974 resultados para Caries dental.
Background: Sodium hypochlorite is used commonly as an endodontic irrigant, but there are no published reports that provide details of its use. This survey sought to determine the percentage of Australian dentists who practiced endodontics, whether they used sodium hypochlorite for irrigation, and the manner of dilution, storage and dispensing sodium hypochlorite used by both dentists and endodontists. Methods: All Australian endodontists and a stratified random sample of 200 general dentists in Australia were surveyed to address the issues identified above. Results: Almost 98 per cent of dentists surveyed performed endodontic treatment. Among endodontists, nearly 94 per cent used sodium hypochlorite for irrigation compared with just under 75 per cent of general dentists: Sodium hypochlorite use by general dentists was more common in Victoria and South Australia than in other States. An infant sanitizer (Milton or Johnson's Antibacterial Solution) was used by just over 92 per cent of general practitioners and by more than 67 per cent of endodontists. All other respondents used domestic bleach. One hundred and sixty four of the respondents (80 per cent of endodontists and over 90 per cent of general dentists) used a 1 per cent w/v solution. Ten practitioners used a 4 per cent w/v solution, five used a 2 per cent w/v solution and four used a 1.5 per cent w/v solution. Eighty per cent of the practitioners who diluted their sodium hypochlorite before use, used demineralized water for this purpose. The remainder used tap water. Only four practitioners stored sodium hypochlorite in a manner which risked light exposure and loss of available chlorine content. Conclusions: Sodium hypochlorite is commonly used as an endodontic irrigant and Australian dentists generally stored the material correctly.
Background. The incidence of, pulp involvement in patients with excessive wear has not been extensively documented. Methods: Clinical, records of 448 patients with excessive tooth wear were reviewed and 52 cases (11.6 per cent) with near or frank pulp exposures or root canal treatments were found and their numbers and sites were tabulated. Light microscopy of study models was used to determine aetiology at each site of exposure as. attrition, erosion or abrasion, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed on some individual teeth. Results: Forty sites of near exposure and 57 sites of frank exposures or root canal treatments were found, some cases had both types of exposure. The commonest sites exposed by erosion were the palatal surfaces of maxillary, and the incisal surfaces of mandibular anterior teeth. Posterior teeth were not commonly affected. Toothbrush abrasion had exacerbated softie lesions as shown by SEM. Conclusions: Endodontic sequelae were found in 11 per cent of tooth wear patients as late stages of dental erosion. Near and frank exposures of the pulp thus constitute a small but significant, problem for,the Australian dental profession's concern in the of the tooth wear cases.
A range of lasers. is now available for use in dentistry. This paper summarizes key current and emerging applications, for lasers in clinical practice. A major diagnostic application of low power lasers is the detection of caries, using fluorescence elicited from hydroxyapatite or from bacterial by-products. Laser fluorescence is an effective method for detecting and quantifying incipient occlusal and cervical,carious lesions, and with further refinement could be used in the, same manner for proximal lesions. Photoactivated dye techniques have been developed which use low power lasers to elicit a photochemical reaction, Photoactivated dye techniques' can be used to disinfect root canals, periodontal pockets, cavity preparations and sites of peri-implantitis. Using similar principles, more powerful lasers tan be used for photodynamic therapy in the treatment of malignancies of the oral mucosa. Laser-driven photochemical reactions can also be used for tooth whitening. In combination with fluoride, laser irradiation can improve the resistance of tooth structure to demineralization, and this application is of particular benefit for susceptible sites in high caries risk patients. Laser technology for caries' removal, cavity preparation and soft tissue surgery is at a high state of refinement, having had several decades of development up to the present time. Used in conjunction with or as a replacement for traditional methods, it is expected that specific laser technologies will become an essential component of contemporary dental practice over the next decade.
The aim of this longitudinal study was to determine salivary levels of total IgA, IgG and IgM in 84 preterm and 214 full-term infants, from birth to 18 months of age. Unstimulated whole saliva was collected from each infant at birth, and subsequently at 3-monthly intervals. Immunoglobulin levels were estimated using an ELISA technique. At birth, IgA was detected in 147/214 (69%) full-term infants but only 47/84 (56%) preterm infants (P
O osteossarcoma é um tumor mesenquimal maligno, no qual as células cancerosas produzem matriz óssea. É o tumor maligno primário mais comum do osso, responsável por aproximadamente 20% dos sarcomas, sendo que 5% destes ocorrem nos maxilares. Possuem variados aspectos não só clínicos e histopatológicos como também no curso e prognóstico. Este artigo apresenta um relato de caso de paciente do sexo feminino, com 20 anos de idade, que nos foi encaminhada apresentando aumento de volume na região de pré-molar inferior esquerdo. Após diagnóstico clínico de lesão do periápice dental, a paciente foi submetida previamente a tratamento endodôntico do dente envolvido, a partir do qual, em um período de 11 dias, pode-se observar um considerável aumento da lesão provocando visível assimetria facial. A radiografia oclusal mostrava imagem compatível com área de destruição óssea e formação de osso anormal na região, com cortical externa exibindo evidente radiopacidade semelhante a raios de sol, sugerindo o diagnóstico de osteossarcoma. A lesão foi biopsiada e obteve-se o diagnóstico histopatológico de osteossarcoma. A paciente foi então submetida à mandibulectomia parcial e uma reconstrução da área, usando osso de costela e enxerto de pele da nádega, para o revestimento da mucosa oral envolvida. Aos 8 meses após a cirurgia houve recorrência local da lesão e a paciente foi a óbito aproximadamente 1 ano depois da recidiva.
Nowadays, different techniques are available for manufacturing full-arch implant-supported prosthesis, many of them based on an impression procedure. Nevertheless, the long-term success of the prosthesis is highly influenced by the accuracy during such process, being affected by factors such as the impression material, implant position, angulation and depth. This paper investigates the feasibility of a 3D electromagnetic motion tracking system as an acquisition method for modeling such prosthesis. To this extent, we propose an implant acquisition method at the patient mouth, using a specific prototyped tool coupled with a tracker sensor, and a set of calibration procedures (for distortion correction and tool calibration), that ultimately obtains combined measurements of the implant’s position and angulation, and eliminating the use of any impression material. However, in the particular case of the evaluated tracking system, the order of magnitude of the obtained errors invalidates its use for this specific application.