949 resultados para Biogeochemistry of Tidal Flats
潮滩湿地处于海陆相互作用地带,是响应全球变化和人类活动较为敏感的生态系统 之一。潮滩湿地是海岸带一个非常重要的生态类型,作为陆地和海洋过渡区的重要组成 部分,承接来自陆地人类活动带来的大量含氮物质。潮滩湿地氮的生物循环特征不但影 响湿地系统自身的调节机制,而且其在环境介质中的特殊动力学过程也与一系列全球环 境问题息息相关。为了更深入的理解潮滩湿地氮的生物循环特征及其关键机制,论文以 黄河口滨岸潮滩翅碱蓬湿地为研究对象,通过野外样品采集、原位实验、微区试验,研 究了湿地土壤氮的时空分布与化学转化特征,探讨了湿地植物生物量与氮累积季节变化 特征以及湿地植物残体分解及分解过程氮动态特征,建立了湿地植物-土壤系统氮循环 分室模式,主要结论如下:(1)潮滩湿地土壤氮含量具有明显的水平变异和空间结构, TN、NO3 --N 和C/N 具有明显空间分布格局,其空间变异性均以向低潮滩延伸且受潮汐 涨落影响较大的方向最大;微地貌特征和潮汐微域物理扰动是导致空间异质性的两个重 要随机因素,水盐条件、土壤类型和潮汐物理扰动是三个重要结构因素;(2)潮滩湿地 土壤氮含量在不同时期的垂直分布均存在较高变异性,主要与有机质分布、潮汐影响、 水分条件以及陆源影响程度有关;潮滩湿地土壤的氮含量具有明显季节变化特征,主要 与水分状况及受潮汐影响的程度有关;(3)潮滩湿地土壤氮的净矿化/硝化速率均呈波动 变化,并受生物固持、反硝化、温度、水分、C/N 和pH 等因素影响;潮滩湿地0~15cm 土壤的净矿化量和净硝化量分别介于0.33~27.81kg·hm-2 和1.19~15.99kg·hm-2,高潮滩湿 地维持无机氮的能力明显强于中潮滩和低潮滩湿地;(4)两种表现型翅碱蓬的生物量 均具有明显季节变化和空间结构分形特征,二者的地上生物量具有自相似性,分别遵从 D=2.012 和2.366 的分形生长过程;(5)沉积强度显著影响翅碱蓬种子的出苗和幼苗存 活,适度沉积可刺激幼苗生长,重度沉积对幼苗生长则具有抑制作用;沉积可促使幼苗 被埋部分发育为根系,反映了其对潮滩较强沉积环境的特殊适应对策;(6)两种表现 型翅碱蓬根、茎和枯落物的TN 含量均呈递减变化,符合指数衰减模型,叶是二者重要 氮储库,分配比高达46.91±16.97%和55.21±9.79%;中潮滩植被的N/P 为9.87±3.47<14, 其生长受N 限制,低潮滩植被的N/P 为15.73±5.00<16,其生长同时受N、P 限制,但 更受P 限制;(7)潮滩湿地植物残体在水盐含量较高或沉积较强条件下的失重率和分解 速率一般较高,反之则较低;温度、水分、盐分和pH 是影响残体相对分解速率的重要 摘 要 II 因素;(8)当分解环境的养分状况不发生较大改变时,残体相对分解速率在很大程度上 取决于基质质量,当养分状况因潮汐养分交换、潮汐物理扰动、沉积物矿化等发生较大 改变时,残体相对分解速率在很大程度上取决于分解环境养分供给状况;(9)潮滩湿地 植物残体在不同水盐梯度和沉积强度下的氮含量、C/N 的变化模式整体较为一致,水盐 条件和沉积强度对残体氮绝对量的变化具有重要影响,C/N 对分解过程中氮养分的调控 作用更为重要;(
铊是一种有毒有害的重金属元素,已经引起了广泛的关注。本论文通过对黔西南铊矿区土壤和沉积物样品的菌株分离、铊高耐受性菌株的筛选、胞外吸附、富集、亚细胞水平区系分布、絮凝实验及ITS序列等实验研究分析,并结合铊的地球化学相关研究,较系统地阐述了真菌--铊的生物地球化学过程机理,得出以下结论: 1、与环境背景区相比,黔西南滥木厂铊矿区内的河流、土壤中铊的已有不同程度的积累,直接导致了当地微生物生物量在很大程度上的降低,微生物生物量与铊含量间有显著的负相关关系。研究区内的沉积物、土壤中的微生物区系结构和数量发生了明显变化,细菌、真菌及放线菌数量均出现显著降低,而且三大微生物对重金属污染的敏感性大小也不一样,即放线菌>细菌>真菌。从土壤样品中分离到的主要菌群仍为常见种属,如青霉属(Penicillium)、木霉属(Trichoderma)、拟青霉(Paecilomyces)等。 2、经过初筛菌株的铊耐受性实验,在1000 mg/L水平筛选得到九株高耐受性菌株。吸附实验表明:微生物菌株对铊的吸附效率在4.63~16.89%,且随着环境中铊浓度的上升而降低,这可能是因为铊浓度的升高加大了对微生物生长的抑制作用,所形成的菌丝体(或菌丝球)减少,表面积也相应减少,从而导致了吸附效率的下降。各种常量元素和铊的关系呈显著相关性,钙、钾和钠等常量元素也是微生物赖以维持生存的因子,可能由于微生物细胞对钙、钾的吸附方式与对铊的吸附方式类似。因此,随着铊处理浓度的上升,钙和钾的吸附量也随之减少,而钠则呈现相反的趋势。 3、富集实验表明,九株菌株对铊的富集量随着铊处理浓度上升而降低,其影响趋势与对生物量的影响趋势基本一致,最高可达到7189 mg/kg,最大富集系数为7.2。九株菌株对常量元素的富集与对铊的富集并无明显的相关性,但在考察铊处理浓度对常量元素的富集影响时发现,铊处理浓度的上升与对钙的富集量表现出较强的正相关;而对钾、钠、镁的富集影响并不明显。 4、亚细胞水平上的铊分布研究表明,铊的富集优先顺序为:细胞质>细胞壁>细胞器。亚细胞水平的区隔化作用是微生物对铊的主要耐受机制,细胞质是赋存铊的主要场所(53.83~79.45 %)。结合各亚细胞组分中常量元素与铊之间的相关性,并联系前人的研究,Tl+主要是通过细胞壁的Na+ -K+ ATPase和K+ -电位门通道进入细胞内的从而影响细胞的正常代谢的,而Ca2+的活化更有助于这一过程。 5、絮凝实验表明,培养三天后的发酵液对矿区废水中铊的去除率最高可达到70.49 %,最佳影响因子组合为:pH=8,温度为16℃,搅拌时间为4分钟。菌株的絮凝活性最高可达到57.32%,最佳影响因子组合为:pH=8,温度为14℃,搅拌时间为4分钟。 6、通过对九株铊高耐受性菌株的ITS序列分析及其在Gene Bank中的BLAST比对结果表明,五株菌株同属于木霉属(Trichoderma),两株菌株同属于青霉属(Penicillium)。这表明这两类真菌对铊的适应性较强,为以后寻找铊高耐受性菌株及其资源化利用提供了理论基础。
The impact of ancient fertilization practices on the biogeochemistry of arable soils on the remote Scottish island of Hirta, St Kilda was investigated. The island was relatively unusual in that the inhabitants exploited seabird colonies for food, enabling high population densities to be sustained on a limited, and naturally poor, soil resource. A few other Scottish islands, the Faeroes and some Icelandic Islands, had similar cultural dependence on seabirds. Fertilization with human and animal waste streams (mainly peat ash and bird carcases) on Hirta over millennia has led to over-deepened, nutrient-rich soils (plaggen). This project set out to examine if this high rate of fertilization had adversely impacted the soil, and if so, to determine which waste streams were responsible. Arable soils were considerably elevated in Pb and Zn compared to non-arable soils. Using Pb isotope signatures and analysis of the waste streams, it was determined that this pollution came from peat and turf ash (Pb and Zn) and from bird carcases (Zn). This was also confirmed by (13)C and (15)N analysis of the profiles which showed that soil organic matter was highly enriched in marine-derived C and N compared to non-arable soils. The pollution of such a remote island may be typical of other 'bird culture' islands, and peat ash contamination of marginal arable soils at high latitudes may be widespread in terms of geographical area, but less intense at specific locations due to lower population densities than on Hirta.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica
The improved empirical understanding of silt facies in Holocene coastal sequences provided by such as diatom, foraminifera, ostracode and testate amoebae analysis, combined with insights from quantitative stratigraphic and hydraulic simulations, has led to an inclusive, integrated model for the palaeogeomorphology, stratigraphy, lithofacies and biofacies of northwest European Holocene coastal lowlands in relation to sea-level behaviour. The model covers two general circumstances and is empirically supported by a range of field studies in the Holocene deposits of a number of British estuaries, particularly, the Severn. Where deposition was continuous over periods of centuries to millennia, and sea level fluctuated about a rising trend, the succession consists of repeated cycles of silt and peat lithofacies and biofacies in which series of transgressive overlaps (submergence sequences) alternate with series of regressive overlaps (emergence sequences) in association with the waxing and waning of tidal creek networks. Environmental and sea-level change are closely coupled, and equilibrium and secular pattern is of the kind represented ideally by a closed limit cycle. In the second circumstance, characteristic of unstable wetland shores and generally affecting smaller areas, coastal erosion ensures that episodes of deposition in the high intertidal zone last no more than a few centuries. The typical response is a series of regressive overlaps (emergence sequence) in erosively based high mudflat and salt-marsh silts that record, commonly as annual banding, exceptionally high deposition rates and a state of strong disequilibrium. Environmental change, including creek development, and sea-level movement are uncoupled. Only if deposition proceeds for a sufficiently long period, so that marshes mature, are equilibrium and close coupling regained. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A large area in northeastern Marajo Island, northern Brazil, has been characterized geomorphologically, applying information acquired from Landsat imagery. This study was combined with detailed sedimentologic analysis of continuous cores, which provided a record of depositional settings developed in this area through the Holocene. The results revealed well-preserved, meandering to anastomosed drainage networks of wide palaeochannels that were superimposed by a narrower palaeochannel system. In both cases, the sedimentary record consists of sands, heterolithic deposits and muds, locally rich in plant debris. The strata are organized into fining upward successions that reach approximately 18 m thick in the wide channels and 4 m thick in the narrow channels. Sedimentary features suggestive of a coastal location for the wider palaeochannels and reworking of sediments by tidal currents include the prevalence of well to moderately sorted, rounded to sub-rounded, fine- to medium-grained sands displaying foreset packages separated by mud couplets, suggestive of tidal cycles. The data presented herein point to a rise in relative sea level reaching the Lake Arari area during the early to late/mid Holocene. This event was followed by a relative sea level drop. Tectonics seem to have contributed to an overall lowering in relative sea level in the study area since the mid-Holocene, which does not follow the same pattern recorded in other areas along the northern Brazilian coast.
In the Tropics, continental shelves governed by western boundary currents are considered to be among the least productive ocean margins in the world, unless eddy-induced shelf-edge upwelling becomes significant. The eastern Brazilian shelf in the Southwest Atlantic is one of these, and since the slight nutrient input from continental sources is extremely oligotrophic. It is characterized by complex bathymetry with the presence of shallow banks and seamounts. In this work, a full three-dimensional nonlinear primitive equation ocean model is used to demonstrate that the interaction of tidal currents and the bottom topography of the east Brazil continental shelf is capable of producing local upwelling of South Atlantic Central Water, bringing nutrients up from deep waters to the surface layer. Such upper layer enrichment is found to be of significance in increasing local primary productivity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the past 50 years, large efforts have been made toward the understanding of the stellar evolution. In the observational context, large sets of precise measurements of projected rotational velocity were produced, in particular by the Natal and Geneva groups. From these data, it is now possible to establish the behavior of stellar rotation from the turnoff to the red giant branch. In addition, these data have shown the role of tidal effects on stellar rotation in close binary systems. Nevertheless, relatively little attention has been paid to theoretical studies on the evolution of rotation along the HR Diagram, a topic itself directly associated to the evolution of the stars. Basically, there are two reasons for such a fact, (i) spherical symmetry is not assumed, what leads to a substantial increase in the numerical complexity of equations and (ii) non rotating models have been very successful in explaining relevant observational data, including the mass-luminosity relation and chemical abundances. In spite of these facts, it is clear that considerable work remains to be done on the role of rotation in the later stages of the evolution, where clear disagreements arise from confrontations between theoretical predictions and observations. In the present work we study the evolutionary behavior of stellar rotation along the HR Diagram, taking into account constraint conditions issued from recent observational survey of rotational velocity carried out with high precision procedures and new evolutionary codes
Important advances have been made along the last decade in the study of the lithium behavior in solar-type stars. Among the most important discoveries what attracts attention is that the distribution of lithium abundance in the late F-type giant stars tends to be discontinuous, at the same time of a sudden decline in rotation and a gradual decline according to the temperature for giant red stars of such spectral type. Other studies have also shown that synchronized binary systems with evolved components seem to keep more of their original lithium than the unsynchronized systems. evertheless, the connection between rotation and lithium abundance as well as the role of tidal effects on lithium dilution seem to be more complicated matters, depending on mass, metallicity and age. This work brings an unprecedented study about the behavior of lithium abundance in solartype evolved stars based on an unique sample of 1067 subgiant, giant and supergiant stars, 236 of them presenting spectroscopic binary characteristics, with precise lithium abundance and projected rotational speed. Now the lithium-rotation connection for single and binary evolved stars is analyzed taking into account the role of mass and stellar age
On this study we have revisited the predicted tidal circularization theory in close binary systems with a evolved component. Close binaries suffer tidal interactions that tend to synchronize periods and circularize the orbits (Zahn 1977, 1989, 1992). According to Zahn s theory we compute the integral that give us the variation of the eccentricity in a binary under the influence of tidal force and we compare the integral results with new observations for 260 binary systems with orbital solutions. Our results confirm the success of the Zahn s theory with a new data and new stellar evolutionary models, on the other hand, our results points to the need for a better description of the role of convection on this theory
ROTATION is one the most important aspects to be observed in stellar astrophysics. Here we investigate that particularly in stars with planets. This physical parameter supplies information about the distribution of angular momentum in the planetary system, as well as its role on the control of dierent phenomena, including coronal and cromospherical emission and on the ones due of tidal effects. In spite of the continuous solid advances made on the study of the characteristics and properties of planet host stars, the main features of their rotational behavior is are not well established yet. In this context, the present work brings an unprecedented study about the rotation and angular momentum of planet-harbouring stars, as well as the correlation between rotation and stellar and planetary physical properties. Our analysis is based on a sample of 232 extrasolar planets, orbiting 196 stars of dierent luminosity classes and spectral types. In addition to the study of their rotational behavior, the behavior of the physical properties of stars and their orbiting planets was also analyzed, including stellar mass and metallicity, as well as the planetary orbital parameters. As main results we can underline that the rotation of stars with planets present two clear features: stars with Tef lower than about 6000 K have slower rotations, while among stars with Tef > 6000 K we and moderate and fast rotations, though there are a few exceptions. We also show that stars with planets follow mostly the Krafts law, namely < J > / v rot. In this same idea we show that the rotation versus age relation of stars with planets follows, at least qualitatively, the Skumanich and Pace & Pasquini laws. The relation rotation versus orbital period also points for a very interesting result, with planet-harbouring stars with shorter orbital periods present rather enhanced rotation
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Foram analisadas experimentalmente 8 (oito) lajes lisas de concreto armado sem armadura de cisalhamento, variando-se a taxa de armadura de flexão secundária e a maior dimensão dos pilares (cmax). As lajes de dimensões (1.800 x 1.800 x 110) mm, mesma armadura flexão principal, menor dimensão dos pilares (cmin) constante e igual a 85 mm, resistência à compressão do concreto em torno de 40 MPa foram submetidas à carga no centro (punção simétrica), que simula um pilar interno de um pavimento. A aplicação da carga foi realizada em trechos de pilares moliticamente ligados às lajes com 150 mm de altura, com índices de retangularidade (r = cmax/cmin) variando de 1 a 7. O objetivo foi avaliar a influência do índice de retangularidade, que neste caso refletiu no aumento do perímetro de controle, no comportamento das lajes sob flexão, e possivelmente uma ruptura mais dúctil. O objetivo foi também analisar as cargas de ruptura estimadas a partir das recomendações de seis códigos de projeto nacionais e internacionais, comparando com os resultados experimentais obtidos e avaliando as estimativas ao puncionamento, uma vez que, quando as dimensões dos pilares são substancialmente diferentes pode ocorrer a polarização de tensões e o ganho de resistência não ocorre de forma diretamente proporcional ao aumento do perímetro dos pilares. Após analisar as influências do índice de retangularidade dos pilares e as contribuições da taxa de armadura de flexão secundária nas cargas últimas das lajes e nos modos de ruptura, observou-se que os resultados experimentais indicaram que essas variáveis além de elevar a resistência da ligação podem fornecer certa ductilidade à ruptura da laje. Observou-se também que a taxa de crescimento das resistências obtidas nos ensaios diminui com incrementos no perímetro de controle. Das observações referentes à comparação entre os valores de resistências das lajes, obtidas nos ensaios, verificou-se que o aumento da carga de ruptura experimental não se apresentou de forma linear, indicando que a taxa de crescimento da carga diminui com o aumento do perímetro do pilar ou da relação cmax/cmin quando se mantém constante a menor dimensão do pilar (Cmin).
Os sistemas estuarinos funcionam como importante habitat para várias especies de peixes, atraves das redes de canais de mare. Sob o ponto de vista ecologico, a comunidade ictiofaunística desempenham importante funcao no balanco energetico dos varios niveis tróficos dos ecossistemas estuarinos. Neste contexto, o presente estudo objetivou: determinar as distribuições espaco-temporais da ictiofauna; explicar suas características comportamentais e ecologicas; comparar a composicao da biomassa relativa, guildas ecologicas e funcionais em diferentes sistemas estuarinos da costa Norte; investigar a influencia das variaveis bioticas e abioticas e sua correlacao com os padroes biologicos da ictiofauna e identificar alteracoes na integridade biotica dos canais de mare estudados, utilizando a ictiofauna. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de amostragens bimestrais nos canais de mare Iguaiba, Grande e Cristovao, no periodo de janeiro/2006 a setembro/2007, utilizando redes de emalhar e tapagem. Paralelamente, foram tomadas amostras na camada superficial da agua para determinacao das variaveis fisico-quimicos e dos nutrientes inorganicos dissolvidos. Na caracterizacao ecologica das especies, foram empregados indices que estimam a diversidade, equitabilidade e riqueza. O Indice de Integridade Biotica foi aplicado para avaliar os efeitos das possiveis alteracoes ambientais na ictiofauna. Tecnicas univariadas (ANOVA, Kruskall-Wallis) e multivariadas (Cluster, nMDS, SIMPER, COIA e curvas ABC) foram usadas para comparar as especies e os locais de capturas. No total foram capturados 12.219 peixes distribuídos em 55 especies e 27 familias. As familias Sciaenidae, Ariidae, Carangidae, Engraulidae e Mugilidae apresentaram maior riqueza de especies. Ariopsis bonillai e Cetengraulis edentulus, apresentaram maior contribuicao para a formacao de grupos mais similares; Stellifer naso e Cynoscion acoupa foram responsaveis pela dissimilaridade entre os grupos formados. Cerca de 66% dos peixes capturados foram representados por individuos jovens, confirmando a condicao de bercario dos sistemas estuarinos. Os registros ictiofaunisticos entre o Golfao Marajoara e Maranhense apontam a ocorrência de 140 especies. Especies marinhas visitantes ocasionais e de agua doce ocorreram ocasionalmente. Marinhas estuarino-oportunistas e estuarino dependentes apresentaram maior contribuicao no Golfao Maranhense, ja as estuarino residentes apresentaram biomassa elevada em todos os sistemas estuarinos investigados. Detritivoros ocorreram principalmente no Pará e zoobentivoros no Maranhao. A ocorrencia de piscivoros foi inversamente proporcional a abundancia de juvenis. A co-estrutura formada entre variaveis ambientais-peixes foi significativa. As variaveis salinidade, pH, silicato, amonio, fosfato e nitrato influenciaram na estrutura da ictiofauna. Nenhuma especie se associou a ambientes com elevadas concentracoes de nutrientes inorganicos. As curvas ABC demonstraram que o ambiente estuarino encontra-se moderadamente perturbado, enquanto o indice de integridade caracterizou a qualidade ambiental dos canais de mare entre muito pobre a regular. O estudo mostrou que os canais de mare são importantes areas de criacao devido a dominancia de juvenis; a ictiofauna apresenta sazonalidade em relacao aos periodos hidrologicos; a comunidade peixes presente nos canais de mare pode atuar como indicadora da qualidade de ecossistemas submetidos a pulsos de mares. Considera-se, portanto, a protecao dos canais entre-mares dos manguezais uma ação essencial para o manejo dos recursos pesqueiros, uma vez que existe uma forte relacao entre abundancia da ictiofauna e a composição estrutural do habitat.