1000 resultados para Chemistry -- Mathematics


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Temperature distributions involved in some metal-cutting or surface-milling processes may be obtained by solving a non-linear inverse problem. A two-level concept on parallelism is introduced to compute such temperature distribution. The primary level is based on a problem-partitioning concept driven by the nature and properties of the non-linear inverse problem. Such partitioning results to a coarse-grained parallel algorithm. A simplified 2-D metal-cutting process is used as an example to illustrate the concept. A secondary level exploitation of further parallel properties based on the concept of domain-data parallelism is explained and implemented using MPI. Some experiments were performed on a network of loosely coupled machines consist of SUN Sparc Classic workstations and a network of tightly coupled processors, namely the Origin 2000.


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Mathematical models of straight-grate pellet induration processes have been developed and carefully validated by a number of workers over the past two decades. However, the subsequent exploitation of these models in process optimization is less clear, but obviously requires a sound understanding of how the key factors control the operation. In this article, we show how a thermokinetic model of pellet induration, validated against operating data from one of the Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOCC) lines in Canada, can be exploited in process optimization from the perspective of fuel efficiency, production rate, and product quality. Most existing processes are restricted in the options available for process optimization. Here, we review the role of each of the drying (D), preheating (PH), firing (F), after-firing (AF), and cooling (C) phases of the induration process. We then use the induration process model to evaluate whether the first drying zone is best to use on the up- or down-draft gas-flow stream, and we optimize the on-gas temperature profile in the hood of the PH, F, and AF zones, to reduce the burner fuel by at least 10 pct over the long term. Finally, we consider how efficient and flexible the process could be if some of the structural constraints were removed (i.e., addressed at the design stage). The analysis suggests it should be possible to reduce the burner fuel lead by 35 pct, easily increase production by 5+ pct, and improve pellet quality.


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Monte Carlo calculations of the nuclear magnetic relaxation rate in a disordered metal–hydrogen system having a distribution of jump rates are reported. The calculations deal specifically with the spin-locked rotating-frame relaxation time T1ρ. The results demonstrate that the temperature variation of the rate is only weakly dependent on the distribution and it is therefore unlikely that the jump rate distribution can be extracted from relaxation measurements in which temperature is the main variable. It is shown that the alternative of measuring the relaxation rate over a wide range of spin-locking field strengths at a constant temperature can lead to an evaluation of the distribution.


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The adsorption of a C60 monolayer on a graphite substrate was modelled via molecular dynamics simulation covering a significant period of 160 picoseconds. The final configuration of C60s agrees closely with that observed in a scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) experiment. Clusters of adsorbed molecules were then selected and their STM-like images were computed via the Keldysh Green function method.


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A computer-based numerical modelling of the adsorption process of gas phase metallic particles on the surface of a graphite substrate has been performed via the application of molecular dynamics simulation method. The simulation relates to an extensive STM-based experiment performed in this field, and reproduces part of the experimental results. Both two-body and many-body inter-atomic potentials have been employed. A Morse-type potential describing the metal-carbon interactions at the interface was specifically formulated for this modelling. Intercalation of silver in graphite has been observed as well as the correct alignments of monomers, dimers and two-dimensional islands on the surface. PACS numbers: 02.60.Cb, 07.05.Tp, 68.55.-a, 81.05.Tp


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We have investigated the early stages in the adsorption process of C60 molecules on a highly oriented pyrolitic graphite (HOPG) substrate. C60 powder was thermally evaporated in UHV of 10−8 Pa conditions onto a freshly cleaved HOPG surface. We did not observe individual fullerenes on the substrate for the case of short deposition times and low evaporation rates. However, small islands of C60 molecules with an fcc structure could be observed when the deposition rate was about 0.2 nm/min and the total thickness was above 1 nm. The islands did not grow in the vicinity of the HOPG steps. The typical lateral dimensions of these islands were of the order of a few hundred square nanometers, having thickness of up to five monolayers. We modified the shapes and positions of these islands by the STM tip, using a small (less than 1 V) bias voltage.


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The monodentate and bidentate pyridyl phosphines, PR3 and R2P(CH2)2PR2, where R=3- or 4-pyridyl can be prepared in high yields by treatment of butyllithium/TMEDA/3- or 4-bromopyridine with PCl3 or Cl2P(CH2)2PCl2 at low temperature. 1,2-Bis(di-2-pyridylphosphino)ethane is conveniently synthesised by an alternative route involving reaction of 1,2-dibromoethane with lithium di-2-pyridylphosphide.


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This paper presents the computational modelling of welding phenomena within a versatile numerical framework. The framework embraces models from both the fields of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and computational solid mechanics (CSM). With regard to the CFD modelling of the weld pool fluid dynamics, heat transfer and phase change, cell-centred finite volume (FV) methods are employed. Additionally, novel vertex-based FV methods are employed with regard to the elasto-plastic deformation associated with the CSM. The FV methods are included within an integrated modelling framework, PHYSICA, which can be readily applied to unstructured meshes. The modelling techniques are validated against a variety of reference solutions.


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Tony Mann provides a report of a two-day meeting "Magic and mathematics: The life and work of John Dee" held from 13-14 June 2003 at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich.


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Removing zinc by distillation can leave the lead bullion virtually free of zinc and also produces pure zinc crystals. Batch distillation is considered in a hemispherical kettle with water-cooled lid, under high vacuum (50 Pa or less). Sufficient zinc concentration at the evaporating surface is achieved by means of a mechanical stirrer. The numerical model is based on the multiphysics simulation package PHYSICA. The fluid flow module of the code is used to simulate the action of the stirring impeller and to determine the temperature and concentration fields throughout the liquid volume including the evaporating surface. The rate of zinc evaporation and condensation is then modelled using Langmuir’s equations. Diffusion of the zinc vapour through the residual air in the vacuum gap is also taken into account. Computed results show that the mixing is sufficient and the rate-limiting step of the process is the surface evaporation driven by the difference of the equilibrium vapour pressure and the actual partial pressure of zinc vapour. However, at higher zinc concentrations, the heat transfer through the growing zinc crystal crust towards the cold steel lid may become the limiting factor because the crystallization front may reach the melting point. The computational model can be very useful in optimising the process within its safe limits.


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A numerical scheme for coupling temperature and concentration fields in a general solidification model is presented. A key feature of this scheme is an explicit time stepping used in solving the governing thermal and solute conservation equations. This explicit approach results in a local point-by-point coupling scheme for the temperature and concentration and avoids the multi-level iteration required by implicit time stepping schemes. The proposed scheme is validated by predicting the concentration field in a benchmark solidification problem. Results compare well with an available similarity solution. The simplicity of the proposed explicit scheme allows for the incorporation of complex microscale models into a general solidification model. This is demonstrated by investigating the role of dendrite coarsening on the concentration field in the solidification benchmark problem.


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Review of Mathematics and Culture II. Visual Perfection: Mathematics and Creativity, Michele Emmer (Ed.), Springer, 2005 ISBN: 978-3-540-21368-0


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The cold crucible, or induction skull melting process as is otherwise known, has the potential to produce high purity melts of a range of difficult to melt materials, including Ti–Al and Ti6Al4V alloys for Aerospace, Ti–Ta and other biocompatible materials for surgical implants, silicon for photovoltaic and electronic applications, etc. A water cooled AC coil surrounds the crucible causing induction currents to melt the alloy and partially suspend it against gravity away from water-cooled surfaces. Strong stirring takes place in the melt due to the induced electromagnetic Lorentz forces and very high temperatures are attainable under the right conditions (i.e., provided contact with water cooled walls is minimised). In a joint numerical and experimental research programme, various aspects of the design and operation of this process are investigated to increase our understanding of the physical mechanisms involved and to maximise process efficiency. A combination of FV and Spectral CFD techniques are used at Greenwich to tackle this problem numerically, with the experimental work taking place at Birmingham University. Results of this study, presented here, highlight the influence of turbulence and free surface behaviour on attained superheat and also discuss coil design variations and dual frequency options that may lead to winning crucible designs.


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Cold crucible furnace is widely used for melting reactive metals for high quality castings. Although the water cooled copper crucible avoids contamination, it produces a low superheat of the melt. Experimental and theoretical investigations of the process showed that the increase of the supplied power to the furnace leads to a saturation in the temperature rise of the melt, and no significant increase of the melt superheat can be obtained. The computer model of theprocess has been developed to simulate the time dependent turbulent flow, heat transfer with phase change, and AC and DC magnetohydrodynamics in a time varying liquid metal envelope. The model predicts that the supermimposition of a strong DC field on top of the normal AC field reduces the level of turbulience and stirring in the liquid metal, thereby reducing the heat loss through the base of the crucible and increasing the superheat. The direct measurements of the temperature in the commercial size cold crucbile has confirmed the computer redictions and showed that the addition of a DC field increased the superheat in molten TiAl from ~45C (AC field only) to ~81C (DC+AC fields). The present paper reports further predictions of the effect of a dDC field on top of the AC field and compares these with experimental data.