963 resultados para C-~(13)-NMR
Fungus-growing termites are involved in many ecological processes and play a central role in influencing soil dynamics in the tropics. The physical and chemical properties of their nest structures have been largely described; however less information is available concerning the relatively temporary structures made above-ground to access food items and protect the foraging space (the soil `sheetings'). This study investigated whether the soil physical and chemical properties of these constructions are constant or if they vary depending on the type of food they cover. Soil samples and soil sheetings were collected in a forest in India, from leaves on the ground (LEAF), fallen branches (WOOD), and vertical soil sheetings covering the bark of trees (TREE). In this environment, termite diversity was dominated by Odontotermes species, and especially Odontotermes feae and Odontotermes obesus. However, there was no clear niche differentiation and, for example, O. feae termites were found on all the materials. Compared with the putative parent soil (control), TREE sheetings showed the greatest (and most significant) differences (higher clay content and smaller clay particle sizes, lower C and N content and smaller delta C-13 and delta N-15), while LEAF sheetings were the least modified, though still significantly different than the control soil. We suggest that the termite diversity is a less important driver of potential soil modification than sheeting diversity. Further, there is evidence that construction properties are adapted to their prospective life-span, with relatively long-lasting structures being most different from the parent soil. (C) 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The link between atmospheric CO2 level and ventilation state of the deep ocean is poorly understood due to the lack of coherent observations on the partitioning of carbon between atmosphere and ocean. In this Southern Ocean study, we have classified the Southern Ocean into different zones based on its hydrological features and have binned the variability in latitudinal air-CO2 concentration and its isotopic ratios. Together with air-CO2, we analysed the surface water for the isotopic ratios in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). Using the binary mixing approach on the isotopic ratio of atmospheric CO2 and its concentration, we identified the delta C-13 value of source CO2. The isotopic composition of source CO2 was around -9.22 +/- 0.26 parts per thousand for the year 2011 and 2012, while a composition of -13.49 +/- 4.07 parts per thousand was registered for the year 2013. We used the delta C-13 of DIC to predict the CO2 composition in air under equilibrium and compared our estimates with actual observations. We suggest that the degeneration of the DIC in presence of warm water in the region was the factor responsible for adding the CO2 to the atmosphere above. The place of observation coincides with the zone of high wind speed which promotes the process of CO2 exsolution from sea water. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sea level rise (SLR) is a primary factor responsible for inundation of low-lying coastal regions across the world, which in turn governs the agricultural productivity. In this study, rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivated seasonally in the Kuttanad Wetland, a SLR prone region on the southwest coast of India, were analysed for oxygen, hydrogen and carbon isotopic ratios (delta O-18, delta H-2 and delta C-13) to distinguish the seasonal environmental conditions prevalent during rice cultivation. The region receives high rainfall during the wet season which promotes large supply of fresh water to the local water bodies via the rivers. In contrast, during the dry season reduced river discharge favours sea water incursion which adversely affects the rice cultivation. The water for rice cultivation is derived from regional water bodies that are characterised by seasonal salinity variation which co-varies with the delta O-18 and delta H-2 values. Rice cultivated during the wet and the dry season bears the isotopic imprints of this water. We explored the utility of a mechanistic model to quantify the contribution of two prominent factors, namely relative humidity and source water composition in governing the seasonal variation in oxygen isotopic composition of rice grain OM. delta C-13 values of rice grain OM were used to deduce the stress level by estimating the intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) of the crop during the two seasons. 1.3 times higher WUE, was exhibited by the same genotype during the dry season. The approach can be extended to other low lying coastal agro-ecosystems to infer the growth conditions of cultivated crops and can further be utilised for retrieving paleo-environmental information from well preserved archaeological plant remains. (c) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios in planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides collected from tow samples along a transect from the equatorial Indian ocean to the Southern Ocean (45 degrees E and 80 degrees E and 10 degrees N to 53 degrees S) were analysed and compared with the equilibrium delta O-18 and delta C-13 values of calcite calculated using the temperature and isotopic composition of the water column. The results agree within similar to 0.25% for the region between 10 degrees N and 40 degrees S and 75-200 m water depth which is considered to be the habitat of Globigerina bulloides. Further south (from 40 degrees S to 55 degrees S), however, the measured delta O-18 and delta C-13 values are higher than the expected values by similar to 2% and similar to 1% respectively. These enrichments can be attributed to either a `vital effect' or a higher calcification rate. An interesting pattern of increase in the delta C-13(DIC) value of the surface water with latitude is observed between 35 degrees S and similar to 60 degrees S, with a peak at similar to 42 degrees S. This can be caused by increased organic matter production and associated removal. A simple model accounting for the increase in the delta C-13(DIC) values is proposed which fits well with the observed chlorophyll abundance as a function of latitude.
Approximately 140 million years ago, the Indian plate separated from Gondwana and migrated by almost 90 degrees latitude to its current location, forming the Himalayan-Tibetan system. Large discrepancies exist in the rate of migration of Indian plate during Phanerozoic. Here we describe a new approach to paleo-latitudinal reconstruction based on simultaneous determination of carbonate formation temperature and delta O-18 of soil carbonates, constrained by the abundances of C-13-O-18 bonds in palaeosol carbonates. Assuming that the palaeosol carbonates have a strong relationship with the composition of the meteoric water, delta O-18 carbonate of palaeosol can constrain paleo-latitudinal position. Weighted mean annual rainfall delta O-18 water values measured at several stations across the southern latitudes are used to derive a polynomial equation: delta(18)Ow = -0.006 x (LAT)(2) - 0.294 x (LAT) - 5.29 which is used for latitudinal reconstruction. We use this approach to show the northward migration of the Indian plate from 46.8 +/- 5.8 degrees S during the Permian (269 M. y.) to 30 +/- 11 degrees S during the Triassic (248 M. y.), 14.7 +/- 8.7 degrees S during the early Cretaceous (135 M. y.), and 28 +/- 8.8 degrees S during the late Cretaceous ( 68 M. y.). Soil carbonate delta O-18 provides an alternative method for tracing the latitudinal position of Indian plate in the past and the estimates are consistent with the paleo-magnetic records which document the position of Indian plate prior to 135 +/- 3 M. y.
Con el fin de determinar el nivel optimo de estiércol seco de pollo (E.S.P.) en la ración para pollos asaderos, se realizo un experimento en la Escuela Nacional de Agricultura y Ganadería en Managua. Se utilizaron 80 pollos Vantres Cross divididos en 5 tratamientos, con el objeto de comparar una ración testigo ("A") contra la misma ración en la cual se incluyo los siguientes porcentajes de E.S.P.: 4,5 ("B"); 9.0 ("C"); 13.5 ("D") y 18.0 ("E"). Al finalizar el ensayo todos los datos obtenidos se sometieron a análisis estadísticos. La ganancia de peso vivo de 9,77 kilogramos obtenida por los pollos en el tratamiento "C" fue similar al testigo "A" y al tratamiento "B", pero diferentemente significativo P(.01) con la lograda por los tratamientos "D" (8,23 kgs.) y "E" (7,74 kgs.). No se encontró diferencias significativas entre las eficiencias de conversión de 2,72; 2,79 y 2,80 obtenidas por los tratamientos "A", "B" y "C", pero si las hubo al comparar estas, contra las de 3,12 y 3,46 mostrada en los tratamientos "D" y "E", respectivamente. El tratamiento "C" con 9,0 por ciento de E.S.P. resulto ser el nivel mas económico, revelando un costo unitario de C$4,47 por kilogramo de pollo producido. La diferencia de C$0.29 de este tratamiento con respecto al testigo fue significativa P(.01). Se desarrollo una función de costo promedio Y=4,74936-0,07392X-0,00528X2; obtenidos por mínimos cuadrados y se determino el costo mínimo teórico, (siete por ciento de E.S.P. en la ración), con el cual se podría obtener el maximo beneficio. El rendimiento en canal de 7,81 kilogramos obtenido por los pollos en el tratamiento "A" (testigo) fue significativo P(.05) cuando se comparo con el de 6,75 kilogramo logradas en el tratamiento "E". No se encontró diferencia significativa entre los tratamientos "A" (testigo), "B" y "C".
作为西部大开发的关键地区,西北干旱区由于地理位置和环境条件的独特性、生态系统的脆弱性以及人类活动的长期干扰,对其周边乃至全国的生态环境有较大的影响,在这一地区研究植物种分布与气候的关系,并模拟预测其可能的潜在分布范围,具有理论上和实践上的重要意义。 通过广泛收集了西北干旱区优势种和常见种的地理分布资料,共选择128个植物种,利用Holdridge的生命地带分类系统,计算各植物种的生物温度(BT)、可能蒸散(PE)、降水量(P)及可能蒸散率(PER),分析植物种与气候的相互关系,并将所有植物种进行经验归纳分类。随后,对这砦植物种及其气候信息进行TWINSPAN定量分类,并与经验分类结果相比较,得出西北干旱区128种植物的生态气候分类,分属于以下几大类型:高寒草甸、森林一草原过渡带、草原(典型草原、荒漠草原)、荒漠(草原化荒漠、荒漠、高寒荒漠)。具体来说,包括以下17个生态气候类型: 1)高寒草甸:异针茅。 2)森林一草原过渡带:牛尾蒿、鬼箭锦鸡儿、沙棘。 3)草原a:沙蒿。 4)草原b:长芒草、百里香(变种)、多叶隐子草、贝加尔针茅、大针茅。 5)草原c:羊茅、小叶锦鸡儿、荒漠锦鸡儿、线叶菊、华北岩黄芪、廿青针茅、碱蒿、内蒙古沙蒿、裂叶蒿、狭叶锦鸡儿、山竹岩黄芪、女蒿、小蓬、两伯利亚杏、沙地柏、角果碱篷、霸王、糙隐子草。 6)草原d:紫狐茅、紫花针茅。 7)草原一荒漠草原a:包括沙竹、琵琶柴、吉尔吉斯针茅。 8)草原一荒漠草原b:华北米蒿、差巴嘎蒿、星星草、长芒针茅、铁竿蒿、柠条锦鸡儿。 9)荒漠草原:沙生冰草、蒙古冰草、羊草、冷蒿、中亚紫菀木、刺旋花、老瓜头、木贼麻黄、西伯利亚白刺、唐古特白刺、戈壁针茅、石生针茅、盐地碱蓬、冰草、蓍状亚菊、油蒿、木蓼、刺针枝蓼、长枝木蓼、中间锦鸡儿、尖叶盐爪爪、黄花琵琶柴、松叶猪毛菜、珍珠猪毛菜、东方针茅、囊果碱蓬、四合木、白滨藜、短脚锦鸡儿。 10)草原化荒漠,荒漠a:川青锦鸡儿、优若藜、苦艾蒿、无芒隐子草、沙冬青、籽蒿、地白蒿、菭草、齿叶白刺、绵刺、盐角草、多枝柽柳、盐生假木贼。 11)草原化荒漠.荒漠b:蒿叶猪毛菜、短花针茅、芨芨草、灌木亚菊、博乐蒿、小蒿、喀什蒿、南山短花菊、盐爪爪、木本猪毛菜、针茅、细枝盐爪爪。 12)草原化荒漠.荒漠c:白梭梭、白羊草、无叶假木贼。 13)干旱荒漠a:戈壁短花菊、荒漠细柄茅、刺蓬、沙生针茅、多花柽柳、细枝柽柳。 14)干旱荒漠b:梭梭柴、铃铛刺、天山猪毛菜、帕米尔麻黄、座花针茅、旱蒿、克氏狐茅、短叶假木贼、准格尔沙蒿、长穗柽柳、刚毛柽柳。 15)高寒荒漠植被:匍生优若藜。 16)干旱荒漠c:粉花蒿、白杆沙拐枣、膜果麻黄、花花柴、灌木紫菀木、裸果木、合头草、塔里木沙拐枣。 17)超干旱荒漠植被:沙拐枣、胡杨、盐穗木、灰杨、盐节木、圆叶盐爪爪。 综合分类结果表明:多数植物种的生态气候类型与实际生境相符,但也有少数植物种有明显偏差,主要原因有三点:首先,某些种的分布范围超出了西北干旱区,在东北、华北、甚至全国范围内分布,所计算的植物种的气候范围本身存在局限性;其次,西北干旱区的研究资料如植物种的分布范围、分布点的气象资料等有许多缺失:最后,由于文献中对某些植物种分布范围的描述比较笼统,无法确定其精确的地理分布界限,使得植物种所对应的分类结果与其真正所属的植 被类型有一些偏差。 本文还进一步在这128种植物中选取了10种分布明确、资料齐备的代表性植被类型的优势种,根据它们的降水和生物温度指标,模拟预测了它们的可能潜在分布区,包括其主要中心分布区和最大可能分布区,并与实际分布范围进行比较。结果表明.其潜在分布区的分布范围与实际调查所得资料所处范围基本一致,特别是中心分布区的预测图,而最大可能分布区与实际有一定误差。
在细菌视紫红质构象模拟的基础上提出了一个视黄醛顺反异构模型。该模型中视黄醛的C~(13)—C~(14)与Lys—216的C~(δ)—C~(ε) 处于一直线上, 这样, 顺反异构只涉及视黄醛C~(15)和Lys—216的N~(ζ)绕此直线为轴的旋转。理论计算表明, 这是一种空间障碍最小的模型, 并能通过Asp—96和Asp—212传递质子。图3表2参10
用染色体分带技术分析表明云南兔2n=48, 常染色体中有6对中着丝点染色体、5对亚中着丝 点染色体、10对亚端着丝粒染色体和2对端着丝粒染色体。x染色体为一较大的亚中着丝粒染色体。c-带核型中, Nos.9,14,16,20染色体着丝粒c-带呈阴性, 而13,15,18呈很弱的阳性 。图版1表2参22(邓琳珠)
This paper reports on seasonal changes in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of seston and muscle tissue of silver carp and bighead carp during 2004 and 2005, focusing primarily on the carbon sources and trophic relationships among phytoplankton, zooplankton and silver carp and bighead carp in a large fish pen of Meiliang Bay (Lake Taihu, China). delta C-13 showed a minimal value in March 2005 and a maximal value in August 2005 in seston both inside and outside the pen, whereas delta N-15 of seston showed the minimum in winter and the maximum during algal blooms. A positive correlation between delta C-13 of silver carp and that of seston suggested that temporal variation Of delta C-13 in seston was preserved in fish via the food chain. The differences of delta C-13 among seston, zooplankton and muscle tissue of silver carp and bighead carp ranged only 0.2-1.7%, indicating that plankton production was the primary food source of filter-feeding fishes. According to a mass balance model, we estimated that the contributions of zooplankton to the diets of silver carp and bighead carp were 45.7% and 54.3%, respectively, based on the delta N-15 values of zooplankton and planktivorous fishes. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
In Gonghu Bay of Lake Taihu, tissue of five mussel species showed delta C-13 values similar to or slightly below that of pelagic suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM). This indicated that mussels in this area either fed non-selectively and so reflected available carbon in the pelagic habitat or selected for phytoplankton. The situation was the same for Anodonta woodiana woodiana and Cristaria plicata in Meiliang Bay; however, for the remaining three species, Hyriopsis cumingii, Arconaia lanceolata, and Lamprotula rochechouarti, tissue had intermediate delta C-13 values, falling between those for pelagic SPOM and benthic sediment organic matter (SOM), suggesting a possible preferential selection of phytoplankton from the pelagic SPOM but more likely reflecting local differences in pelagic SPOM and benthic SOM composition and available organic carbon sources. The mixing model showed that pelagic SPOM accounted for over 98% of carbon incorporated by all mussels in Gonghu Bay and two mussels in Meiliang Bay, suggesting the dietary importance of pelagic food sources for mussels. Less than 50% of the assimilation in H. cumingii, A. lanceolata, and L. rochechouarti came from the pelagic carbon sources in Meiliang Bay, which suggested that these species consumed a mix of benthic and pelagic derived carbon sources.
We reported diet fluctuation in isotopic composition of surface seston from two connected lakes in China, oligotrophic Lake Fuxian and eutrophic Lake Xingyun. The decrease in nighttime and the increase in daytime of isotope signatures of seston might be attributed to the light-dependent balance between the photosynthesis and the respiration of phytoplankton and to the changes in the species composition and the relative abundance of phytoplankton functional groups at the water's surface in diel growth. The relatively high isotopic signatures and the large-extent diel fluctuation of phytoplankton in the eutrophic lake could be due to utilization of heavy-isotope-enriched inorganic sources and the high primary productivity. Extent of diel fluctuation in delta C-13 and delta N-15 of phytoplankton were relatively small compared with the isotopic enrichment per trophic transfer and thus might have negligible effect on the source identification and the trophic evaluation of consumers.
Trophic patterns of omnivorous freshwater shrimps, Exopalaemon modestus and Macrobrachium nipponensis, were investigated in two shallow eutrophic lakes by using stable isotope analysis. delta N-15 and delta C-13 of M. nipponensis and E. modestus increased with increasing body weight, which might be attributed to larger individuals ingesting organisms that feed higher up the food chain and/or increased assimilation of benthic food items with enriched isotopic signatures. Of the freshwater shrimps occurring in the studied lakes, those from Lake Taihu had significantly elevated delta N-15 and delta C-13 values (4.3% and 1.8%, respectively) compared with those from the less eutrophic Lake Chaohu, indicating that the isotopic signature might partially reflect the trophic states of their habitats. Mixing model results suggested that the benthic food web provides the primary carbon source for both shrimp species, and that E. modestus assimilated relatively more pelagic food sources than M. nipponensis in these lakes.
Carbon stable isotope analysis of surface bloom scum and subsurface seston samples was conducted in shallow eutrophic lakes in China during warm seasons from 2003 to 2004. delta C-13 values of bloom scum were always higher (averaged 5 parts per thousand) than those of seston in this study, and the possible reasons were attributed to (i) direct use of atmospheric CO2 at the air-water interface, (ii) decrease in C-13 fractionation due to higher carbon fixation, (iii) active CO2 transport, and/or (iv) HCO3 accumulation. Negative correlation between delta C-13(scum) - delta C-13(seston) and pH in the test lakes indicated that phytoplankton at the subsurface water column increased isotopic enrichment under the-carbon limitation along with the increase of pH, which might in turn decreased the differences in 313 C between the subsurface seston and the surface scums. Significant positive correlations of seston 8 13C with total concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in water column suggested that the increase in delta C-13 of seston with trophic state was depending on nutrient (N or P, or both) supply. Our study showed that delta C-13 of phytoplankton was indicative of carbon utilization, primary productivity, and nutrient supply among the eutrophic lakes. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.