983 resultados para Colonial literature
Tuberous sclerosis (TS) or Bourneville"s disease is a rare, multisystemic genetic disorder. It involves alterations to ectodermal and mesodermal cell differentiation and proliferation, causing benign hamartomatous tumors, neurofibromas and angiofibromas in the brain and other vital organs including the kidney, heart, eyes, lungs, skin and mucosa. It also affects the central nervous system and produces neurological dysfunctions such as seizures, mental retardation and behavior disorders. Tuberous (rootshaped) growths develop in the brain, and calcify over time, becoming hard and sclerotic, hence the name given to the disease. Although inheritance is autosomal dominant, 60-70% of cases occur through spontaneous mutations. The disease is related to some mutations or alterations in two genes, named TSC1 and TSC2. Discovered in 1997, TSC1 is located on chromosome 9q34 and produces a protein called hamartin. TSC2, discovered in 1993, is located on chromosome 16p13 and produces a protein called tuberin. The prevalence of the disease is 1/6000-10,000 live newborns, and it is estimated that there are 1-2 million sufferers worldwide. This paper presents a literature review and a family case report of a mother and two of her daughters with oral features of TS
Introduction: Odontomas are benign odontogenic tumors composed of enamel, dentine, cement and pulp tissue. They are usually clinically asymptomatic, but often associated with tooth eruption disturbances. In exceptional cases the odontoma erupts into the mouth. The present study reports three cases of odontomas erupted into the oral cavity and reviews the literature. Clinical cases: The first case was an 11-year-old girl with impacted 4.6 associated to a radiopaque mass measuring about 2 cm in diameter. The histological diagnosis was complex odontoma. A clinical and radiological follow-up of 4.6 was carried out until its spontaneous eruption. The second case was a 26-year-old male presenting a hard, yellowish-brown mass located distal to the upper left second molar. Computed tomography confi rmed the presence of a radiopaque lesion, and the histopathological study confirmed a complex odontoma. The third patient was a 27-year-old male reporting tongue irritation due to tooth eruption in the inferior lingual region. A periapical radiograph revealed a mixed radiopaque lesion associated to impacted 3.2. The histological report in this case indicated a compound odontoma. Discussion: Odontomas erupting into the oral cavity are rare. The first case was published in 1980, and since then only 17 cases have been reported in the literature. Eight of the 17 cases were complex odontomas; the rest were compound odontomas. Pain, swelling and infection were the most common symptoms, and 13 cases presented an impacted tooth associated with the lesion
Target identification for tractography studies requires solid anatomical knowledge validated by an extensive literature review across species for each seed structure to be studied. Manual literature review to identify targets for a given seed region is tedious and potentially subjective. Therefore, complementary approaches would be useful. We propose to use text-mining models to automatically suggest potential targets from the neuroscientific literature, full-text articles and abstracts, so that they can be used for anatomical connection studies and more specifically for tractography. We applied text-mining models to three structures: two well-studied structures, since validated deep brain stimulation targets, the internal globus pallidus and the subthalamic nucleus and, the nucleus accumbens, an exploratory target for treating psychiatric disorders. We performed a systematic review of the literature to document the projections of the three selected structures and compared it with the targets proposed by text-mining models, both in rat and primate (including human). We ran probabilistic tractography on the nucleus accumbens and compared the output with the results of the text-mining models and literature review. Overall, text-mining the literature could find three times as many targets as two man-weeks of curation could. The overall efficiency of the text-mining against literature review in our study was 98% recall (at 36% precision), meaning that over all the targets for the three selected seeds, only one target has been missed by text-mining. We demonstrate that connectivity for a structure of interest can be extracted from a very large amount of publications and abstracts. We believe this tool will be useful in helping the neuroscience community to facilitate connectivity studies of particular brain regions. The text mining tools used for the study are part of the HBP Neuroinformatics Platform, publicly available at http://connectivity-brainer.rhcloud.com/.
BACKGROUND: In 2008, the Swiss Civil Code was amended. From 1 January 2013, each Swiss canton may propose specific provisions for involuntary outpatient treatment (community treatment orders (CTOs)) for individuals with mental disorders. AIM: This review catalogues the legal provisions of the various Swiss cantons for CTOs and outlines the differences between them. It sets this in the context of variations in clinical provisions between the cantons. METHODS: Databases were searched to obtain relevant publications about CTOs in Switzerland. The Swiss Medical Association, Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Swiss Health Observatory and all the 26 Cantonal medical officers were contacted to complete the information. Conférence des cantons en matière de protection des mineurs et des adultes (COPMA), the authority which monitors guardianship legislation, and Pro Mente Sana, a patients' right association, were also approached. RESULTS: Three articles about CTOs in Switzerland were identified. Psychiatric provisions vary considerably between cantons and only a few could provide complete or even partial figures for rates of compulsion in previous years. Prior to 2013, only 6 of the 20 cantons, for which information was returned, had any provision for CTOs. Now, every canton has some form of legal basis but the level of detail is often limited. In eight cantons, the powers of the measure are not specified (for example, use of medication). In 12 cantons, the maximum duration of the CTO is not specified. German speaking cantons and rural cantons are more likely to specify the details of CTOs. CONCLUSION: Highly variable Swiss provision for CTOs is being introduced despite the absence of convincing international evidence for their effectiveness or good quality data on current coercive practice. Careful monitoring and assessment of these new cantonal provisions are essential.
En este artículo nos centraremos en el Atlántico y las relaciones en clave cultural (de ida y vuelta) entre América y Europa. Analizaremos los estudios que se han ocupado de la cultura escrita, la historiografía sobre la correspondencia, la circulación de los textos y las redes de distribución de libros en las relaciones atlánticas, donde la comunicación estaba sujeta a un ritmo propio de contacto y transferencia. La mirada en torno a los fenómenos atlánticos supone romper ciertas barreras, admitir la mezcla y lo diverso, no centrarse únicamente en las interpretaciones institucionales y jurídicas, ya que la norma se fija, pero su transgresión se da de manera habitual en las relaciones atlánticas.
Ascidians have developed multiple defensive strategies mostly related to physical, nutritional or chemical properties of the tunic. One of such is chemical defense based on secondary metabolites. We analyzed a series of colonial Antarctic ascidians from deep-water collections belonging to the genera Aplidium and Synoicum to evaluate the incidence of organic deterrents and their variability. The ether fractions from 15 samples including specimens of the species A. falklandicum, A. fuegiense, A. meridianum, A. millari and S. adareanum were subjected to feeding assays towards two relevant sympatric predators: the starfish Odontaster validus, and the amphipod Cheirimedon femoratus. All samples revealed repellency. Nonetheless, some colonies concentrated defensive chemicals in internal body-regions rather than in the tunic. Four ascidian-derived meroterpenoids, rossinones B and the three derivatives 2,3-epoxy-rossinone B, 3-epi-rossinone B, 5,6-epoxy-rossinone B, and the indole alkaloids meridianins A-G, along with other minoritary meridianin compounds were isolated from several samples. Some purified metabolites were tested in feeding assays exhibiting potent unpalatabilities, thus revealing their role in predation avoidance. Ascidian extracts and purified compound-fractions were further assessed in antibacterial tests against a marine Antarctic bacterium. Only the meridianins showed inhibition activity, demonstrating a multifunctional defensive role. According to their occurrence in nature and within our colonial specimens, the possible origin of both types of metabolites is discussed.
The intrinsic physical and radiobiological characteristics of High Dose Rate Brachytherapy (HDR-BT) are well suited to the treatment of prostate cancer. HDR-BT was initially used as a boost to external beam brachytherapy, but has subsequently been employed as the sole treatment, which is termed HDR monotherapy. This review summarizes the clinical outcomes and toxicity results of the principal studies and discusses the radiobiological basis supporting its use.
El presente artículo analiza los Comentarios reales e Historia general del Perú, de Garcilaso de la Vega, y la Nueva corónica y buen gobierno, de Guaman Poma de Ayala, teniendo en cuenta las distintas leyes que la corona española promulgó para el buen gobierno de las indias. Esta aproximación permite destacar aquellas partes de ambas crónicas cuya redacción está más íntimamente ligada al devenir de la política colonial durante el siglo XVI.
El projecte se centra en l"expansió colonial atlàntica espanyola, especialment durant el segle XVI, estudiada a partir del coneixement arqueològic i arqueomètric de la ceràmica de pisa o majòlica, de les ceràmiques vidrades i dels contenidors de transport, però també de les ceràmiques indígenes d"estil europeu. Amb això, l"objectiu bàsic del projecte és aprofundir en els aspectes d"aculturació o de transculturació, de relacions i d"influències que es generen en un procés colonitzador, entre els colonitzadors i els grups humans colonitzats, però també l"aparició de noves identitats que sorgeixen en els espais colonitzats, amb grups humans generalment mixtos i complexos. Aquest objectiu general es concreta en quatre objectius concrets: la caracterització arqueològica i arqueomètrica dels centres productors i de difusió de Barcelona, Sevilla i el País Basc; la caracterització d"aquests materials, i dels materials indígenes d"influència europea, dels centres receptors de Gran Canària, Perú, Colombia i Canadà; la interpretació d"aquests materials ceràmics tant en termes de comerç, intercanvi i difusió, com des de la perspectiva del seu consum, com a artefactes que marquen o confereixen identitat social o estatus, i la seva participació en aspectes com les tradicions culturals, l"etnicitat o la creació de noves identitats; i la derivació de models teòrics aplicables a contextos colonials, basats en els estudis arqueològics i arqueomètrics de les ceràmiques implicades.
El projecte TECNOLONIAL té com a principal objectiu aprofundir en aspectes relacionats amb la interacció, influència i aculturació durant el procés de colonització a Amèrica. En aquest sentit, cal destacar que s"utilitza el terme"aculturació" com a nom genèric per denominar un procés complex de contactes entre societats diferents i diverses; procés que donarà com a resultat diverses respostes a la integració i/o resistència d"acord amb diferents situacions i estratègies, com el desenvolupament de noves identitats en les àrees colonitzades on grups humans mixtos i complexos es troben ubicats. El projecte se centra en l"expansió atlàntica espanyola, especialment durant el segle XVI, com a punt de partida del comerç global que es practica avui dia entre societats completament interconnectades.La investigació es basa essencialment en l"estudi de la ceràmica (majòlica, vidriada i contenidors de transport, com també ceràmiques indígenes), que és un bé o un bé comercial de valor intrínsec, d"ús intensiu i relacionat amb activitats quotidianes i simbòliques. A més, la seva ubiqüitat i abundància en el registre arqueològic converteixen la ceràmica en l"objecte ideal per contestar aquest tipus de qüestions. En aquest sentit, la caracterització de la tecnologia ceràmica, que inclou les seves decoracions i vidriats les propietats mecàniques, com també l"avaluació dels seus dissenys formals, ens ha de permetre aconseguir un profund coneixement de la tecnologia europea i del seu impacte transformador sobre la producció ceràmica indígena
The use of implants for oral rehabilitation of edentulous spaces has recently been on the increase, which has also led to an increase in complications such as peri-implant inflammation or peri-implantitis. Chronic inflammation is a risk factor for developing oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Objectives: To review the literature of cases that associate implant placement with the development of oral cancer. Study design: We present two clinical cases and a systematic review of literature published on the relationship between oral cancer and implants. Results: We found 13 articles published between the years 1996 and 2009, referencing 18 cases in which the osseointegrated implants are associated with oral squamous cell carcinoma. Of those, 6 articles were excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria. Of the 18 cases reported, only 7 cases did not present a previous history of oral cancer or cancer in other parts of the body. Conclusions: Based on the review of these cases, a clear cause-effect relationship cannot be established, although it can be deduced that there is a possibility that implant treatment may constitute an irritant and/or inflammatory cofactor which contributes to the formation and/or development of OSCC.