1000 resultados para Art, Ancient.
[Exposition. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale. 1949]
Asexuality is rare in animals in spite of its apparent advantage relative to sexual reproduction, indicating that it must be associated with profound costs [1-9]. One expectation is that reproductive advantages gained by new asexual lineages will be quickly eroded over time [3, 5-7]. Ancient asexual taxa that have evolved and adapted without sex would be "scandalous" exceptions to this rule, but it is often difficult to exclude the possibility that putative asexuals deploy some form of "cryptic" sex, or have abandoned sex more recently than estimated from divergence times to sexual relatives [10]. Here we provide evidence, from high intraspecific divergence of mitochondrial sequence and nuclear allele divergence patterns, that several independently derived Timema stick-insect lineages have persisted without recombination for more than a million generations. Nuclear alleles in the asexual lineages displayed significantly higher intraindividual divergences than in related sexual species. In addition, within two asexuals, nuclear allele phylogenies suggested the presence of two clades, with sequences from the same individual appearing in both clades. These data strongly support ancient asexuality in Timema and validate the genus as an exceptional opportunity to attack the question of how asexual reproduction can be maintained over long periods of evolutionary time.
Aim of this contribution is to illustrate the state of the art of smart antenna research from several perspectives. The bow is drawn from transmitter issues via channel measurements and modeling, receiver signal processing, network aspects, technological challenges towards first smart antenna applications and current status of standardization. Moreover, some future prospects of different disciplines in smart antenna research are given.
Essay on the origin, use and development of the arcuated lintel in ancient Rome and the configuration of the so– called ‘Serlian motif’. These architectural elements will be related to the architecture of prestige on its technical, functional, visual and symbolic sphere. Its depictions, in addition to buildings, can offer a rich repertory of images that speak about the relations between visual culture, religion and power. Furthermore, the analyzed motifs will become important elements of the Western cultural legacy for centuries. The analysis of these events will contribute to the comprehension of the role played by some resources of ancient Rome architecture of prestige and its success
Es presenten els resultats d’una investigació de caràcter qualitatiu -encara que s’ha utilitzat en algun moment l’estadística- pel que fa a la valoració que un grup d’alumnes de la Universitat Ramon Llull fa del mètode psicofísic Cos-Art com a treball que serveix per millorar l’emissió de la veu. Les tècniques i els instruments per a la recollida d’informació que s’han utilitzat han estat el diari de camp i el qüestionari. L’anàlisi de resultats mostra el treball global del Mètode com a efectiu. En blocs més específics, com poden ser els temes de respiració o llengua, entre altres, la freqüència més elevada en les respostes ha estat que el treball de Cos-Art els ha ajudat bastant. Per últim, un gran nombre d’alumnes consideren que el Mètode Cos-Art ajuda, de forma molt positiva, a prendre consciència d’un mateix.