997 resultados para Brazil, Sao Paulo State, Bauru


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The Itajai Basin located in the southern border of the Luis Alves Microplate is considered as a peripheral foreland basin related to the Dom Feliciano Belt. It presents an excellent record of the Ediacaran period, and its upper parts display the best Brazilian example of Precambrian turbiditic deposits. The basal succession of Itajai Group is represented by sandstones and conglomerates (BaA(0) Formation) deposited in alluvial and deltaic-fan systems. The marine upper sequences correspond to the Ribeiro Carvalho (channelized and non-channelized proximal silty-argillaceous rhythmic turbidites), Ribeiro Neisse (arkosic sandstones and siltites), and Ribeiro do Bode (distal silty turbidites) formations. The ApiA(0)na Formation felsic volcanic rocks crosscut the sedimentary succession. The Cambrian Subida leucosyenogranite represents the last felsic magmatic activity to affect the Itajai Basin. The Brusque Group and the Florianpolis Batholith are proposed as source areas for the sediments of the upper sequence. For the lower continental units the source areas are the Santa Catarina, So Miguel and CamboriA(0) complexes. The lack of any oceanic crust in the Itajai Basin suggests that the marine units were deposited in a restricted, internal sea. The sedimentation started around 600 Ma and ended before 560 Ma as indicated by the emplacement of rhyolitic domes. The Itajai Basin is temporally and tectonically correlated with the Camaqu Basin in Rio Grande do Sul and the Arroyo del Soldado/Piriapolis Basin in Uruguay. It also has several tectono-sedimentary characteristics in common with the African-equivalent Nama Basin.


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Important concentrations of tourmaline occur as gold-bearing stratiform tourmalinites and in mineralized quartz-tourmaline veins at the Tapera Grande and Quartzito gold prospects in the Mesoproterozoic Serra do Itaberaba Group, central Ribeira Belt (Sao Paulo State, SE Brazil). The main rock types in both prospects constitute the volcanic-sedimentary Morro da Pedra Preta Formation, which formed in a submarine back-arc setting. At Tapera Grande, the volcanic-sedimentary sequence is composed of metabasic and metavolcaniclastic rocks, graphitic and sulfur-rich metapelites, banded iron formation, metandesite, metarhyolite, calcsilicates, tourmalinites and metahydrothermalites derived from mafic and felsic rocks. The Mesoproterozoic rocks at Quartzito prospect are lithologically similar but they have been affected by Neoproterozoic faulting and shearing and by the emplacement of granitic rocks, resulting in the formation of tourmaline-rich quartz-carbonate veins with gold and base metal mineralization. We conducted a chemical and B-isotope study of tourmalines in order to better understand the origin of the stratiform tourmalinites in the Morro da Pedra Preta Formation and their relationship with gold mineralization. The overall range of delta(11)B values obtained for the tourmalinite and vein tourmalines is between - 15%. and -5 parts per thousand, with the tourmalinites failing at the low end of this range (-15 to -8 parts per thousand). Such values are typical for continental crust and inconsistent with a primary marine boron signature as expected from the submarine-exhalative model for the gold prospects. We conclude from this that tourmaline formed or recrystallized from crustal fluids related to the amphibolite-grade metamorphism which affected the Serra do Itaberaba Group and that gold deposition occurred syn- to post-peak metamorphism by phase immiscibility, as attested by fluid inclusions in Tapera Grande tourmalinite tourmaline and quartz. The vein-hosted tourmalines at Quartzito have isotopically variable boron signatures, with heavier delta(11)B values of -5 parts per thousand to -8 parts per thousand for acicular green tourmalines and lighter values (-15 parts per thousand to -7 parts per thousand for light blue, Ti-firee tourmaline from quartz-carbonate veins). We attribute the heavier boron to fluids derived from the volcano-sedimentary rocks of marine affinity whereas the lighter boron was contributed by crustal fluids related to the granitoids or metasediments in the continental crust. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Genital mycoplasmas are natural inhabitants of the male urethra and are potentially pathogenic species playing an aetiological role in both genital infections and male infertility. This study aims to determine the presence of Mycoplasma genitalium DNA in urine samples of HIV-1-infected men in Sao Paulo city. Realtime polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed using the primers My-ins and Mgso-2 and the Taqman probe Mgen-P1 as described previously. A total of 223 HIV-1-infected men were tested with a mean age of 44 years. Thirteen (5.8%) presented M. genitalium in urine and the co-infection was more common among homosexual men (76.9% versus 51.9%, P < 0.26). In conclusion, realtime PCR was a useful and rapid method for detecting M. genitalium DNA in urine samples. Further studies should be conducted to assess the clinical significance of these results on HIV transmission and its impact on HIV viral load.


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Social and economical development is closely associated with technological innovation and a well-developed biotechnological industry. In the last few years, Brazil`s scientific production has been steadily increasing; however, the number of patents is lagging behind, with technological and translational research requiring governmental incentive and reinforcement. The Cell and Molecular Therapy Center (NUCEL) was created to develop activities in the translational research field, addressing concrete problems found in biomedical and veterinary areas and actively searching for solutions by employing a genetic engineering approach to generate cell lines over-expressing recombinant proteins to be transferred to local biotech companies, aiming at furthering the development of a national competence for local production of biopharmaceuticals of widespread use and of life-saving importance. To this end, mammalian cell engineering technologies were used to generate cell lines over-expressing several different recombinant proteins of biomedical and biotechnological interest, namely, recombinant human Amylin/IAPP for diabetes treatment, human FVIII and FIX clotting factors for hemophilia, human and bovine FSH for fertility and reproduction, and human bone repair proteins (BMPs). Expression of some of these proteins is also being sought with the baculovirus/insect cell system (BEVS) which, in many cases, is able to deliver high-yield production of recombinant proteins with biological activity comparable to that of mammalian systems, but in a much more cost-effective manner. Transfer of some of these recombinant products to local Biotech companies has been pursued by taking advantage of the Sao Paulo State Foundation (FAPESP) and Federal Government (FINEP, CNPq) incentives for joint Research Development and Innovation partnership projects.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo explorar como o governo do Estado de São Paulo pode utilizar a tecnologia para fortalecer a participação dos cidadãos no processo orçamentário público por meio de aplicativos móveis. Nos últimos anos, o advento e a difusão de novas tecnologias tem impactado significativamente o relacionamento do Estado com os cidadãos em todo o mundo. Uma destas mudanças é a difusão e popularização de smartphones e tablets, que impõe desafios e oportunidades em termos de prestação de serviços e participação do cidadão no processo de elaboração, implementação e avaliação de políticas públicas. Para o alcance dos objetivos deste trabalho, como método de pesquisa, foi realizada, inicialmente, uma revisão da literatura sobre m-government, e-democracia e sistema orçamentário brasileiro. Em um segundo momento foi realizada a observação de experiências internacionais e nacionais, posteriormente aplicada ao estudo do caso do governo do Estado de São Paulo, explorando as possibilidades de utilização do m-government no processo orçamentário paulista. A partir de 2010, as leis anuais de diretrizes orçamentárias do Estado de São Paulo, passaram a conter dispositivos com relação à realização de audiências públicas ao Orçamento Estadual, de forma regionalizada. O uso das TICs no processo orçamentário pode contribuir para facilitar o entendimento dos complexos conceitos de finanças públicas e orçamento público. A utilização do m-government para elaboração de um futuro aplicativo no Estado de São Paulo deve possuir uma área explicativa, com textos e vídeos educativos, possibilitando aos cidadãos uma participação mais qualificada e efetiva. Conclui-se que os temas de e-democracia e m-government ainda são incipientes no Brasil, porém representam uma oportunidade para que governos se aproximem dos cidadãos, tendo em vista que ainda não está sendo explorado o potencial de interação e comunicação através da internet e aplicativos móveis. Esta perspectiva ainda não está inserida na agenda governamental, mas a sociedade civil está cobrando participação efetiva no ciclo de políticas públicas. Sugere-se que seja ampliada a adoção do uso de ferramentas tecnológicas de m-government e e-government, porque tendem a contribuir na interação entre cidadãos e o governo na elaboração, implementação e avaliação de políticas públicas com o aperfeiçoamento da alocação dos escassos recursos orçamentários disponíveis.


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The inflationary stabilization recently observed in Brazil brings a lot of changes in all aspects of the country’s economic life. In this work we look at the impacts on the stock market, specifically at Bovespa - the São Paulo Stock Exchange. We analyze the leading variables and statistics that describe Bovespa’s behavior, such as volatility and systematic risk, comparing the four years preceding and the four years after 1994, when the Real Plan was implemented. In order to eliminate exogenous influences, we use control series made with international Stock Exchanges Indexes. The results show that after 1994 there was reduced volatility, increased trade volume, reduced efficiency of the Bovespa Index and no changes in systematic risk.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O LMV ocorre em todo o mundo e é considerado um dos patógenos mais importantes para a cultura da alface. de acordo com a habilidade em contornar os genes de resistência mo1¹ e mo1² encontrados em alface, os isolados de LMV podem ser dividos em dois sub-grupos: LMV-Most, capazes de contornar a resistência propiciada por estes genes e de serem transmitidos pela semente nestas cutivares, e LMV-Common, que não são capazes de causar sintomas nestes cultivares, além de serem transmitidos pela semente somente em cultivares suscetíveis. Para avaliar a ocorrência destes dois tipos de isolados de LMV foram coletadas, durante 2002-2005, amostras de alface com sintomas de mosaico em áreas de produção de alface comercial das regiões de Campinas, Mogi das Cruzes e Bauru no estado de São Paulo. O RNA total foi utilizado para detecção por RT-PCR utilizando-se oligonucleotídeos universais para LMV que amplificam a porção N-terminal variável da capa protéica, localizada no terminal 3´do genoma. As amostras positivas foram analisadas por um segundo primer que amplifica um fragmento da região central (CI-VPg) do genoma viral. Um total de 1362 amostras foram avaliadas, tendo sido detectado o LMV em 504 amostras (37,29%). O LMV-Common prevaleceu em variedades suscetíveis (77,3%). O LMV-Most foi encontrado frequentemente associado a variedades portadoras do gene de tolerância mo1¹. Apesar da existência dos LMV-Most capazes de contornar a resistência em alface, estes não predominam em nossa condições.


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Blastocystis hominis é um protozoário, causador de infecção intestinal denominada blastocistose humana, cujo diagnóstico é realizado pelo exame coproparasitológico e por meio de técnicas de coloração permanente. Este estudo foi desenvolvido para avaliar a freqüência da infecção por Blastocystis hominis em habitantes da região de Araraquara/SP, bem como comparar diferentes métodos para a pesquisa desse protozoário em amostras de fezes. Foram estudadas 503 amostras de fezes submetidas ao exame direto a fresco, às técnicas de Faust e cols, Lutz e de Rugai e cols, além das colorações pela hematoxilina férrica, tricrômio e de Kinyoun modificada. Entre as 503 amostras examinadas, 174 (34,6%) apresentaram-se positivas para a presença de parasitas intestinais. O protozoário e o helminto mais freqüentes foram Entamoeba coli (14,6%) e Strongyloides stercoralis (6,7%), respectivamente. Blastocystis hominis foi observado em 23 (4,6%) amostras fecais com consistência predominantemente pastosa, não caracterizando quadro diarréico. Apesar da baixa freqüência de Blastocystis hominis encontrada na região de Araraquara, comparativamente a outras regiões brasileiras, é importante a realização do diagnóstico laboratorial desse protozoário. O encontro de Blastocystis hominis em material fecal é indicativo de contaminação de alimentos e água de consumo, desde que se admita a rota de transmissão oral-fecal desse parasita, o que implica na orientação da população sobre as medidas de saneamento básico e higiene como meio para se controlar problemas de saúde ocasionados pelos enteroparasitas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The floristic composition was studied in an area of semideciduous mesophytic forest, with 120 ha, in the municipality of Botucatu, SP, Brazil. This forest lies on the ascent of the Cuesta of Botucatu. Due to the heterogeneity of the relief, for the sampling process, the forest was divided in three regions: the upper one (comprising the strip of forest on the plateau), middle on (the forestal area lied on the ascent properly said) and the lower one (the strip of forest on the plain). The tree sampling regions showed some differences among them and this must be connected to the differences in the soil.


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A detailed statistical study of the drainage was made as an indirect means for interpreting the modern tectonic traits of the area. Over 1000 measurements of direction of fluvial courses were made from maps and air photos. These data allowed the diagnosis of the existence of a regional tectonic pattern, printed on the basaltic rocks, and its influence on the drainage adjustment as well as a more local control exerted by structures present in the Bauru Group rocks. -from English summary


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This paper, having its conceptual basis in the Theory of Growth Poles, by F.Perroux, tests the effective existence of correlation between the spatial incidence and concentration of the 'propulsive' industrial groups and the industrial growth as a whole and the demographic increase. The selected case study was the state of Sao Paulo and data used was the 1970 census. As consequence of the techniques applied a industrial regionalization of the 'paulista' space was obtained, showing few areas of intense industrial concentration, especially of 'propulsive' groups, with multiple growth poles, and large areas with industrial rarefaction, with little or no poles.-after English summary


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Sedimentation rates of particulate material and some physicochemical parameters of water were determined in October, January, April and July 1990-91 at seven stations in the Jurumirim Reservoir (São Paulo, Brazil), three located in the Paranapanema arm, three in the Taquari arm and one near the dam. Higher sedimentation rates of tripton were found in the Paranapanema arm, followed by those from the Taquari arm and the dam. Suspended matter (2.5-48.7 mg · 1-1) and chlorophyll-a (0.7-8.1 mg · m-3) concentrations in the Paranapanema arm were in general higher resulting in lower water transparency (0.3-1.7m) than in the Taquari arm. Temporal and spatial variations in the tripton sedimentation rates were mainly influenced by allochthonous input at the stations near the river mouth. The settling fluxes at station near the dam of the reservoir were affected rather by a small autochthonous production (65 g C ass m-2 ;yr-1), indicated by a higher organic content (64-87%). Therefore, sedimentation rates measured by bottom traps were affected by sediment ressuspension especially at isothermal conditions. With respect to sedimentation, the riverine, the transition and the lacustrine zones commonly found in reservoires could be distinguished. The extent of the riverine zone in each arm of the Jurumirim Reservoir depends on the seasonal change of allochthonous input.