936 resultados para Black Studies|Health Sciences, Obstetrics and Gynecology|Health Sciences, Public Health


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The property development industry is a key actor in UK brownfield regeneration projects. UK policy has attempted to interlink ‘sustainable development’ and ‘sustainable brownfield’ policy agendas, which have found an additional focus through the UK government’s ‘Sustainable Communities Plan’, part of a growing international emphasis on sustainable development. This paper examines the emergence of these agendas and related policies, and the role of the property development industry in the regeneration of six differing brownfield sites, based in Thames Gateway and Greater Manchester. Using a conceptual framework, the paper investigates aspects of the sustainability of these projects and highlights key lessons from them for both the UK and overseas. The research is based on structured interviews with a variety of stakeholders, including developers, planners, consultants and community representatives to highlight emerging best practice and related policy implications.


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The computer simulation method has been used to study the structural formation and transition of electro-magneto-rheological (EMR) fluids under compatible electric and magnetic fields. When the fields are applied simultaneously and perpendicularly to each other, the particles rapidly arrange into two-dimensional close-packed layer structures parallel to both fields. The layers then combine together to form thicker sheet-like structures, which finally relax into three-dimensional close-packed structures with the help of the thermal fluctuations. On the other hand, if the electric field is applied firstly to induce the body-centered tetragonal (BCT) columns in the system, and then the magnetic field is applied in the perpendicular direction. the BCT to face-centered cubic (FCC) structure transition is observed in very short time. Following that. the structure keeps on evolving due to the demagnetization effect and finally form the three-dimensional close-packed structures.


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BACKGROUND: Previous pooled analyses have reported an association between magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia. We present a pooled analysis based on primary data from studies on residential magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia published after 2000. METHODS: Seven studies with a total of 10 865 cases and 12 853 controls were included. The main analysis focused on 24-h magnetic field measurements or calculated fields in residences. RESULTS: In the combined results, risk increased with increase in exposure, but the estimates were imprecise. The odds ratios for exposure categories of 0.1-0.2 mu T, 0.2-0.3 mu T and >= 0.3 mu T, compared with <0.1 mu T, were 1.07 (95% Cl 0.81-1.41), 1.16 (0.69-1.93) and 1.44 (0.88-2.36), respectively. Without the most influential study from Brazil, the odds ratios increased somewhat. An increasing trend was also suggested by a nonparametric analysis conducted using a generalised additive model. CONCLUSIONS: Our results are in line with previous pooled analyses showing an association between magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia. Overall, the association is weaker in the most recently conducted studies, but these studies are small and lack methodological improvements needed to resolve the apparent association. We conclude that recent studies on magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia do not alter the previous assessment that magnetic fields are possibly carcinogenic. British Journal of Cancer (2010) 103, 1128-1135. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605838 www.bjcancer.com (c) 2010 Cancer Research UK


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In this work we extend previous work on the evolution of a primordial black hole (PBH) to address the presence of a dark energy component with a super-negative equation of state as a background, investigating the competition between the radiation accretion, the Hawking evaporation and the phantom accretion, the latter two causing a decrease on black hole mass. It is found that there is an instant during the matter-dominated era after which the radiation accretion becomes negligible compared to the phantom accretion. The Hawking evaporation may become important again depending on a mass threshold. The evaporation of PBHs is quite modified at late times by these effects, but only if the generalized second law of thermodynamics is violated.


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By using the time-differential perturbed angular correlation technique, the electric field gradients (EFG) at (181)Hf/(181)Ta and (111)In/(111)Cd probe sites in the MoSi(2)-type compound Ti(2)Ag have been measured as a function of temperature in the range from 24 to 1073 K. Ab initio EFG calculations have been performed within the framework of density functional theory using the full-potential augmented plane wave + local orbitals method as implemented in the WIEN2k package. These calculations allowed assignments of the probe lattice sites. For Ta, a single well-defined EFG with very weak temperature dependence was established and attributed to the [4(e)4mm] Ti site. For (111)Cd probes, two of the three measured EFGs are well defined and correlated with substitutional lattice sites, i.e. both the [4(e)4mm] Ti site and the [2(a)4/mmm] Ag site.


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In this work, TG/DTG and DSC techniques were used to the determination of thermal behavior of prednicarbate alone and associated with glyceryl stearate excipient ( 1: 1 physical mixture). TG/DTG curves obtained for the binary mixture showed a reduction of approximately 37 degrees C to the thermal stability of drug (T(dm/dt-0) (Max)(DTG)). The disappearance of stretching band at 1280 cm(-1) (nu(as) C-O, carbonate group) and the presence of streching band with less intensity at 1750 cm(-1) (nu(s) C-O, ester group) in IR spectrum obtained to the binary mixture submitted at 220 degrees C, when compared with IR spectrum of drug submitted to the same temperature, confirmed the chemical interaction between these substances due to heating. Kinetics parameters of decomposition reaction of prednicarbate were obtained using isothermal (Arrhenius equation) and non-isothermal (Ozawa) methods. The reduction of approximately 45% of activation energy value (E(a)) to the first step of thermal decomposition reaction of drug in the 1:1 (mass/mass) physical mixture was observed by both kinetics methods.


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Vid trädfällning med motorsåg sparar man en så kallad brytmån som skall fungera som ett gång¬järn när trädet fälls. Om brytmånen går av tidigt finns en risk att trädet faller okontrolle¬rat. De rekommendationer som finns säger att brytmånens bredd skall göras proportionell mot trädets diameter. Genom att teoretiskt och praktiskt undersöka vilka krafter brytmånen utsätts för och vad den håller för har det varit möjligt att dra vissa slutsatser om hur en bra brytmån skall se ut. Ett viktigt resultat är att en bred brytmån (över 30-40 mm) är mycket trög att böja och inte fungerar i det avseendet att den går av redan vid små böjningar. Teoretiska be¬räkningar och praktiska försök visar att en relativt smal brytmån håller för belastningen vid rakt motlut även på stora träd. Som ny rekommendationen föreslås att brytmånens bredd inte bör vara mer än 30 mm. Av försöken kan man också dra slutsatsen att frusen ved är stel och brister tidigt, varför svår¬fällda träd inte bör fällas när veden är fryst.A felling hinge is used when felling trees by help of chain saw. If the hinge breaks early in the fall of the tree there is a great risk that the tree will fall without control. Present recommenda¬tions in Sweden say that the thickness of the felling hinge shall be made in proportion to the stem diameter. By use of theoretical and practical examinations of the forces stressing the felling hinge, and the strength of the wood itself, it has been possible to draw conclusions regarding the correct design of a felling hinge. One important result is that a thick felling hinge (over 30-40 mm) is very hard to bend and does not work well as it looses most of its strength already at a small forward bending angel. Theoretical calculations and practical tests show that a relatively narrow felling hinge will manage very well the forces when felling trees with lean opposite to the felling direction even for large trees. Our new recommendation is that the thickness of the felling hinge in normal Swedish conditions should not exceed 30 mm. Through the studies it can also be seen that frozen, brittle wood breaks at small bending angels. For that reason particularly difficult trees not should be felled when the wood is frozen.


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During the conduct of a research project into influences on the use of management accounting information, the use of activity-based techniques and information in two British banks was studied by the application of grounded theory principles. Juxtaposition of these two case studies reveals insights about the managers' significantly different experiences of ongoing applications, and the different outcomes of implementation that may arise, despite commonality in the organization and industry environment. This paper presents these two case studies, highlights the similarities and differences between them, and draws some conclusions about the causes of the differences. Factors that can be managed to achieve a greater use of these particular management accounting techniques, and the information they generate, are revealed. In particular, the findings suggest that the introduction of transfer charging between the bank's internal units highlights the need for activity-based techniques, and that education, communication and implementor support are vital, both for implementation success and for the widespread continuing use of the resultant applications. Further, between the two cases the greatest consensus was found in a common concern about the amount of detail in the databank and reports.


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High energy consumption remains a key challenge for the widely used ring spinning system. Tackling this challenge requires a full understanding of the various factors that contribute to yarn tension and energy consumption during ring spinning. In this paper, we report our recent experimental and theoretical research on air drag, yarn tension and energy consumption in ring spinning. A specially constructed rig was used to simulate the ring spinning process; and yarn tension at the guide-eye was measured for different yarns under different conditions. The effect of yarn hairiness on the air drag acting on a rotating yarn package and on a ballooning yarn was examined. Models of the power requirements for overcoming the air drag, increasing the kinetic energy of the yarn package (bobbin and wound yarn) and overcoming the yarn wind-on tension were developed. The ratio of energy-consumption to yarn-production over a full yarn package was discussed. A program to simulate yarn winding in ring spinning was implemented, which can generate the balloon shape and predict yarn tension under a given spinning condition. The simulation results were verified with experimental results obtained from spinning cotton and wool yarns.


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Morphometric data on 92 Black-eared Miners and 47 Yellow-throated Miners that had been independently sexed using molecular techniques were analysed to investigate size dimorphism between the sexes. We found that both species are sexually dimorphic in size, with males being the larger sex. Discriminant analyses of morphometric data were used to develop a simple method for sexing both species in the hand. Additionally, alula shape was consistent with other methods that we applied for ageing individuals. Sex-specific size differences between Black-eared and Yellow-throated Miners detected here add further support to the contention that they represent different taxa. The application of these sexing and ageing techniques for both species of mallee miner will improve ongoing field management of the endangered Black-eared Miner.


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In 2006-7 the Australian government will invest $9.3 billion in state government and nongovernment educational facilities (DEST 20061). One area of particular interest to both government and school designers is maximising this investment through providing students with healthy and
productive indoor learning environments. The lack of post-occupancy evaluations carried out in schools (Lackney 2001) means that designers are reliant on “best practice” indoor environment quality guidelines developed primarily from scientific studies. The problem with scientific evaluation is that often the complexity of the influences upon student performance is simplified in order to gather information, rather than necessarily providing a more holistic and realistic explanation of any improved outcomes. This paper examines the scope of various studies of classroom indoor environment qualities that have thus far contributed to current understanding of their impact on student learning outcomes. The review demonstrates the lack of comprehensive research into the full range of influences on student performance and offers a better understanding of the limitations of knowledge about indoor environment qualities. This information provides valuable input to research development and post-occupancy evaluation that can better integrate the full range of influences upon students of school facilities and test the assumptions made about “best practice”.