932 resultados para Clothes shop


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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One of the existing business models is the family business. This paper deals with the structure of family businesses. With the purpose to analyzing the input and output processes of goods, and management behavior in decision-making, looking for the professionalization of the family business administration. This paper is a case study in a construction materials shop, with an applied research due to their nature, according to his purpose takes the characteristic of exploratory research, using interviews, observation and analysis of company data. During the analysis of processes in the company were noted some shortcomings. Given this fact, made the comparison with the theories found, proposals were generated improvements to be accomplished within the company structure


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Water is an economic, strategic and social valuable resource of the utmost importance to society. This renewable natural resource is increasingly scarce with the growing of populations, industries and agriculture, in addition to the pollution surface and underground water and the waste have aggravated this situation. Investments in the sector of water resources so that this resource meets in quantity and quality the demand from its multiple uses, represent a significant portion of national and regional budgets. Therefore, the use of alternative sources of water capture can reduce the pressure on conventional public water supply systems. In this work was designed and executed a rain water collection system to a residence in the city of Barueri (SP), which can be applied to other residences. In this system, the rooftop of the residence was used as the waterproof and capture area. The gutter and the PVC conductors were used for driving the water to two connected reservoirs. The stored water was designed to address activities that are not potable, such as washing clothes and external areas and garden irrigation. The system showed economic viability, with 34-month return of investment time, wherein after that period, in addition to environmental and social benefits derived from the implementation of the project, the economy made with the payment of public supply rates should be considered. This rainwater capture system is inexpensive and uses materials available in the market. Therefore, its application to a greater number of households should be encouraged as a measure of sustainable water management


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The Bond Family Papers includes biographical and genealogical information, correspondence, legal documents, financial papers, records relating to the Bond Bicycle shop, photographs, certificates, scrapbooks, memorabilia, maps, newspapers, magazines, and music sheets. There are also papers relating to the Cantwell family, deaths of various family members, travel, Winthrop College, the Internal Revenue Service, interior decorating, clubs and organizations, and the Roman Catholic Church.


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The folded plate girder, a newly proposed bridge girder, is investigated through this thesis. The folded plate girder is cold bent out of a single sheet of steel. The cold bending eliminates the costly and inconsistent shop welds found in traditional girders. The folded plate girder is meant for application in short span bridges. The girder was subjected to an equivalent 75 year lifetime loading to investigate the fatigue performance. The rebar detail used in the closure region between adjacent slabs has been investigated in the past by the NCHRP 12-68 project. This thesis will proposes a hooked rebar detail as a cost effective alternative to the previously recommended headed rebar detail. The proposed hooked rebar detail looks to improve upon the headed bar detail by increasing the clear cover, and reducing the cost of fabrication and shipment of the rebar. Six specimens containing closure regions are subjected to both positive and negative moment loading in order to investigate their behavior and failure modes under ultimate load.


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One of the existing business models is the family business. This paper deals with the structure of family businesses. With the purpose to analyzing the input and output processes of goods, and management behavior in decision-making, looking for the professionalization of the family business administration. This paper is a case study in a construction materials shop, with an applied research due to their nature, according to his purpose takes the characteristic of exploratory research, using interviews, observation and analysis of company data. During the analysis of processes in the company were noted some shortcomings. Given this fact, made the comparison with the theories found, proposals were generated improvements to be accomplished within the company structure


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Water is an economic, strategic and social valuable resource of the utmost importance to society. This renewable natural resource is increasingly scarce with the growing of populations, industries and agriculture, in addition to the pollution surface and underground water and the waste have aggravated this situation. Investments in the sector of water resources so that this resource meets in quantity and quality the demand from its multiple uses, represent a significant portion of national and regional budgets. Therefore, the use of alternative sources of water capture can reduce the pressure on conventional public water supply systems. In this work was designed and executed a rain water collection system to a residence in the city of Barueri (SP), which can be applied to other residences. In this system, the rooftop of the residence was used as the waterproof and capture area. The gutter and the PVC conductors were used for driving the water to two connected reservoirs. The stored water was designed to address activities that are not potable, such as washing clothes and external areas and garden irrigation. The system showed economic viability, with 34-month return of investment time, wherein after that period, in addition to environmental and social benefits derived from the implementation of the project, the economy made with the payment of public supply rates should be considered. This rainwater capture system is inexpensive and uses materials available in the market. Therefore, its application to a greater number of households should be encouraged as a measure of sustainable water management


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The integrated production scheduling and lot-sizing problem in a flow shop environment consists of establishing production lot sizes and allocating machines to process them within a planning horizon in a production line with machines arranged in series. The problem considers that demands must be met without backlogging, the capacity of the machines must be respected, and machine setups are sequence-dependent and preserved between periods of the planning horizon. The objective is to determine a production schedule to minimise the setup, production and inventory costs. A mathematical model from the literature is presented, as well as procedures for obtaining feasible solutions. However, some of the procedures have difficulty in obtaining feasible solutions for large-sized problem instances. In addition, we address the problem using different versions of the Asynchronous Team (A-Team) approach. The procedures were compared with literature heuristics based on Mixed Integer Programming. The proposed A-Team procedures outperformed the literature heuristics, especially for large instances. The developed methodologies and the results obtained are presented.


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Exergetic analysis can provide useful information as it enables the identification of irreversible phenomena bringing about entropy generation and, therefore, exergy losses (also referred to as irreversibilities). As far as human thermal comfort is concerned, irreversibilities can be evaluated based on parameters related to both the occupant and his surroundings. As an attempt to suggest more insights for the exergetic analysis of thermal comfort, this paper calculates irreversibility rates for a sitting person wearing fairly light clothes and subjected to combinations of ambient air and mean radiant temperatures. The thermodynamic model framework relies on the so-called conceptual energy balance equation together with empirical correlations for invoked thermoregulatory heat transfer rates adapted for a clothed body. Results suggested that a minimum irreversibility rate may exist for particular combinations of the aforesaid surrounding temperatures. By separately considering the contribution of each thermoregulatory mechanism, the total irreversibility rate rendered itself more responsive to either convective or radiative clothing-influenced heat transfers, with exergy losses becoming lower if the body is able to transfer more heat (to the ambient) via convection.


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Asignatura. Etología de los recursos pesqueros (Licenciatura Ciencias del mar)


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[EN]This paper describes a low-cost system that allows the user to visualize different glasses models in live video. The user can also move the glasses to adjust its position on the face. The system, which runs at 9.5 frames/s on general-purpose hardware, has a homeostatic module that keeps image parameters controlled. This is achieved by using a camera with motorized zoom, iris, white balance, etc. This feature can be specially useful in environments with changing illumination and shadows, like in an optical shop. The system also includes a face and eye detection module and a glasses management module.


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Although in Europe and in the USA many studies focus on organic, little is known on the topic in China. This research provides an insight on Shanghai consumers’ perception of organic, aiming at understanding and representing in graphic form the network of mental associations that stems from the organic concept. To acquire, process and aggregate the individual networks it was used the “Brand concept mapping” methodology (Roedder et al., 2006), while the data analysis was carried out also using analytic procedures. The results achieved suggest that organic food is perceived as healthy, safe and costly. Although these attributes are pretty much consistent with the European perception, some relevant differences emerged. First, organic is not necessarily synonymous with natural product in China, also due to a poor translation of the term in the Chinese language that conveys the idea of a manufactured product. Secondly, the organic label has to deal with the competition with the green food label in terms of image and positioning on the market, since they are easily associated and often confused. “Environmental protection” also emerged as relevant association, while the ethical and social values were not mentioned. In conclusion, health care and security concerns are the factors that influence most the food consumption in China (many people are so concerned about food safety that they found it difficult to shop), and the associations “Safe”, “Pure and natural”, “without chemicals” and “healthy” have been identified as the best candidates for leveraging a sound image of organic food .


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Il presente lavoro ha come obiettivo la definizione e la misura della complessità tecnologica, al fine di costruire strumenti a supporto di tutti gli operatori che si occupano dello sviluppo e della fabbricazione di un prodotto industriale, quali progettisti di prodotto e responsabili di produzione. La ricerca è stata sviluppata attraverso le fasi di seguito descritte. Analisi dello stato dell’arte su definizioni e misure della complessità in ambito industriale attraverso l’individuazione e studio di oltre un centinaio di pubblicazioni al riguardo. Classificazione dei metodi proposti in letteratura per la misura della complessità in cinque categorie e analisi critica dei punti di forza e di debolezza dei differenti metodi, ai fini di orientare la elaborazione di un nuovo metodo. Sono stati inoltre analizzati i principali metodi di Intelligenza Artificiali quali potenziali strumenti di calcolo della complessità. Indagine su tematiche correlate alla complessità quali indicatori, trasferimento tecnologico e innovazione. La complessità viene misurata in termini di un indice che appartiene alla categoria degli indicatori, utilizzati in molti ambiti industriali, in particolare quello della misura delle prestazioni di produzione. In particolare si è approfondito significato e utilizzo dell’OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), particolarmente diffuso nelle piccole medie imprese emilianoromagnole e in generale dalle aziende che utilizzano un sistema produttivo di tipo job-shop. È stato implementato un efficace sistema di calcolo dell’OEE presso una azienda meccanica locale. L’indice di complessità trova una delle sue più interessanti applicazioni nelle operazioni di trasferimento tecnologico. Introdurre un’innovazione significa in genere aumentare la complessità del sistema, quindi i due concetti sono connessi. Sono stati esaminati diversi casi aziendali di trasferimento di tecnologia e di misura delle prestazioni produttive, evidenziando legami e influenza della complessità tecnologica sulle scelte delle imprese. Elaborazione di un nuovo metodo di calcolo di un indice di complessità tecnologica di prodotto, a partire dalla metodologia ibrida basata su modello entropico proposta dai Prof. ElMaraghy e Urbanic nel 2003. L’attenzione è stata focalizzata sulla sostituzione nella formula originale a valori determinati tramite interviste agli operatori e pertanto soggettivi, valori oggettivi. Verifica sperimentale della validità della nuova metodologia attraverso l’applicazione della formula ad alcuni componenti meccanici grazie alla collaborazione di un’azienda meccanica manifatturiera. Considerazioni e conclusioni sui risultati ottenuti, sulla metodologia proposta e sulle applicazioni del nuovo indice, delineando gli obiettivi del proseguo della ricerca. In tutto il lavoro si sono evidenziate connessioni e convergenze delle diverse fonti e individuati in diversi ambiti concetti e teorie che forniscono importanti spunti e considerazioni sul tema della complessità. Particolare attenzione è stata dedicata all’intera bibliografia dei Prof. ElMaraghy al momento riconosciuti a livello internazionale come i più autorevoli studiosi del tema della complessità in ambito industriale.


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Nei processi di progettazione e produzione tramite tecnologie di colata di componenti in alluminio ad elevate prestazioni, risulta fondamentale poter prevedere la presenza e la quantità di difetti correlabili a design non corretti e a determinate condizioni di processo. Fra le difettologie più comuni di un getto in alluminio, le porosità con dimensioni di decine o centinaia di m, note come microporosità, hanno un impatto estremamente negativo sulle caratteristiche meccaniche, sia statiche che a fatica. In questo lavoro, dopo un’adeguata analisi bibliografica, sono state progettate e messe a punto attrezzature e procedure sperimentali che permettessero la produzione di materiale a difettologia e microstruttura differenziata, a partire da condizioni di processo note ed accuratamente misurabili, che riproducessero la variabilità delle stesse nell’ambito della reale produzione di componenti fusi. Tutte le attività di progettazione delle sperimentazioni, sono state coadiuvate dall’ausilio di software di simulazione del processo fusorio che hanno a loro volta beneficiato di tarature e validazioni sperimentali ad hoc. L’apparato sperimentale ha dimostrato la propria efficacia nella produzione di materiale a microstruttura e difettologia differenziata, in maniera robusta e ripetibile. Utilizzando i risultati sperimentali ottenuti, si è svolta la validazione di un modello numerico di previsione delle porosità da ritiro e gas, ritenuto ad oggi allo stato dell’arte e già implementato in alcuni codici commerciali di simulazione del processo fusorio. I risultati numerici e sperimentali, una volta comparati, hanno evidenziato una buona accuratezza del modello numerico nella previsione delle difettologie sia in termini di ordini di grandezza che di gradienti della porosità nei getti realizzati.