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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The theory of classification must be committed to new approaches such as ontologies and collaborative classification. Therefore, it was conducted a research of exploratory and reflective aspects, in order to increase the understanding of the phenomenon and to get a greater familiarity with the problem, looking for its more precise delimitation. The reflection shows that it is still necessary to invest in the dialogical approach of knowledge organization tools and that it is necessary to rethink the studies on classification in the context of digital technologies, especially ontologies, which have aspects of derivation, though not always declared, from classification systems.
This article presents part of a larger study on the use of reference sources to perform bibliographical search by graduate students in Education. Data relating to the use of the scientific journals by these students are presented and discussed. Sixty Education graduate students, 28 Master degree and 32 Doctoral, answered an electronic questionnaire. The students indicated the types of articles usually read and the importance attributed to each one. For each of treated themes in the electronic questionnaire, data are initially presented and analyzed in the set of the 60 participants of the study and then compared between master and doctoral students. Were used the Chi-squared (?2) test, the Fisher exact test and the Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Research reports were more frequently pointed out but less valued in comparison to articles referring to critical review and theoretical essay. Methodological articles, appearing in fourth position according to reading frequency and importance attributed, are more valued by doctoral than master students. The students read these articles using different procedures. The possible reasons for the students valorizing the articles of critical review and theoretical essays are discussed. The present study intends to offer a contribution to understand the use of scientific information by students, describing some graduate students’ habits related to information seeking in scientific journals, and reading of the articles published.
In the context of the studies in the Information Science, the information not just depends on meaning, but the social bows are current of this. The research in development analyse conceptual elements to answer the question about the semiotic foundations of the information mediation processes. This paper aim to know and analyse the semiotic foundations of the information mediation processes in the Information Science context. It presents concepts and reflections regarding the relationship of the information mediation process Charles Peirce's Semiotics, especially, the discussion about the semiotic bases to information mediation process. It discusses the information mediation as a specialization of the communication process, developed, fundamentally, for the human action trying to solve communication and technical problems in sociocultural order.
The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can be combined with the acquisition of academic knowledge and cultural development of students, as they improve their information literacy, and why not say, also digital. Weaim in this research seek references and present experiences that encourage a new concept of school library with the use of ICT in teaching and learning in individual and collective development of the student community. To complement this study we prioritized the following objectives: to insert the technology into the routine of a school library; identify the informational and technological profile of adolescents; understand the needs and technological resources they use to obtain information in daily life and also analyze the importance the effective participation of the school library in the educational context of the school, through greater interaction between the librarian, teacher and pedagogical coordination seeking a cooperative and informal ICT teaching and learning for along with the students, sharing the search for information and knowledge, in a conscious and responsible way. Chosen as theoretical foundation the cognitive studies of Jean Piaget, witch explains how the stages of assimilation and accommodation of knowledge in cooperative practices work. As a methodology was developed a participatory-action research, to learn the behavioral state of young people and adolescents, based on the model of information search for the everyday life (Everyday Life Information Seeking) – ELIS, developed by Finnish researcher Savoleinen (2006), as well as identify the informational and technological profile of adolescents from two selected approaches in the scientific literature (HUGUES-HASSEL; AGOSTO, 2007; UCL, 2008). Thus, came up the initiative to create a Confraternity of the Library in a collaborative digital environment, providing the participants discussion and learning technologies as well as digital information literacy enhancement.
Como se estivesse tecendo num antigo tear manual, a linha narrativa de El retorno de Eva, da escritora paraguaia Susana Gertopan, vai compondo, com os fios da tradição e da modernidade, memória e história, exílio e retorno, a trajetória de uma jovem mulher em busca de si na condição de cidadã paraguaia e judia. Enquanto a protagonista busca desfazer-se dos diversos nós que a vinculam a uma herança cultural e religiosa que não combina, como ela mesma diz, com o cenário no qual cresce, e nem com a vida moderna de Jerusalém, terra prometida dos seus antepassados para onde emigra, vamos observando a problemática tessitura de sua individualidade entre dois mundos, ambos em crise e transição.
Discusses some aspects of newspaper hypertextual article in order to find their ideological marks. Assumes that the choice of the element of contact with other texts (links), when producing an article reveals the author's ideology and the institution he represents. Intends to offer the less experienced reader of news, conditions to the development of more fruitful reading. Argues that reading is a process of interaction between reader and text and that requires the presence of an active reader, able to construct new meanings. Establishes as a general objective to identify the ideological marks presents in hypertext and its relation to the critical reading of the media. This theme is treated with special attention to its educational aspects, aiming at understanding the reality that educators must become familiar with, in order to turn more effective the processes of education for the media.
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
September 11 has originated a wide range of artistic manifestations which have not only searched for plausible explanations for the tragedy, but also tried to review the events. In this sense, this paper aims at showing how a novel reevaluates this episode. The attacks made the United States experience a strong sense of vulnerability triggering reactions from the American government, whose quick action was translated into a new national security strategy associated with the war on terror. This paper analyzes the narrative strategies employed by the American author Don DeLillo in his novel Falling Man (2007) in order to reevaluate that tragedy. The debate of the topics is based on texts concerning the relationship between literature and history, postmodern fiction and issues on terrorism. This study contributes to enrich the discussion related to the events that led to the catastrophe and its aftermath, examining characters and groups linked to the September 11 terrorist attacks, revealing multiple truths subjected to social, ideological and historical conditions.