918 resultados para Broken Lance


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing Port Robinson and the canal to Chippewa Creek. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Front Street, Bridge Street, and Cross Street), the Welland railroad, Dry Dock leased to D. McFarland and Abbey, G. Jordan Tavern, D. McFarland and Co. Burnt Saw Mill, I. Pew Shop, Old Locks, New Lock, Canal to Chippewa Creek, Chippewa Creek, covered drain from dry dock, a barn and several bridges. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 202, Broken Front lots 202 and 203, D. McFarland, and G. Jordan.


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the canal in the Thorold Township between Port Robinson and Welland. Identified structures and features associated with the Canal include the towing path, a ditch, foot of the slope of bank, and the waterway itself. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include roads (ex. Road to Wellandville), a bridge, a marsh, Spoil Bank, and a fence running along the canal. Properties and property owners of note are: Lot 238, Broken Lot 238, and J. Burger.


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Survey map and description of Jonathan Silverthorn's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. The lands surveyed include lots 229 and 230. The land was first surveyed in 1830, then again in 1834, by George Keefer. The original survey only included the feeder and resevoir and wood land, whereas the second survey shows all lands owned by Silverthorn. The land totals 19.2 acres, 2 roads and 32 perches. The land is broken down as follows; 7.6 acres cleared land, canal and towpath, 6.6 acres reservoir - Michael Silverthorn, 5 acres woodland. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil and red pen on the map.See also page 138.


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Brock’s Monument is owned by Parks Canada and maintained by the Niagara Parks Commission in collaboration with the Friends of Fort George and Niagara National Historic Sites. It is located in Queenston Heights Park atop the Niagara Escarpment. On March 14, 1815, Parliament passed an act to erect a monument to the memory of General Isaac Brock. A design by engineer Francis Hall was selected. He envisioned a 135 ft. tall Tuscan column, made out of stone with a winding staircase inside. By the spring of 1824, work had begun on the monument. In June of that year, the cornerstone was laid and William Lyon Mackenzie was in attendance at the ceremony. It was on October 13th, 1824 (the anniversary of Brock’s death) that 6000 people traveled to Queenston to inter the remains of Brock and Lieutenant-Colonel Macdonell. This was the second burial for both. After 3 years the tower had reached 135 feet, but there was no inscription at the base, the fence around the observation deck had not been installed and there was no statue of Brock. Hall submitted a plan to finish the statue, but he was turned down and a simple ornament was placed where the Brock statue should have been. A massive blast of gunpowder destroyed the monument in 1840. It is alleged that an American sympathizer with the Upper Canada Rebellion set off the blast. Brock and Macdonell’s bodies were reburied in the Hamilton Family Cemetery in Queenston. The present monument was rebuilt in 1853. William Thomas (designer of St. Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto) was the architect. Brock and Macdonell were once again laid to rest in separate vaults at the statue. In 1968, Brock’s Monument was declared a national historical site. In 2005, it was closed to the public due to safety concerns, but it reopened in 2010. Source: http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/brocks-monument-queenston-heights


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Round metal stamp which is 2 cm in diameter. The metal forms a cup above the seal which holds an amethyst piece. The amethyst is broken off and cracked.


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The description reads "(39) Tireless Niagara - Horseshoe Falls from above - U.S.A.". The reverse states "We are standing on the Canadian side of the river, looking S.E. across the enormous curve of the Horseshoe toward the Dufferin Islands on the Canadian side. 'This is close enough. The time will come undoubtedly when no man can reach this point, when the rocks on which we stand will break and crash into the gulf above which they hang. Table Rock one of the best known points about Niagara in the past, used to extend out over the river from the bank just behind us. It was originally very large but great masses, sometimes a hundred feet in length by fifty in width, have broken off at different periods, the last in 1883, until the whole rock is gone. Off to our left is the centre of the Horseshoe. It is easy to see that in that direction the water is going over in a solid mass, thousands of tons each second, to the river 150 feet below. While the amount of water passing over these rocks varies somewhat according to the height of the river. It has been estimated that the average amount is 12,000,000 cubic feet per minute, that is, about 375,000 tons...Since 1842 the whole contour of these falls has been worn away at the rate of about 2 1/10 ft. per year. In the centre of the Horseshoe where the bulk of the water passes, nearly five feet of rock are worn away each year. The falls have receded 100 feet within the memory of the men now living.' From Niagara Through the Stereoscope, with special 'keyed' maps, published by Underwood & Underwood"


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Indenture between Robert Sparrow Delatre of Stamford Township, Thomas Sheppard Smyth of Brussels, Belgium, formerly of Stamford Township and Thomas Hector of Quebec, trustees of the last will and testament of Philip Chesneau Delatre to the Bank of Upper Canada and Arthur Shaw of Niagara Township regarding Lot no. 3 in the 1st Concession and Lot no. 4 in the 1st Concession, part of Lot no. 3 in the 2nd Concession, 50 acres of Lot no. 4 in the 4th Concession, 200 acres in Lot no. 8 in the 11th Concession in Blandford in the County of Oxford and broken Lot no. 11 in the 18th Concession in the Township of Zorra - instrument no. 6083. This is listed in the Blandford folio 184 and 185 in folio 63 and 64. Joseph Woodruff has signed this as conveyancer, March 29, 1853.


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Indenture of deed of land situate between Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff and Jane Woodruff of St. Catharines to Hamilton Killaly Woodruff of St. Catharines regarding Lot no. 22 in the 1st Concession, the south half of Lot no. 20 in Concession B, Broken Lot no. 22 in Concession B, Lots numbered 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Concession C, Lots no. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Concession D and Lot no. 21 in Concession D in the Township of Mersea (2 copies), Feb. 13, 1891.


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Province of Upper Canada Grant (vellum) to Philip Chesneau Delatre, late Lieutenant Colonel, of the Township of Stamford. He is granted 74 acres in the east and west halves of lot no. 36 in the 16th Concession and broken lot no. 11 in the 18th Concession in the Township of Zorra in the County of Oxford. This was registered Nov. 13, 1837 – Folio 50, Oct. 26, 1837.


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Province of Upper Canada Grant (vellum) to Joseph Mills of the township of Grimsby, son of United Empire Loyalist John Mills, United Empire Loyalist. He was granted 200 acres in the 5th Concession in Windham in the County of Norfolk. This was registered in in Liber L, folio 387 on Feb. 14, 1803. The crown land seal is attached, but broken into small pieces, Nov. 25, 1802.


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Province of Upper Canada Grant (vellum) to Peter McCollum of the Township of Grimsby, son of James McCollum, United Empire Loyalist. He was granted 200 acres in Lot no.12 in the 5th Concession in the Township of Scott in the County of Yorke. This was entered with the auditor on Nov. 17, 1809. There is a partial crown land seal attached to this document but it is broken, Nov. 16, 1809.


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Human telomeres play a major role in stabilizing chromosome ends and preventing fusions. Chromosomes bearing a broken end are rescued by the acquisition of a new telomeric cap without any subtelomeric sequences being present at the breakpoint, a process referred to as chromosome healing. Conversely, a loss of telomeric function or integrity can lead to the presence of interstitial telomeres at the junction site in translocations or ring chromosomes. In order to determine the frequency at which interstitial telomeres or chromosome healing events are observed in target chromosome abnormalities, we conducted a retrospective FISH study using pan-telomeric and chromosome-specific subtelomeric probes on archival material from 40 cases of terminal deletions, translocations or ring chromosomes. Of the 19 terminal deletions investigated, 17 were negative for the subtelomeric probe specific to the deleted arm despite being positive for the pan-telomeric probe. These 17 cases were thus considered as been rescued through chromosome healing, suggesting that this process is frequent in terminal deletions. In addition, as two of these cases were inherited from a parent bearing the same deletion, chromosomes healed by this process are thus stable through mitosis and meiosis. Regarding the 13 cases of translocations and eight ring chromosomes, four and two cases respectively demonstrated pan-telomeric sequences at the interstitial junction point. Furthermore, two cases of translocations and one ring chromosome had both interstitial pan-telomeres and subtelomeres, whereas two other cases of ring chromosomes and one case of translocation only showed interstitial subtelomeres. Therefore, interstitial (sub)telomeric sequences in translocations and ring chromosomes are more common than previously thought, as we found a frequency of 43% in this study. Moreover, our results illustrate the necessity of performing FISH with both subtelomeric and pan-telomeric probes when investigating these rearrangements, as the breakpoints can be either in the distal part of the pan-telomeres, or in between the two types of sequences.


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[O]uvrir fermer / les portes, la première partie de ce mémoire, est un projet de poésie, divisé en cinq sections, qui allie le vers libre et la prose. Le sujet poétique essaie d'animer et de ranimer son "récit", son "histoire", entre autres par le rappel fragmentaire d'événements ou de lieux, la redite de paroles déjà échangées et, par l'adresse et l'apostrophe rétroactives. Derrière une énonciation piétinante, une tendance à la répétition, derrière une rythmique à la fois fuyante et brisée se trouve un questionnement: que dire et comment le dire? Que nommer et comment le nommer? Si le ton du projet est lyrique et intimiste, il veut aussi chercher à se positionner face aux variations existantes du lyrisme. La seconde partie, Les pouvoirs mémoriels de l'objet dans Le saut de l'ange de Denise Desautels, est un essai qui s'intéresse aux rapports auratiques et mémoriels (G. Didi-Huberman) entre l'écriture et les objets d'art (six sculptures de la série Island de Martha Townsend) qui accompagnent le recueil Le saut de l'ange de la poète québécoise Denise Desautels.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec la faculté de droit de l'Université d'Orléans en France.


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L’agrégation érythrocytaire est le principal facteur responsable des propriétés non newtoniennes sanguines pour des conditions d’écoulement à faible cisaillement. Lorsque les globules rouges s’agrègent, ils forment des rouleaux et des structures tridimensionnelles enchevêtrées qui font passer la viscosité sanguine de quelques mPa.s à une centaine de mPa.s. Cette organisation microstructurale érythrocytaire est maintenue par des liens inter-globulaires de faible énergie, lesquels sont brisés par une augmentation du cisaillement. Ces propriétés macroscopiques sont bien connues. Toutefois, les liens étiologiques entre ces propriétés rhéologiques générales et leurs effets pathophysiologiques demeurent difficiles à évaluer in vivo puisque les propriétés sanguines sont dynamiques et fortement tributaires des conditions d’écoulement. Ainsi, à partir de propriétés rhéologiques mesurées in vitro dans des conditions contrôlées, il devient difficile d’extrapoler leurs valeurs dans un environnement physiologique. Or, les thrombophlébites se développent systématiquement en des loci particuliers du système cardiovasculaire. D’autre part, plusieurs études cliniques ont établi que des conditions hémorhéologiques perturbées constituent des facteurs de risque de thrombose veineuse mais leurs contributions étiologiques demeurent hypothétiques ou corrélatives. En conséquence, un outil de caractérisation hémorhéologique applicable in vivo et in situ devrait permettre de mieux cerner et comprendre ces implications. Les ultrasons, qui se propagent dans les tissus biologiques, sont sensibles à l’agrégation érythrocytaire. De nature non invasive, l’imagerie ultrasonore permet de caractériser in vivo et in situ la microstructure sanguine dans des conditions d’écoulements physiologiques. Les signaux ultrasonores rétrodiffusés portent une information sur la microstructure sanguine reflétant directement les perturbations hémorhéologiques locales. Une cartographie in vivo de l’agrégation érythrocytaire, unique aux ultrasons, devrait permettre d’investiguer les implications étiologiques de l’hémorhéologie dans la maladie thrombotique vasculaire. Cette thèse complète une série de travaux effectués au Laboratoire de Biorhéologie et d’Ultrasonographie Médicale (LBUM) du centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal portant sur la rétrodiffusion ultrasonore érythrocytaire et menant à une application in vivo de la méthode. Elle se situe à la suite de travaux de modélisation qui ont mis en évidence la pertinence d’un modèle particulaire tenant compte de la densité des globules rouges, de la section de rétrodiffusion unitaire d’un globule et du facteur de structure. Ce modèle permet d’établir le lien entre la microstructure sanguine et le spectre fréquentiel du coefficient de rétrodiffusion ultrasonore. Une approximation au second ordre en fréquence du facteur de structure est proposée dans ces travaux pour décrire la microstructure sanguine. Cette approche est tout d’abord présentée et validée dans un champ d’écoulement cisaillé homogène. Une extension de la méthode en 2D permet ensuite la cartographie des propriétés structurelles sanguines en écoulement tubulaire par des images paramétriques qui mettent en évidence le caractère temporel de l’agrégation et la sensibilité ultrasonore à ces phénomènes. Une extrapolation menant à une relation entre la taille des agrégats érythrocytaires et la viscosité sanguine permet l’établissement de cartes de viscosité locales. Enfin, il est démontré, à l’aide d’un modèle animal, qu’une augmentation subite de l’agrégation érythrocytaire provoque la formation d’un thrombus veineux. Le niveau d’agrégation, la présence du thrombus et les variations du débit ont été caractérisés, dans cette étude, par imagerie ultrasonore. Nos résultats suggèrent que des paramètres hémorhéologiques, préférablement mesurés in vivo et in situ, devraient faire partie du profil de risque thrombotique.