T). In the case of Spain, with its two access points in the Pyrenees (La Junquera and Irun) as the only land crossings connected to the mainland and major railway limitations due to the three different gauges, it appears less competitive compared to Europe as a whole. However, Spain is the European country with the most kilometers of coastline (over 8,000 km) and a strategic geographical location, which makes it a logistics platform for the all of Southern Europe. This is why the Motorways of the Sea will have an important role, and an almost necessary one to develop major maritime corridors that Europe supports. In fact, Gijon and Vigo have done very well with their respective sea lanes defined as Motorways of the Sea and which connect with the French port of Nantes-Saint Nazaire, as from there trucks can use nort-heading routes. In parallel, the European Union has taken the first steps to boost the first Motorway of the Sea linking Spain to the UK market, specifically the ports of Bilbao and Tilbury. Furthermore, Spain and Italy sealed an international agreement to develop Motorways of the Sea between both countries, pledging to develop a dozen routes between ports on the Spanish and Italian Mediterranean coasts. Currently, there are sea lanes already in use such as Barcelona-Genova, Valencia-Civitavecchia and Alicante-Naples, these are significantly shorter routes by sea than by road. Brussels identified four major maritime corridors that could hold heavy concentrate shipping traffic, and Spain had a crucial role in two of these from the beginning. On 14 April 2004 the Commission planned through the West-Mos project, a network of maritime traffic which includes the essential sea passages the so-called Baltic Motorway (linking Central and Western Europe with the Baltic countries), the southeast Europe Motorway (linking the Adriatic to the Ionian and eastern Mediterranean Sea), the Western Europe Motorway and southwestern Europe Motorway (that links Spain with Britain and the Atlantic coast of France and with the French Mediterranean coast and Italy, respectively). In order to establish Motorways of the Sea between the Iberian Peninsula and Northern Europe especially, it is necessary to remove trucks from the Pyrenean border, where sees heavy traffic (on average 8000 trucks per day) and addressing the points of greatest congestion, such as the Alps, the Pyrenees, the English Channel, the border roads of France and Euskadi, and proposing the transfer of freight on ships or trains. For its part, in order to receive subsidies and support from the European Commission, the routes selected as Motorways of the Sea should maintain a series of quality criteria related to frequency, costs "from logistics platform to logistics platform," simplicity in administrative procedures and participation of several countries, among others. To begin with, studies consider viable a maritime stretch of at least 450 miles with a volume of about 15,000 platforms per year and that have efficient connections from port to trans-European motorways and rail networks. Another objective of the Motorways of the Sea is to develop port capacity so that they can better connect peripheral regions across the European continent. Referring ports, the terminals at the docks must have a berthing line of 250 m., a draft greater than 8 m, a dual carriageway "ro-ro" ramp, portainer cranes, and ensure operability for a minimum of two loads per week. On 28 March 2011 the second White Paper about the future of transport in Europe "Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system" was published. In this Paper the general framework of actions to be undertaken in the next ten years in the field of transport infrastructure was defined, including internal market legislation, reduction of carbon dependency, traffic management technology and clean vehicles, as well as the standardization of different markets. The main challenges are how to eliminate bottlenecks and various obstacles in our European transport network, minimize dependence on oil, reduce GHG emissions by 60% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels and encourage investment in new technologies and infrastructure that reduce EU transport emissions. The connection between the EU and North Africa causes high levels of congestion on the most critical points of the journey: the Spanish-French border, the Mediterranean corridor and Gibraltar Strait. In addition to this, the road transport sector is subject to increased market competition motivated by the elimination of European barriers, greater demands of shippers, greater restrictions on drivers and an increase in the price of diesel. On the other hand, the potential passenger market has a clear differentiation in type of flows: flows in the special period of the Crossing the Straits Operation (CSO), mainly focused on Moroccans who return home on vacation; and flows in the regular session, focused on the global mobile population. Therefore, what I want to achieve with this study is present an analysis of the current situation of freight and passengers to or from the Iberian Peninsula and their causes, as well as present research on the advantages of creating a maritime connection (Motorways of the Sea) with North Africa, based on the technical, administrative, economic, political, social and environmental conditions.


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La seguridad y fiabilidad de los procesos industriales son la principal preocupacin de los ingenieros encargados de las plantas industriales. Por lo tanto, desde un punto de vista econmico, el objetivo principal es reducir el costo del mantenimiento, el tiempo de inactividad y las prdidas causadas por los fallos. Por otra parte, la seguridad de los operadores, que afecta a los aspectos sociales y econmicos, es el factor ms relevante a considerar en cualquier sistema Debido a esto, el diagnstico de fallos se ha convertido en un foco importante de inters para los investigadores de todo el mundo e ingenieros en la industria. Los principales trabajos enfocados en deteccin de fallos se basan en modelos de los procesos. Existen diferentes tcnicas para el modelado de procesos industriales tales como mquinas de estado, rboles de decisin y Redes de Petri (RdP). Por lo tanto, esta tesis se centra en el modelado de procesos utilizando redes de petri interpretadas. Redes de Petri es una herramienta usada en el modelado grfico y matemtico con la habilidad para describir informacin de los sistemas de una manera concurrente, paralela, asincrona, distribuida y no determinstica o estocstica. RdP son tambin una herramienta de comunicacin visual grfica til como lo son las cartas de flujo o diagramas de bloques. Adicionalmente, las marcas de las RdP simulan la dinmica y concurrencia de los sistemas. Finalmente, ellas tienen la capacidad de definir ecuaciones de estado especficas, ecuaciones algebraicas y otros modelos que representan el comportamiento comn de los sistemas. Entre los diferentes tipos de redes de petri (Interpretadas, Coloreadas, etc.), este trabajo de investigacin trata con redes de petri interpretadas principalmente debido a caractersticas tales como sincronizacin, lugares temporizados, aparte de su capacidad para procesamiento de datos. Esta investigacin comienza con el proceso para disear y construir el modelo y diagnosticador para detectar fallos definitivos, posteriormente, la dinmica temporal fue adicionada para detectar fallos intermitentes. Dos procesos industriales, concretamente un HVAC (Calefaccin, Ventilacin y Aire Acondicionado) y un Proceso de Envasado de Lquidos fueron usados como banco de pruebas para implementar la herramienta de diagnstico de fallos (FD) creada. Finalmente, su capacidad de diagnstico fue ampliada en orden a detectar fallos en sistemas hbridos. Finalmente, un pequeo helicptero no tripulado fue elegido como ejemplo de sistema donde la seguridad es un desafo, y las tcnicas de deteccin de fallos desarrolladas en esta tesis llevan a ser una herramienta valorada, desde que los accidentes de las aeronaves no tripuladas (UAVs) envuelven un alto costo econmico y son la principal razn para introducir restricciones de volar sobre reas pobladas. As, este trabajo introduce un proceso sistemtico para construir un Diagnosticador de Fallos del sistema mencionado basado en RdR Esta novedosa herramienta es capaz de detectar fallos definitivos e intermitentes. El trabajo realizado es discutido desde un punto de vista terico y prctico. El procedimiento comienza con la divisin del sistema en subsistemas para seguido integrar en una RdP diagnosticadora global que es capaz de monitorear el sistema completo y mostrar las variables crticas al operador en orden a determinar la salud del UAV, para de esta manera prevenir accidentes. Un Sistema de Adquisicin de Datos (DAQ) ha sido tambin diseado para recoger datos durante los vuelos y alimentar la RdP diagnosticadora. Vuelos reales realizados bajo condiciones normales y de fallo han sido requeridos para llevar a cabo la configuracin del diagnosticador y verificar su comportamiento. Vale la pena sealar que un alto riesgo fue asumido en la generacin de fallos durante los vuelos, a pesar de eso esto permiti recoger datos bsicos para desarrollar el diagnstico de fallos, tcnicas de aislamiento, protocolos de mantenimiento, modelos de comportamiento, etc. Finalmente, un resumen de la validacin de resultados obtenidos durante las pruebas de vuelo es tambin incluido. Un extensivo uso de esta herramienta mejorar los protocolos de mantenimiento para UAVs (especialmente helicpteros) y permite establecer recomendaciones en regulaciones. El uso del diagnosticador usando redes de petri es considerado un novedoso enfoque. ABSTRACT Safety and reliability of industrial processes are the main concern of the engineers in charge of industrial plants. Thus, from an economic point of view, the main goal is to reduce the maintenance downtime cost and the losses caused by failures. Moreover, the safety of the operators, which affects to social and economic aspects, is the most relevant factor to consider in any system. Due to this, fault diagnosis has become a relevant focus of interest for worldwide researchers and engineers in the industry. The main works focused on failure detection are based on models of the processes. There are different techniques for modelling industrial processes such as state machines, decision trees and Petri Nets (PN). Thus, this Thesis is focused on modelling processes by using Interpreted Petri Nets. Petri Nets is a tool used in the graphic and mathematical modelling with ability to describe information of the systems in a concurrent, parallel, asynchronous, distributed and not deterministic or stochastic manner. PNs are also useful graphical visual communication tools as flow chart or block diagram. Additionally, the marks of the PN simulate the dynamics and concurrence of the systems. Finally, they are able to define specific state equations, algebraic equations and other models that represent the common behaviour of systems. Among the different types of PN (Interpreted, Coloured, etc.), this research work deals with the interpreted Petri Nets mainly due to features such as synchronization capabilities, timed places, apart from their capability for processing data. This Research begins with the process for designing and building the model and diagnoser to detect permanent faults, subsequently, the temporal dynamic was added for detecting intermittent faults. Two industrial processes, namely HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition) and Liquids Packaging Process were used as testbed for implementing the Fault Diagnosis (FD) tool created. Finally, its diagnostic capability was enhanced in order to detect faults in hybrid systems. Finally, a small unmanned helicopter was chosen as example of system where safety is a challenge and fault detection techniques developed in this Thesis turn out to be a valuable tool since UAVs accidents involve high economic cost and are the main reason for setting restrictions to fly over populated areas. Thus, this work introduces a systematic process for building a Fault Diagnoser of the mentioned system based on Petri Nets. This novel tool is able to detect both intermittent and permanent faults. The work carried out is discussed from theoretical and practical point of view. The procedure begins with a division of the system into subsystems for further integration into a global PN diagnoser that is able to monitor the whole system and show critical variables to the operator in order to determine the UAV health, preventing accidents in this manner. A Data Acquisition System (DAQ) has been also designed for collecting data during the flights and feed PN Diagnoser. Real flights carried out under nominal and failure conditions have been required to perform the diagnoser setup and verify its performance. It is worth noting that a high risk was assumed in the generation of faults during the flights, nevertheless this allowed collecting basic data so as to develop fault diagnosis, isolations techniques, maintenance protocols, behaviour models, etc. Finally, a summary of the validation results obtained during real flight tests is also included. An extensive use of this tool will improve preventive maintenance protocols for UAVs (especially helicopters) and allow establishing recommendations in regulations. The use of the diagnoser by using Petri Nets is considered as novel approach.


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Esta tesis se desarrolla dentro del marco de las comunicaciones satelitales en el innovador campo de los pequeos satlites tambin llamados nanosatlites o cubesats, llamados as por su forma cubica. Estos nanosatlites se caracterizan por su bajo costo debido a que usan componentes comerciales llamados COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) y su pequeo tamao como los Cubesats 1U (10cm*10 cm*10 cm) con masa aproximada a 1 kg. Este trabajo de tesis tiene como base una iniciativa propuesta por el autor de la tesis para poner en rbita el primer satlite peruano en mi pas llamado chasqui I, actualmente puesto en rbita desde la Estacin Espacial Internacional. La experiencia de este trabajo de investigacin me llevo a proponer una constelacin de pequeos satlites llamada Waposat para dar servicio de monitoreo de sensores de calidad de agua a nivel global, escenario que es usado en esta tesis. Es ente entorno y dadas las caractersticas limitadas de los pequeos satlites, tanto en potencia como en velocidad de datos, es que propongo investigar una nueva arquitectura de comunicaciones que permita resolver en forma ptima la problemtica planteada por los nanosatlites en rbita LEO debido a su carcter disruptivo en sus comunicaciones poniendo nfasis en las capas de enlace y aplicacin. Esta tesis presenta y evala una nueva arquitectura de comunicaciones para proveer servicio a una red de sensores terrestres usando una solucin basada en DTN (Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking) para comunicaciones espaciales. Adicionalmente, propongo un nuevo protocolo de acceso mltiple que usa una extensin del protocolo ALOHA no ranurado, el cual toma en cuenta la prioridad del trafico del Gateway (ALOHAGP) con un mecanismo de contienda adaptativo. Utiliza la realimentacin del satlite para implementar el control de la congestin y adapta dinmicamente el rendimiento efectivo del canal de una manera ptima. Asumimos un modelo de poblacin de sensores finito y una condicin de trfico saturado en el que cada sensor tiene siempre tramas que transmitir. El desempeo de la red se evalu en trminos de rendimiento efectivo, retardo y la equidad del sistema. Adems, se ha definido una capa de convergencia DTN (ALOHAGP-CL) como un subconjunto del estndar TCP-CL (Transmission Control Protocol-Convergency Layer). Esta tesis muestra que ALOHAGP/CL soporta adecuadamente el escenario DTN propuesto, sobre todo cuando se utiliza la fragmentacin reactiva. Finalmente, esta tesis investiga una transferencia ptima de mensajes DTN (Bundles) utilizando estrategias de fragmentacin proactivas para dar servicio a una red de sensores terrestres utilizando un enlace de comunicaciones satelitales que utiliza el mecanismo de acceso mltiple con prioridad en el trfico de enlace descendente (ALOHAGP). El rendimiento efectivo ha sido optimizado mediante la adaptacin de los parmetros del protocolo como una funcin del nmero actual de los sensores activos recibidos desde el satlite. Tambin, actualmente no existe un mtodo para advertir o negociar el tamao mximo de un bundle que puede ser aceptado por un agente DTN bundle en las comunicaciones por satlite tanto para el almacenamiento y la entrega, por lo que los bundles que son demasiado grandes son eliminados o demasiado pequeos son ineficientes. He caracterizado este tipo de escenario obteniendo una distribucin de probabilidad de la llegada de tramas al nanosatlite as como una distribucin de probabilidad del tiempo de visibilidad del nanosatlite, los cuales proveen una fragmentacin proactiva ptima de los DTN bundles. He encontrado que el rendimiento efectivo (goodput) de la fragmentacin proactiva alcanza un valor ligeramente inferior al de la fragmentacin reactiva. Esta contribucin permite utilizar la fragmentacin activa de forma ptima con todas sus ventajas tales como permitir implantar el modelo de seguridad de DTN y la simplicidad al implementarlo en equipos con muchas limitaciones de CPU y memoria. La implementacin de estas contribuciones se han contemplado inicialmente como parte de la carga til del nanosatlite QBito, que forma parte de la constelacin de 50 nanosatlites que se est llevando a cabo dentro del proyecto QB50. ABSTRACT This thesis is developed within the framework of satellite communications in the innovative field of small satellites also known as nanosatellites (<10 kg) or CubeSats, so called from their cubic form. These nanosatellites are characterized by their low cost because they use commercial components called COTS (commercial off-the-shelf), and their small size and mass, such as 1U Cubesats (10cm * 10cm * 10cm) with approximately 1 kg mass. This thesis is based on a proposal made by the author of the thesis to put into orbit the first Peruvian satellite in his country called Chasqui I, which was successfully launched into orbit from the International Space Station in 2014. The experience of this research work led me to propose a constellation of small satellites named Waposat to provide water quality monitoring sensors worldwide, scenario that is used in this thesis. In this scenario and given the limited features of nanosatellites, both power and data rate, I propose to investigate a new communications architecture that allows solving in an optimal manner the problems of nanosatellites in orbit LEO due to the disruptive nature of their communications by putting emphasis on the link and application layers. This thesis presents and evaluates a new communications architecture to provide services to terrestrial sensor networks using a space Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) based solution. In addition, I propose a new multiple access mechanism protocol based on extended unslotted ALOHA that takes into account the priority of gateway traffic, which we call ALOHA multiple access with gateway priority (ALOHAGP) with an adaptive contention mechanism. It uses satellite feedback to implement the congestion control, and to dynamically adapt the channel effective throughput in an optimal way. We assume a finite sensor population model and a saturated traffic condition where every sensor always has frames to transmit. The performance was evaluated in terms of effective throughput, delay and system fairness. In addition, a DTN convergence layer (ALOHAGP-CL) has been defined as a subset of the standard TCP-CL (Transmission Control Protocol-Convergence Layer). This thesis reveals that ALOHAGP/CL adequately supports the proposed DTN scenario, mainly when reactive fragmentation is used. Finally, this thesis investigates an optimal DTN message (bundles) transfer using proactive fragmentation strategies to give service to a ground sensor network using a nanosatellite communications link which uses a multi-access mechanism with priority in downlink traffic (ALOHAGP). The effective throughput has been optimized by adapting the protocol parameters as a function of the current number of active sensors received from satellite. Also, there is currently no method for advertising or negotiating the maximum size of a bundle which can be accepted by a bundle agent in satellite communications for storage and delivery, so that bundles which are too large can be dropped or which are too small are inefficient. We have characterized this kind of scenario obtaining a probability distribution for frame arrivals to nanosatellite and visibility time distribution that provide an optimal proactive fragmentation of DTN bundles. We have found that the proactive effective throughput (goodput) reaches a value slightly lower than reactive fragmentation approach. This contribution allows to use the proactive fragmentation optimally with all its advantages such as the incorporation of the security model of DTN and simplicity in protocol implementation for computers with many CPU and memory limitations. The implementation of these contributions was initially contemplated as part of the payload of the nanosatellite QBito, which is part of the constellation of 50 nanosatellites envisaged under the QB50 project.