909 resultados para Binder melting
kuv., 10 x 14 cm
Placas ósseas confeccionadas a partir de diáfise cortical equina na osteossíntese femoral em coelhos
A evolução tecnológica tem possibilitado o desenvolvimento e o aperfeiçoamento de novos materiais para implantes. Apesar dos fundamentais benefícios providos pelos dispositivos ortopédicos, complicações decorrentes de corrosão, degradação, infecção, além de outras podem ocorrer. O entendimento das características dos biomateriais é fundamental para a previsibilidade do seu comportamento in vivo, fornecendo subsídios para que o composto mais adequado seja escolhido na reconstrução do defeito ósseo. As placas de origem metálica são as mais utilizadas para o reparo de fraturas de ossos longos, sendo mecanicamente resistentes e biocompatíveis. No entanto, a necessidade de remoção e o enfraquecimento do osso são suas principais desvantagens. Neste trabalho, placas produzidas a partir de osso cortical equino foram empregadas experimentalmente em fêmur osteotomizado de coelhos (Grupo osso-GO), num estudo comparativo com placas de metal (Grupo metal-GM). A avaliação radiográfica foi realizada a cada 30 dias, durante 120 dias, momento em que foi então realizada análise histológica do material em estudo. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos com relação à morfometria do calo ósseo e consolidação óssea em todos os momentos avaliados, sendo que ambas as placas permitiram a consolidação em todos os animais. Entretanto, observou-se que o calo ósseo foi menor no GO, em relação ao GM, em todos os momentos do estudo. Por outro lado, a maior parte dos animais do GO apresentou consolidação completa da fratura aos 90 dias, enquanto que no GM isto ocorreu aos 60 dias. Não foram evidenciadas células do tipo corpo estranho na histopatologia dos animais do GO, mas maior quantidade de tecido fibroso foi identificada, envolvendo este biomaterial. A placa confeccionada com osso equino representa uma alternativa de baixo custo e muito viável, uma vez que permitiu estabilização adequada para consolidação óssea de fratura de fêmur em coelhos. Neste estudo, a menor formação de calo periosteal, associada a um tempo superior para consolidação em GO sugerem maior estabilidade da fratura onde a placa de osso foi utilizada.
Hirvijoen valuma-alueella toteutettiin maatalousalueiden luonnon monimuotoisuuden, suojavyöhykkeiden ja kosteikkojen yleissuunnitelma vuosina 2011-2012. Hankkeessa kartoitettiin sopivia kosteikon paikkoja ja merkittäviä luonnon monimuotoisuuskohteita. Lisäksi arvioitiin rantapeltoja, joilla suojavyöhyke voisi vähentää pintavaluntaa ja sen mukana vesistöihin päätyvien kiintoaineen ja ravinteiden määrää. Tällaisia peltoja olivat Hirvijoen alueella kaltevat ja tulvista tai vettymisestä kärsivät peltolohkot. Alueelta löytyi runsaasti luonnon monimuotoisuuskohteita, joiden kasvilajisto on monipuolista ja jotka sopivat hoidettaviksi maatalouden erityisympäristötuen avulla. Joistakin metsäisimmistä lumokohteista arvioitiin myös sopivuutta metsien monimuotoisuutta turvaavan METSO-ohjelman kautta hoidettaviksi tai suojeltaviksi. Kosteikkopaikkoja ei kovin paljoa löytynyt eivätkä niistäkään kaikki sovi tämän hetkisellä tukijärjestelmällä rahoitettaviksi. Kohteiden maininta suunnitelmassa ei sido eikä velvoita maanomistajia toimenpiteisiin vaan tarkoitus on että yleissuunnitelman tietoja voidaan käyttää taustatukena, jos alueille suunnitellaan hoitoa tai kunnostusta. Lisäksi yleissuunnitteluhankkeessa testattiin erilaisten mallien käyttöä apuvälineenä. Maankäyttö- korkeus, maalaji- ja rinteenviettosuuntatietojen avulla esiselvitettiin mahdollisia kohteita. Mallien tuottamia tuloksia tarkasteltiin maastossa ja havaittiin että ne ovat käyttökelpoisia apuvälineitä mm. maastokäyntien kohdentamisessa, mutta eivät missään tapauksessa voi korvata niitä. Lisäksi vesiensuojelutoimenpiteiden tehokkuutta arvioitiin laskentamallilla.
Diplomityön tarkoituksena on luoda uraaniheksafluoridista käyttäjän määrittelemä aine kaupallisen virtauslaskentaohjelmiston (FLUENT) ainekirjastoon ja simuloida aineen käyttäytymistä sulaessa ja kiinteyttäessä. Työn kirjallisuusosassa on esitelty aiempia tutkimuksia uraaniheksafluoridin termodynaamisista ominaisuuksista, joita käytetään aineen määrittelyssä. Kokeellisessa osassa on käytetty virtauslaskentaohjelmiston Eulerilaista monifaasimallia sulamisen ja kiinteytymisen tarkasteluun kaksidimensionaalisessa sylinterissä.
Laser additive manufacturing (LAM), known also as 3D printing, has gained a lot of interest in past recent years within various industries, such as medical and aerospace industries. LAM enables fabrication of complex 3D geometries by melting metal powder layer by layer with laser beam. Research in laser additive manufacturing has been focused in development of new materials and new applications in past 10 years. Since this technology is on cutting edge, efficiency of manufacturing process is in center role of research of this industry. Aim of this thesis is to characterize methods for process efficiency improvements in laser additive manufacturing. The aim is also to clarify the effect of process parameters to the stability of the process and in microstructure of manufactured pieces. Experimental tests of this thesis were made with various process parameters and their effect on build pieces has been studied, when additive manufacturing was performed with a modified research machine representing EOSINT M-series and with EOS EOSINT M280. Material used was stainless steel 17-4 PH. Also, some of the methods for process efficiency improvements were tested. Literature review of this thesis presents basics of laser additive manufacturing, methods for improve the process efficiency and laser beam – material- interaction. It was observed that there are only few public studies about process efficiency of laser additive manufacturing of stainless steel. According to literature, it is possible to improve process efficiency with higher power lasers and thicker layer thicknesses. The process efficiency improvement is possible if the effect of process parameter changes in manufactured pieces is known. According to experiments carried out in this thesis, it was concluded that process parameters have major role in single track formation in laser additive manufacturing. Rough estimation equations were created to describe the effect of input parameters to output parameters. The experimental results showed that the WDA (width-depth-area of cross-sections of single track) is correlating exponentially with energy density input. The energy density input is combination of the input parameters of laser power, laser beam spot diameter and scan speed. The use of skin-core technique enables improvement of process efficiency as the core of the part is manufactured with higher laser power and thicker layer thickness and the skin with lower laser power and thinner layer thickness in order to maintain high resolution. In this technique the interface between skin and core must have overlapping in order to achieve full dense parts. It was also noticed in this thesis that keyhole can be formed in LAM process. It was noticed that the threshold intensity value of 106 W/cm2 was exceeded during the tests. This means that in these tests the keyhole formation was possible.
Lehmijärvi on 63 ha laajuinen kirkasvetinen ja vähähumuksinen latvajärvi Salossa. Lehmijärven suojeluyhdistys pyysi Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskukselta ja Suomen metsäkeskukselta apua järvivedessä havaittujen korkeiden alumiinipitoisuuksien ja happamuuspiikkien sekä mahdollisten metsätaloustoimenpiteiden haittojen ehkäisemiseen valuma-alueella. Suomen metsäkeskuksen ja Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskuksen yhteistyönä selvitettiin maanäytteiden avulla maaperän happamuutta ja alumiinipitoisuutta Lehmijärven valuma-alueella. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset on esitetty tässä raportissa. Tulosten perusteella näyttää siltä, että Lehmijärven happamuuspiikit (pH:n jyrkät laskut vedessä) johtuvat pääosin happamista lumensulamisvesistä, johon on jo aiemmissakin selvityksissä viitattu eikä alunamaa ongelmasta valuma-alueella. Myös ojitettujen soiden suuri osuus valuma-alueesta ja turvemaiden yleinen happamuus lisäävät osaltaan valuma-alueelta virtaavien vesien happamuutta varsinkin tulva-aikoina. Mustikkasuon eteläpuolisella suokuviolla, jonka läpi pääosa pohjoispuolen valumavesistä virtaa, voi kuitenkin esiintyä ohuen turpeen alla pienialaisesti alunamaata. Vertailtaessa tämän aineiston liukoisen alumiinin määriä turpeessa aikaisempien tutkimusten vertailulukuihin, voidaan sanoa Lehmijärven valuma-alueen ojitetuilla soilla olevan keskimääräistä korkeampia alumiinipitoisuuksia. Paikoin liukoiset alumiinipitoisuudet olivat jopa erittäin korkeita. Mustikkasuon eteläpuolisella suokuviolla, jonka kautta vedet suurelta osin virtaavat, alumiinipitoisuus oli korkeimmillaan 11 267 mg/kg ja Miilussuolla 7 044 mg/kg, kun Niemisen ja Jarvan (1996) tutkimuksessa alumiinipitoisuuden maksimiarvo oli 5 577 mg/kg. Alumiinin ajoittain korkeat pitoisuudet Lehmijärvessä johtuvat tämän raportin tulosten perusteella todennäköisesti pääosin valuma-alueen soiden turpeen korkeista alumiinipitoisuuksista. Voimakas maanmuokkaus kivennäismailla lisää alumiinin liukoisuutta ja samalla alumiinin huuhtoutumisriskiä vesistöihin. Lehmijärven valuma-alueella on suositeltavaa käyttää metsänuudistamisessa kevyitä maanmuokkausmenetelmiä (laikutus, kääntömätästys ja laikkumätästys) ja välttää ojitusmätästystä. Luontainen uudistaminen (erityisesti alikasvosten hyödyntäminen) pitäisi olla ensisijainen uudistamismenetelmä Lehmijärven valuma-alueella. Kunnostusojituksia toteutettaessa pitäisi ottaa käyttöön mahdollisimman tehokkaat vesiensuojelutoimet. On muistettava, että korkeat alumiinipitoisuudet Lehmijärvellä eivät ole pelkästään negatiivinen asia, koska alumiini sitoo tehokkaasti fosforia ja pahasti rehevöityneitä järviä (esim. Köyliön Ilmijärvi) on yritetty kunnostaa alumiinisulfaatti käsittelyllä. Lisätutkimusta tarvitaan selvittämään, onko Lehmijärven veden alumiinipitoisuus ajoittain jo niin korkea, että siitä on haittaa kalakannalle tai, että se jopa estää rapukannan palauttamisen istuttamalla järveen.
Methyl chloride is an important chemical intermediate with a variety of applications. It is produced today in large units and shipped to the endusers. Most of the derived products are harmless, as silicones, butyl rubber and methyl cellulose. However, methyl chloride is highly toxic and flammable. On-site production in the required quantities is desirable to reduce the risks involved in transportation and storage. Ethyl chloride is a smaller-scale chemical intermediate that is mainly used in the production of cellulose derivatives. Thus, the combination of onsite production of methyl and ethyl chloride is attractive for the cellulose processing industry, e.g. current and future biorefineries. Both alkyl chlorides can be produced by hydrochlorination of the corresponding alcohol, ethanol or methanol. Microreactors are attractive for the on-site production as the reactions are very fast and involve toxic chemicals. In microreactors, the diffusion limitations can be suppressed and the process safety can be improved. The modular setup of microreactors is flexible to adjust the production capacity as needed. Although methyl and ethyl chloride are important chemical intermediates, the literature available on potential catalysts and reaction kinetics is limited. Thus the thesis includes an extensive catalyst screening and characterization, along with kinetic studies and engineering the hydrochlorination process in microreactors. A range of zeolite and alumina based catalysts, neat and impregnated with ZnCl2, were screened for the methanol hydrochlorination. The influence of zinc loading, support, zinc precursor and pH was investigated. The catalysts were characterized with FTIR, TEM, XPS, nitrogen physisorption, XRD and EDX to identify the relationship between the catalyst characteristics and the activity and selectivity in the methyl chloride synthesis. The acidic properties of the catalyst were strongly influenced upon the ZnCl2 modification. In both cases, alumina and zeolite supports, zinc reacted to a certain amount with specific surface sites, which resulted in a decrease of strong and medium Brønsted and Lewis acid sites and the formation of zinc-based weak Lewis acid sites. The latter are highly active and selective in methanol hydrochlorination. Along with the molecular zinc sites, bulk zinc species are present on the support material. Zinc modified zeolite catalysts exhibited the highest activity also at low temperatures (ca 200 °C), however, showing deactivation with time-onstream. Zn/H-ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts had a higher stability than ZnCl2 modified H-Beta and they could be regenerated by burning the coke in air at 400 °C. Neat alumina and zinc modified alumina catalysts were active and selective at 300 °C and higher temperatures. However, zeolite catalysts can be suitable for methyl chloride synthesis at lower temperatures, i.e. 200 °C. Neat γ-alumina was found to be the most stable catalyst when coated in a microreactor channel and it was thus used as the catalyst for systematic kinetic studies in the microreactor. A binder-free and reproducible catalyst coating technique was developed. The uniformity, thickness and stability of the coatings were extensively characterized by SEM, confocal microscopy and EDX analysis. A stable coating could be obtained by thermally pretreating the microreactor platelets and ball milling the alumina to obtain a small particle size. Slurry aging and slow drying improved the coating uniformity. Methyl chloride synthesis from methanol and hydrochloric acid was performed in an alumina-coated microreactor. Conversions from 4% to 83% were achieved in the investigated temperature range of 280-340 °C. This demonstrated that the reaction is fast enough to be successfully performed in a microreactor system. The performance of the microreactor was compared with a tubular fixed bed reactor. The results obtained with both reactors were comparable, but the microreactor allows a rapid catalytic screening with low consumption of chemicals. As a complete conversion of methanol could not be reached in a single microreactor, a second microreactor was coupled in series. A maximum conversion of 97.6 % and a selectivity of 98.8 % were reached at 340°C, which is close to the calculated values at a thermodynamic equilibrium. A kinetic model based on kinetic experiments and thermodynamic calculations was developed. The model was based on a Langmuir Hinshelwood-type mechanism and a plug flow model for the microreactor. The influence of the reactant adsorption on the catalyst surface was investigated by performing transient experiments and comparing different kinetic models. The obtained activation energy for methyl chloride was ca. two fold higher than the previously published, indicating diffusion limitations in the previous studies. A detailed modeling of the diffusion in the porous catalyst layer revealed that severe diffusion limitations occur starting from catalyst coating thicknesses of 50 μm. At a catalyst coating thickness of ca 15 μm as in the microreactor, the conditions of intrinsic kinetics prevail. Ethanol hydrochlorination was performed successfully in the microreactor system. The reaction temperature was 240-340°C. An almost complete conversion of ethanol was achieved at 340°C. The product distribution was broader than for methanol hydrochlorination. Ethylene, diethyl ether and acetaldehyde were detected as by-products, ethylene being the most dominant by-product. A kinetic model including a thorough thermodynamic analysis was developed and the influence of adsorbed HCl on the reaction rate of ethanol dehydration reactions was demonstrated. The separation of methyl chloride using condensers was investigated. The proposed microreactor-condenser concept enables the production of methyl chloride with a high purity of 99%.
Additive manufacturing is a fast growing manufacturing technology capable of producing complex objects without the need for conventional manufacturing process planning. During the process the work piece is built by adding material one layer at a time according to a digital 3D CAD model. At first additive manufacturing was mainly used to make prototypes but the development of the technology has made it possible to also make final products. Welding is the most common joining method for metallic materials. As the maximum part size of additive manufacturing is often limited, it may sometimes be required to join two or more additively manufactured parts together. However there has been almost no research on the welding of additively manufactured parts so far, which means that there has been very little information available on the possible differences compared to the welding of sheet metal parts. The aim of this study was to compare the weld joint properties of additively manufactured parts to those of sheet metal parts. The welding process that was used was TIG welding and the test material was 316L austenitic stainless steel. Weld joint properties were studied by making tensile, bend and hardness tests and by studying the weld microstructures with a microscope. Results show that there are certain characteristics in the welds of additively manufactured parts. The building direction of the test pieces has some impact on the mechanical properties of the weld. Nevertheless all the welds exhibited higher yield strength than the sheet metal welds but at the same time elongation at break was lower. It was concluded that TIG welding is a feasible process for welding additively manufactured parts.
Tämän kandidaatintyön aiheena oli löytää biojalostamon näkökulmasta käyttökelpoisia tuotantoreittejä puuperäisistä materiaaleista bioperäisiin kemikaaleihin, joilla olisi mahdollista korvata synteettisiä sideaineita. Tällä hetkellä suurin osa sideaineista ja päällystemateriaaleista tuotetaan uusiutumattomista luonnonvaroista, kuten maakaasusta ja öljystä. Lopputuotteiden kierrätettävyyden ja vihreyden ohella yksi metsäteollisuuden tulevaisuuden trendejä on pyrkiä irti öljy- ja maakaasuriippuvuudesta. Muutoksella voidaan säästää sekä ympäristöä, että rahaa. Biopohjaisilla drop-in kemikaaleilla ja muilla biopohjaisilla vaihtoehdoilla tämä on mahdollista Tässä työssä tutkittiin ja havainnollistettiin mahdollisin tuotantoreitein useiden tällä hetkellä käytössä olevien sideaineiden korvaamista biopohjaisilla versioilla. Työ tehtiin kirjallisuustutkielmana, eikä siihen kuulunut laboratoriokokeita. Työn ensimmäisessä osassa painopiste on biojalostamossa ja dispersiopäällystyksessä. Toisessa osassa esitellään tällä hetkellä käytettyjä sideaineita ja niiden mahdollisia biopohjaisia korvaajia tuotantoreitteineen. Työn toissijainen tarkoitus oli selvittää lyhyesti mitä muita puuperäisiä komponentteja voidaan käyttää suoraan paperin ja kartongin päällystämiseen. Viimeiseksi on esitelty vielä lyhyesti kaupallisesti käytössä olevia biomuoveja ja päällysteitä.
This thesis studies the advantages, disadvantages and possibilities of additive manufacturing in making components with internal flow channels. These include hydraulic components, components with cooling channels and heat exchangers. Processes studied in this work are selective laser sintering and selective laser melting of metallic materials. The basic principles of processes and parameters involved in the process are presented and different possibilities of internal channel manufacturing and flow improvement are introduced
Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a common autosomal disorder of iron metabolism mainly affecting Caucasian populations. Three recurrent disease-associated mutations have been detected in the hemochromatosis gene (HFE): C282Y, H63D, and S65C. Although HH phenotype has been associated with all three mutations, C282Y is considered the most relevant mutation responsible for hemochromatosis. Clinical complications of HH include cirrhosis of the liver, congestive cardiac failure and cardiac arrhythmias, endocrine pancreatic disease, which can be prevented by early diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, a reliable genotyping method is required for presymptomatic diagnosis. We describe the simultaneous detection of the C282Y, H63D and S65C mutations in the hemochromatosis gene by real-time PCR followed by melting curve analysis using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) probes. The acceptor fluorophore may be replaced by a quencher, increasing multiplex possibilities. Real-time PCR results were compared to the results of sequencing and conventional PCR followed by restriction digestion and detection by agarose gel electrophoresis (PCR-RFLP). Genotypes from 80 individuals obtained both by the conventional PCR-RFLP method and quenched-FRET real-time PCR were in full agreement. Sequencing also confirmed the results obtained by the new method, which proved to be an accurate, rapid and cost-effective diagnostic assay. Our findings demonstrate the usefulness of real-time PCR for the simultaneous detection of mutations in the HFE gene, which allows a reduction of a significant amount of time in sample processing compared to the PCR-RFLP method, eliminates the use of toxic reagents, reduces the risk of contamination in the laboratory, and enables full process automation.
Utvecklingen av flercelliga organismer är en mångfacetterad process som kräver kommunikation celler emellan. Under utvecklingen av en organism måste cellerna göra vissa val, vilket bestämmer riktningen för deras fortsatta utveckling. Utgående från dessa val erhåller cellerna egenskaper som är karaktäristiska för olika celltyper. Notch-signalräckan är en viktig reglerare av valet mellan olika cellöden. Notch-signalräckan aktiveras när Notch-receptorer som uttrycks på ytan av en cell binder till Notch-ligander som uttrycks på ytan av en annan närliggande cell. Denna avhandling belyser mekanismerna som reglerar omsättningen av såväl Notch-receptorer som -ligander till och från cellmembranen, samt ökar förståelsen för hur dessa mekanismer påverkar Notch-medierade cellöden i stamceller. Internalisering av Notch receptorer anses nödvändigt för fullständig aktivering av Notch-signalvägen. De bakomliggande molekylära mekanismerna är dock fortfarande oklara. Vi har upptäckt att atypiskt protein kinas Cζ (aPKCζ) reglerar internaliseringen av Notch-receptorer. aPKCζ fosforylerar Notch, vilket leder till receptorns internalisering, men effekten är beroende av receptorns signaleringsstatus. Vi visar att aPKCζ reglerar Notch-signaleringen och styr både neuroners och muskelcellers differentiering. Ytterligare har vi analyserat samspelet mellan cellskelettet och Notch-signalvägen. Våra resultat visar att intermediärfilamenten, en del av cellskelettet, är viktiga reglerare av Notch-signaleringen både under neuronal och vaskulär utveckling. Intermediärfilamenten vimentin och GFAP reglerar uttrycket av Notch-ligander vid cellmembranen i hjärnans stödceller, astrocyterna, och påverkar därmed neuronala stamcellers cellödesbeslut. Vimentin är även viktigt reglerare av Notch-signalräckan vid angiogenesen. Celler som saknar vimentin uppvisar avvikande Notch-signalering emedan möss som saknar vimentin påvisar en fördröjd utveckling av vaskulaturen under embryonalstadiet. ------------------------------------------------- Monisoluisten organismien kehittyminen on monimutkainen prosessi, joka vaatii viestintää solujen välillä. Kehittymisen aikana solut joutuvat tiettyjen valintojen eteen, mitkä tulevat määrittämään niiden erilaistumisen suunnan. Solut omaksuvat solutyypille ominaisia ominaisuuksia näihin valintoihin perustuen Notch-signalointireitti säätelee solujen erilaistumista eri suuntiin. Notch-signalointireitti aktivoituu, kun Notch-reseptori yhden solun pinnalla sitoo Notch-ligandin toisen, viereisen solun solukalvolla. Tutkimukseni lisää tuntemusta Notch-reseptoreiden ja ligandien solun sisäisestä liikennöinnistä ja sitä säätelevistä mekanismeista, sekä tämän säätelyn vaikutuksista kantasulojen erilaistumiseen. Notch-signalointireitin aktivoituminen vaatii reseptoreiden ja ligandien sisäistämisen solukalvolta, mutta taustalla olevat ja sisäistymistä säätelevät mekanismit ovat vielä epäselviä. Tutkimukseni osoittaa, että atyyppinen proteiinikinaasi Cζ (aPKCζ) säätelee Notch-reseptoreiden endosytoosia. Endosytoosin lopputulos riippuu siitä onko reseptori aktivoitunut ligandin välityksellä vai ei. Tuloksemme osoittavat aPKCζ säätelevän Notch-signalointia ja kontrolloivan sekä hermosolujen, että lihassolujen erilaistumista. Analysoimme myös Notch-signaloinnin ja solun tukirangan vuorovaikutuksia. Välikokoiset filamentit, jotka ovat osa tukirankaa, säätelevät Notch-signalointia neuronaalisen erilaistumisen sekä verisuonten uudismuodostumisen aikana. Vimentiini ja GFAP ovat välikokoisia säikeitä, jotka säätelevät Notch-ligandien ekspressiota astrosyyttien, eli aivojen hermotukisolujen solukalvolla. Vimentiini säätelee myös Notch-signalointireittiä angiogeneesin aikana. Vimentiiniä vailla olevilla soluilla ilmenee heikentynyttä Notch-signalointia, joka voidaan liittää hiirillä ilmenevään vimenttiinin puutteesta johtuvaan viivästyneeseen verisuonien kehitykseen.
The development of processed foods requires the understanding of the phenomena that dictate the ingredient interactions normally used in food formulations, as well as the effects of the numerous operations involved in the processing of the final product. In ice creams, sugars are responsible for taste, but they also affect the freezing behavior and viscosity of processed mixes. Components such as fats influence mechanical properties, melting resistance, and palatability of final products. The objective was to study the technological effects of different sugars and fats on the structure of ice cream formulations. Fructose syrup was used as a substitute for glucose syrup in blends with sucrose, and palm fat was employed as an alternative to hydrogenated vegetable fat. The analysis of variance showed significant differences in chemical compositions. Hygroscopicity of fructose syrup increased the solids content in the formulations. Melting rate and overrun were higher in products added with this sugar. Palm fat caused changes in melting ranges of formulations, and higher melting rate was observed in the combination of palm fat and fructose syrup.
The aim of this work was to study the effect of the hydrolysis degree (HD) and the concentration (C PVA) of two types of poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and the effect of the type and the concentration of plasticizers on the phase properties of biodegradable films based on blends of gelatin and PVA, using a response-surface methodology. The films were made by casting and the studied properties were their glass (Tg) and melting (Tm) transition temperatures, which were determined by diferential scanning calorimetry (DSC). For the data obtained on the first scan, the fitting of the linear model was statistically significant and predictive only for the second melting temperature. In this case, the most important effect on the second Tm of the first scan was due to the HD of the PVA. In relation to the second scan, the linear model could be fit to Tg data with only two statistically significant parameters. Both the PVA and plasticizer concentrations had an important effect on Tg. Concerning the second Tm of the second scan, the linear model was fit to data with two statistically significant parameters, namely the HD and the plasticizer concentration. But, the most important effect was provoked by the HD of the PVA.
The effect of replacing shortening and sugar on the physical and chemical properties of mangaba ice cream and its acceptability were evaluated. Ice cream formulations were tested with the following fat replacers: Selecta Light, Litesse, and Dairy Lo and the following sugar substitutes: Lactitol and Splenda. All formulations were subjected to physical, chemical, and microbiological analyses and evaluated by acceptability tests. In the sensory analysis, it was observed a larger acceptance of the formulations containing Selecta Light (SL) and the combination of Litesse, Lactiol, and Splenda (LLS). The largest reduction in total energetic value (50%) was observed in the formulation LLS. The use of fat and/or sugar substitutes caused a reduction in the air incorporation (overrun) and affected viscosity. The highest melting speed was observed in the formulation with Dairy-Lo, Lactitol, and Splenda. All formulations showed good levels of global acceptability and appearance. The substitution of shortening for fat replacers caused a reduction in air incorporation and changes in ice-cream viscosity. The low-fat mangaba ice-cream elaborated with Selecta Light was the best formulation in terms of viscosity and air incorporation when compared with the control. It also showed a good level of acceptability and low fat content.