1000 resultados para Comunicación no Verbal
The basketball refereeing has undergone many changes in the last ten years. This article claims to combine some conceptual and methodological basis to define the meanings for the so called ‘modern refereeing’. Indeed, this research is concerned to the analysis of the new communication skills as an inseparable asset to the arbitration task, characterized by the dialogue, the administration of 'soft power', the emotional management and the adoption of a renewed and empathic attitude towards all the components of the game. Finally, this paper will propose the concretion of some specific communicative characteristics of the basketball refereeing in the XXI century.
The study of the communicative implications related to landscapes opens a wide range of possibilities concerning the treatment of the communication and landscape relationship. Issues such as the effects of the landscape on the processes of human communication (intrapersonal and interpersonal communication), the follow-up of the communicative processes by means of which the landscape becomes an object of trade (mass communication), the construction of individual and collective imaginaries arising from the citizenship and landscape exchange and, recently, the construction of territorial identities through the production of a brand image of a city or country (i. e., tourist promotion, city marketing and branding). All of them have important implications in the contemporary societies. For that reason, it appears almost essential to progress towards a communicative landscape model, a target which becomes possible if we interrelate geography and communication studies, two fields apparently unrelated one another concerning their origins and practice, although they are very close if we look at the recent evolution of their paradigms and the approach to certain concepts, such as space and landscape.
Aquest Treball Final de Grau se centra en la gestió de comunicació en les situacions de crisis institucionals, donat que aquestes han demostrat que la imatge és un dels actius més rellevants en les organitzacions. Per atenuar totes les conseqüències negatives de les crisis, s’ha de comprometre’s a la preparació i a la prevenció dels riscos des de tots els punts de vista. Les crisis ben gestionades poden ser oportunitats per reposicionar una marca i, a la vegada, enfortir-la. Per aquest motiu, una bona gestió de crisis és la base per intentar evitar una crisis o, en el cas que succeeixi, sortir il·lès de les conseqüències i millorar la imatge de l’entitat. A més a més, per recalcar la importància d’una bona preparació abans que esdevingui la crisis, s’analitza un cas - la crisis sanitària de l’ebola a España - on es reflexa clarament la necessitat d’estar previngut.
El turismo es a menudo el aspecto promocional más visible en el proceso de creación y proyección de una determinada imagen territorial. Esto es debido a que la actividad turística acumula un amplio bagaje en aspectos vinculados a la comercialización de espacios geográficos, y esta circunstancia incide, por ejemplo, en la presencia de numerosa literatura relacionada con la promoción, el marketing y el branding de espacios turísticos. A nivel metodológico, se ha optado por un análisis de fuentes documentales, que ha servido para fijar los cimientos de la evolución de la comunicación de los espacios turísticos mediante el uso de marcas. Se concluye que el registro de la comunicación turística ha experimentado una clara mutación en base a una doble dualidad: de la información a la persuasión y de la promoción a la emoción. Asi mismo, el trabajo en cuestión muestra de qué forma la estrategia comunicativa transcurre nuevamente entorno a las necesidades emociona les del potencial turista y/o visitante en detrimento de las necesidades de información subyacentes al propio destino turístico.
La recién creada Ley del Paisaje de Catalunya responde, en primer lugar, a una nueva toma en consideración del paisaje como activo físico y cultural a preservar. El Observatorio del Paisaje de Catalunya es el ente encargado de gestionar dicha ley, mediante la redacción de los denominados Catálogos del Paisaje. Resulta especialmente interesante ahondar en el apartado que hace referencia a la delimitación de los valores simbólicos e identitarios del paisaje, los cuales serán implementados mediante procesos de participación pública, vehiculados, en su mayor parte, a través de Internet y de entrevistas a agentes sociales interesados (stakeholders). La semiótica, por su parte, se consolida como la ciencia general de los signos y representa, en este caso, un auténtico descodificador de la capacidad de evocación comunicativa del paisaje hacia la población. Esta comunicación dará a conocer los procesos –en esencia comunicacionales- mediante los cuales se ha intentado hacer aflorar los valores intangibles de los paisajes de Catalunya.
Sobre el impacto que las TIC pueden tener en las relaciones interpersonales, ya sean en la familia y/o con los amigos/as, desde una perspectiva psicosocial
This paper studies the initial development of certain language components. More precisely, we analyse the relation between three aspects that are closely involved in the grammar of the verb: morphological productivity, syntactic complexity, and verb vocabulary learning. The study is based on data about the relationship between lexical development and grammatical development, and also on proposals that a critical mass of vocabulary is needed in order to develop a grammatical component. The sample comprised six subjects who are monolingual or bilingual in Catalan andlor Spanish. Results show a morphological spurt some time afer the learning of a certain quantity of verbs. Moreover, syntactic complexity is only evident some months after this morphological spurt
This work considers communicative intention as the basis for rhe analysis of rhe communicative phenomenon in natural contexts. It also aims to reconcile the traditions that analyse human communication today. The convergence with the referential-ecological approach (Boada and Forns, 1989; 1997) has dealt with a number of important problems that the classic referential approach was unable to address. Its system of categories includes new variables, in addition to the classic referential variables. The cornmunicative intention is taken into account, albeit implicitly. Using a conciliatory approach, the study aims to study the intentional dimension in greater depth. The speech act theory (Searle, 1969; 1975) is used to categorize the cornrnunicative exchanges arnong a sarnple of 28 individuals and presents a certain complirnentariety with data from other traditions
Introducción: La fuerte presencia del lenguaje audiovisual en nuestra sociedad, nos ha motivado a desarrollar una actividad didáctica que denominamos"vídeo-síntesis"que se aplica en la asignatura obligatoria"Historia de la Profesión". Presentamos esta experiencia en sus fases de diseño, aplicación y evaluación...
Este trabajo se centra en estudiar la adquisición de la morfología verbal en una lengua con un paradigma verbal morfológicamente rico. Se predice que los niños de dos años no mostrarán productividad morfológica ante verbos desconocidos. La muestra se compone de 12 sujetos de edades comprendidas entre los 22 y los 31 meses. El procedimiento, de tipo experimental, se caracteriza por entrenar a los niños con verbos inventados. Los resultados muestran que los sujetos solamente utilizan los nuevos verbos con la forma morfológica con la que se han presentado. También se observa la omisión de determinados constituyentes de la oración. Estos resultados se discuten en relación con la asunción de discontinuidad de las competencias lingüísticas infantiles
Se presenta la evolución de la sociedad digital en el mundo y el papel retrasado de España en esta evolución. Como influye el marco económico y social en este devenir y los escenarios que se plantean de cara la enseñanza universitaria en general y de la ingeniería gráfica en particular.
The main focus of the present thesis was at verbal episodic memory processes that are particularly vulnerable to preclinical and clinical Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Here these processes were studied by a word learning paradigm, cutting across the domains of memory and language learning studies. Moreover, the differentiation between normal aging, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD was studied by the cognitive screening test CERAD. In study I, the aim was to examine how patients with amnestic MCI differ from healthy controls in the different CERAD subtests. Also, the sensitivity and specificity of the CERAD screening test to MCI and AD was examined, as previous studies on the sensitivity and specificity of the CERAD have not included MCI patients. The results indicated that MCI is characterized by an encoding deficit, as shown by the overall worse performance on the CERAD Wordlist learning test compared with controls. As a screening test, CERAD was not very sensitive to MCI. In study II, verbal learning and forgetting in amnestic MCI, AD and healthy elderly controls was investigated with an experimental word learning paradigm, where names of 40 unfamiliar objects (mainly archaic tools) were trained with or without semantic support. The object names were trained during a 4-day long period and a follow-up was conducted one week, 4 weeks and 8 weeks after the training period. Manipulation of semantic support was included in the paradigm because it was hypothesized that semantic support might have some beneficial effects in the present learning task especially for the MCI group, as semantic memory is quite well preserved in MCI in contrast to episodic memory. We found that word learning was significantly impaired in MCI and AD patients, whereas forgetting patterns were similar across groups. Semantic support showed a beneficial effect on object name retrieval in the MCI group 8 weeks after training, indicating that the MCI patients’ preserved semantic memory abilities compensated for their impaired episodic memory. The MCI group performed equally well as the controls in the tasks tapping incidental learning and recognition memory, whereas the AD group showed impairment. Both the MCI and the AD group benefited less from phonological cueing than the controls. Our findings indicate that acquisition is compromised in both MCI and AD, whereas long13 term retention is not affected to the same extent. Incidental learning and recognition memory seem to be well preserved in MCI. In studies III and IV, the neural correlates of naming newly learned objects were examined in healthy elderly subjects and in amnestic MCI patients by means of positron emission tomography (PET) right after the training period. The naming of newly learned objects by healthy elderly subjects recruited a left-lateralized network, including frontotemporal regions and the cerebellum, which was more extensive than the one related to the naming of familiar objects (study III). Semantic support showed no effects on the PET results for the healthy subjects. The observed activation increases may reflect lexicalsemantic and lexical-phonological retrieval, as well as more general associative memory mechanisms. In study IV, compared to the controls, the MCI patients showed increased anterior cingulate activation when naming newly learned objects that had been learned without semantic support. This suggests a recruitment of additional executive and attentional resources in the MCI group.
A confiança no médico e o sucesso terapêutico dependem, além de outros fatores, de uma boa comunicação entre profissional de saúde e paciente. O presente estudo buscou conhecer a percepção dos pacientes sobre aspectos da comunicação não verbal que influenciam a consolidação da confiança no médico. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo e analítico, com amostra aleatória de pacientes alocada em locais públicos da cidade. Foram realizadas 182 entrevistas com pessoas de idades entre 18 e 88 anos, registrando-se preferência pelo perfil mais tradicionalista do profissional, com roupas brancas, cabelos aparados e sem acessórios. O uso de maquiagem e acessórios (brincos, pulseiras, etc.) para mulheres é aceito com moderação. Existe restrição ao uso de piercings, tatuagens e brincos em homens, especialmente pela população idosa. Confirmando a importância da aparência na comunicação médico-paciente, o estudo destaca a necessidade da inserção do tema nos currículos médicos, uma vez que esses aspectos são pouco discutidos na formação do profissional médico, o que permitirá reflexões sobre aspectos não verbais da comunicação na relação médico-paciente e poderá influenciar positivamente as atitudes dos novos profissionais.