1000 resultados para CGB-ECO2-108-05
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Inmunología) UANL
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Química Biomédica) UANL
Tesis ( Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biotecnología) UANL
Les biomarqueurs plasmatiques constituent des outils essentiels, mais rares, utilisés pour diagnostiquer les maladies, comme les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV), et stratifier le niveau de risque associé. L’identification de nouveaux biomarqueurs plasmatiques susceptibles d’améliorer le dépistage et le suivi des MCV représente ainsi un enjeu majeur en termes d’économie et de santé publique. Le projet vise à identifier de nouveaux biomarqueurs plasmatiques prédictifs ou diagnostiques des MCV, à déterminer le profil protéomique plasmatique de patients atteints de MCV et à développer des méthodes innovantes d’analyse d’échantillon plasmatique. L’étude a été effectuée sur une large banque de plasma provenant de 1006 individus de souche Canadienne-Française recrutés à différents stades de la MCV et qui ont été suivis sur une période de 5 ans. Des séries de déplétions ont été réalisées afin de dépléter les 14 protéines majoritaires (colonne IgY14TM) de l’échantillon avant son analyse par trois approches effectuées en parallèle: 1) Une chromatographie liquide (LC) en 2 dimensions qui fractionne les protéines selon le point isoélectrique puis selon le degré d’hydrophobicité, via le système PF2D, suivie par une chromatographie liquide couplée avec une spectrométrie de masse en tandem (LC-MS/MS). 2) Une séparation classique sur gel 1D-SDS-PAGE suivie d’une LC-MS/MS; 3) Par une déplétion plus poussée du plasma avec l’utilisation en tandem avec la colonne IgY14TM d’une colonne SupermixTM permettant de dépléter également les protéines de moyenne abondance, suivie d’une séparation sur gel 1D-SDS-PAGE et d’une analyse LC-MS/MS de la portion déplétée (3a) et de la portion liée à la SupermixTM (3b). Les résultats montrent que le système PF2D permet d’identifier plusieurs profils protéiques spécifiques au groupe MCV. Sur un total de 1156 fractions (équivalent à 1172 pics protéiques pour le groupe contrôle et 926 pics pour le groupe MCV) recueillies, 15 fractions (23 pics protéiques) présentaient des différences quantitativement significatives (p<0,05) entre les 2 groupes. De plus, 6 fractions (9 pics) sont uniquement présentes dans un groupe, représentant d’autres signatures protéomiques et biomarqueurs potentiellement intéressants. Les méthodes 2, 3a et 3b ont permis l’identification de 108, 125 et 91 protéines respectivement avec des chevauchements partiels (31% entre la méthode 2 et 3a, 61% entre 2 et 3b et 19% entre 3a et 3b). Les méthodes 2 et 3 ont permis l’identification de 12 protéines qui présentaient des différences quantitatives significatives entre les 2 groupes. L’utilisation de plusieurs approches protéomiques complémentaires nous ont d’ores et déjà permis d’identifier des candidats biomarqueurs des angines instables avec récidive d’infarctus du myocarde (IM).
The present study aimed at the utlisation of microbial organisms for the
production of good quality chitin and chitosan. The three strains used for the
study were Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacililus brevis and Bacillus subtilis.
These strains were selected on the basis of their acid producing ability to reduce
the pH of the fermenting substrates to prevent spoilage and thus caused
demineralisation of the shell. Besides, the proteolytic enzymes in these strains
acted on proteinaceous covering of shrimp and thus caused deprotenisation of
shrimp shell waste. Thus the two processes involved in chitin production can be
affected to certain extent using bacterial fermentation of shrimp shell.Optimization parameters like fermentation period, quantity of inoculum,
type of sugar, concentration of sugar etc. for fermentation with three different
strains were studied. For these, parameters like pH, Total titrable acidity (TTA),
changes in sugar concentration, changes in microbial count, sensory changes
etc. were studied.Fermentation study with Lactobacillus plantarum was continued with 20%
w/v jaggery broth for 15 days. The inoculum prepared yislded a cell
concentration of approximately 108 CFU/ml. In the present study, lactic acid and
dilute hydrochloric acid were used for initial pH adjustment because; without
adjusting the initial pH, it took more than 5 hours for the lactic acid bacteria to
convert glucose to lactic acid and during this delay spoilage occurred due to
putrefying enzymes active at neutral or higher pH. During the fermentation study,
pH first decreased in correspondence with increase in TTA values. This showed
a clear indication of acid production by the strain. This trend continued till their
proteolytic activity showed an increasing trend. When the available sugar source
started depleting, proteolytic activity also decreased and pH increased. This was
clearly reflected in the sensory evaluation results. Lactic acid treated samples
showed greater extent of demineralization and deprotenisation at the end of
fermentation study than hydrochloric acid treated samples. It can be due to the
effect of strong hydrochloric acid on the initial microbial count, which directly
affects the fermentation process. At the end of fermentation, about 76.5% of ash was removed in lactic acid treated samples and 71.8% in hydrochloric acid
treated samples; 72.8% of proteins in lactic acid treated samples and 70.6% in
hydrochloric acid treated samples.The residual protein and ash in the fermented residue were reduced to
permissible limit by treatment with 0.8N HCI and 1M NaOH. Characteristics of
chitin like chitin content, ash content, protein content, % of N- acetylation etc.
were studied. Quality characteristics like viscosity, degree of deacetylation and
molecular weight of chitosan prepared were also compared. The chitosan
samples prepared from lactic acid treated showed high viscosity than HCI treated
samples. But degree of deacetylation is more in HCI treated samples than lactic
acid treated ones. Characteristics of protein liquor obtained like its biogenic
composition, amino acid composition, total volatile base nitrogen, alpha amino
nitrogen etc. also were studied to find out its suitability as animal feed
supplement.Optimization of fermentation parameters for Lactobacillus brevis
fermentation study was also conducted and parameters were standardized. Then
detailed fermentation study was done in 20%wlv jaggery broth for 17 days. Also
the effect of two different acid treatments (mild HCI and lactic acid) used for initial
pH adjustment on chitin production were also studied. In this study also trend of
changes in pH. changes in sugar concentration ,microbial count changes were
similar to Lactobacillus plantarum studies. At the end of fermentation, residual
protein in the samples were only 32.48% in HCI treated samples and 31.85% in
lactic acid treated samples. The residual ash content was about 33.68% in HCI
treated ones and 32.52% in lactic acid treated ones. The fermented residue was
converted to chitin with good characteristics by treatment with 1.2MNaOH and
1NHCI.Characteristics of chitin samples prepared were studied and extent of Nacetylation
was about 84% in HCI treated chitin and 85%in lactic acid treated
ones assessed from FTIR spectrum. Chitosan was prepared from these samples
by usual chemical method and its extent of solubility, degree of deacetylation,
viscosity and molecular weight etc were studied. The values of viscosity and
molecular weight of the samples prepared were comparatively less than the
chitosan prepared by Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation. Characteristics of protein liquor obtained were analyzed to determine its quality and is suitability as
animal feed supplement.Another strain used for the study was Bacillus subtilis and fermentation
was carried out in 20%w/v jaggery broth for 15 days. It was found that Bacillus
subtilis was more efficient than other Lactobacillus species for deprotenisation
and demineralization. This was mainly due to the difference in the proteolytic
nature of the strains. About 84% of protein and 72% of ash were removed at the
end of fermentation. Considering the statistical significance (P
Marine fungus BTMFW032, isolated from seawater and identified as Aspergillus awamori, was observed to produce an extracellular lipase, which could reduce 92% fat and oil content in the effluent laden with oil. In this study, medium for lipase production under submerged fermentation was optimized statistically employing response surface method toward maximal enzyme production. Medium with soyabean meal- 0.77% (w/v); (NH4)2SO4-0.1 M; KH2PO4-0.05 M; rice bran oil-2% (v/v); CaCl2-0.05 M; PEG 6000-0.05% (w/v); NaCl-1% (w/v); inoculum-1% (v/v); pH 3.0; incubation temperature 35 8C and incubation period-five days were identified as optimal conditions for maximal lipase production. The time course experiment under optimized condition, after statistical modeling, indicated that enzyme production commenced after 36 hours of incubation and reached a maximum after 96 hours (495.0 U/ml), whereas maximal specific activity of enzyme was recorded at 108 hours (1164.63 U/mg protein). After optimization an overall 4.6- fold increase in lipase production was achieved. Partial purification by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation and ion exchange chromatography resulted in 33.7% final yield. The lipase was noted to have a molecular mass of 90 kDa and optimal activity at pH 7 and 40 8C. Results indicated the scope for potential application of this marine fungal lipase in bioremediation.
Research on soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa was criticized lately for largely ignoring farmers’ management strategies and the underlying principles. To fill this gap of knowledge, detailed interviews were conducted with 108 farm households about their rationale in managing the soil fertility of 307 individual fields in the agro-pastoral village territory of Chikal in western Niger. To amplify the farmers’ information on manuring and corralling practices, repeated measurements of applied amounts of manure were carried out within six 1-km^2 monitoring areas from February to October 1998. The interviews revealed that only 2% of the fields were completely fallowed for a period of 1–15 years, but 40% of the fields were at least partially fallowed. Mulching of crop residues was mainly practiced to fight wind erosion but was restricted to 36% of the surveyed fields given the alternative use of straw as livestock feed. Manure application and livestock corralling, as most effective tools to enhance soil fertility, were targeted to less than 30% of the surveyed fields. The application of complete fallow and manuring and corralling practices were strongly related to the households’ endowment with resources, especially with land and livestock. Within particular fields, measures were mainly applied to spots of poor soil fertility, while the restoration of the productivity of hard pans was of secondary importance. Given the limited spatial coverage of indigenous soil fertility measures and their strong dependence on farmers’ wealth, supplementary strategies to restrict the decline of soil fertility in the drought prone areas of Niger with their heavily weathered soils are needed.
Se presenta experiencia educativa que propone una reuni??n quincenal entre el profesorado para organizar las actividades del centro. Se realiza en el CEIP Dolores Romero Pozo en Cenes de la Vega, Granada. Los objetivos son: organizar actividades l??dicas para 'gran grupo'; hacer part??cipes a todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa de esas actividades; crear un clima facilitador de la convivencia.
Se pretende trabajar una serie de estrategias que favorezcan y pongan las bases que posibiliten el aprendizaje autónomo y dote a la vez de autoestima al alumnado.
La guía incluye material complementario: artículo de Ana Oyñobre, de Cuadernos de Pedagogía, sobre solución de problemas y otro de Herron et al.: Philosophy of teaching chemistry-Part II, publicado en Chem News y traducido por uno de los autores
Programación para el desarrollo de las habilidades motrices básicas con alumnos y alumnas de Educación Primaria, dirigida a los profesores y profesoras del área de Educación Física. El desarrollo del comportamiento motor es gobernado por las mismas leyes que controlan el crecimiento físico; el grado de habilidad para cualquier etapa del proceso de desarrollo dependerá de un mínimo de coordinación neuro-muscular para la ejecución de dichos comportamientos. El programa incluye concepciones sobre el desarrollo motor, un programa de actividades con contenidos estructurados en bloques y una propuesta para el desarrollo de lo programado así como una guía de sesiones prácticas.
Se trata de un texto dedicado al estudio del papel de la mujer en la M??sica. La referencia educativa que enmarca este estudio sobre la coeducaci??n musical, desarrollado en la introducci??n, se complementa con referencias ricas en matices eruditos sobre las claves conceptuales que diseccionan el modo en que algunas formas musicales explican y determinan la vigencia del c??digo patriarcal en la estructura musical. La autora se enfrenta con estos extremos en el apartado de la 'revisi??n historiogr??fica de la musicolog??a feminista' as?? como en la 'contextualizaci??n de la mujer en la M??sica', dando lugar al marco conceptual que sostiene la reflexi??n. Desde este enfoque, se sucede el estudio de mujeres tan relevantes en la historia de la M??sica, como frecuentemente ignoradas por su historiograf??a. As??, el estudio resalta el papel relevante de Hildegard von Bingen en la composici??n musical; de Clara Schumann en la interpretaci??n; de B??rbara de Braganza, la regente Mar??a Cristina y la reina Isabel II como mecenas musicales; de Nadia Boulanger en la ense??anza musical; y finalmente del papel de la mujer en las m??sicas populares y urbanas, en torno al estudio y an??lisis de Madonna. El texto se culmina con una recopilaci??n historiogr??fica, una base de datos y recursos digitales y un cuaderno de actividades para trabajar con el alumnado que exige una participaci??n activa en el aprendizaje y en su lectura.
El estudio se centra en el descubrimiento de las necesidades, problemas y preocupaciones de los profesores principiantes durante sus primeros meses de experiencia docente. Está compuesta por un total de 108 profesores en su primer o segundo año de experiencia de las provincias de Sevilla y Granada y perteneciente a los niveles educativos de EGB, BUP, FP y EE. El análisis de los datos se realizó a través de metodologías tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas de los datos obtenidos de las entrevistas y cuestionarios utilizados. Apuntan hacia la existencia de diferencias en la percepción de problemas y preocupaciones de los profesores según el nivel educativo al que pertenezcan. Destaca la importancia de los colegas como agentes socializadores de los profesores principiantes, la necesidad de asesoramiento pedagógico demandada por los profesores noveles y la escasez de infraestructura de los centros. El estudio presenta una propuesta de programa que escoge la figura del mentor como instrumento para la supervisión de los profesores.