713 resultados para Axe HPA


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Diffusion controls the gaseous transport process in soils when advective transport is almost null. Knowledge of the soil structure and pore connectivity are critical issues to understand and modelling soil aeration, sequestration or emission of greenhouse gasses, volatilization of volatile organic chemicals among other phenomena. In the last decades these issues increased our attention as scientist have realize that soil is one of the most complex materials on the earth, within which many biological, physical and chemical processes that support life and affect climate change take place. A quantitative and explicit characterization of soil structure is difficult because of the complexity of the pore space. This is the main reason why most theoretical approaches to soil porosity are idealizations to simplify this system. In this work, we proposed a more realistic attempt to capture the complexity of the system developing a model that considers the size and location of pores in order to relate them into a network. In the model we interpret porous soils as heterogeneous networks where pores are represented by nodes, characterized by their size and spatial location, and the links representing flows between them. In this work we perform an analysis of the community structure of porous media of soils represented as networks. For different real soils samples, modelled as heterogeneous complex networks, spatial communities of pores have been detected depending on the values of the parameters of the porous soil model used. These types of models are named as Heterogeneous Preferential Attachment (HPA). Developing an exhaustive analysis of the model, analytical solutions are obtained for the degree densities and degree distribution of the pore networks generated by the model in the thermodynamic limit and shown that the networks exhibit similar properties to those observed in other complex networks. With the aim to study in more detail topological properties of these networks, the presence of soil pore community structures is studied. The detection of communities of pores, as groups densely connected with only sparser connections between groups, could contribute to understand the mechanisms of the diffusion phenomena in soils.


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Jusqu'à sa mort, en novembre 1975, le Général Franco fut, tel que le proclamaient ses pièces de monnaie, le « Caudillo d'Espagne par la grâce de Dieu » et, selon ses apologistes, il était responsable uniquement devant Dieu et l'Histoire. Bien que durant les dernières années de sa vie, sa participation directe dans les décisions politiques courantes fut assez réduite, il est pourtant certain qu'aucune décision importante ne pouvait être prise sans son consentement. Jusqu'au tout dernier moment, il conserva, grâce à la dénommée « Constitution franquiste », le pouvoir de nommer et de destituer les ministres, pouvoir qu'il utilisa toujours à sa guise. De telles prémisses conduisent à considérer logique l'utilisation du sport au service d'une idée politique. On assista alors à une tentative de mise sur pied du modèle de l'Allemagne nazie, mais il fallait tenir compte du fait que Franco n'avait jamais été disposé à construire un état totalitaire ayant un seul et unique parti, à l'image du modèle italien ou allemand. Après l'échec des puissances de l'Axe, Franco vit très clairement la nécessité d'abandonner le côté fasciste de son régime. Et, en ce qui concerne tout particulièrement le sport, Franco ne fut jamais disposé à dépenser la moindre somme d'argent dans ce domaine, comme l'avaient pourtant fait Hitler ou Mussolini.


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We have investigated whether exposure to Gram-negative bacterial endotoxin in early neonatal life can alter neuroendocrine and immune regulation in adult animals. Exposure of neonatal rats to a low dose of endotoxin resulted in long-term changes in hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis activity, with elevated mean plasma corticosterone concentrations that resulted from increased corticosterone pulse frequency and pulse amplitude. In addition to this marked effect on the development of the HPA axis, neonatal endotoxin exposure had long-lasting effects on immune regulation, including increased sensitivity of lymphocytes to stress-induced suppression of proliferation and a remarkable protection from adjuvant-induced arthritis. These findings demonstrate a potent and long-term effect of neonatal exposure to inflammatory stimuli that can program major changes in the development of both neuroendocrine and immunological regulatory mechanisms.


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Phenylketonuria (PKU), with its associated hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA) and mental retardation, is a classic genetic disease and the first to have an identified chemical cause of impaired cognitive development. Treatment from birth with a low phenylalanine diet largely prevents the deviant cognitive phenotype by ameliorating HPA and is recognized as one of the first effective treatments of a genetic disease. However, compliance with dietary treatment is difficult and when it is for life, as now recommended by an internationally used set of guidelines, is probably unrealistic. Herein we describe experiments on a mouse model using another modality for treatment of PKU compatible with better compliance using ancillary phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL, EC to degrade phenylalanine, the harmful nutrient in PKU; in this treatment, PAL acts as a substitute for the enzyme phenylalanine monooxygenase (EC, which is deficient in PKU. PAL, a robust enzyme without need for a cofactor, converts phenylalanine to trans-cinnamic acid, a harmless metabolite. We describe (i) an efficient recombinant approach to produce PAL enzyme, (ii) testing of PAL in orthologous N-ethyl-N′-nitrosourea (ENU) mutant mouse strains with HPA, and (iii) proofs of principle (PAL reduces HPA)—both pharmacologic (with a clear dose–response effect vs. HPA after PAL injection) and physiologic (protected enteral PAL is significantly effective vs. HPA). These findings open another way to facilitate treatment of this classic genetic disease.


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The central structural feature of natural proteins is a tightly packed and highly ordered hydrophobic core. If some measure of exquisite, native-like core packing is necessary for enzymatic function, this would constitute a significant obstacle to the development of novel enzymes, either by design or by natural or experimental evolution. To test the minimum requirements for a core to provide sufficient structural integrity for enzymatic activity, we have produced mutants of the ribonuclease barnase in which 12 of the 13 core residues have together been randomly replaced by hydrophobic alternatives. Using a sensitive biological screen, we find that a strikingly high proportion of these mutants (23%) retain enzymatic activity in vivo. Further substitution at the 13th core position shows that a similar proportion of completely random hydrophobic cores supports enzyme function. Of the active mutants produced, several have no wild-type core residues. These results imply that hydrophobicity is nearly a sufficient criterion for the construction of a functional core and, in conjunction with previous studies, that refinement of a crudely functional core entails more stringent sequence constraints than does the initial attainment of crude core function. Since attainment of crude function is the critical initial step in evolutionary innovation, the relatively scant requirements contributed by the hydrophobic core would greatly reduce the initial hurdle on the evolutionary pathway to novel enzymes. Similarly, experimental development of novel functional proteins might be simplified by limiting core design to mere specification of hydrophobicity and using iterative mutation-selection to optimize core structure.


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E-Cadherin, a cell adhesion molecule, which plays a key role in maintaining the epithelial phenotype, is regarded as an invasion-suppressor gene in light of accumulating evidence from in vitro experiments and clinical observations. In an attempt to clarify the mechanism responsible for inactivation of this gene in carcinomas, we investigated the methylation state around the promoter region by digestion of DNA with the methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme Hpa II, as CpG methylation of the promoter has been postulated to be a mechanism of transcriptional inactivation of some genes. We found that E-cadherin expression-negative carcinoma cell lines were accompanied by the hypermethylation state, whereas E-cadherin-positive cell lines were not. Furthermore, treatment of E-cadherin-negative carcinoma cells with the demethylating agent 5-azacytidine resulted in reexpression of the gene and reversion of scattered spindle-shaped cells to cells with epithelial morphology. These results suggest that hypermethylation around the promoter may be a mechanism of E-cadherin inactivation in human carcinomas and that treatment of E-cadherin-inactivated cells with a demethylating agent may cause gene expression reversion leading to epithelial morphogenesis with acquisition of the homophilic cell-cell adhesive property.


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Insertion of foreign DNA into an established mammalian genome can extensively alter the patterns of cellular DNA methylation. Adenovirus type 12 (Ad12)-transformed hamster cells, Ad12-induced hamster tumor cells, or hamster cells carrying integrated DNA of bacteriophage lambda were used as model systems. DNA methylation levels were examined by cleaving cellular DNA with Hpa II, Msp I, or Hha I, followed by Southern blot hybridization with 32P-labeled, randomly selected cellular DNA probes. For several, but not all, cellular DNA segments investigated, extensive increases in DNA methylation were found in comparison with the methylation patterns in BHK21 or primary Syrian hamster cells. In eight different Ad12-induced hamster tumors, moderate increases in DNA methylation were seen. Increased methylation of cellular genes was also documented in two hamster cell lines with integrated Ad12 DNA without the Ad12-transformed phenotype, in one cloned BHK21 cell line with integrated plasmid DNA, and in at least three cloned BHK21 cell lines with integrated lambda DNA. By fluorescent in situ hybridization, the cellular hybridization probes were located to different hamster chromosomes. The endogenous intracisternal A particle genomes showed a striking distribution on many hamster chromosomes, frequently on their short arms. When BHK21 hamster cells were abortively infected with Ad12, increases in cellular DNA methylation were not seen. Thus, Ad12 early gene products were not directly involved in increasing cellular DNA methylation. We attribute the alterations in cellular DNA methylation, at least in part, to the insertion of foreign DNA. Can alterations in the methylation profiles of hamster cellular DNA contribute to the generation of the oncogenic phenotype?


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Estimativas sobre alterações climáticas globais têm aumentando a demanda por estudos sobre propriedades dos solos relativamente secos e limitações impostas à absorção de água pelas plantas em condições de escassez hídrica. Neste estudo, fatores que influenciam a retenção da água no solo e o murchamento de plantas foram avaliados com base no conceito de equilíbrio da água no solo. Objetivou-se com este estudo: (i) avaliar a confiabilidade de medições do conteúdo de água no solo sob altas sucções matriciais em câmaras de pressão, usando como referência a técnica de ponto de orvalho (ii) avaliar as interações entre espécies de plantas e solos com diferentes classes texturais no ponto de murcha permanente (iii) investigar as relações entre equilíbrio hidráulico da água no solo e murchamento de plantas a partir do conceito de corte hidráulico. Para tanto, um experimento para avaliar a influência dos tipos de solos e espécies de plantas, no ponto de murcha permanente foi conduzido em casa de vegetação da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" da Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, São Paulo. Avaliou-se o murchamento de plantas de girassol (Helianthus annuus L.), milho (Zea mays L.) e soja (Glycine max L.). Os solos utilizados no estudo foram coletados na camada superficial (0-10 cm) em quatro áreas, selecionadas com o objetivo de obter classes texturais contrastantes, localizadas no município de Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brasil. Sub-amostras foram utilizadas para determinação da distribuição do tamanho de partículas e atributos químicos. Amostras indeformadas foram coletadas para a determinação da curva de retenção da água no solo pela técnica de câmaras de pressão. Adicionalmente, amostras deformadas foram utilizadas para determinação das características de retenção da água no solo pela técnica do ponto de orvalho em altos valores de sucções matriciais. Os dados de retenção de água no solo foram ajustados a modelos empíricos para estimativas da sucção matricial e conteúdo de água relacionada à água em equilíbrio hidráulico (água residual). Foram observadas similaridades nas determinações das características de retenção da água no solo entre as técnicas de câmaras de pressão e ponto de orvalho, sugerindo a boa drenagem das amostras de solo em câmaras de pressão. Interações significativas foram observadas entre os tipos de solos e espécies de plantas no ponto de murcha permanente, indicando que o movimento de água no contínuo solo-planta-atmosfera foi dependente de resistências relacionadas tanto ao solo quanto às plantas. Ou seja, tanto à capacidade do solo em transportar água até raízes, quanto à habilidade das plantas em absorver a água transportada, assim como, aos processos de regulação de água que ocorrem nas plantas. A abordagem baseada no conteúdo de água residual para o intervalo de sucções matriciais de 0 a 15.000 hPa não foi adequada para ilustrar a condição de equilíbrio hidráulico da água no solo, definidos pelo corte hidráulico, e relações com as sucções matriciais em ocorre o murchamento de plantas.


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The womb is the first developmental environment. After developmental psychobiologists started to investigate intrauterine evolution of infant and its long-term impact, they found that prenatal and postnatal development is influenced by mother’s psychological health. Specifically, scientific research evidence indicates that prenatal stress is a possible cause of subsequent psychopathological vulnerability. This vulnerability comes from stress sensitivity and is the basis of many childhood disorders. In the last decade, there are evidences for a fetal origin of stress sensitivity in the context of the fetal programming theory (Entringer et al., 2009, Grant et al., 2009, Gutteling et al., 2004, Huizink et al., 2004, O’Connor et al., 2005). According to fetal programming hypothesis, babies that have been exposed to high levels of prenatal stress would develop elevated HPA axis reactivity and thus increased stress sensitivity in the postnatal period. In the field of animal psychobiology, several studies have shown that prenatal stress could play some role on fetal programming of neurodevelopment and HPA axis (Glover, 2010, Weinstock, 2005, 2008). In human psychobiology, evidences are less clear (Glover, 2010). Although research in this regard has been growing during the last few years, more studies are warranted to investigate the relationship between maternal stress and fetal programming of neurodevelopment and the HPA axis in humans, to confirm the findings which are evident from animal psychobiology...


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Le projet de recherche-création proposé survole la québécité à travers un pan majeur de l’étude des Amériques : le territoire. L’adoption du territoire québécois, de son espace, et de sa densité – effectué à la fois sous un axe méridional (le Saint-Laurent) et septentrional (le Nord) –, s’effectue dans mon corpus acousmatique à travers l’utilisation de concepts théoriques établis par plusieurs figures québécoises et internationales. La description des sources d'inspiration du cycle d’œuvres acousmatique proposé, étant principalement issues de sphères extramusicales — la démarche de divers artistes et chercheurs québécois ayant contribué à l’émergence poétique de mon corpus tels que Pierre Perrault, René Derouin, Daniel Chartier, et Louis-Edmond Hamelin — y tient une place importante. La portion musicale est effectuée de façon analytique à l’aide de deux méthodes propres au genre électroacoustique – analyse typologique de Pierre Schaeffer, et fonctionnelle de Stéphane Roy –, qui, à travers l’œuvre de certains compositeurs de musiques électroniques internationaux permettent de souligner la pluralité des conceptions territoriales et le réseau sémantique universel sous-jacent, laissant place à une lecture plus large de cette thématique. La méthodologie proposée permet donc à la fois de cerner l’universel – modèles naturels, références psychoacoustiques –, le local – utilisation de poèmes québécois, référents animaux ou anecdotiques précis tels que des cris d’oiseaux et des prises sonores du Saint-Laurent –, et la relation dichotomique entre la nature et la culture dans mon corpus, afin qu’émerge un discours musical cohérent basé sur le territoire québécois.


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Vol. 1-3; 4-6; 7-9 paged continuously.