975 resultados para Attitude posturale
The purpose of this paper is to describe the collaboration between librarians and scholars, from a virtual university, in order to facilitate collaborative learning on how to manage information resources. The personal information behaviour of e-learning students when managing information resources for academic, professional and daily life purposes was studied from 24 semi-structured face-to-face interviews. The results of the content analysis of the interview' transcriptions, highlighted that in the workplace and daily life contexts, competent information behaviour is always linked to a proactive attitude, that is to say, that participants seek for information without some extrinsic reward or avoiding punishment. In the academic context, it was observed a low level of information literacy and it seems to be related with a prevalent uninvolved attitude.
BACKGROUND: Peer pressure is regarded as an important determinant of substance use, sexual behavior and juvenile delinquency. However, few peer pressure scales are validated, especially in French or German. Little is known about the factor structure of such scales or the kind of scale needed: some scales takes into account both peer pressure to do and peer pressure not to do, while others consider only peer pressure to do. The aim of the present study was to adapt French and German versions of the Peer Pressure Inventory, which is one of the most widely used scales in this field. We considered its factor structure and concurrent validity. METHODS: Five thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven young Swiss men filled in a questionnaire on peer pressure, substance use, and other variables (conformity, involvement) in a cohort study. RESULTS: We identified a four-factor structure, with the three factors of the initial Peer Pressure Inventory (involvement, conformity, misconduct) and adding a new one (relationship with girls). A non-valued scale (from no peer pressure to peer pressure to do only) showed stronger psychometric qualities than a valued scale (from peer pressure not to do to peer pressure to do). Concurrent validity was also good. Each behavior or attitude was significantly associated with peer pressure. CONCLUSION: Peer pressure seems to be a multidimensional concept. In this study, peer pressure to do showed the strongest influence on participants. Indeed, peer pressure not to do did not add anything useful. Only peer pressure to do affected young Swiss men's behaviors and attitudes and was reliable.
An electronic survey on substance-induced epileptic crisis was conducted in order to investigate whether doctors, who recognise their own prescription errors, increase their therapeutic aggressiveness, resulting in a so-called "iatrogenicity cascade". Two pairs of clinical vignettes were constructed, in which a patient suffers from iatrogenic (original version) or non-iatrogenic (control version) epileptic crisis. Vignettes were randomised and sent to doctors at the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, at an interval of 3 weeks. The results of the present survey in the surveyed population of doctors suggest that inappropriate prescription does not increase therapeutic aggressiveness.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to present our data and to provide some conclusions about the attitude that has to be chosen when metastasis of the orbit is suspected. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 1965 and 1994, 571 patients with non-traumatic orbital diseases were controlled in the department of ophthalmology of Lausanne. Thirty-four cases of metastasis of the orbit were selected, that is 24 females and 10 males, aged from 1 to 81 years. Tumors of the breast are the most frequent origin of this metastasis, followed by cutaneous melanomas and pulmonary tumors. Orbital metastasis was the first sign of a malignant process in 7 patients. The histologic diagnosis was confirmed in 15 patients. The type of treatment is presented herein and the follow-up of more than half of the cases is given. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Orbital metastasis can develop after a long time in patients who were previously treated for malignant tumors. In several cases, orbital metastasis was the first sign of a malignant process which starts to become general. This diagnosis has to be taken into account when a patient was treated earlier for a malignant tumor, and it is reasonable to propose a biopsy or an excision biopsy in every orbital pathology which was not confirmed by clinical or paraclinical investigations.
Since a couple of years, physicians are confronted with an increasing request of end of life patients asking for a dying facilitated process. The reasons for this are multiple and complex. Existential suffering, increased by depression, a feeling of loss of meaning or dignity and/or being a burden, seems to be a significant factor. Social isolation and physical symptoms seem to be only contributory. The identification of "protecting elements" such as spiritual well-being or a preserved sense of dignity offers new opportunities for care. Providing a space for dialogue by exploring the patient's expectations and fears, his knowledge of care options available at the end of life, his own resources and difficulties frequently contribute to decrease suffering.
ISSUE: This article explores mechanisms of the efficacy of brief intervention (BI). APPROACH: We conducted a BI trial at the emergency department of the Lausanne University Hospital, of whom 987 at-risk drinkers were randomised into BI and control groups. The overall results demonstrated a general decrease in alcohol use with no differences across groups. The intention to change was explored among 367 patients who completed BI. Analyses of 97 consecutive tape-recorded sessions explored patient and counsellor talks during BI, and their relationship to alcohol use outcome. KEY FINDINGS: Evaluation of the articulation between counsellor behaviours and patient language revealed a robust relationship between counsellor motivational interviewing (MI) skills and patient change talk during the intervention. Further exploration suggested that communication characteristics of patients during BI predicted changes in alcohol consumption 12 months later. Moreover, despite systematic training, important differences in counsellor performance were highlighted. Counsellors who had superior MI skills achieved better outcomes overall, and maintained efficacy across all levels of patient ability to change, whereas counsellors with inferior MI skills were effective mostly with patients who had higher levels of ability to change. Finally, the descriptions of change talk trajectories within BI and their association with drinking 12 months later showed that final states differed from initial states, suggesting an impact resulting from the progression of change talk during the course of the intervention. IMPLICATION: These findings suggest that BI should focus on the general MI attitude of counsellors who are capable of eliciting beneficial change talk from patients. [Daeppen J-B, Bertholet N, Gaume J. What process research tells us about brief intervention efficacy.
Les investigacions mostren que en la majoria dels països hi ha diferències significatives en el rendiment escolar entre els estudiants estrangers i els seus companys nadius. També indiquen que, tot i tenir una actitud més positiva cap a l'escola i aspiracions més elevades, els joves estrangers obtenen pitjors resultats i les seves aspiracions disminueixen amb el temps d'estada. I, especialment entre certs grups, no hi ha una millora en els seus resultats acadèmics. No obstant això, la literatura de recerca sobre migracions i educació també mostra com es distribueixen les oportunitats com les polítiques públiques -educatives - i l'estructura i cultura escolar col•laboren en la construcció de les trajectòries dels i les joves de minories. Ara bé, aquestes tendències no poden invisibilitzar les trajectòries d'èxit escolar i la creixent participació social d'una part considerable de joves (nois i noies) d'ascendència marroquina en la societat catalana. Aquest informe mostra els resultats del projecte de recerca realitzat, que analitza les condicions i possibilitats per a l'èxit acadèmic i la continuïtat educativa entre aquests joves.L'anàlisi reconstrueix els factors centrals que han permès el desenvolupament d'aquestes trajectòries i la consolidació d'aspiracions acadèmiques de llarga durada.
La finalitat d'aquest projecte és aprofundir en el procés d'integració socioeducativa de la joventut migrada a Catalunya, específicament, dels i les joves entre 14 i 18 anys. Entre els resultats destaquem que els ioves tenen un concepte força tancat i excloent del concepte de ciutadania com a estatus , i un baix grau, de coneixement de la diversitat cultural, especialment els joves autòctons, tot i que tenen una actitud de reconeixement i acceptació, favorable a la convivència intercultural, tant al centre educatiu com al seu barri. No obstant, tenen una visió de la diversitat cultural i del fet migratori en clau de coexistència, sense el reconeixement que suposaria un pas més cap a la convivència. La immigració és vista com un col•lectiu vulnerable, amb un baix nivell econòmic i cultural i que també és percebut com un problema i, fins i tot, com a causant de les dificultutats que actualment pateix i travessa el conjunt de la societat. Els joves tendeixen a relacionar-se amb el seu grup cultural, i responen de forma passiva en la comprensió i actuació davant dels problemes i assumptes públics. Entre els elements que valoren per sentir-se ciutadà té una especial importància la llengua. Eis joves que fa més de 10 anys que viuen a Catalunya són els que tendeixen a tenir un sentiment de pertinença cívica amb el lloc de residència. De fet, com mes temps porten els joves estrangers vivint al lloc d’acollida, perden importància elements d’identificació cultural del país d’origen, però la religió, les celebracions populars, l’art i la tendència a formar parella són elements identitaris del lloc d’origen, més estables. Es demana una intervenció urgent en diversos nivells i destinades a diferents agents. Destaquem: la importància d’una acollida afectiva i efectiva; potenciar espais de trobada; treballar els prejudicis; transversalitzar l’educació intercultural; potenciació de l’aprenentatge de la llengua catalana; formació del professorat en competències interculturals.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate parents' and nurses' opinions regarding the adequacy of an educational program on shaken baby syndrome: the Perinatal Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Program (PSBSPP). DESIGN: Qualitative and quantitative assessments in the form of interviews and questionnaires administered in French. SETTING: Two birthing institutions in Montréal, QC, Canada: a university hospital and a regional center. PARTICIPANTS: Two hundred and sixty-three parents (73.8% mothers, 26.2% fathers) received the intervention after the birth of their child, and 69 nurses administered it. METHODS: Parents' and nurses' assessments of the adequacy and relevance of the program and nurses' assessments of the training they received to administer the program were evaluated. RESULTS: Both parents and nurses supported this initiative. Most parents appreciated the usefulness of the information. Nurses believed the program was adequate, and their training to deliver the program was satisfactory. All participants reported that the program was highly relevant, especially for new parents. CONCLUSION: The Perinatal Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Program achieves the goals of (a) increasing parents' knowledge about infant crying, anger, and shaken baby syndrome and (b) helping parents identify coping strategies. The relevance of introducing the PSBSPP in all birthing institutions is supported. Future studies should focus on vulnerable and culturally diverse populations, and longitudinal follow-up could help determine if the PSBSPP reduces the incidence of shaken baby syndrome.
RESUME En faisant référence à la notion de préjugé idéologique, ce travail s'intéresse à la manifestation d'une croyance qui oppose la culture à la nature lors de la classification et l'évaluation des individus. Nous proposons que cette croyance se manifeste par l'attribution de traits spécifiques aux groupes (traits culturels et naturels) et que sa fonction est de justifier la suprématie de l'homme bourgeois blanc occidental sur autrui. Ainsi, nous abordons la perception de plusieurs groupes ethniques de la part d'individus suisses. Notre travail est organisé en trois parties. La première partie présente une étude exploratoire dont l'objectif est de cerner les phénomènes étudiés. Les résultats mettent en évidence que l'attribution de traits culturels .positifs aux groupes ethniques est relativement indépendante de l'attribution de traits naturels positifs àceux-ci: les groupes perçus comme les plus culturels sont également perçus comme les plus naturels. De plus, l'attribution de traits naturels positifs semble sous-tendre une attitude favorable envers les groupes. La deuxième partie reprend les critères qu'identifient les notions de culture et de nature. Les études 2, 3 et 4 ont mis en évidence qu'il y au continuum dans la signification des traits par rapport à .l'être humain et à l'animal. Cela nous a amené sélectionner des traits attribués uniquement à l' être humain (culture) et des traits attribués davantage à l' animal qu'à l'être humain (nature). Les études 5 et 6 de la troisième partie montrent que, lorsqu'il est question de groupes ethniques, l'endogroupe dominant et ses alliés sont associés à la culture positive, alors que des exogroupes spécifiques sont associés à la nature positive (des exogroupes sujets au paternalisme). L'étude 7 confirme les résultats concernant l'endogroupe dominant et ses alliés avec des groupes fictifs et il met en évidence que les membres du groupe dominant utilisent la notion de culture positive pour hiérarchiser les groupes. L'attribution de nature positive n'est pas prise en compte pour hiérarchiser des groupes fictifs. Pour conclure, les études montrent qu'il n'y a pas d'opposition entre la culture et la nature (positives): les membres du groupe ethnique dominant utilisent la notion de culture pour classifier et évaluer les individus sur une hiérarchie de valeurs. La notion de nature n'est pas utilisée pour hiérarchiser les groupes, mais elle identifie des exogroupes spécifiques.
Dans les pays industrialisés, 20% des salariés sont concernés par le travail de nuit. Pourtant, les effets du travail de nuit sur la santé sont peu traités par les revues médicales générales, alors que le travail de nuit a des conséquences non négligeables sur les systèmes cardiovasculaires et digestifs entre autres, comme l'ont démontré de nombreuses études ces dernières décennies. Le travail de nuit a encore récemment attiré l'attention quand il a été déclaré cancérigène probable (catégorie 2A) par le Centre international de recherches sur le cancer. Ainsi dans cet article, seront passés en revue les troubles de la santé qui peuvent être générés ou aggravés par le travail de nuit. Deux cas pratiques illustreront la problématique et permettront d'aborder la conduite à tenir. 20% of employees in industrialized countries are concerned by shift work. Nevertheless, there is very little information in general medical journals about the effects of shift work on health. Shift work can have several major effects on health such as cardiovascular and digestive disorders among others, as demonstrated by several studies in recent decades. Shift work has attracted considerable attention recently when it was declared probable carcinogen by the International Agency for research on cancer. We review the health disorders that may be generated or aggravated by shift work and illustrate the problem by two case studies of occupational medicine and discuss the appropriate attitude to take
Ces dernières décennies, les neurosciences ont connu des avancées considérables tant d'un point de vue conceptuel que méthodologique. En même temps, les recherches fondamentale, translationnelle et clinique dans ce domaine doivent faire face à des défis exigeants. Selon certaines estimations, 35% du «fardeau des maladies» sont d'origines neurologique et psychiatrique et un investissement en recherche neurologique pourrait contribuer à diminuer ce fardeau. Les neurosciences soulèvent plusieurs questions éthiques - notamment parce que l'organe qui constitue l'objet de leur recherche influence notre personnalité et notre attitude morale. Bien que l'évolution future des neurosciences soit encore difficile à cerner avec précision, on peut supposer que celle-ci influencera non seulement la recherche et la pratique clinique, mais également la formation des professionnels de la santé et l'éthique. Dans l'article suivant, Prof. Stephanie Clarke, médecin-chef de la division de neuropsychologie et neuroréhabilitation du CHUV à Lausanne et Présidente de la division III du FNS, fait un état des lieux et envisage quelques perspectives d'avenir.
A 69-year-old man presented with a sudden headache followed by unconsciousness. There was no head injury. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score was 3/15 and there was a left mydriasis, unreactive to light. The CT-scan showed a left acute subdural haematoma causing a remarkable mass effect. A supratentorial hemispheric craniotomy was performed. Nevertheless, after several weeks at the intensive care unit (ICU), the patient was still unresponsive to external stimuli and did not show any motor activity. A comfort care attitude was decided on with the family and the patient was extubated. However, a few days later, the patient subsequently showed a surprisingly favourable course, with improved wakefulness. Indeed, the GCS score improved, and the treatment plan was modified so that the patient benefited from rehabilitation. The MRI showed a right cerebral peduncle lesion, consistent with a Kernohan-Woltman notch phenomenon (KWNP). Six months later, the patient was able to walk and live quite normally.
This paper develops a hypothesis concerning the conscientization of social cryptomnesia, claiming that it is possible to reduce the rejection of minorities by reminding the population that a certain value has been promoted by a certain minority. Participants (N = 93) first reported their attitudes toward women's rights and feminist movements. They were then confronted with their higher appreciation of women's rights over feminists (social cryptomnesia) and blamed for it (conscientization) in a more versus less threatening manner. Results indicated that conscientization can be effective not only in inducing a more positive attitude toward feminists, but also in decreasing hostile sexism when the threat is lower. Implications for minority influence research are discussed.
PURPOSE: To explore detainees and staff's attitudes towards tobacco use, in order to assist prison administrators to develop an ethically acceptable tobacco control policy based on stakeholders' opinion. DESIGN: Qualitative study based on in-depth semi-structured interviews with 31 prisoners and 27 staff prior (T1) and after the implementation (T2) of a new smoke-free regulation (2009) in a Swiss male post-trial prison consisting of 120 detainees and 120 employees. RESULTS: At T1, smoking was allowed in common indoor rooms and most working places. Both groups of participants expressed the need for a more uniform and stricter regulation, with general opposition towards a total smoking ban. Expressed fears and difficulties regarding a stricter regulation were increased stress on detainees and strain on staff, violence, riots, loss of control on detainees, and changes in social life. At T2, participants expressed predominantly satisfaction. They reported reduction in their own tobacco use and a better protection against second-hand smoke. However, enforcement was incomplete. The debate was felt as being concentrated on regulation only, leaving aside the subject of tobacco reduction or cessation support. CONCLUSION: Besides an appropriate smoke-free regulation, further developments are necessary in order to have a comprehensive tobacco control policy in prisons.