772 resultados para Bubble


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In this study of volcanic ash retrieved from Shatsky Rise during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 198, the texture and composition of the volcanic components (glass and crystals) were used to fingerprint ash layers for detailed correlation. Correlations among ash layers in holes drilled at the same site as well as between sites, including sites on different parts (highs) of the rise, were tested. Although high-to-high correlations failed, intrahigh correlations were more successful. Our data suggest a significantly different source for some pyroclastic debris, especially at Site 1208, possibly associated with pumice rafts carried northward from the Izu-Bonin arc by the Kuroshio Current. Other ashes are consistent with rhyolitic to dacitic air fall ash from Asian arc volcanoes. We were not able to texturally distinguish between air fall ash and pumice-raft fallout but suspect that the latter is associated with higher percentages of vesiculated ash components, as we demonstrate occur in more proximal Izu-Bonin pyroclastic deposits.


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Gas composition and hydrochemistry of bottom waters of the Bay of Plenty in the hydrothermally active zone of the Pacific island arc are investigated. Methane content in underwater vents is an order of magnitude greater than that in volcanic exhalations on the land. Salinity, pH, total content of CO2, its partial pressure, and silica content also differ. Correlations between gas parameters, hydrochemical parameters, and biological and microbiological parameters are identified.


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The Cenozoic volcanic activity on Iceland has been recorded in North Atlantic sediments drilled during several Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)/Deep Sea Drilling Project legs (Legs 104, 151, 152, 162, and 163). Leg 162 (North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways II) recovered ash layers at Sites 982, 985, and 907 (Jansen, Raymo, Blum, et al., 1996, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.162.1996). The revisited Site 907 was first drilled during Leg 151, and the ash from this site has been described in detail by Lacasse et al. (1996, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.151.122.1996) and Werner et al. (1996, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.151.123.1996). Site 982 is located within the Hatton-Rockall Basin on the Rockall Plateau, which is situated west of the British Isles. Site 985 is located northeast of Iceland at the foot of the eastern slope of the Iceland Plateau, adjacent to the Norwegian Basin. Here we report chemical analyses of Neogene tephra layers from Holes 982A, 983B, 982C, 985A, and 985B. The sedimentary sequence at Site 982 spans the lower Miocene-Holocene; Site 985 recovered sediments spanning the upper Oligocene-Holocene. Twenty-two distinct ash layers and ash-bearing sediments were sampled in Holes 982A-982C (Cores 162-982A-16H through 24H, 162-982B-14H through 56X, and 162-982C-15H through 27H), and 59 ash layers were sampled in Holes 985A and 985B (Cores 162-985A-11H through 59X, and 162-985B-11H through 14H). Almost 50% of the sampled ash is strongly altered (predominantly from Site 985). A cluster of altered thin layers in the lower Pliocene of Site 985 (top of Unit III) is remarkable.


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About 200 volcanic ash layers were recovered during DSDP Leg 57. The volcanic glass in some of these layers was investigated petrographically and chemically in this study. Volcanic glass is mainly rhyolitic and/or rhyodacitic in chemical composition, and its refractive index ranges from 1.496 to 1.529. Some volcanic ash layers consist of multiple grains of different chemical compositions. All the volcanic glass belongs to the tholeiitic and the calc-alkalic volcanic rock series, in SiO2-(Na2O + K2O) diagram and FeO*/MgO-SiO2 diagram. We correlated successfully three volcanic ash layers from the standpoint of chemical composition and biostratigraphy. Hydration of volcanic glass from Leg 57 is less intense than in other DSDP cores.


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Distinctive, massive to stratified, pale blue volcaniclastics, initially referred to as the "blue tuff," were encountered at all four sites drilled during ODP Leg 127 in the Japan Sea. Detailed vertical sequence analysis, plagioclase chemistry, plagioclase 87Sr/86Sr isotopic composition, and 40Ar/39Ar age dating indicate that thick sequences of the blue tuff are not genetically related. Blue tuffs at Hole 794B were apparently deposited by density flows at ambient temperature. Deposition was penecontemporaneous with a large submarine phreatomagmatic eruption at 14.9 Ma in bathyal or deeper water depths. The blue tuffs at this location comprise mostly reworked hydroclastic glass shards and lesser amounts of plagioclase crystals. Pyrogenic plagioclase has an average An mole% of 18±3. Comparison of blue tuff plagioclase compositions with the composition of plagioclase from acoustic basement at Site 794 suggests that these rocks are not genetically related. As such, the extrapolation of sediment accumulation rate data in conjunction with this more precise age for the blue tuff corroborates previous minimum age estimates of 16.2 Ma for acoustic basement at Site 794. Blue tuffs at Hole 796B were probably deposited at ambient temperatures by downslope slumping and density flow of reworked pyrogenic debris. This debris includes abundant bubble wall glass shards and plagioclase crystals, with variable admixture of volcanic lithic and intrabasinal fragments. Pyrogenic fragments were produced by subaerial or shallow submarine, magmatic eruptions dated at 7.6 Ma. Blue tuffs contain a heterogeneous mixture of unrelated fragments including a mixed population of plagioclase crystals. The average An mole% of the predominant, probable comagmatic, plagioclase population is 30±4. The two sequences of blue tuff studied are distinct in age, mineral composition, and the eruptive origin of pyroclastic fragments. Preliminary 87Sr/86Sr isotopic compositions of plagioclase, however, indicates that blue tuffs at both locations are the product of typical, subduction-related island arc magmatism. Based on the results of this study, there is no justification for stratigraphic correlation of widespread, Miocene, blue to blue-gray bentonitic tuff and tuffaceous sandstones nor the interpretation that these strata are indicative of regional, explosive submarine volcanism genetically related to rifting and formation of the Japan Sea. Rather, these reworked pyroclastic strata of intermediate composition were deposited over a protracted 6-8 m.y. period in association with widespread, subduction-related submarine to subaerial volcanism in the Japan Sea backarc basin.


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Investigations of petrography, mineralogy, and chemical composition of gases and fluids in tuffs and lavas were carried out on samples dredged in the transition zone from the shelf and slope of Iceland to the Reykjanes Ridge. The samples were collected from the depths of 950-720 m during different expeditions of R/V Akademik Kurchatov and Mikhail Lomonosov. Mantle ultrabasite inclusions were first recognized in the region of Iceland. It can be assumed that they are related to eruptive structures formed on the ocean floor during Pliocene and are associated with the Iceland hot spot.


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Numerous fresh ash layers comprise about 0.3% by volume of Neogene to Holocene sediments drilled at Leg 104 Sites 642 and 643 (Vøring Plateau, North Atlantic). Median grain sizes of the ashes are about 100 /µm and maximum grain sizes range up to 1200 µm. Rhyolitic pumice shards dominate, with minor bubble wall shards. Basaltic shards are poorly vesicular and blocky or round. Phenocrystic plagioclase, zircon, and clinopyroxene occur in the rhyolitic, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene phenocrysts and basaltic lithics in the basaltic tephra. Quartz, amphibole, clinozoisite, and rutile are interpreted as xenocrysts. All ash layers are well-sorted and represent distal fallout from major explosive eruptions. Most ashes are rhyolitic (high-K and low-K) in composition, some are bimodal (tholeiitic and rhyolitic). Early Miocene tephra is dominantly basaltic. Iceland is inferred to be the likely source region for most ashes. Late Miocene high-K rhyolites may have originated from the K-rich Jan Mayen magmatic province. One Quaternary layer with biotite and alkali feldspar phenocrysts may have been derived from Jan Mayen Island. Four individual Pliocene to Holocene ash layers from Sites 642 and 643 can be correlated fairly well. Upper Miocene layers are tentatively correlated as a sequence between Sites 642 and 643. Average calculated layer frequencies are about three layers/m.y. through the Pliocene and Pleistocene and five to eight layers per m.y. through the middle and late Miocene, suggesting rather continuous volcanic activity in the North Atlantic. Episodic magmatic activity during Neogene epochs in this part of the North Atlantic, as postulated in the literature, cannot be confirmed.