706 resultados para Area measurement Study and teaching (Middle school)
Students fill a lecture room at the New York Trade School. The illustration on the board indicates that this is probably a lecture in the Electrical Department. Black and white photograph.
So the question that animates this paper is this: what happens when a state's education policy seeks to make popular social and religious values a central part of its education standards in direct confrontation with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution? I will try to answer that question in three ways. First, I will examine the tactics used in the manipulation of curricula to reflect social and religious values, with special focus on the Kansas case. Second, I will try to ascertain the determinants of success in these efforts; under what conditions are movements to impose creation science on public school curricula likely to succeed, and when to fail? Third, I will try to place these struggles over educational curricula, and between religion and science, in broader context, focusing on what they tell us about the nature of public policy making in the contemporary United States.
This photo of the Lithographic Technical Forum shows the booth of the Lithographic Technical Foundation, Inc. The foundation was founded in 1924 to foster research and education in the lithography industry. The slogan "Research to improve lithography . . . Education to improve craft skill" can be seen at the very top of the booth. A group of people are depicted looking at the range of educational material about lithography on display. Black and white photograph.
This is one of a series of photographs accompanying a press release by the New York Trade School announcing the development and demonstration of a new technique in closed-circuit TV. In this work student Joseph Germer asks a question about the demonstration. Original caption reads, "Microphone goes to student Joseph Germer, who asks a question about another phase of the demonstration." Black and white photograph with caption.
One of a series of photographs accompanying a press release by the New York Trade School announcing the development and demonstration of a new technique in closed-circuit TV. Student Dennis Mahoney serves as one of the cameramen as William C. H. Meyers of the Automotive Department performs the demonstration. Black and white photograph.
Several people are looking at sample prints in this photograph of the Lithographic Technical Forum. In the background the booth for the Lithographic Technical Foundation, Inc. can be seen. Black and white photograph.
A person is shown demonstrating projection of an image at the Lithographic Technical Forum. Black and white photograph.
Three people are posed in front of the Lithographic Technical Foundation, Inc. booth at the Lithographic Technical Forum. The Lithographic Technical Foundation was founded in 1924 as an industry organization to promote research and education. In the 1960s the foundation changed its name to the Graphic Arts Technical Foundation and in the late 1990s merged with Printing Industry America. The organization ha a number of educational materials about lithography on display. Black and white photograph.
A presentation at the Lithographic Technical Forum is being filmed. Notice the RCA Victor Television camera being used. Black and white photograph.
Two men are pictured standing outside the entrance to the Lithographic Technical Forum. It is unclear whether or not the forum was held at the New York Trade School. Black and white photograph.
o ensino de marketing, tanto no Brasil quanto no mundo, parece priorizar a análise de mercados tradicionais e focaliza, principalmente, ações de marketing que podem ser conduzidas por empresas. Desta forma, é natural pensar que o ensino de marketing governamental seja restrito a algumas instituições ou cursos. o objetivo deste estudo é identificar a abordagem utilizada no ensino de Propaganda Governamental em cursos de pós-graduação em Administração, e descrever o preparo acadêmico dos alunos nesta disciplina específica. As informações levantadas compreendem a forma como esta ferramenta tem sido utilizada ao longo das últimas décadas. alguns conceitos estratégicos relativos ao tema, e considerações sobre a importância da inserção da disciplina Propaganda Governamental em cursos de pós-graduação em Administração.
Comparada à área de formação em administração em saúde, a área acadêmica de pesquisa de gestão em saúde não goza do mesmo nível de reconhecimento. Além disso, ela tem superposições com diversas outras áreas científicas adjacentes. Evidências mostram também que não há uma definição clara e consensual sobre o escopo e características distintivas desta área. O objetivo da presente tese foi averiguar se existe uma concepção implícita compartilhada, sobre a pesquisa na área, entre estudiosos de organizações de saúde e elaborar uma definição consensual fundamental de estudos em administração em saúde. Com base no referencial teórico sobre campos científicos e utilizando identificação de vocábulos distintivos/construção consensual – técnica já aplicada em outros campos –, realizou-se um levantamento entre estudiosos de organizações de saúde a fim de captar elementos conceituais característicos dos estudos da área, as suas principais diferenciações, principalmente em relação à área de administração, e derivar um consenso implícito. Em paralelo, foi realizada também análise temática a fim de aumentar a validade dos achados. Em um segundo levantamento, com autores-chave, autoridades científicas e editores de periódicos de campos adjacentes, buscou-se extrair suas opiniões sobre uma definição explícita da área, suas características distintivas e demarcações com estas respectivas áreas. A partir da análise dos dados dos levantamentos foi possível constatar a existência de um consenso latente, foi possível elaborar uma definição tentativa sobre estudos em administração em saúde e foi possível constatar que vários dos elementos presentes nesta definição também estavam presentes nas respostas de estudiosos de áreas selecionadas. O estudo pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento e fortalecimento da administração em saúde como área de pesquisa e ensino.
As globalization increases integration, a new playing field is emerging which is driving the need for operational efficiencies and alignment of complementary capabilities among countries to build sustainable models and integrated offerings. As demands increase, companies are turning to effective project management as means to control operations and countries are increasing the amount of mega projects to boost their competitiveness and global footprint. Given the scale, complexity, political nature, multicultural makeup, and high level of visibility; mega projects rely on successful stakeholder management to effectively manage its operational, tactical, and strategic levels to execute their mission. This paper examines the success drivers of mega projects and presents an in depth stakeholder assessment of the Panama Canal Expansion mega project to identify the perceived value to its stakeholder community. The stakeholder categories include: the Panama Canal Authority, subcontractors executing the expansion project, customers of the canal in Panama and U.S., as well as the communities surrounding the Panama Canal and ports in the U.S. East Coast. The conclusion of this paper captures the relationship between the effective stakeholder engagement from the Panama Canal Authority, the perceived value of the Panamanian stakeholders, and compares it to U.S. based mega projects being executed simultaneously to allow the U.S. East Coast ports to accommodate increased cargo volumes.