La incorporación del juego deportivo tradicional en la escuela ofrece al profesor de educación fÃsica un abanico extraordinario de posibilidades para poner en valor la motricidad en relación a rasgos distintivos de la cultura local. Se trata de prácticas motrices caracterizadas por una riqueza motriz (reglas originales, variedad de relaciones o redes de comunicación motriz, variedad de formas de usar el espacio, variedad de maneras de finalizar la partida y de criterios temporales, variedad de manipulaciones de objeto) y por una riqueza social y cultural (variedad de protagonistas según edad, género y condición social, variedad de zonas, variedad en el calendario de práctica, variedad de maneras de obtener objetos de juego y formas de construcción). Texto y contexto, lógica interna y lógica externa, riqueza motriz y riqueza sociocultural convierten al juego deportivo tradicional en una sociedad en miniatura depositaria de signos, sÃmbolos, significados y valores de la cultura local Lejos de ser manifestaciones motrices de segunda categorÃa, este tipo de prácticas permiten aplicar una auténtica pedagogÃa de conductas etnomotrices, al hacer uso del juego deportivo tradicional en su condición de patrimonio cultural mundial. Diferentes investigaciones apoyadas en la etnomotricidad (relación del juego motor con la cultura) han identificado sus potencialidades pedagógicas, entre las cuales destacamos: la transmisión oral del conocimiento entre personas de diferentes edades; el predominio de las situaciones sociomotrices ante las psicomotrices, es decir la exaltación del diálogo social y encuentro con los demás; la supremacÃa de situaciones motrices sin contabilización en el resultado ante las que distinguen a los protagonistas entre ganadores y perdedores; la sostenibilidad o trato respetuoso de los espacios y materiales de juego. En esta ocasión se muestran algunas estrategias y recursos pedagógicos centradas en una experiencia pedagógica realizada en el pueblo de Horta de Sant Joan de Cataluña (España)
El cambio estructural dado en los noventa, impactó en distintas direcciones: transferencia hacia arriba (acuerdos regionales); hacia abajo, provincias y territorios locales (descentralización de funciones); y una delegación horizontal que implicó ceder roles a grupos u organizaciones de la sociedad civil que interactuaban con el Estado. La participación pública, pasó a formar parte del discurso de los noventa, sobre todo en este nivel micro, como garante de 'transparencia y control' en el proceso de elaboración y transferencias de programas y polÃticas sociales. En el marco del Programa 'Plan Social Santiago', se constituyeron las Mesas Locales de PolÃticas Sociales, que fueron espacios multisectoriales conformados por representantes de organizaciones de los distintos sectores e intereses de la comunidad (representantes de organismos públicos: municipios vinculados con el trabajo de promoción y desarrollo social, escuelas, representantes de organizaciones sociales, representantes de desocupados etc.) En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar las caracterÃsticas que adquirió el proceso de descentralización, control y participación en el municipio de Loreto, a partir de la emergencia de la Mesa de PolÃtica Social Local en esa localidad, y a partir de la elaboración y ejecución de los programas descentralizados a través de ella. Para ello nos preguntamos sobre el papel desempeñado por los actores sociopolÃticos que intervinieron en su formación y su funcionamiento. Para este fin, utilizaremos la combinación de diferentes fuentes como entrevistas a informantes claves, análisis de documentación institucional, análisis de periódicos y fuentes secundarias
Sign.: [calderón]4, A-E4, F3
Tit. tomado de principio del texto
Alcance y contenido: Ms. autógrafo y firmado, conteniendo el certificado expedido por el rector de la Iglesia parroquial de Almenara dando fe de la curación milagrosa de Francisca SeguÃ, tras habersele aparecido la Beata Ines de Beniganim.
O presente estudo foi dividido em dois experimentos, tendo como objetivo determinar a curva de excreção do cortisol fecal e sua estabilidade nas fezes perante exposição à diferentes perÃodos de tempo e temperatura entre as colheitas e análises, correlacionando os nÃveis de cortisol fecal com o pico de cortisol sanguÃneo. No experimento 1, seis fêmeas mestiças (Dorper x Santa Inês) tiveram suas fezes totais colhidas durante 24 horas após a aplicação do hormônio adrenocorticotrófico (ACTH), além de colheitas de sangue realizadas antes da aplicação do ACTH, 60, 120 e 300 minutos depois; durante as quais foram atribuÃdos escores de reatividade para cada animal. Logo após as análises foi iniciado o experimento 2, no qual 9 cordeiros mestiços (Dorper x Santa Inês) foram submetidos a uma situação de estresse térmico durante os horários das 11 à s 15 horas da tarde, tendo suas fezes colhidas à s 23 horas do mesmo dia. Após a colheita, as fezes foram agrupadas e homogeneizadas em três grupos distintos, de onde retiraram-se alÃquotas referentes aos tratamentos propostos: três temperaturas (15°, 25° e 35°) e quatro tempos (1, 3, 6 e 12 horas). Os dados da curva de excreção foram analisados por ANOVA, bem como pela correlação entre os valores de cortisol sanguÃneo, fecal e reatividade. Para análise da estabilidade foi utilizada ANOVA multifatorial com dois fatores (temperatura e intervalo de tempo). Para avaliação das variáveis comportamentais foi realizada a transformação de escala dos dados para \"arco-seno raiz de porcentagem\", procedendo-se à análise de variância. O modelo estatÃstico contemplou os efeitos de dia (1, 2 e 3) com análise individual por animal. Os parâmetros de cortisol sanguÃneo, frequência respiratória e temperatura retal foram analisados pelo teste t e correlação de Pearson. Todas as comparações de médias foram realizadas por teste F e teste t (PDIFF). A reatividade durante a colheita não exerceu efeito significativo sobre os valores de cortisol sanguÃneo, os quais demonstraram médias maiores 60 minutos após a aplicação do ACTH e, após 300 minutos as ovelhas apresentaram nÃveis de cortisol considerados normais para ovinos sem estresse. Por outro lado, o pico de cortisol nas fezes foi verificado aproximadamente 10 a 12 horas após o pico de cortisol no sangue, não sendo verificadas diminuições significativas nas concentrações que indicassem o retorno aos nÃveis basais durante o perÃodo de 24 horas (P>0,05). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tempos e temperaturas aos quais as amostras de fezes foram submetidas (P>0,05), verificando-se uma tendência a manutenção da concentração do cortisol fecal em ovinos durante o perÃodo de 12 horas após a colheita.
Com este estudo objetivou-se avaliar os nÃveis de estresse e a qualidade de carne de cordeiros mestiços Santa Inês x Dorper, submetidos a transporte de percurso curto (duas horas) e longo (seis horas) e em dois perÃodos de espera pré-abate (12 ou 24 horas). Foram utilizados 32 cordeiros com 127 ± 7 dias de idade e 30,4 ± 2,1 kg de peso vivo. Antes de serem submetidos aos perÃodos de transporte, os animais estavam alocados em baias coletivas e receberam ração concentrada (farelo de soja e milho, calcário calcÃtico e núcleo com monensina), bagaço úmido de citros e capim Napier (Pennisetum purpureum) e água ad libitum. Foram realizadas avaliações de reatividade dos animais no momento do embarque, desembarque e durante a contenção dos animais para as colheitas de sangue, urina e temperatura ocular por termografia infravermelho. Durante o perÃodo de espera pré-abate, realizou-se a colheita de dados comportamentais dos animais. Foram avaliadas as concentrações de cortisol no soro, na urina e as concentrações de haptoglobina no soro nos perÃodos que antecederam a insensibilização, assim como no momento do abate. Os animais apresentaram baixa reatividade durante todos os manejos. Houve diferença significativa no comportamento dos cordeiros durante os perÃodos de espera (P < 0,05) que durante as 12 horas apresentaram frequência de comportamentos que indicaram bem-estar favorável, enquanto que o perÃodo de transporte não afetou (P > 0,05). Os nÃveis de cortisol no soro mantiveram-se semelhantes da saÃda dos animais para o transporte até o final do perÃodo de espera (P > 0,05), enquanto houve oscilação dessas concentrações no cortisol na urina (P < 0,05), com pico no desembarque dos animais de duas horas de transporte e diminuição ao final do perÃodo de descanso. Os nÃveis de haptoglobina mantiveram-se semelhantes da colheita realizada antes do transporte, no embarque e no desembarque (P > 0,05) e diminuÃram no final do perÃodo de espera pré-abate (P < 0,05). A temperatura ocular elevou-se no embarque e no desembarque dos animais, com diminuição da temperatura ao final do perÃodo de espera (P < 0,05). No momento do abate, foi observado aumento das concentrações de haptoglobina (P < 0,05), enquanto não houve alteração nas concentrações de cortisol no soro (P > 0,05). Animais que permaneceram por 24 horas de espera pré-abate apresentaram maior força de cisalhamento e menor luminosidade (L*) e intensidade de amarelo (b*). As variáveis comportamentais foram pouco afetadas pelos perÃodos de transporte e de espera pré-abate, porém o perÃodo de 12 horas de espera favoreceu a qualidade da carne
Salinity, water temperature, and chlorophyll a (chl-a) biomass were used as performance measures in the period 1999–2001 to evaluate the effect of a hydrological rehabilitation project in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM)–Pajarales lagoon complex, Colombia where freshwater diversions were initiated in 1995 and completed in 1998. The objective of this study was to evaluate how diversions of freshwater into previously hypersaline (>80) environments changed the spatial and temporal distribution of environmental characteristics. Following the diversion, 19 surveys and transects using a flow-through system were surveyed in the CGSM–Pajarales complex to continuously measure selected water quality parameters. Geostatistical analysis indicates that hydrology and salinity regimes and water circulation patterns in the CGSM lagoon are largely controlled by freshwater discharge from the Fundacion, Aracataca, and Sevilla Rivers. Residence times in the CGSM lagoon were similar before (15.5 ± 3.8 days) and after (14.2 ± 2.0 days) the rehabilitation project and indicated that the system is flushed regularly. In contrast, chl-a biomass was highly variable in the CGSM–Pajarales lagoon complex and not related to discharge patterns. Mean annual chl-a biomass (44–250 μg L−1) following the diversion project was similar to values recorded since the 1980s and still remains among the highest reported in coastal systems around the world owing to its unique hydrology regulated by the Magdalena River and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta watersheds and the high teleconnection to the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Our results confirm that the reduction in salinity in the CGSM lagoon and Pajarales complex during 1999–2000 was largely driven by high precipitation (2500 mm) induced by the ENSO–La Niña rather than by the freshwater diversions.
We describe trajectories of selected ecological indicators used as performance measures to evaluate the success of a mangrove rehabilitation project in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM) Delta-Lagoon complex, Colombia, as result of freshwater diversions initiated in 1995. There is a significant reduction in soil and water column salinity in all sampling stations following the hydraulic reconnection of the ClarÃn and Aguas Negras channels to the Magdalena River. Soil intersticial water salinity (depth: 0.5 m) (7 stations) and water column salinity (0.5 m) (10 stations) values declined significantly (soil <30 g kg-1; water <10 g kg-1) from 1994 to 2000. During 1994 soil interstitial water salinity ranged from 40 g kg-1 (Rinconada) to 100 g kg-1 (KM 13), while water column salinity fluctuated between 25-35 g kg-1 for most of the sampling stations. This salinity reduction increased mangrove forest regeneration promoting a net gain of 99 km2 from 1995 to 1999. The high precipitation recorded in 1995 and 1999 caused by El Niño-La Niña (ENSO), coinciding with the channels rehabilitation, influenced rapid mangrove regeneration. The lack of economic investment in the maintenance of the diversion structures from 2001 to 2004 caused a salinity increase affecting negatively already restored vegetation. A sustainable effort from the international community and the Colombian government is needed to maintain the strategic social and economic benefits reached until 2000 in the CGSM region.
Resposta de ovinos naturalmente infectados por nematoides gastrintestinais em pastos de capim-massai
The aim of this study was to evaluate the crossbred sheep Santa Ines response to natural infections by gastrointestinal nematodes in Panicum maximum cv. pastures Massai at different times of grazing. For this it was used 36 crossbred sheep Santa Inês, divided into four groups and randomly distributed in massai-grass pickets naturally infected by gastrointestinal nematodes. In the period from October 2013 to May 2014, the animals were weekly monitored for hematology tests (packed cell volume) and parasitological (egg counts per gram of feces and fecal culture) in order to monitor the level of infection of sheep and they were assessed for weight, body condition score and staining ocular mucosa by FAMACHA© method. Furthermore infective larvae was recovery from pasture in times of pre-and post-grazing pasture. At 35 kg body weight, the animals were slaughtered and necropsied to collect the contents of the abomasum and small and large intestines to recover the adult parasites, carrying out the count and identification. The animals on pasture with a height of 40 cm pre-grazing obtained low nematode eggs in feces (1608 eggs / g) and 33 cm those in pre-grazing the highest average (2,539 eggs / g). The animals in different groups showed mean values of packed cell volume less than 23% (P> 0.05). Regarding to FAMACHA, the animals belonging to the groups 40 and 50 cm pre-grazing remained over 50% of individuals between FAMACHA 1 and 2 , and those to 33 and 45 cm pre-grazing showed mostly between FAMACHA 3, 4 and 5 (69.06% and 58.93%, respectively). In the culture of larvae in feces and recovery of pasture larvae before and after grazing the following genera were found, in order of prevalence: Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Oesophagostomum and Strongyloides. The pasture with 33 cm of pre-grazing provided the highest number of larvae recovered both in the pre and post-grazing (1,081 and 715 L3 / 100 g of green matter, respectively). Among the different groups, the sheep had an average weight of between 23 and 26 kg and variation between the body 1 and 3 scores with scores greater frequency of 1.5 to 2.It can be observed that the animals kept at different times of grazing got different answers on the parasite load. Animals kept in 40 cm pre-grazing expressed a satisfactory answer than the other groups (33, 45 and 50 cm), best supporting the action of endoparasites. Moreover, this same height, was recovered fewer infective larvae on pasture in pre and post-grazing.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the productive performance, metabolic and feeding behavior of sheep after ninety days deferred pasture at different heights. The experiment was conducted at Capim Branco experimental farm of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. During the period of 90 days, from June to September 2013, forty-eight crossbred lambs Santa Inês x Dorper, divided into groups of four animals, occupied twelve pickets deferred pasture with four initial heights (15 cm, 25 cm, 35 cm and 45 cm). During this period we evaluated the structural characteristics of pasture. For confinement, from September to December 2013, 32 of these animals were used (16 males and 16 females), divided into four bays, separated as pasture were using. The consumption was assessed daily, while biometric measurements were made every 21 days. In relation to gender, there were differences in average daily gain weight. Reviews of feeding behavior occurred at the beginning, middle and end of the experiment for 24 hours. The rumination and leisure activities do not present statistical differences, both initial height of pasture and by period. The time spent on intake was higher during the daytime both treatments starting height as the experimental periods, however, rumination activity was more intense at night. Blood glucose was achieved in five periods of the day, while other metabolites have been obtained with a collection made fortnightly. The different initial heights not promoted effects on blood glucose. The harvesting times were not affected. However, there was a reduction of basal blood glucose of animals throughout the experimental period. There was a significant interaction between the initial pasture heights and periods of evaluation of basal glucose. Cholesterol and triglyceride levels were below recommended levels, however the final phase of confinement cholesterol level increased significantly. The values of VLDL and GGT were above the reference range. FA and AST showed average values within the recommended values. Total protein was influenced by different initial heights of pasture. The creatinine and albumin had values below the recommended range. Moreover, the albumin decreased during the confinement time. Uric acid showed close to the recommended maximum. There was stabilization of compensatory growth, with modification of consumption and weight gain at 45 days of experiment.
Two types of health reforms in Latin America are analysed: one based on insurance and service commodification and the one referred to the unified public systems of progressive governments. Health insurance with explicit service packages has not fulfilled their purposes of universal coverage, equal access to necessary health services and improvement of health conditions but has opened health as a field of profit making for insurance companies and private health providers. The national health services as a state obligation have developed territorialized health services and widened substantially timely access to the majority of the population. The adoption of an integrated and wide social policy has an impact on population well fare. It faces some problems derived from the old health systems and the power of the insurance and medical complex.
Tesis (MaestrÃa en Docencia Yopal).-- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. MaestrÃa en Docencia Yopal, 2015
Tesis (MaestrÃa en Docencia). -- Universidad de la Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. MaestrÃa en Docencia, 2014