915 resultados para Anodic adsorptive stripping voltammetry


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Doctoral Dissertation for PhD degree in Chemical and Biological Engineering


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Los requerimientos de métodos analíticos que permitan realizar determinaciones más eficientes en diversas ramas de la Química, así como el gran desarrollo logrado por la Nanobiotecnología, impulsaron la investigación de nuevas alternativas de análisis. Hoy, el campo de los Biosensores concita gran atención en el primer mundo, sin embargo, en nuestro país es todavía un área de vacancia, como lo es también la de la Nanotecnología. El objetivo de este proyecto es diseñar y caracterizar nuevos electrodos especialmente basados en el uso de nanoestructuras y estudiar aspectos básicos de la inmovilización de enzimas, ADN, aptámeros, polisacáridos y otros polímeros sobre dichos electrodos a fin de crear nuevas plataformas de biorreconocimiento para la construcción de (bio)sensores electroquímicos dirigidos a la cuantificación de analitos de interés clínico, farmaco-toxicológico y ambiental.Se estudiarán las propiedades de electrodos de C vítreo, Au, "screen printed" y compósitos de C modificados con nanotubos de C (CNT) y/o nanopartículas (NP) de oro y/o nanoalambres empleando diversas estrategias. Se investigarán nuevas alternativas de inmovilización de las biomoléculas antes mencionadas sobre dichos electrodos, se caracterizarán las plataformas resultantes y se evaluarán sus posibles aplicaciones analíticas al desarrollo de biosensores con enzimas y ADNs como elementos de biorreconocimiento. Se funcionalizarán CNT con polímeros comerciales y sintetizados en nuestro laboratorio modificados con moléculas bioactivas. Se diseñarán y caracterizarán nuevas arquitecturas supramoleculares basadas en el autoensamblado de policationes, enzimas y ADNs sobre Au. Se evaluarán las propiedades catalíticas de NP de magnetita y de perovskitas de Mn y su aplicación al desarrollo de biosensores enzimáticos. Se diseñarán biosensores que permitan la detección altamente sensible y selectiva de secuencias específicas de ADNs de interés clínico. Se estudiará la interacción de genotóxicos con ADN (en solución e inmovilizado) y se desarrollarán biosensores que permitan su cuantificación. Se construirán biosensores enzimáticos para la cuantificación de bioanalitos, especialmente glucosa, fenoles y catecoles, y sensores electroquímicos para la determinación de neurotransmisores, ácido úrico y ácido ascórbico. Se diseñarán nuevos aptasensores electroquímicos para la cuantificación de biomarcadores, comenzando por lisozima y trombina y continuando con otros de interés regional/nacional.Se emplearán las siguientes técnicas: voltamperometrías cíclica (CV), de pulso diferencial (DPV) y de onda cuadrada (SWV); "stripping" potenciométrico a corriente constante (PSA); elipsometría; microbalanza de cristal de cuarzo con cálculo de pérdida de energía por disipación (QCM-D); resonancia de plasmón superficial con detección dual (E-SPR); espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica (EIE); microscopías de barrido electroquímico (SECM), de barrido electrónico (SEM), de transmisión (TEM) y de fuerzas atómicas (AFM); espectrofotometría UV-visible; espectroscopías IR, Raman, de masas, RMN.Se espera que la inclusión de los CNT y/o de las NP metálicas y/o de los nanoalambres en los diferentes electrodos permita una mejor transferencia de carga de diversos analitos y por ende una detección más sensible y selectiva de bioanalitos empleando enzimas, ADN y aptámeros como elementos de biorreconocimiento. Se espera una mayor eficiencia en los aptasensores respecto de los inmunosensores, lo que permitirá la determinacion selectiva de diversos biomarcadores. La modificación de electrodos con nanoestructuras posibilitará la detección altamente sensible y selectiva del evento de hibridación. La respuesta obtenida luego de la interacción de genotóxicos con ADN permitirá un mejor conocimiento de la asociación establecida, de la cinética y de las constantes termodinámicas. Los neurotransmisores podrán ser determinados a niveles nanomolares aún en muestras complejas.


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Working with low voltage microscope (R.C.A., EMC-2, of 30KV.) the authors verified that parlodion and Formvar films are quickly destroyed by intense heating under the electron beam. They have tried to employ oxide films, as Al2O3 and SiO, more resistant to heat. Al2O3 films are prepared by anodic oxidation of thin aluminium sheets, under 8 to 10 volts in a 3% ammonium citrate solution and subsequent aluminium dissolution in a O.25% HgCl2 solution. These films are very suitable when prepared with highly pure aluminium of extremely homogeneous surface. Best results were obtained with SiO films, evaporated in high vacuum over Parlodion films mounted on metallic grids. Employing 1 or 1.5 mg of SiOm highly homogeneous and resistant films are obtained, having little inferior transparence than the Parlodion ones. Pure SiO films (1.5 mg) are obtained by elimination of the Parlodion under slow heating until 250°C; they are greatly transparent but little resistant to water, thus beeing indicated in dry preparations. For particles which deposite in a chain-like form around thin fibers, the authors employ the mounting on Parlodion fibers, obtained by heating Parlodion films on microscope grids about 190°C.


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Recently, our group determined the relationship between serum CAA levels and fecal egg counts in two foci with very intense Schistosoma mansoni transmission: Maniema (Zaire), an area endemic for S. mansoni since several decades, and Ndombo (Senegal), where transmission has only been established since a few years. The objective was to study and compare age-related worm load and worm fecundity patterns in these two different endemic settings. Here, we will summarize the most important findings and conclusions of this study.


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La contaminación de suelos y aguas subterráneas es uno de los problemas ambientales más extendidos en gran parte de los terrenos industriales de Cataluña. En este proyecto se ha analizado el proceso de gestión de la contaminación: caracterización, remediación y seguimiento de la descontaminación en suelos y aguas subterráneas por un caso de afección por organoclorados (percloroetileno) y otros contaminantes (hidrocarburos, selenio y cromo) en un emplazamiento industrial situado en una zona agroforestal (superficie de 81.462 m2). A partir de la implantación en la empresa del sistema de gestión ISO 14.001 en 1.996, se abrieron diferentes proyectos de gestión para los posibles contaminantes. Por las mismas fechas, también se detectó una afección por selenio en aguas subterráneas, ajena a la empresa de estudio. Por el momento, el único contaminante que ha requerido de un proceso de descontaminación ha sido el percloroetileno. En suelos se emplea el método “soil vapor extraction” y en aguas subterráneas el método “airstripping”. Finalmente, se ha llevado a cabo una comparación de los costes reales derivados del proceso de descontaminación del percloroetileno en contra de los costes que se hubiesen derivado la implantación de medidas de prevención de la contaminación. El resultado de la valoración indica que la descontaminación de éste compuesto requiere de una inversión económica importante, unas 10 veces más elevada que los costes derivados de las medidas de prevención.


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La conciencia de los problemas asociados a la gestión de los residuos orgánicos y el interés por las oportunidades de su recuperación y valorización han ido tomando importancia en los últimos años, tanto en el campo de las deyecciones ganaderas como en el sector de las aguas residuales. Consecuentemente, las combinaciones tecnológicas que permitan cerrar los ciclos de los nutrientes y la recuperación energética han adquirido mayor importancia en la investigación así como en las nuevas normativas sectoriales. En este contexto se sitúa el trabajo realizado durante el periodo becado (octubre 2010 - noviembre 2011). En una primera etapa de estudio bibliográfico se identificaron i) el aumento de la eficiencia en el uso del nitrógeno en la agricultura y en la ganadería, ii) la reutilización del nitrógeno en los mismos ecosistemas agrícolas y iii) el tratamiento de las deyecciones para redistribuir el nitrógeno a zonas con poca disponibilidad, como las tres direcciones principales hacia las cuales se está focalizando el interés del sector agrícola. Se puso en marcha una planta piloto de stripping y absorción para estudiar la posibilidad de recuperar y valorizar el amoniaco presente en los purines en forma de solución amoniacal para la industria de fertilizantes. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron el rol fundamental de las características iníciales del substrato en el rendimiento global del proceso. En particular, elevados contenidos en materia orgánica resultaron en bajas eficiencias y en elevadas contaminaciones del producto obtenido. Finalmente, considerando sus potenciales ventajas tanto en la gestión de los residuos ganaderos como de las aguas residuales y focalizándose en las perdidas de nitrógeno se estudió un sistema descentralizado de separación de orina instalado en un centro de investigación. Los resultados preliminares permitieron caracterizar los principales procesos que ocurren en el sistema e identificar las posibles líneas futuras de investigación.


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L’aigua i l’energia formen un binomi indissociable. En relació al cicle de l’aigua, des de fa varies dècades s’han desenvolupat diferents formes per recuperar part de l’energia relacionada amb l’aigua, per exemple a partir de centrals hidroelèctriques. No obstant, l’ús d’aquesta aigua també porta associat un gran consum energètic, relacionat sobretot amb el transport, la distribució, la depuració, etc... La depuració d’aigües residuals porta associada una elevada demanda energètica (Obis et al.,2009). En termes energètics, tot i que la despesa elèctrica d’una EDAR varia en funció de diferents paràmetres com la configuració i la capacitat de la planta, la càrrega a tractar, etc... es podria considerar que el rati mig seria d’ aproximadament 0.5 KWh•m-3.Els principals costos d’explotació estan relacionats tant amb la gestió de fangs (28%) com amb el consum elèctric (25%) (50% tractament biològic). Tot i que moltes investigacions relacionades amb el tractament d’aigua residual estan encaminades en disminuir els costos d’operació, des de fa poques dècades s’està investigant la viabilitat de que l’aigua residual fins i tot sigui una font d’energia, canviant la perspectiva, i començant a veure l’aigua residual no com a una problemàtica sinó com a un recurs. Concretament s’estima que l’aigua domèstica conté 9.3 vegades més energia que la necessària per el seu tractament mitjançant processos aerobis (Shizas et al., 2004). Un dels processos més desenvolupats relacionats amb el tractament d’aigües residuals i la producció energètica és la digestió anaeròbia. No obstant, aquesta tecnologia permet el tractament d’altes càrregues de matèria orgànica generant un efluent ric en nitrogen que s’haurà de tractar amb altres tecnologies. Per altre banda, recentment s’està investigant una nova tecnologia relacionada amb el tractament d’aigües residuals i la producció energètica: les piles biològiques (microbial fuel cells, MFC). Aquesta tecnologia permet obtenir directament energia elèctrica a partir de la degradació de substrats biodegradables (Rabaey et al., 2005). Les piles biològiques, més conegudes com a Microbial Fuel Cells (acrònim en anglès, MFC), són una emergent tecnologia que està centrant moltes mirades en el camp de l’ investigació, i que es basa en la producció d’energia elèctrica a partir de substrats biodegradables presents en l’aigua residual (Logan., 2008). Els fonaments de les piles biològiques és molt semblant al funcionament d’una pila Daniell, en la qual es separa en dos compartiments la reacció d’oxidació (compartiment anòdic) i la de reducció (compartiment catòdic) amb l’objectiu de generar un determinat corrent elèctric. En aquest estudi, bàsicament es mostra la posada en marxa d'una pila biològica per a l'eliminació de matèria orgànica i nitrogen de les aigües residuals.


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PURPOSE: To assess the patterns of failure in the treatment of early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 1983-2000, 122 consecutive patients treated for early laryngeal cancer (UICC T1N0 and T2N0) by radical radiation therapy (RT) were retrospectively studied. Male-to-female ratio was 106 : 16, and median age 62 years (35-92 years). There were 68 patients with T1a, 18 with T1b, and 36 with T2 tumors. Diagnosis was made by biopsy in 104 patients, and by laser vaporization or stripping in 18. Treatment planning consisted of three-dimensional (3-D) conformal RT in 49 (40%) patients including nine patients irradiated using arytenoid protection. A median dose of 70 Gy (60-74 Gy) was given (2 Gy/fraction) over a median period of 46 days (21-79 days). Median follow-up period was 85 months. RESULTS: The 5-year overall, cancer-specific, and disease-free survival amounted to 80%, 94%, and 70%, respectively. 5-year local control was 83%. Median time to local recurrence in 19 patients was 13 months (5-58 months). Salvage treatment consisted of surgery in 17 patients (one patient refused salvage and one was inoperable; total laryngectomy in eleven, and partial laryngectomy or cordectomy in six patients). Six patients died because of laryngeal cancer. Univariate analyses revealed that prognostic factors negatively influencing local control were anterior commissure extension, arytenoid protection, and total RT dose < 66 Gy. Among the factors analyzed, multivariate analysis (Cox model) demonstrated that anterior commissure extension, arytenoid protection, and male gender were the worst independent prognostic factors in terms of local control. CONCLUSION: For early-stage laryngeal cancer, outcome after RT is excellent. In case of anterior commissure extension, surgery or higher RT doses are warranted. Because of a high relapse risk, arytenoid protection should not be attempted.


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About 4 million households in the UK cannot adequately heat their homes in winter due to low income and poor quality housing, the two main causes of fuel poverty. The primary impact of fuel poverty is cold homes in winter which can lead to various health problems and even death among the vulnerable young and the elderly population. The government launched the Warm Front scheme in 2000 to tackle fuel poverty among the vulnerable households in England by providing energy efficiency measures in the forms insulation and modern heating system(??). By 2004, about 770,000 households had benefited from the Warm Front scheme and a total of 2 million households are still expected to benefit by 2010. Since 2001, the Bartlett has been investigating with London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Sheffield Hallam University, the health and the environmental impact of the Warm Front scheme. This investigative study is the most detailed to date on fuel poor dwellings based on detailed surveys of household and dwelling data, fuel consumption record and monitored temperature and relative humidity from 3,100 dwellings before and after the energy efficiency measures. The Warm Front investigation was expected to continue until the end of 2007. The findings from the investigation indicated that the Warm Front scheme was likely to have benefits in terms of improved thermal comfort and well-being as a result of mean temperature rise of 1.6C in the living room and 2.8C in the bedroom. Warm Front also lead to a decrease in indoor relative humidity mainly from the increased temperature since there appeared to be little impact on vapour pressure from changes in air tightness. Pressure test results indicated that the effects of air tightness measures such as draught stripping and cavity wall insulation were offset by the installation of a central heating system, particularly when the pipe work feeding radiators was installed below timber floors.


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This manuscript reports the study of the carbon-halide bond cleavage in 4-nitrobenzyl halides, taking special attention to the iodide and fluoride derivatives. The electrochemical reduction mechanism has been disclosed for both compounds by terms of cyclic voltammetry and controlled potential electrolysis. In the case of 4-nitrobenzyl iodide, a first one electron irreversible wave leads to the corresponding 4-nitrobenzyl radical and iodide. However, in the case of 4-nitrobenzyl fluoride, a first one-electron reversible wave appears at –1.02 vs. SCE followed by one electron irreversible wave. In this second electron transfer process, the cleavage of the C-F bond is taking place, so the bond cleavage reaction occurs at the dianion level. To disclose and understand the electrochemical reduction mechanisms that allows to obtain important thermodynamic and kinetic data that would help in the understanding of C-X bond cleavage. This type of bond dissociation reactions are involved in the metabolism pathways of the human body.


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Ablation strategies for the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) are associated with several potential complications. During electro-anatomic mapping of the left atrium (LA) before ablation, the ablation catheter was entrapped in the right inferior pulmonary vein (RIPV). After multiple unsuccessful gentle tractions, stronger maneuvers with rotation of the catheter slowly allowed its retrieval. Examination of the catheter showed a thin, translucent membrane covering its tip, suggesting complete stripping of a vein branch. Occlusion of the superior branch of the RIPV was confirmed by LA angiogram. During the following days, no pericardial effusion was noted, but the patient complained of light chest pain and mild hemoptysis, spontaneously resolving within 48 h. This case shows that catheter entrapment and mechanical disruption of a PV branch can be a rare potential complication of AF ablation. In this case, the outcome was spontaneously favorable and symptoms only included transient mild hemoptysis.


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Fat embolism syndrome is a rare complication that develops after extended soft tissue disruption by liposuction, in particular if combined with time consuming, multiple procedures. Early signs are non-specific and often not considered, so that diagnosis and correct management may be delayed. We report a case in which liposuction combined with other aesthetic surgical procedures caused a fat embolism syndrome in a 46-year-old woman, which was followed by multiple organ failure and the development of sepsis with perimammary abscesses. Extended liposuction of the abdomen and thighs, bilateral augmentation mammaplasty, and stripping of both greater saphenous veins were combined.


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Moisture sensitivity of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) mixtures, generally called stripping, is a major form of distress in asphalt concrete pavement. It is characterized by the loss of adhesive bond between the asphalt binder and the aggregate (a failure of the bonding of the binder to the aggregate) or by a softening of the cohesive bonds within the asphalt binder (a failure within the binder itself), both of which are due to the action of loading under traffic in the presence of moisture. The evaluation of HMA moisture sensitivity has been divided into two categories: visual inspection test and mechanical test. However, most of them have been developed in pre-Superpave mix design. This research was undertaken to develop a protocol for evaluating the moisture sensitivity potential of HMA mixtures using the Nottingham Asphalt Tester (NAT). The mechanisms of HMA moisture sensitivity were reviewed and the test protocols using the NAT were developed. Different types of blends as moisture-sensitive groups and non-moisture-sensitive groups were used to evaluate the potential of the proposed test. The test results were analyzed with three parameters based on performance character: the retained flow number depending on critical permanent deformation failure (RFNP), the retained flow number depending on cohesion failure (RFNC), and energy ratio (ER). Analysis based on energy ratio of elastic strain (EREE ) at flow number of cohesion failure (FNC) has higher potential to evaluate the HMA moisture sensitivity than other parameters. If the measurement error in data-acquisition process is removed, analyses based on RFNP and RFNC would also have high potential to evaluate the HMA moisture sensitivity. The vacuum pressure saturation used in AASHTO T 283 and proposed test has a risk to damage specimen before the load applying.


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Previous studies demonstrated that peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-alpha or PPAR-delta activation stimulates keratinocyte differentiation, is anti-inflammatory, and improves barrier homeostasis. Here we demonstrate that treatment of cultured human keratinocytes with ciglitazone, a PPAR-gamma activator, increases involucrin and transglutaminase 1 mRNA levels. Moreover, topical treatment of hairless mice with ciglitazone or troglitazone increases loricrin, involucrin, and filaggrin expression without altering epidermal morphology. These results indicate that PPAR-gamma activation stimulates keratinocyte differentiation. Additionally, PPAR-gamma activators accelerated barrier recovery following acute disruption by either tape stripping or acetone treatment, indicating an improvement in permeability barrier homeostasis. Treatment with PPAR-gamma activators also reduced the cutaneous inflammatory response that is induced by phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate, a model of irritant contact dermatitis and oxazolone, a model of allergic contact dermatitis. To determine whether the effects of PPAR-gamma activators are mediated by PPAR-gamma, we next examined animals deficient in PPAR-gamma. Mice with a deficiency of PPAR-gamma specifically localized to the epidermis did not display any cutaneous abnormalites on inspection, but on light microscopy there was a modest increase in epidermal thickness associated with an increase in proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) staining. Key functions of the skin including permeability barrier homeostasis, stratum corneum surface pH, and water-holding capacity, and response to inflammatory stimuli were not altered in PPAR-gamma-deficient epidermis. Although PPAR-gamma activators stimulated loricrin and filaggrin expression in wild-type animals, however, in PPAR-gamma-deficient mice no effect was observed indicating that the stimulation of differentiation by PPAR-gamma activators is mediated by PPAR-gamma. In contrast, PPAR-gamma activators inhibited inflammation in both PPAR-gamma-deficient and wild-type mouse skin, indicating that the inhibition of cutaneous inflammation by these PPAR-gamma activators does not require PPAR-gamma in keratinocytes. These observations suggest that thiazolidindiones and perhaps other PPAR-gamma activators maybe useful in the treatment of cutaneous disorders.


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Activin A, a member of the TGFβ superfamily, is involved in physiological processes such as cell differentiation, tissue homeostasis, wound healing, reproduction, and in pathological conditions, such as fibrosis, cancer, and asthma. Activin enhances mast cell maturation, as well as regulatory T-cell and Langerhans cell differentiation. In this study we investigated the potential role of activin in epicutaneous sensitization with ovalbumin (OVA), notably with respect to its effect on known Th2-polarization. For this purpose, transgenic mice overexpressing activin in keratinocytes and their wild-type (WT) controls were sensitized epicutaneously with OVA. Skin biopsies were analyzed with regard to histopathological features and mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory and Th1/Th2 cytokines, and Ig levels were measured in the serum. Unexpectedly, activin overexpressing animals were protected from Th2-cytokine expression and induction of OVA-specific IgE levels compared to WT animals. On the other hand, transgenic mice were more susceptible to inflammation compared to WT littermates after tape-stripping and saline (vehicle) or OVA application, as shown by increased pro-inflammatory cytokine mRNA levels and neutrophil accumulation at the site of the treatment. We conclude that activin protects from antigen-induced cutaneous Th2-polarization through modulation of the immune response. These findings highlight the role of activin in cutaneous sensitization, allergy, and in skin homeostasis.