972 resultados para Chicago Transit Authority


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The number of seniors in the U.S. today is growing rapidly because of longer life expectancies and the aging Baby Boomer generation. This age groups' travel behavior will have substantial impacts on transportation, economics, safety, and the environment. This research used a mixed-methods approach to address issues of mobility and aging in Denver, Colorado. A quantitative approach was used to answer broad questions about travel behavior and the effects of age, gender, work status, disability, residential location and socio-economic status on mobility. Qualitative interviews with seniors in the Denver metro area were conducted to identify barriers to mobility, decision-making processes and travel decisions, and seniors' perceptions of public transit. The results of the quantitative and qualitative analyses show that residential location is an important variable for determining seniors' travel behaviors and transportation options. Perceptions of public transit were positive, but accessibility and information barriers exist that prevent older adult from using transit. The findings of this study will help to provide transportation and service recommendations to policymakers and planners in the Denver area as well as to inform studies of other North American cities with large aging populations.


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To combat unsustainable transportation systems characterized by reliance on petroleum, polluting emissions, traffic congestion and suburban sprawl, planners encourage mixed use, densely populated areas that provide individuals with opportunities to live, work, eat and shop without necessarily having to drive private automobiles to accommodate their needs. Despite these attempts, the frequency and duration of automobile trips has consistently increased in the United States throughout past decades. While many studies have focused on how residential proximity to transit influences travel behavior, the effect of workplace location has largely been ignored. This paper asks, does working near a TOD influence the travel behaviors of workers differently than workers living near a TOD? We examine the non-work travel behaviors of workers based upon their commuting mode and proximity to TODs. The data came from a 2009 travel behavior survey by the Denver Regional Council of Governments, which contains 8,000 households, 16,000 individuals, and nearly 80,000 trips. We measure sustainable travel behaviors as reduced mileage, reduced number of trips, and increased use of non-automobile transportation. The results of this study indicate that closer proximity of both households and workplaces to TODs decrease levels of car commuting and that non-car commuting leads to more sustainable personal travel behaviors characterized by more trips made with alternative modes.


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Author: Kerry W. Holton Title: SCHLEIERMACHER’S DOCTRINE OF BIBLICAL AUTHORITY: AN ALTERNATIVE TO CONTENT-BASED/SUPERNATURALIST AND FUNCTION- BASED/RATIONALIST MODELS Advisor: Theodore M. Vial, Jr. Degree Date: August 2015 This dissertation examines Friedrich Schleiermacher’s understanding of biblical authority and argues that, as an alternative to strictly supernaturalistic and rationalistic models, his understanding allows the New Testament to speak authoritatively in Christian religion in an age of critical, historical awareness. After classifying Schleiermacher’s position in a typology of the doctrine of biblical authority, this dissertation explores his conception of divine revelation and inspiration vis-à-vis scripture. It demonstrates that although he did not believe there is warrant for the claim of a direct connection between divine revelation and scripture, or that scripture is the foundation of faith, he nonetheless asserted that the New Testament is authoritative. He asserted the normative authority of the New Testament on the basis that it is the first presentation of Christian faith. This dissertation examines Schleiermacher’s “canon within the canon,” as well as his denial that the Old Testament shares the same normative worth and inspiration of the New. Although this dissertation finds difficulty with some of Schleiermacher’s views regarding the Old Testament, it names two significant strengths of what is identified as his evangelical, content-based, and rationalist approach to biblical authority. First, it recognizes and values the co-presence and co-activity of the supernatural and the natural !ii in the production of the New Testament canon. This allows both scripture and the church to share religious authority. Second, it allows Christian faith and the historical-method to coexist, as it does not require people to contradict what they know to be the case about science, history, and philosophy. Thus, this dissertation asserts that Schleiermacher’s understanding of biblical authority is a robust one, since, for him, the authority of scripture does not lie in some property of the texts themselves that historians or unbelievers can take away.


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The need for more sustainable public transportation choices drives innovation and provides opportunity for improvement in options. Transit buses provide many advantages for efficient transportation and electric drive vehicles are anticipated to play an increasing role in future transportation systems. A lifecycle cost analysis of battery electric transit buses indicates rate structures and demand charges do not currently have a large impact on lifecycle cost for small fleets of battery electric buses. As fleets grow, policies and rate structures will need to adjust to avoid becoming a barrier to adoption. Battery electric transit buses are now being developed which promise to address the primary issues of high life cycle cost, low reliability, range, and flexibility.


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A partir de la pregunta principal de investigación: ¿qué funciones sociales cumple la fotografía en las migraciones humanas internacionales, particularmente en la experiencia migratoria de pobladores de Tonatico, Estado de México, a Chicago, Illinois?, la tesis: (a) transcurre desde la indagación en los antecedentes de la fotografía de la migración entre México y Estados Unidos; (b) se apoya en obras de John Berger y Jean Mohr (Un séptimo hombre, y, Otra manera de contar), de Pierre Bourdieu (La fotografía: un arte intermedio, y, en Pierre Bourdieu. Argelia imágenes del desarraigo, obra concebida por Franz Schultheis y Christine Frisinghelli), y de Bruno Latour (París ciudad invisible, con fotografías de Emilie Hermant), en las que estos autores usan la fotografía ―y reflexionan sobre ese uso― para comprender la experiencia migratoria, la experiencia social, y los indicios, las huellas, los mapas y panoramas a que da lugar la fotografía ―o se hacen visibles a partir de ésta―; (c) desde la perspectiva de quien ha emigrado y de quien permanece en el lugar de origen, abunda en casos para comprender ―y aprehender― las funciones sociales que la fotografía cumple desde una experiencia migratoria de importancia histórica, social, demográfica, económica y cultural, como es la emigración de habitantes de Tonatico, Estado de México, a Chicago y el norte de su área metropolitana, particularmente a la municipalidad de Waukegan, Illinois ―ahí, y en comunión con el lugar de origen─, es donde la experiencia se concreta, se hace individual y única; ahí, en ese contexto, se define ―casi siempre― su rumbo y su destino; (d) la interpretación de la experiencia migratoria y el papel que la fotografía tiene en ésta, deviene de la mirada de los que emigraron y de los que permanecen en (o han retornado a) el lugar de origen. La fotografía da origen a la palabra de quienes viven la experiencia migratoria directamente, y su voz a las interpretaciones y supuestos que intentan recoger lo aprehendido; (e) finalmente, platea (e.1) que la fotografía de los emigrados (en su migración), y la fotografía que se hace para ellos (de su migración), se asocia a una búsqueda de sentido, de una razón práctica, objetiva, de la migración, y por tanto, de la separación y las rupturas que ésta produce. En la experiencia migratoria nada es impersonal, y cualquier conjetura involucra a las personas que la viven directamente. (e.2) que en Tonatico, si bien la experiencia migratoria es compartida socialmente, las fotografías siguen siendo fundamentalmente parte de la experiencia familiar y personal; aun en el contexto actual de producción, circulación, intercambio y almacenamiento masivo de imágenes fotográficas. (e.3) Mediante la fotografía se comunica y se comparte la experiencia social, aun en donde (como en Tonatico) la migración es tan común que no da ya lugar al asombro, pero sí a la memoria colectiva e individua. En ésta última, las fotografías más valoradas son las que no se comparten, son las que quedan reservadas al espacio privado. (e.4) La fotografía no totaliza la experiencia migratoria, pero es una forma de comunicar y significar ésta. El papel que la fotografía tiene en esa experiencia está ligado a pensamientos y sentimientos ─muchas veces impenetrables─ motivados por ausencia, distancia, zozobra, afectos, discontinuidades, pérdidas, rupturas, abandonos. La fotografía, entonces, se valora en la experiencia migratoria por su capacidad de evocar personas, lugares, tiempos, circunstancias, relaciones; de hacer las veces de alguien ausente; de animar la memoria, la nostalgia, la melancolía; de descubrir e informar novedades, advenimientos, logros, cambios, progresos, éxitos, realizaciones; de estimular o de reprimir el deseo de emigrar.


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Preface -- Outline of study -- Resolution of appreciation -- Introduction and summary -- Proposed ordinance -- Recommendations -- Existing conditions in Chicago -- The social evil and the saloon -- The social evil and the police -- Sources of supply -- Child protection and education -- Rescue and reform -- The social evil and its medical aspects -- Appendices: Text of revised statutes of Illinois and ordinances of the City of Chicago ; Tables ; Exhibits.


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v. 29 (1958)


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v. 33 (1962)


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v. 20 (1949)