980 resultados para Cloning, Organism
Leptin is a multifunctional hormone, produced predominantly in adipocytes. It regulates energy balance through its impact on appetite and fat metabolism, and its concentration indicates the size of body fat reserves. Leptin also plays a vital role in stretch-induced surfactant production during alveolar development in the fetus. The structure, expression pattern, and role of leptin have not previously been explored in marine mammals. Phocid seals undergo cyclical changes in body composition as a result of prolonged fasting and intensive foraging bouts and experience rapid, dramatic, and repeated changes in lung volume during diving. Here, we report the tissue-specific expression pattern of leptin in these animals. This is the first demonstration of leptin expression in the lung tissue of a mature mammal, in addition to its expression in the blubber and bone marrow, in common with other animals. We propose a role for leptin in seal pulmonary surfactant production, in addition to its likely role in long-term energy balance. We identify substitutions in the phocine leptin sequence in regions normally highly conserved between widely distinct vertebrate groups, and, using a purified seal leptin antiserum, we confirm the presence of the leptin protein in gray seal lung and serum fractions. Finally, we report the substantial inadequacies of using heterologous antibodies to measure leptin in unextracted gray seal serum.
Infectious purpura fulminans is a rapidly progressive skin necrosis that carries a mortality rate of 30%. Here, we described a case of infectious purpura fulminans caused by Capnocytophaga diagnosed by a blood film.
Background: Wheat 1BL/1RS translocation lines are planted around the world for their disease resistance and high yield. Most of them are poor in bread making, which is partially caused by ω-secalins that are encoded by the ω-secalin gene family, which is located on the short arm of rye chromosome 1R (1RS). However, information on the structure and evolution of the ω-secalin gene family is still limited. Results: We first generated a physicalmap of the ω-secalin gene family covering 195 kb of the Sec-1 locus based on sequencing three bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones of the 1BL/1RS translocation wheat cultivar Shimai 15. A BAC contig was constructed spanning 168 kb of the Sec-1 locus on 1RS. Twelve ω-secalin genes were arranged in a head-to-tail fashion, separated by 8.2–21.6 kb spacers on the contig, whereas six other ω-secalin genes were arranged head-to-tail, separated by 8.2–8.4 kb of spacers on clone BAC125. The 18 ω-secalin genes can be classified into six types among which eight ω-secalin genes were expressed during seed development. The ω-secalin genes with the 1074-bp open reading frame (ORF) represented the main population. Except for two pseudogenes, the N-terminal of the ω-secalin gene was conserved, whereas variations in the C-terminal led to a change in ORF length. The spacers can be sorted into two classes. Class-1 spacers contained conserved and non-conservative sequences. Conclusion: The ω-secalin gene family consisted of at least 18 members in the 1BL/1RS translocation line cv. Shimai 15. Eight ω-secalin genes were expressed during seed development. Eighteen members may originate from a progenitor with a 1,074-bp ORF. The spacers differed in length and sequence conservation.
RESUMO: A geleia de Wharton é uma fonte de células tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) que ainda não havia sido testada para a produção de embriões bovinos por transferência nuclear (TN). O objetivo deste estudo foi isolar, caracterizar e testar as CTMs derivadas da geleia de Wharton para produção de embriões e gestações por transferência nuclear em bovinos. O cordão umbilical foi coletado durante o nascimento e as células derivadas da geleia de Wharton (CGWs) foram isoladas por explante e cultivadas em Dulbecco?s Modified Eagle Medium. Fibroblastos (FB) da pele foram isolados após 6 meses de vida. As análises morfológicas foram realizadas pelas microscopias de campo claro e eletrônica de varredura durante o cultivo celular. Caracterização fenotÃpica e genotÃpica por citometria de fluxo, imunocitoquÃmica, RT-PCR e indução da diferenciação em linhagens celulares foi realizada com as CGWs. No procedimento de TN, ovócitos no estágio de metáfase II foram enucleados usando micromanipuladores, fusionados com CGWs ou FB e então ativados artificialmente. Micrografias de microscopia de varredura revelaram que CGWs tiveram forma variada sob cultivo. Os marcadores mesenquimais de CTMs (CD29+, CD73+, CD90+ and CD105+) foram expressos em cultura de CGWs bovina, como evidenciado por citometria de fluxo, imunocitoquÃmica e RT-PCR. Quando induzidas, estas células diferenciaram-se em osteócitos, condrócitos e adipócitos. Após classificação, as CGWs foram utilizadas na TN. A taxa de formação de blastocistos por TN com CGWs no sétimo dia de cultivo foi de 25,80±0,03%, similar a produção de blastócitos por TN com fibroblastos de pele (19,00±0,07). Gestações foram obtidas e mostraram que CGWs constituem um novo tipo celular para ser usado na clonagem animal. ABSTRACT: Wharton?s jelly is a source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that had not yet been tested for bovine embryo production by nuclear transfer (NT). Thus, the objective of this study was to isolate, characterize and test MSCs derived from Wharton?s jelly for embryo and pregnancy production by NT in cattle. The umbilical cord was collected during calving and cells derived from Wharton?s jelly (WJCs) were isolated by explant and cultured in Dulbecco?s Modified Eagle Medium. Skin Fibroblasts (FB) were isolated after 6 months of life. Morphological analysis was performed by bright field and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) during cell culture. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization by flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry, RT-PCR and differentiation induction in cell lineages were performed for WJC. In the NT procedure, oocytes at the arrested metaphase II stage were enucleated using micromanipulators, fused with WJCs or FB and later activated artificially. SEM micrographs revealed that WJCs have variable shape under culture. Mesenchymal markers of MSCs (CD29+, CD73+, CD90+ and CD105+) were expressed in bovine-derived WJC cultures, as evidenced by flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR. When induced, these cells differentiated into osteocytes, chondrocytes and adipocytes. After classification, the WJCs were used in NT. Blastocyst formation rate by NT with WJCs at day 7 was 25.80±0.03%, similar to blatocyst rate with NT using skin fibroblasts (19.00±0.07%). Pregnancies were obtained and showed that WJCs constitute a new cell type for use in animal cloning.
Induced mutagenesis has been exploited for crop improvement and for investigating gene function and regulation. To unravel molecular mechanisms of stress resilience, we applied state-of-the-art genomics-based gene cloning methods to barley mutant lines showing altered root and shoot architecture and disease lesion mimic phenotypes. With a novel method that we named complementation by sequencing, we cloned NEC3, the causal gene for an orange-spotted disease lesion mimic phenotype. NEC3 belongs to the CYP71P1 gene family and it is involved in serotonin biosynthesis. By comparative phylogenetic analysis we showed that CYP71P1 emerged early in angiosperm evolution but was lost in some lineages including Arabidopsis thaliana. By BSA-Seq, we cloned the gene whose mutation increased leaf width, and we showed that the gene corresponded to the previously cloned BROADLEAF1. By BSA coupled to WGS sequencing, we cloned EGT1 and EGT2, two genes that regulate root gravitropic set point angle. EGT1 encodes a Tubby-like F-box protein and EGT2 encodes a Sterile Alpha Motive protein; EGT2 is phylogenetically related to AtSAM5 in Arabidopsis and to WEEP in peach where it regulates branch angle. Both EGT1 and EGT2 are conserved in wheat. We hypothesized that both participate to an anti-gravitropic offset mechanism since their disruption causes mutant roots to grow along the gravity vector. By the MutMap+ method, we cloned the causal gene of a short and semi-rigid root mutant and found that it encodes for an endoglucanase and is the ortholog of OsGLU3 in rice whose mutant has the same phenotype, suggesting that the gene is conserved in barley and rice. The mutants and the corresponding genes which were cloned in this work are involved in the response to stress and can potentially contribute to crop adaptation.
The present study analyzed metallothionein (MT) excretion from liver to bile in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to sub-lethal copper concentrations (2mgL(-1)) in a laboratory setting. MTs in liver and bile were quantified by spectrophotometry after thermal incubation and MT metal-binding profiles were characterized by size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography coupled to ICP-MS (SEC-HPLC-ICP-MS). Results show that liver MT is present in approximately 250-fold higher concentrations than bile MT in non-exposed fish. Differences between the MT profiles from the control and exposed group were observed for both matrices, indicating differential metal-binding behavior when comparing liver and bile MT. This is novel data regarding intra-organ MT comparisons, since differences between organs are usually present only with regard to quantification, not metal-binding behavior. Bile MT showed statistically significant differences between the control and exposed group, while the same did not occur with liver MT. This indicates that MTs synthesized in the liver accumulate more slowly than MTs excreted from liver to bile, since the same fish presented significantly higher MT levels in liver when compared to bile. We postulate that bile, although excreted in the intestine and partially reabsorbed by the same returning to the liver, may also release MT-bound metals more rapidly and efficiently, which may indicate an efficient detoxification route. Thus, we propose that the analysis of bile MTs to observe recent metal exposure may be more adequate than the analysis of liver MTs, since organism responses to metals are more quickly observed in bile, although further studies are necessary.
Infections of the central nervous systems (CNS) present a diagnostic problem for which an accurate laboratory diagnosis is essential. Invasive practices, such as cerebral biopsy, have been replaced by obtaining a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnosis using cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) as a reference method. Tests on DNA extracted from plasma are noninvasive, thus avoiding all of the collateral effects and patient risks associated with CSF collection. This study aimed to determine whether plasma can replace CSF in nested PCR analysis for the detection of CNS human herpesvirus (HHV) diseases by analysing the proportion of patients whose CSF nested PCR results were positive for CNS HHV who also had the same organism identified by plasma nested PCR. In this study, CSF DNA was used as the gold standard, and nested PCR was performed on both types of samples. Fifty-two patients with symptoms of nervous system infection were submitted to CSF and blood collection. For the eight HHV, one positive DNA result-in plasma and/or CSF nested PCR-was considered an active HHV infection, whereas the occurrence of two or more HHVs in the same sample was considered a coinfection. HHV infections were positively detected in 27/52 (51.9%) of the CSF and in 32/52 (61.5%) of the plasma, difference not significant, thus nested PCR can be performed on plasma instead of CSF. In conclusion, this findings suggest that plasma as a useful material for the diagnosis of cases where there is any difficulty to perform a CSF puncture.
The taxonomic position of a bacterium isolated from water samples from the Rio Negro, in Amazon, Brazil, was determined by using a polyphasic approach. The organism formed a distinct phyletic line in the Chromobacterium 16S rRNA gene tree and had chemotaxonomic and morphological properties consistent with its classification in this genus. It was found to be closely related to Chromobacterium vaccinii DSM 25150(T) (98.6Â % 16S rRNA gene similarity) and shared 98.5Â % 16S rRNA gene similarity with Chromobacterium piscinae LGM 3947(T). DNA-DNA relatedness studies showed that isolate CBMAI 310(T) belongs to distinct genomic species. The isolate was readily distinguished from the type strain of these species using a combination of phenotypic and chemotaxonomic properties. Thus, based on genotypic and phenotypic data, it is proposed that isolate CBMAI 310(T) (=DSM 26508(T)) be classified in the genus Chromobacterium as the type strain of a novel species, namely, Chromobacterium amazonense sp. nov.
Behavioral adaptiveness to different situations as well as behavioral individuality result from the interrelations between environmental sitmuli and the responses of an organism.These kind of interrelationships also shape the neural circuits as well as characterize the plasticity and the neural individuality of the organism. Studies on neural plasticity may analyze changes in neural circuitry after environmental manipulations or changes in behavior after lesions in the nervous system. Issues on neural plasticity and recovery of function refer both to physiology and behavior as well as to the subjacent mechanisms related to morphology, biochemistry and genetics. They may be approached at the systemic, behavioral, cellular and molecular levels. This work intends to characterize these kinds of studies pointing to their relations with the analyis of behavior and learning.The analysis of how the environmental-organismic interrelationships affect the neural substrates of behavior is pointed as a very stimulating area for investigation.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação FÃsica
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação FÃsica
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação FÃsica
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação FÃsica