986 resultados para Cns Prophylaxis
BACKGROUND: The influence of recent immobilization or surgery on mortality in cancer patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) has not been thoroughly studied. METHODS: We used the RIETE Registry data to compare the 3-month mortality rate in cancer patients with VTE, with patients categorized according to the presence of recent immobilization, surgery or neither. The major outcomes were fatal pulmonary embolism (PE) and fatal bleeding within the first 3 months. RESULTS: Of 6,746 patients with active cancer and acute VTE, 1,224 (18%) had recent immobilization, 1,055 (16%) recent surgery, and 4,467 (66%) had neither. The all-cause mortality was 23.4% (95% CI: 22.4-24.5), and the PE-related mortality: 2.5% (95% CI: 2.1-2.9). Four in every ten patients dying of PE had recent immobilization (37%) or surgery (5.4%). Only 28% of patients with immobilization had received prophylaxis, as compared with 67% of the surgical. Fatal PE was more common in patients with recent immobilization (5.0%; 95% CI: 3.9-6.3) than in those with surgery (0.8%; 95% CI: 0.4-1.6) or neither (2.2%; 95% CI: 1.8-2.6). On multivariate analysis, patients with immobilization were at an increased risk for fatal PE (odds ratio: 1.8; 95% CI: 1.2-2.5). CONCLUSIONS: One in every three cancer patients dying of PE had recent immobilization for ≥ 4 days. Many of these deaths could have been prevented with adequate thromboprophylaxis.
Primary brain tumours are heterogeneous in histology, genetics, and outcome. Although WHO's classification of tumours of the CNS has greatly helped to standardise diagnostic criteria worldwide, it does not consider the substantial progress that has been made in the molecular classification of many brain tumours. Recent practice-changing clinical trials have defined a role for routine assessment of MGMT promoter methylation in glioblastomas in elderly people, and 1p and 19q codeletions in anaplastic oligodendroglial tumours. Moreover, large-scale molecular profiling approaches have identified new mutations in gliomas, affecting IDH1, IDH2, H3F3, ATRX, and CIC, which has allowed subclassification of gliomas into distinct molecular subgroups with characteristic features of age, localisation, and outcome. However, these molecular approaches cannot yet predict patients' benefit from therapeutic interventions. Similarly, transcriptome-based classification of medulloblastoma has delineated four variants that might now be candidate diseases in which to explore novel targeted agents.
It is estimated that one third of the world population is latently infected by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and thus at risk of reactivation. Latent tuberculosis (TB) impact in Switzerland is often overlooked. Diagnosis and prophylaxis are insufficiently undertaken, especially for people at higher risk of reactivation due to immunosuppression. Interferon-gamma release assays replace tuberculosis skin tests for diagnosis of latent infection in adults. It is still recommended to treat prophylactically a case of latent TB infection with 9 months of isoniazid; however therapy with rifampicin for 4 months, currently an alternative option, is linked to improved adherence and favorable cost-benefit ratio.
OBJECTIVE: Minimizing unwarranted prescription of antibiotics remains an important objective. Because of the heterogeneity between units regarding patient mix and other characteristics, site-specific targets for reduction must be identified. Here we present a model to address the issue by means of an observational cohort study. SETTING: A tertiary, multidisciplinary, neonatal, and pediatric intensive care unit of a university teaching hospital. PATIENTS: All newborns and children present in the unit (n = 456) between September 1998 and March 1999. Reasons for admission included postoperative care after cardiac surgery, major neonatal or pediatric surgery, severe trauma, and medical conditions requiring critical care. METHODS: Daily recording of antibiotics given and of indications for initiation. After discontinuation, each treatment episode was assessed as to the presence or absence of infection. RESULTS: Of the 456 patients 258 (56.6%) received systemic antibiotics, amounting to 1815 exposure days (54.6%) during 3322 hospitalization days. Of these, 512 (28%) were prescribed as prophylaxis and 1303 for suspected infection. Treatment for suspected ventilator-associated pneumonia accounted for 616 (47%) of 1303 treatment days and suspected sepsis for 255 days (20%). Patients were classified as having no infection or viral infection during 552 (40%) treatment days. The average weekly exposure rate in the unit varied considerably during the 29-week study period (range: 40-77/100 hospitalization days). Patient characteristics did not explain this variation. CONCLUSION: In this unit the largest reduction in antibiotic treatment would result from measures assisting suspected ventilator-associated pneumonia to be ruled out and from curtailing extended prophylaxis.
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha, interleukins (IL) 2, 4, 6, and 10, and IgG oligoclonal bands (IgG OB) in vitro production was assessed, after whole-blood stimulation with lipopolysaccharide or concanavalin A, in 61 patients presenting with relapsing-remitting, relapsing-progressive, or chronic progressive multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis patients were receiving no treatment or azathioprine (AZA), cyclosporin, cyclophosphamide, subcutaneous interferon (IFN) beta 1 a, or corticosteroids (CST). Statistical correlations significantly showed that: (a) AZA lowers TNF-alpha (P = 0.002) and increases IL-4 production (P = 0.0024), and IFN-beta 1 a increases TNF-alpha and decreases IL-4 levels; (b) CST has a negative effect on TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-4 synthesis; and (c) AZA, IFN-beta 1 a, and CST diminish IgG OB synthesis (P = 0.001). Although our study of the dynamics of TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10 in vitro production generally found no statistically significant correlations (partly explained by the limited number of values in the various groups), IL-6 was shown to drop during the periods surrounding relapse (P = 0.05) in the absence of treatment, while TNF-alpha (P = 0.04) and IL-6 (P < 0.05) dropped before exacerbation in the presence of AZA. In vitro production of TNF-alpha was closely and positively correlated with that of IL-6, independently of clinical features. The enhanced production of IL-10 detected before or at relapse with AZA and IFN-beta 1 a (trends) may interfere with initiation of the immune reaction and with the development of new CNS lesions. Some discrepancies with previously published results stress the difficulties in studying the state of stimulation of different populations of leukocytes by using a variety of in vitro stimuli and in establishing a correlation between mRNA studies and the amount of final or active protein produced.
El sistema nerviós central (SNC) i el sistema immunitari (SI) estan estretament connectats. Es produeixen nombroses alteracions en el sistema immunitari després de la isquèmia i la inflamació es reconeix com una de les principals causes de la progressió de la lesió isquèmica. És molt important determinar el paper de les diferents cèl•lules implicades en la resposta immunitària i inflamatòria després de la isquèmia i el perfil de citocines que s’alliberen. A partir de l’estudi de les diferents poblacions de leucòcits en sang circulant després de la isquèmia, hem determinat que la subpoblació de monòcits (CD43high/CD11bhigh) augmenta a 48h de manera proporcional al volum d’infart. Aquesta població està formada per dos subtipus descrits de monòcits, els no clàssics (CD43high/Ly6C-) i els intermedis (CD43high/Ly6Cdim), i sembla expressar un perfil de citocines anti-inflamatòries així com una major capacitat fagocítica. Per altra banda, observem la presència de CD43 en el cervell i la seva degradació a 4 dies després de la isquèmia. També s’observa l’aparició de la fracció soluble del CD43 en el parènquima cerebral després del trencament de la barrera hematoencefàlica. Addicionalment, hem estudiat com s’alteren els canvis a nivell immunològic en ratolins deficients en CD69 i hem observat una pitjor progressió del volum d’infart en els animals CD69KO. A més a més hem volgut esbrinar el paper dels limfòcits utilitzant ratolins RAG (-/-) que tenen infarts més petits que els WT, però quan aquests careixen de CD69, tenen infarts significativament més grans. En l’estudi del procés inflamatori en la isquèmica, hem treballat amb ratolins deficient en ApoE i IL10. Pel que fa als ratolins ApoE (-/-), observem que tenen un volum d’infart més gran a les 24h i que es manté fins als 4 dies, i proposem que NFkB pot tenir un paper molt rellevant en aquest procés. Pel que fa a la IL-10, els animals deficients en aquesta citocina presenten un volum d’infart major i una expressió de citocines proinflamatòries més alt. A més a més, els ratolins IL10 KO presenten uns nivells de IL-12 més elevats de manera basal, i proposem que això és degut a la falta de la IL-10 per a inhibir la via.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Central nervous system (CNS) stimulants may be used to reduce tiredness and increase alertness, competitiveness, and aggression. They are more likely to be used in competition but may be used during training to increase the intensity of the training session. There are several potential dangers involving their misuse in contact sports. This paper reviews the three main CNS stimulants, ephedrine, amfetamine, and cocaine, in relation to misuse in sport. METHODS: Description of the pharmacology, actions, and side effects of amfetamine, cocaine, and ephedrine. RESULTS: CNS stimulants have psychotropic effects that may be perceived to be ergogenic. Some are prescription drugs, such as Ephedra alkaloids, and there are issues regarding their appropriate therapeutic use. Recently attention has been given to their widespread use by athletes, despite the lack of evidence regarding any ergogenic or real performance benefit, and their potentially serious side effects. Recreational drugs, some of which are illegal (cocaine, amfetamines), are commonly used by athletes and cause potential ergolytic effects. Overall, these drugs are important for their frequent use and mention in anti-doping laboratories statistics and the media, and their potentially serious adverse effects. CONCLUSIONS: Doping with CNS stimulants is a real public health problem and all sports authorities should participate in its prevention. Dissemination of information is essential to prevent doping in sport and to provide alternatives. Adequate training and education in this domain should be introduced.
Les proteïnes associades a la mielina (MAIS), Nogo-A, MAG i OMgp, són molècules que presenten una capacitat inhibitòria molt important per el recreixement axonal i la neuroreparació després de lesió. No obstant des de fa anys les seves funcions han estat ampliades i s’han involucrat en diferents processos degeneratius del sistema nerviós o en processos neuroinflamatoris del sistema nerviós central i el perifèric com ara l'Escleresi Múltiple (MS). La base neurobiològica d’indicadors moleculars que són responsables del dany axonal en MS segueixen sense estar plenament descrits. Recentment s’ha publicat que el mecanisme de senyalització Nogo-A pot regir els primers canvis de la desmielinització immunomediada del sistema nerviós central en el model animal de MS, l’encefalomielitis autoimmune experimental (EAE). De la mateixa forma la proteïna priònica cel•lular és una proteïna que s’ha associat majoritàriament a malalties espongiformes, però que recentment s’ha vinculat (no sense controvèrsia) amb la seva possible relació amb la Malaltia d'Alzheimer (AD), ja que seria capaç de reclutar els oligòmers d’Aβ (ADDLs), els quals correlacionen millor amb el grau de demència, i amb els que interacciona directament, actuant així com un possible mediador de la fosforilació de tau en la malaltia. No obstant, les funcions de les MAIS i de la PrPc en aquests models de la malaltia no estan clarament definits i, per altra banda, es desconeixen els mecanismes de senyalització implicats, no descartant de forma clara el component neural i l’immune.
Cette revue évoque principalement les nouveautés dans le traitement de l'hépatite B chronique, les problèmes de résistance qui émergent et les recommandations internationales pour le suivi du patient. Sont également discutées la prophylaxie postexposition de l'hépatite A, la durée de traitement des hépatites C chroniques, la vaccination contre l'hépatite E, ainsi qu'une étude contrôlée qui a évalué l'efficacité de la pioglitazone dans la stéatohépatite non alcoolique. Des études utiles pour la pratique clinique concernant l'hépatite alcoolique, les effets secondaires hépatiques du paracétamol à dose thérapeutique et la révision des critères diagnostiques et de la prise en charge du syndrome hépato-rénal sont également discutés. This review highlights new treatment options in chronic hepatitis B, issues related to antiviral resistance and current recommendations for the monitoring of patients on treatment. We also discuss post-exposure prophylaxis of hepatitis A, treatment duration in chronic hepatitis C and recent studies exploring vaccination against hepatitis E and pioglitazone for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Finally, we will briefly comment new findings in alcoholic hepatitis as well as acetaminophen hepatotoxicity and summarize revised criteria for the diagnosis and management of hepatorenal syndrome
Hepatorenal syndrome is a particular form of functional renal failure which may develop in patients with liver cirrhosis. On a clinical standpoint, precise diagnostic criteria have been established to clearly define this entity, whereas recent advances in the understanding of the biology of vasoactive mediators and the physiology of microcirculation have allowed to better anticipate its pathophysiological mechanisms. During the course of cirrhosis, sinusoidal portal hypertension leads to splanchnic and systemic vasodilation, responsible for a reduction of effective arterial blood volume. As a result, a state of intense renal vasoconstriction develops, leading to renal failure in the absence of any organic renal disease. At this stage, liver transplantation is the only definitive therapy able to reverse renal dysfunction. In recent years, innovative therapies have shown promise to prolong survival in patients with hepatorenal syndrome, including the administration of analogs of vasopressin (mainly terlipressin), the insertion of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts and the use of novel techniques of dialysis. On a preventive viewpoint, several simple measures have been shown to reduce the risk of hepatorenal syndrome in cirrhotic patients, including the appropriate use of diuretics, the avoidance of nephrotoxic drugs, the prophylaxis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and optimal fluid management in patients undergoing large volume paracentesis.
COMPSs és un entorn de programació paral·lela desenvolupat per BSC-CNS. Aquest projecte busca estendre aquest entorn per tal de dotar-lo de funcionalitats inicialment no suportades. Aquest conjunt d’extensions radiquen principalment en la implementació de mecanismes que permetin incrementar la flexibilitat, robustesa i polivalència del sistema.
This paper describes patterns of infestation with Tunga penetrans (L., 1758) within the poor community of Araruama municipality, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, assessed by the number of persons and domestic animals parasitized. The overall prevalence of infestation was 49.2% (211 parasitized hosts) of the 429 examined. Humans (p < 0.01) and dogs (p < 0.01) were the most important hosts with 62.6% and 35.6% respectively. Dogs were considered as the potential infestation source to humans. Considering sex and age groups, both measures showed a significant difference (p < 0.01): female (62.2% infested of 143 examined) and male (43.9% infested of 98 examined). All age classes were found infested with significant difference (G = 42.5; p < 0.01) and most of the infestation occurred in children in the 0-9-year old category (27.3%). In contrast and based on mean of chigoe burden per person, the parasitic intensity was significantly higher on male than on female in all age categories, except for the 50+ (H = 27.1; p < 0.01) and decreasing with the increase of age (chi2 = 69.7, A = -124.6, p < 0.01). Growing urbanization, improved housing and sewage systems, use of appropriate footwear, examination of the feet principally in young children, antitetanus prophylaxis and reduction of stray dogs population are the major prophylactic methods recommended.
The pharmacokinetic determinants of successful antibiotic prophylaxis of endocarditis are not precisely known. Differences in half-lives of antibiotics between animals and humans preclude extrapolation of animal results to human situations. To overcome this limitation, we have mimicked in rats the amoxicillin kinetics in humans following a 3-g oral dose (as often used for prophylaxis of endocarditis) by delivering the drug through a computerized pump. Rats with catheter-induced vegetations were challenged with either of two strains of antibiotic-tolerant viridans group streptococci. Antibiotics were given either through the pump (to simulate the whole kinetic profile during prophylaxis in humans) or as an intravenous bolus which imitated only the peak level of amoxicillin (18 mg/liter) in human serum. Prophylaxis by intravenous bolus was inoculum dependent and afforded a limited protection only in rats challenged with the minimum inoculum size infecting > or = 90% of untreated controls. In contrast, simulation of kinetics in humans significantly protected animals challenged with 10 to 100 times the inoculum of either of the test organisms infecting > or = 90% of untreated controls. Thus, simulation of the profiles of amoxicillin prophylaxis in human serum was more efficacious than mere imitation of the transient peak level in rats. This confirms previous studies suggesting that the duration for which the serum amoxicillin level remained detectable (not only the magnitude of the peak) was an important parameter in successful prophylaxis of endocarditis. The results also suggest that single-dose prophylaxis with 3 g of amoxicillin in humans might be more effective than predicted by conventional animal models in which only peak levels of antibiotic in human serum were stimulated.
Background Morbidly obese patients are at high risk to develop gallstones, and rapid weight loss after bariatric surgery further enhances this risk. The concept of prophylactic cholecystectomy during gastric bypass has been challenged recently because the risk may be lower than reported earlier and because cholecystectomy during laparoscopic gastric bypass may be more difficult and risky. <p>Methods A review of prospectively collected data on 772 patients who underwent laparoscopic primary gastric bypass between January 2000 and August 2007 was performed. The charts of patients operated before 2004 were retrospectively reviewed regarding preoperative echography and histopathological findings.</p> <p>Results Fifty-eight (7.5%) patients had had previous cholecystectomy. In the remaining patients, echography showed gallstones or sludge in 81 (11.3%). Cholecystectomy was performed at the time of gastric bypass in 665 patients (91.7%). Gallstones were found intraoperatively in 25 patients (3.9%), for a total prevalence of gallstones of 21.2%. The age of patients with gallstones was higher than that of gallstone-free patients (43.5 vs 38.7 years, p < 0.0001). Of the removed specimens, 81.8% showed abnormal histologic findings, mainly chronic cholecystitis and cholesterolosis. Cholecystectomy was associated with no procedure-related complication, prolonged duration of surgery by a mean of 19 min (4-45), and had no effect on the duration of hospital stay. Cholecystectomy was deemed too risky in 59 patients (8.3%) who were prescribed a 6-month course of ursodeoxycolic acid.</p> <p>Conclusion Concomitant cholecystectomy can be performed safely in most patients during laparoscopic gastric bypass and does not prolong hospital stay. As such, it is an acceptable form of prophylaxis against stones forming during rapid weight loss. Whether it is superior to chemical prophylaxis remains to be demonstrated in a large prospective randomized study.</p>
INTRODUCTION: Anaemia during chemotherapy is often left untreated. Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents are frequently used to treat overt anaemia. Their prophylactic use, however, remains controversial and raises concerns about cost-effectiveness. Therefore, we assessed the efficacy of a dose-reduction schedule in anaemia prophylaxis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included patients with untreated solid tumours about to receive platinum-based chemotherapy and had haemoglobin (Hb) levels ≥11 g/dL. Epoetin-α was administered at a dose level of 3 × 10,000 U weekly as soon as Hb descended to < 13 g/dL. Dose reductions to 3 × 4,000 U and 3 × 2,000 U weekly were planned in 4-week intervals if Hb stabilised in the range of 11-13 g/dL. Upon ascending to ≥13 g/dL, epoetin was discontinued. Iron supplements of 100 mg intravenous doses were given weekly. Of 37 patients who enrolled, 33 could be evaluated. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Their median Hb level was 13.7 (10.9-16.2) g/dL at baseline and descended to 11.0 (7.4-13.8) g/dL by the end of chemotherapy. Anaemia (Hb < 10 g/dL) was prevented in 24 patients (73%). The mean dose requirement for epoetin-α was 3 × 5,866 U per week per patient, representing a dose reduction of 41%. Treatment failed in nine patients (27%), in part due to epoetin-α resistance in four (12%) and blood transfusion in three (9%) patients. CONCLUSION: Dose reduction was as effective as fixed doses in anaemia prophylaxis but reduced the amount of prescribed epoetin substantially.