974 resultados para CDNA MICROARRAY


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A method for isolating and cloning mRNA populations from individual cells in living, intact plant tissues is described. The contents of individual cells were aspirated into micropipette tips filled with RNA extraction buffer. The mRNA from these cells was purified by binding to oligo(dT)-linked magnetic beads and amplified on the beads using reverse transcription and PCR. The cell-specific nature of the isolated mRNA was verified by creating cDNA libraries from individual tomato leaf epidermal and guard cell mRNA preparations. In testing the reproducibility of the method, we discovered an inherent limitation of PCR amplification from small amounts of any complex template. This phenomenon, which we have termed the "Monte Carlo" effect, is created by small and random differences in amplification efficiency between individual templates in an amplifying cDNA population. The Monte Carlo effect is dependent upon template concentration: the lower the abundance of any template, the less likely its true abundance will be reflected in the amplified library. Quantitative assessment of the Monte Carlo effect revealed that only rare mRNAs (< or = 0.04% of polyadenylylated mRNA) exhibited significant variation in amplification at the single-cell level. The cDNA cloning approach we describe should be useful for a broad range of cell-specific biological applications.


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The human general transcription factor TFIIA is one of several factors involved in specific transcription by RNA polymerase II, possibly by regulating the activity of the TATA-binding subunit (TBP) of TFIID. TFIIA purified from HeLa extracts consists of 35-, 19-, and 12-kDa subunits. Here we describe the isolation of a cDNA clone (hTFIIA gamma) encoding the 12-kDa subunit. Using expression constructs derived from hTFIIA gamma and TFIIA alpha/beta (which encodes a 55-kDa precursor to the alpha and beta subunits of natural TFIIA), we have constructed a synthetic TFIIA with a polypeptide composition similar to that of natural TFIIA. The recombinant complex supports the formation of a DNA-TBP-TFIIA complex and mediates both basal and Gal4-VP16-activated transcription by RNA polymerase II in TFIIA-depleted nuclear extracts. In contrast, TFIIA has no effect on tRNA and 5S RNA transcription by RNA polymerase III in this system. We also present evidence that both the p55 and p12 recombinant subunits interact with TBP and that the basic region of TBP is critical for the TFIIA-dependent function of TBP in nuclear extracts.


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The monoclonal nonspecific suppressor factor (MNSF) is a lymphokine product of a murine T-cell hybridoma that inhibits the generation of lipopolysaccharide-induced immunoglobulin-secreting cells in an antigen-nonspecific manner. A cDNA clone encoding MNSF beta (an isoform of MNSF) was isolated and expressed in bacteria. The sequence obtained is virtually identical to the Fau protein, a product of the ubiquitously expressed fau gene with unknown function. Northern blot analysis demonstrated a single, 0.6-kb transcript. Specific polyclonal antibodies against synthetic peptides corresponding to the deduced amino acid sequences were elicited in rabbits. Immunoprecipitation experiments with these antibodies showed that MNSF beta is released extracellularly in an aggregate form, albeit it lacks a signal peptide sequence. The anti-MNSF beta affinity eluate from the MNSF-producing murine hybridoma (E17) and concanavalin A-activated splenocyte culture supernatants inhibited the immunoglobulin production by lipopolysaccharide-activated splenocytes. Recombinant MNSF beta also showed a similar biologic activity. Thus, ubiquitin-like protein(s) may be involved in the regulation of the immune responses.


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Parcela considerável de pacientes com distúrbios de crescimento não têm a causa de seus quadros clínicos estabelecida, incluindo aproximadamente 50% dos pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de síndrome de Silver−Russell (SRS) e 10-20% dos pacientes com síndrome de Beckwith-Wiedemann (BWS). O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as causas genéticas e epigenéticas de distúrbios de crescimento, de etiologia desconhecida, numa contribuição para o entendimento de mecanismos que regulam o crescimento. O estudo compreendeu: (1) a investigação de microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos, por aCGH; (2) a análise do perfil de expressão alelo-específica de genes sujeitos a imprinting (IG), por pirossequenciamento (PSQ) ou sequenciamento de Sanger; (3) a investigação do padrão de metilação global em pacientes com restrição de crescimento, utilizando microarray de metilação. A casuística constituiu-se de 41 pacientes não aparentados, com distúrbios de crescimento, de etiologia desconhecida: (1) 25, com hipótese diagnóstica de SRS; (2) seis, com restrição de crescimento intrauterino e peso ao nascimento abaixo do 10º percentil, associados a outros sinais clínicos; (3) sete, com hipótese diagnóstica de BWS; e (4) três, com macrossomia pré-natal ou pós-natal, associada a outros sinais. A investigação de microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos foi realizada em 40 pacientes. Foram detectadas 58 variantes raras em 30/40 pacientes (75%): 40 foram consideradas provavelmente benignas (18 pacientes, 45%), 12, com efeito patogênico desconhecido (11 pacientes, 27,5%), duas, provavelmente patogênicas (um paciente, 2,5%) e quatro, patogênicas (três pacientes, 7,5%). Essas frequências são comparáveis àquelas descritas em estudos que investigaram CNV em grupos de pacientes com distúrbios de crescimento e outras alterações congênitas, incluindo SRS, e mostram a importância da investigação de microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos nesses pacientes. A diversidade dos microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos identificados é reflexo da heterogeneidade clínica das casuísticas. Neste estudo, muitos dos pacientes com hipótese diagnóstica de SRS e BWS apresentavam sinais clínicos atípicos, explicando a ausência neles das alterações (epi)genéticas que causam essas síndromes. A identificação de CNV características de outras síndromes reflete a sobreposição de sinais clínicos com BWS e SRS. A análise do perfil de expressão alelo-específica de IG foi realizada em um subgrupo de 18 pacientes com restrição de crescimento. Trinta IG com função em proliferação celular, crescimento fetal ou neurodesenvolvimento foram inicialmente selecionados. Após seleção de SNP transcritos com alta frequência na população, genotipagem de pacientes, genitores e indivíduos controle, determinação da expressão dos IG em sangue periférico e seu padrão de expressão (mono ou bialélico), 13 IG, expressos no sangue, tiveram a expressão alelo-específica avaliada, sete deles por PSQ e seis por sequenciamento de Sanger. Alterações no perfil de expressão de dois genes, de expressão normalmente paterna, foram detectadas em 4/18 pacientes (22%). Este estudo é o primeiro a utilizar pirossequenciamento e sequenciamento de Sanger na avaliação do perfil de expressão alelo-específica de IG, em pacientes com restrição de crescimento. Apesar de terem limitações, ambas as técnicas mostraram-se robustas e revelaram alterações de expressão alélica interessantes; entretanto, a relação dessas alterações com o quadro clínico dos pacientes permanece por esclarecer. A investigação da metilação global do DNA foi realizada em subgrupo de 21 pacientes com restrição de crescimento e em 24 indivíduos controle. Dois tipos de análise foram realizados: (1) análise diferencial de grupo e (2) análise diferencial individual. Na primeira análise, em que foi comparado o padrão de metilação do grupo de pacientes com quadro clínico sugestivo de SRS (n=16) com o do grupo controle (n=24), não houve indicação de hipo ou hipermetilação global no grupo SRS. Na segunda análise, foi comparado o padrão de metilação de cada um dos 21 pacientes com restrição de crescimento e dos 24 indivíduos controle, com o padrão de metilação do grupo controle. O número médio de CpG hipermetilados e de segmentos diferencialmente metilados (SDM) foi significativamente maior nos pacientes. Foram identificados 82 SDM hipermetilados, estando 57 associados a gene(s) (69,5%), em 16 pacientes, e 51 SDM hipometilados, 41 deles associados a gene(s) (80,4%), em 10 pacientes. A análise de ontologia genética dos 61 genes associados aos SDM hipo ou hipermetilados nos pacientes destacou genes que atuam no desenvolvimento e na morfogênese do sistema esquelético e de órgãos fetais, e na regulação da transcrição gênica e de processos metabólicos. Alterações de metilação em genes que atuam em processos de proliferação e diferenciação celulares e crescimento foram identificadas em 9/20 dos pacientes (45%), sugerindo implicação clínica. Não foi detectada alteração epigenética comum aos pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de SRS, explicável provavelmente pela heterogeneidade clínica. A investigação de metilação global, utilizando microarray, produziu novos dados que podem contribuir para a compreensão de mecanismos moleculares que influenciam o crescimento pré- e pós-natal. Na translocação aparentemente equilibrada - t(5;6)(q35.2;p22.3)dn, detectada em paciente com suspeita clínica de SRS, a interrupção de um gene, pela quebra no cromossomo 6, pode ser a causa do quadro clínico; alternativamente, a translocação pode ter impactado a regulação de genes de desenvolvimento localizados próximos aos pontos de quebra. A análise de expressão em sangue periférico mostrou que os níveis de cDNA do gene, interrompido pelo ponto de quebra da translocação, estavam reduzidos à metade. Além de sinais típicos da SRS, a paciente apresentava algumas características clínicas sugestivas de displasia cleidocraniana. Assim, a translocação t(5;6) pode ter alterado a interação de genes de desenvolvimento e seus elementos reguladores, levando à desregulação de sua expressão espaço-temporal, e resultando num fenótipo atípico, com características sobrepostas de mais de uma síndrome genética


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Objectives: To identify potential molecular genetic determinants of cardiovascular ischemic tolerance in wild-type and transgenic hearts overexpressing A(1) adenosine receptors (A(1)ARs). Methods: cDNA microarrays were used to explore expression of 1824 genes ill wild-type hearts and ischemia-tolerant mouse hearts overexpressing A(1)ARs. Results: Overexpression of A(1)ARs reduced post-ischemic contractile dysfunction, limited arrhythmogenesis, and reduced necrosis by similar to80% in hearts subjected to 30 min global ischemia 60 mill reperfusion. Cardioprotection was abrogated by acute A(1)AR antagonism, and only a small number (19) of genes were modified by A(1)AR overexpression in normoxic hearts. Ischemia-reperfusion significantly altered expression of 75 genes in wild-type hearts (14 induced, 61 down-regulated), including genes for metabolic enzymes, structural/motility proteins, cell signaling proteins, defense/growth proteins, and regulators of transcription and translation. A(1)AR overexpression reversed the majority of gene down-regulation whereas gene induction was generally unaltered. Additionally, genes involved in cell defence, signaling and gene expression were selectively modified by ischemia in transgenic hearts (33 induced, 10 down-regulated), possibly contributing to the protected phenotype. Real-time PCR verified changes in nine selected genes, revealing concordance with array data. Transcription of the A(1)AR gene was also modestly reduced post-ischemia, consistent with impaired functional sensitivity to A(1)AR stimulation Conclusions: Data are presented regarding the early post-ischemic gene profile of intact heart. Reduced A(1)AR transcription is observed which may contribute to poor outcome from ischemia. A(1)AR overexpression selectively modifies post-ischemic gene expression, potentially contributing to ischemic-tolerance. (C) 2003 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an important pathogen in immunocompromised patients and secretes a diverse set of virulence factors that aid colonization and influence host cell defenses. An important early step in the establishment of infection is the production of type III-secreted effectors translocated into host cells by the bacteria. We used cDNA microarrays to compare the transcriptomic response of lung epithelial cells to P. aeruginosa mutants defective in type IV pili, the type III secretion apparatus, or in the production of specific type III-secreted effectors. Of the 18,000 cDNA clones analyzed, 55 were induced or repressed after 4 It of infection and could be classified into four different expression patterns. These include (i) host genes that are induced or repressed in a type III secretion-independent manner (32 clones), (ii) host genes induced specifically by ExoU (20 clones), and (iii) host genes induced in an ExoU-independent but type III secretion dependent manner (3 clones). In particular, ExoU was essential for the expression of immediate-early response genes, including the transcription factor c-Fos. ExoU-dependent gene expression was mediated in part by early and transient activation of the AN transcription factor complex. In conclusion, the present study provides a detailed insight into the response of epithelial cells to infection and indicates the significant role played by the type III virulence mechanism in the initial host response.


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The number of known mRNA transcripts in the mouse has been greatly expanded by the RIKEN Mouse Gene Encyclopedia project. Validation of their reproducible expression in a tissue is an important contribution to the study of functional genomics. In this report, we determine the expression profile of 57,931 clones on 20 mouse tissues using cDNA microarrays. Of these 57,931 clones, 22,928 clones correspond to the FANTOM2 clone set. The set represents 20,234 transcriptional units (TUs) out of 33,409 TUs in the FANTOM2 set. We identified 7206 separate clones that satisfied stringent criteria for tissue-specific expression. Gene Ontology terms were assigned for these 7206 clones, and the proportion of 'molecular function' ontology for each tissue-specific clone was examined. These data will provide insights into the function of each tissue. Tissue-specific gene expression profiles obtained using our cDNA microarrays were also compared with the data extracted from the GNF Expression Atlas based on Affymetrix microarrays. One major outcome of the RIKEN transcriptome analysis is the identification of numerous nonprotein-coding mRNAs. The expression profile was also used to obtain evidence of expression for putative noncoding RNAs. In addition, 1926 clones (70%) of 2768 clones that were categorized as unknown EST, and 1969 (58%) clones of 3388 clones that were categorized as unclassifiable were also shown to be reproducibly expressed.


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We report the construction of the mouse full-length cDNA encyclopedia, the most extensive view of a complex transcriptome, on the basis of preparing and sequencing 246 libraries. Before cloning, cDNAs were enriched in full-length by Cap-Trapper, and in most cases, aggressively subtracted/normalized. We have produced 1,442,236 successful 3'-end sequences clustered into 171,144 groups, from which 60,770 clones were fully sequenced cDNAs annotated in the FANTOM-2 annotation. We have also produced 547,149 5' end reads, which clustered into 124,258 groups. Altogether, these cDNAs were further grouped in 70,000 transcriptional units (TU), which represent the best coverage of a transcriptome so far. By monitoring the extent of normalization/subtraction, we define the tentative equivalent coverage (TEC), which was estimated to be equivalent to >12,000,000 ESTs derived from standard libraries. High coverage explains discrepancies between the very large. numbers of clusters (and TUs) of this project, which also include non-protein-coding RNAs, and the lower gene number estimation of genome annotations. Altogether, S'-end clusters identify regions that are potential promoters for 8637 known genes and S'-end clusters suggest the presence of almost 63,000 transcriptional starting points. An estimate of the frequency of polyadenylation signals suggests that at least half of the singletons in the EST set represent real mRNAs. Clones accounting for about half of the predicted TUs await further sequencing. The continued high-discovery rate suggests that the task of transcriptome discovery is not yet complete.


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Manual curation has long been held to be the gold standard for functional annotation of DNA sequence. Our experience with the annotation of more than 20,000 full-length cDNA sequences revealed problems with this approach, including inaccurate and inconsistent assignment of gene names, as well as many good assignments that were difficult to reproduce using only computational methods. For the FANTOM2 annotation of more than 60,000 cDNA clones, we developed a number of methods and tools to circumvent some of these problems, including an automated annotation pipeline that provides high-quality preliminary annotation for each sequence by introducing an uninformative filter that eliminates uninformative annotations, controlled vocabularies to accurately reflect both the functional assignments and the evidence supporting them, and a highly refined, Web-based manual annotation tool that allows users to view a wide array of sequence analyses and to assign gene names and putative functions using a consistent nomenclature. The ultimate utility of our approach is reflected in the low rate of reassignment of automated assignments by manual curation. Based on these results, we propose a new standard for large-scale annotation, in which the initial automated annotations are manually investigated and then computational methods are iteratively modified and improved based on the results of manual curation.


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With the sequencing and annotation of genomes and transcriptomes of several eukaryotes, the importance of noncoding RNA (ncRNA)-RNA molecules that are not translated to protein products-has become more evident. A subclass of ncRNA transcripts are encoded by highly regulated, multi-exon, transcriptional units, are processed like typical protein-coding mRNAs and are increasingly implicated in regulation of many cellular functions in eukaryotes. This study describes the identification of candidate functional ncRNAs from among the RIKEN mouse full-length cDNA collection, which contains 60,770 sequences, by using a systematic computational filtering approach. We initially searched for previously reported ncRNAs and found nine murine ncRNAs and homologs of several previously described nonmouse ncRNAs. Through our computational approach to filter artifact-free clones that lack protein coding potential, we extracted 4280 transcripts as the largest-candidate set. Many clones in the set had EST hits, potential CpG islands surrounding the transcription start sites, and homologies with the human genome. This implies that many candidates are indeed transcribed in a regulated manner. Our results demonstrate that ncRNAs are a major functional subclass of processed transcripts in mammals.


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We have used microarray gene expression pro. ling and machine learning to predict the presence of BRAF mutations in a panel of 61 melanoma cell lines. The BRAF gene was found to be mutated in 42 samples (69%) and intragenic mutations of the NRAS gene were detected in seven samples (11%). No cell line carried mutations of both genes. Using support vector machines, we have built a classifier that differentiates between melanoma cell lines based on BRAF mutation status. As few as 83 genes are able to discriminate between BRAF mutant and BRAF wild-type samples with clear separation observed using hierarchical clustering. Multidimensional scaling was used to visualize the relationship between a BRAF mutation signature and that of a generalized mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK) activation ( either BRAF or NRAS mutation) in the context of the discriminating gene list. We observed that samples carrying NRAS mutations lie somewhere between those with or without BRAF mutations. These observations suggest that there are gene-specific mutation signals in addition to a common MAPK activation that result from the pleiotropic effects of either BRAF or NRAS on other signaling pathways, leading to measurably different transcriptional changes.


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Chronic alcohol exposure induces lasting behavioral changes, tolerance, and dependence. This results, at least partially, from neural adaptations at a cellular level. Previous genome-wide gene expression studies using pooled human brain samples showed that alcohol abuse causes widespread changes in the pattern of gene expression in the frontal and motor cortices of human brain. Because these studies used pooled samples, they could not determine variability between different individuals. In the present study, we profiled gene expression levels of 14 postmortem human brains (seven controls and seven alcoholic cases) using cDNA microarrays (46 448 clones per array). Both frontal cortex and motor cortex brain regions were studied. The list of genes differentially expressed confirms and extends previous studies of alcohol responsive genes. Genes identified as differentially expressed in two brain regions fell generally into similar functional groups, including metabolism, immune response, cell survival, cell communication, signal transduction and energy production. Importantly, hierarchical clustering of differentially expressed genes accurately distinguished between control and alcoholic cases, particularly in the frontal cortex.


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Although many of the molecular interactions in kidney development are now well understood, the molecules involved in the specification of the metanephric mesenchyme from surrounding intermediate mesoderm and, hence, the formation of the renal progenitor population are poorly characterized. In this study, cDNA microarrays were used to identify genes enriched in the murine embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) uninduced metanephric mesenchyme, the renal progenitor population, in comparison with more rostral derivatives of the intermediate mesoderm. Microarray data were analyzed using R statistical software to determine accurately genes differentially expressed between these populations. Microarray outliers were biologically verified, and the spatial expression pattern of these genes at E10.5 and subsequent stages of early kidney development was determined by RNA in situ hybridization. This approach identified 21 genes preferentially expressed by the E10.5 metanephric mesenchyme, including Ewing sarcoma homolog, 14-3-3 theta, retinoic acid receptor-alpha, stearoyl-CoA desaturase 2, CD24, and cadherin-11, that may be important in formation of renal progenitor cells. Cell surface proteins such as CD24 and cadherin-11 that were strongly and specifically expressed in the uninduced metanephric mesenchyme and mark the renal progenitor population may prove useful in the purification of renal progenitor cells by FACS. These findings may assist in the isolation and characterization of potential renal stem cells for use in cellular therapies for kidney disease.


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Five ripening-related ACC synthase cDNA isoforms were cloned from 80% ripe papaya cv. 'Sinta' by reverse transcription-PCR using gene-specific primers. Clone 2 had the longest transcript and contained all common exons and three alternative exons. Clones 3 and 4 contained common exons and one alternative exon each, while clone 1, the most common transcript, contained only the common exons. Clone 5 could be due to cloning artifacts and might not be a unique cDNA fragment. Thus, there are only four isoforms of ACC synthase mRNA. Southern blot analysis indicates that all five clones came from only one gene existing as a single copy in the 'Sinta' papaya genome. Multiple sequence alignment indicates that the four isoforms arise from a single gene, possibly through alternative splicing mechanisms. All the putative alternative exons were present at the 5'-end of the gene comprising the N-terminal region of the protein. 'Sinta' ACC synthase cDNAs were of the capacs 1 type and are most closely related to a 1.4 kb capacs 1-type DNA (AJ277160) from Eksotika papaya. No capacs 2-type cDNAs were cloned from 'Sinta' by RT-PCR. This is the first report of possible alternative splicing mechanism in ripening-related ACC synthase genes in hybrid papaya, possibly to modulate or fine-tune gene expression relevant to fruit ripening.