999 resultados para Canadá - Situación socioeconómica- 2012
FUNDAMENTO: Grande parte da relação entre o estado de saúde e o conhecimento sobre saúde e doença pode ser atribuída aos efeitos combinados de comportamento dísparrelacionado à saúde, condições ambientais e estruturas socioeconômicas, bem como o contato com a atenção à saúde e prestação da mesma. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever e comparar o conhecimento dos pacientes com doença arterial coronariana (DAC),incluídos em programas de reabilitação cardíaca (RC) no Brasil e no Canadá, sobre os fatores relacionados à DAC. MÉTODOS: Duas amostras de 300 pacientes brasileiros e 300 pacientes canadensesincluídos em RC foram comparadas transversalmente. Os pacientes brasileiros foram recrutados de dois centros de RC no Sul do Brasil, enquanto os pacientes canadenses foram recrutados de um centro de RC em Ontário. O conhecimento foi avaliado utilizando o Questionário de Educação de Doença Arterial Coronariana (CADE-Q), psicometricamente validado em Português e Inglês. Os dados foram processados por meio de estatísticas descritivas, post-hoc eteste t de Student. RESULTADOS: A pontuação média total de conhecimento para toda a amostra foi de 41,42 ± 9,3. Os entrevistados canadenses apresentaram pontuações totais de conhecimento significativamente maiores do que os entrevistados brasileiros. O domínio mais bem esclarecido em ambas as amostras foi o exercício físico.Em 13 de 19 questões, os entrevistados canadenses relataram pontuações de conhecimento significativamente maiores do que os entrevistados brasileiros. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes ambulatoriais canadenses relataram conhecimento significativamente maior que suas contrapartes brasileiras. Os resultados também sugeremque um currículo educacional estruturado em programas de RC pode contribuir para um maior conhecimentodo paciente, o que pode em última análise facilitar as mudanças comportamentais.
Abstract Background: Studies have questioned the downward trend in mortality from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in Brazil in recent years. Objective: to analyze recent trends in mortality from ischemic heart disease (IHD) and stroke in the Brazilian population. Methods: Mortality and population data were obtained from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and the Ministry of Health. Risk of death was adjusted by the direct method, using as reference the world population of 2000. We analyzed trends in mortality from CVD, IHD and stroke in women and men in the periods of 1980-2006 and 2007-2012. Results: there was a decrease in CVD mortality and stroke in women and men for both periods (p < 0.001). Annual mortality variations for periods 1980-2006 and 2007-2012 were, respectively: CVD (total): -1.5% and -0.8%; CVD men: -1.4% and -0.6%; CVD women: -1.7% and -1.0%; DIC (men): -1.1% and 0.1%; stroke (men): -1.7% and -1.4%; DIC (women): -1.5% and 0.4%; stroke (women): -2.0% and -1.9%. From 1980 to 2006, there was a decrease in IHD mortality in men and women (p < 0.001), but from 2007 to 2012, changes in IHD mortality were not significant in men [y = 151 + 0.04 (R2 = 0.02; p = 0.779)] and women [y = 88-0.54 (R2 = 0.24; p = 0.320). Conclusion: Trend in mortality from IHD stopped falling in Brazil from 2007 to 2012.
Seit nunmehr 20 Jahren bildet die Hochschule Anhalt am Standort Bernburg Studierende im Bereich der Landschaftsentwicklung aus. Mehr als 1000 Absolventen erlangten bisher erfolgreich Abschlüsse in den Studiengängen LPF – Landespflege, LAU – Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung sowie MLA – Master of Landscape Architecture. Dabei liegen die Qualitäten des Studiums in der praxisorientierten Ausbildung und dem teamorientierten, interdisziplinären Arbeiten, um einen berufsqualifizierenden und kammerfähigen Abschluss zu erlangen. Im Studiengang LAU ist das nach vierjähriger Ausbildung der Grad Bachelor of Engineering, im zweijährigen MLA der Titel Master of Sciences.Mit Rückblick auf das erste Heft der Landschaftsarchitekten und Umweltplaner Bernburg GoldenLichtung, wurde das Jahrbuch in 2012 weiterentwickelt. Auf den kommenden Seiten sind ausgewählte Beiträge zu Projektergebnissen, Präsentationen, Bildungsreisen und Praxiserfahrungen zu finden, die im Wintersemester 2011/2012 sowie im Sommersemester 2012 bearbeitet wurden. Wir wünschen viel Spaß beim Lesen und bedanken uns herzlich bei unseren Studierenden und Absolventen für Ihren Entschluss sich an der Hochschule Anhalt für die Praxis zu qualifizieren.
herausgegeben von Ralf Regener
According to official statistics, disabled people in Spain number 3.5 million and make up 8.8% of the Spanish population. This group of people are increasingly being recognised as members of society with equal rights, and many of their demands are gradually being transformed into solutions that benefit society as a whole. One example is improved accessibility. Accessible built environments are more human and inclusive places, as well as being easier to get around. Improved accessibility is now recognised as a requirement shared by all members of society, although it is achieved thanks to the demands of disabled people and their representatives. The 1st National Accessibility Plan is a strategic framework for action aimed at ensuring that new products, services and built environments are designed to be accessible for as many people as possible (Design for All) and that existing ones are gradually duly adapted.
The definition of nutritional transition could be related to all the aspects involved in human behaviour, genetics and technological changes that show an influence on nutrition. Obesity is considered one of the most important risk factors for human health. Human genetics plays an important role that needs to be defined in more detail to improve the knowledge on pathology of obesity. Dry cured ham has a moderate value of energy density (ED), but this parameter is variable for the different types of dry cured hams and the different commercial preparations. The most important challenge of dry cured ham is the content of salt that should be optimised to arise the minimal concentration without compromise the sensorial quality and the technological possibilities available. On the other hand, the high content of protein and a good ratio polyunsaturated/saturated could be of interest to include dry cured ham in a diet, mainly in the case where the content of fat is moderated or low. Food industry needs to develop new products, improve the information to consumers and to consider the different distribution of population in developed and developing countries.
El I Plan Nacional de Accesibilidad 2004-2012 (PNdA) es el mecanismo por el cual la Administración General del Estado se propone acometer de forma ordenada y conjunta con otras administraciones y entidades, la transformación de entornos, servicios y productos, para hacerlos plenamente accesibles a todas las personas, especialmente a aquellas con alguna discapacidad. Por ello la exigencia de desarrollo del Plan surge del articulado de una ley, la Ley 51/2003 sobre igualdad de oportunidades, no discriminación y accesibilidad universal de las personas con discapacidad. Su plazo de ejecución comprende hasta el año 2012.
Para arrancar y poner en práctica el Plan se ha considerado la necesidad de desarrollar una “hoja de ruta” (Informe de Puesta en Marcha y Aplicación) de cada una de las acciones consideradas más prioritarias en el primer trienio, a modo de guía para su implementación.
Casi han pasado 20 años desde la primera detección del virus del bronceado del tomate (TSWV) en las Islas Canarias y, aunque la situación ha ido cambiando durante estas dos décadas, la problemática de la enfermedad sigue vigente en nuestro país. La epidemiología de la enfermedad determinó una rápida expansión llegando a ser, en pocos años, un factor limitante para el cultivo de algunas de las principales especies hortícola como son el tomate y el pimiento. La incorporación de genes de resistencias en los híbridos comerciales de estas especies, mediante programas de mejora genética, se mostró como el único método eficaz para el control de la enfermedad, una década después de su detección. Desde entonces y debido a la rápida aceptación de estos híbridos por parte de los agricultores, la enfermedad del bronceado en términos generales pasó a un segundo plano. Sin embargo, la variabilidad y gran capacidad de cambio que poseen los virus y, en concreto el TSWV, ha dado lugar a que en el transcurso de unos pocos años hayan aparecido cepas o variantes del virus que son capaces de sobrepasar dichas resistencias. La superación de esas resistencias está originando una gran problemática, no sólo por las pérdidas económicas que se han producido o se lleguen a producir, sino también desde el punto de vista legal por el enfrentamiento de los agricultores con las empresas productoras de semilla que publicitan semillas híbridas resistentes a la enfermedad del bronceado.
L'Office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP) a mandaté l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP) afin d'évaluer la campagne nationale « Break The Chain » réalisée en avril 2012. Il s'agit d'une campagne de prévention du VIH/sida s'adressant exclusivement aux hommes ayant des rapports sexuels avec des hommes (HSH). Elle a été mise en oeuvre par le Checkpoint Zürich et le Checkpoint Genève avec l'appui de l'Aide suisse contre le sida (ASS) sur mandat de l'OFSP.
The process to develop a guideline in a European setting remains a challenge. The ESCMID Fungal Infection Study Group (EFISG) successfully achieved this endeavour. After two face-to-face meetings, numerous telephone conferences, and email correspondence, an ESCMID task force (basically composed of members of the Society's Fungal Infection Study Group, EFISG) finalized the ESCMID diagnostic and management/therapeutic guideline for Candida diseases. By appreciating various patient populations at risk for Candida diseases, four subgroups were predefined, mainly ICU patients, paediatric, HIV/AIDS and patients with malignancies including haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Besides treatment recommendations, the ESCMID guidelines provide guidance for diagnostic procedures. For the guidelines, questions were formulated to phrase the intention of a given recommendation, for example, outcome. The recommendation was the clinical intervention, which was graded by a score of A-D for the 'Strength of a recommendation'. The 'level of evidence' received a score of I-III. The author panel was approved by ESCMID, European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and the European Confederation of Medical Mycology. The guidelines followed the framework of GRADE and Appraisal of Guidelines, Research, and Evaluation. The drafted guideline was presented at ECCMID 2011 and points of discussion occurring during that meeting were incorporated into the manuscripts. These ESCMID guidelines for the diagnosis and management of Candida diseases provide guidance for clinicians in their daily decision-making process.