968 resultados para Carbonate minerals
This work is conducted to study the complications associated with the sonic log prediction in carbonate logs and to investigate the possible solutions to accurately predict the sonic logs in Traverse Limestone. Well logs from fifty different wells were analyzed to define the mineralogy of the Traverse Limestone by using conventional 4-mineral and 3-mineral identification approaches. We modified the conventional 3-mineral identification approach (that completely neglects the gamma ray response) to correct the shale effects on the basis of gamma ray log before employing the 3-mineral identification. This modification helped to get the meaningful insight of the data when a plot was made between DGA (dry grain density) and UMA (Photoelectric Volumetric Cross-section) with the characteristic ternary diagram of the quartz, calcite and dolomite. The results were then compared with the 4-mineral identification approach. Contour maps of the average mineral fractions present in the Traverse Limestone were prepared to see the basin wide mineralogy of Traverse Limestone. In the second part, sonic response of Traverse Limestone was predicted in fifty randomly distributed wells. We used the modified time average equation that accounts for the shale effects on the basis of gamma ray log, and used it to predict the sonic behavior from density porosity and average porosity. To account for the secondary porosity of dolomite, we subtracted the dolomitic fraction of clean porosity from the total porosity. The pseudo-sonic logs were then compared with the measured sonic logs on the root mean square (RMS) basis. Addition of dolomite correction in modified time average equation improved the results of sonic prediction from neutron porosity and average porosity. The results demonstrated that sonic logs could be predicted in carbonate rocks with a root mean square error of about 4μsec/ft. We also attempted the use of individual mineral components for sonic log prediction but the ambiguities in mineral fractions and in the sonic properties of the minerals limited the accuracy of the results.
The history of mining in Butte is woven about three of our principal metals. The gold placers first attracted the attention of miners in 1863, and reached their peak production in 1867. Silver was the second metal mined, and this operation required the erection of large mills with a consequent increase in mining activity that made the district a prominent producer. Although the presence of copper in the silver ore had been known, the credit for the first development of the copper veins is due Senator W. A. Clark. The original Colusa, Mining Chief, and Gambetta claims were developed to 1872. The ore was freighted by wagon trains 400 miles to Corrine, Utah, thence by rail eastward, some of it going to Swansea, Wales. The cooper production of the "richest hill on earth" has mounted to ten billion pounds.
The object of this work has been to devise a method by which the different phases in the chalcocite-stibnite-galena ternary system may be identified. As the mineralogists have no precise methods for the identification of these phases, a hydrochloric acid-chromate trioxide staining solution was employed.
The use of manganese in the steel industry as a deoxidizing and desulfidizing agent makes it a necessity in modern industry, while the various alloy steels using manganese for the quality of toughness are also indispensable. Manganese is also used in the manufacture of such various articles as battery cells, paints and glass.
The problem of separating the copper sulfide minerals from sphalerite, in copper - zinc ores, has been a difficult one. This is largely due to the lack of adequate research and the small amount of data obtainable on the behavior of copper and zinc sulfide minerals in flotation circuits.
When examined petrographically the granites of Oklahoma show a marked similarity to the granites of Southeastern Missouri. The same heavy accessory mineral suites are present in the granites of both regions and include: fluorite, zircon, apatite, titanite and epidote. This similarity was further shown by the actual correlation of the heavy mineral suites by types, these types being, based on the heavy mineral distributions of the Missouri Granites.
The beneficiation of rhodochrosite ore to the extent that it is suitable for nodulizing and subsequent use in the steel industry is intriguing. Such ores from certain mines is relatively easy to beneficiate, but the rhodo-chrosite ore from several deposits of the Philipsburg district has never been successfully up-graded by any of the several known beneficiating methods.