990 resultados para Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626.
Leberâs hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a mitochondrial disease characterized by a rapid loss of central vision and optic atrophy, due to the selective degeneration of retinal ganglion cells. The age of onset is around 20, and the degenerative process is fast and usually the second eye becomes affected in weeks or months. Even if this pathology is well known and has been well characterized, there are still open questions on its pathophysiology, such as the male prevalence, the incomplete penetrance and the tissue selectivity. This maternally inherited disease is caused by mutations in mitochondrial encoded genes of NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) of the respiratory chain. The 90% of LHON cases are caused by one of the three common mitochondrial DNA mutations (11778/ND4, 14484/ND6 and 3460/ND1) and the remaining 10% is caused by rare pathogenic mutations, reported in literature in one or few families. Moreover, there is also a small subset of patients reported with new putative pathogenic nucleotide changes, which awaits to be confirmed. We here clarify some molecular aspects of LHON, mainly the incomplete penetrance and the role of rare mtDNA mutations or variants on LHON expression, and attempt a possible therapeutic approach using the cybrids cell model. We generated novel structural models for mitochondrial encoded complex I subunits and a conservation analysis and pathogenicity prediction have been carried out for LHON reported mutations. This in-silico approach allowed us to locate LHON pathogenic mutations in defined and conserved protein domains and can be a useful tool in the analysis of novel mtDNA variants with unclear pathogenic/functional role. Four rare LHON pathogenic mutations have been identified, confirming that the ND1 and ND6 genes are mutational hot spots for LHON. All mutations were previously described at least once and we validated their pathogenic role, suggesting the need for their screening in LHON diagnostic protocols. Two novel mtDNA variants with a possible pathogenic role have been also identified in two independent branches of a large pedigree. Functional studies are necessary to define their contribution to LHON in this family. It also been demonstrated that the combination of mtDNA rare polymorphic variants is relevant in determining the maternal recurrence of myoclonus in unrelated LHON pedigrees. Thus, we suggest that particular mtDNA backgrounds and /or the presence of specific rare mutations may increase the pathogenic potential of the primary LHON mutations, thereby giving rise to the extraocular clinical features characteristic of the LHON âplusâ phenotype. We identified the first molecular parameter that clearly discriminates LHON affected individuals from asymptomatic carriers, the mtDNA copy number. This provides a valuable mechanism for future investigations on variable penetrance in LHON. However, the increased mtDNA content in LHON individuals was not correlated to the functional polymorphism G1444A of PGC-1 alpha, the master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis, but may be due to gene expression of genes involved in this signaling pathway, such as PGC-1 alpha/beta and Tfam. Future studies will be necessary to identify the biochemical effects of rare pathogenic mutations and to validate the novel candidate mutations here described, in terms of cellular bioenergetic characterization of these variants. Moreover, we were not able to induce mitochondrial biogenesis in cybrids cell lines using bezafibrate. However, other cell line models are available, such as fibroblasts harboring LHON mutations, or other approaches can be used to trigger the mitochondrial biogenesis.
La ricerca analizza, con gli strumenti della semiotica della cultura, il rito islamico del sacrificio in occasione di Aid al Adha. Il lavoro dunque esplora un oggetto tradizionalmente più vicino all’interesse etnografico e antropologico. Di tale sapere si rende conto nel Capitolo 1 dedicato interamente a una puntualizzazione dei maggiori studi antropologici elaborati sul sacrificio. Tali riflessioni sono anche l’occasione per problematizzare il dialogo tra semiotica e antropologia, in particolare in riferimento alla costruzione del corpus e alla applicabilità della categoria di “testo” a oggetti e pratiche sociali così complesse. Dopo una descrizione (Capitolo 2) delle caratteristiche del sacrificio islamico, nella seconda parte del lavoro si passa alla vera e propria analisi semiotica del rito in contesto di immigrazione (Capitolo 3), soffermandosi su alcune dimensioni significative per la semiotica: attori (Capitolo 4) e organizzazione spaziale (Capitolo 5).
Die vorliegende Studie ist eine internationale vergleichende Journalistenbefragung über ein politisch-historisches Ereignis, das in allen untersuchten Ländern vorkommen. Untersucht werden Journalisten aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Taiwan und Südkorea, die in den politischen oder relevanten Ressorts der bedeutenden Medien der jeweiligen Länder tätig sind. Die Themen der Befragung behandeln die Teilung und Wiedervereinigungsprobleme sowie die politisch-ideologischen Hintergründe der Teilung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, China und Korea. Obwohl alle drei Länder nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg durch die ideologische Auseinandersetzung zwischen Ost und West geteilt wurden, zeichnet die Wahrnehmung dieses Ereignisses durch die Journalisten der drei Länder aufgrund ihrer unterschiedlichen politischen Entwicklungen und Pressetraditionen bemerkbare Unterschiede auf. Die deutschen Journalisten tendieren dazu, die Vorzüge der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gegenüber der damaligen DDR hervorzuheben. Die taiwanesischen Journalisten distanzieren sich wegen der asymmetrischen Teilungsgröße zwischen Taiwan und der Volksrepublik China von der Möglichkeit einer Wiedervereinigung Chinas. Die südkoreanischen Journalisten weisen starken Nationalismus auf und setzen sich am häufigsten für Nordkorea und eine eventuelle Wiedervereinigung der koreanischen Halbinsel ein. Im letzten Teil der Studie wird das Rollenverständnis der Journalisten für die Berichterstattung über die Teilungsprobleme untersucht. Es bestätigt sich, dass die Sichtweise der Journalisten über die Teilung und Wiedervereinigungsprobleme ihres Landes sich auf ihre Berichterstattung über die entsprechenden Themen auswirkt. Diese Ergebnisse stimmen mit der Theorie der „Instrumentellen Aktualisierung“ überein.
Con le "Imagini degli dei degli antichi", pubblicate a Venezia nel 1556 e poi in più edizioni arricchite e illustrate, l’impegnato gentiluomo estense Vincenzo Cartari realizza il primo, fortunatissimo manuale mitografico italiano in lingua volgare, diffuso e tradotto in tutta l’Europa moderna. Cartari rimodula, secondo accenti divulgativi ma fedeli, fonti latine tradizionali: come le ricche "Genealogie deorum gentilium" di Giovanni Boccaccio, l’appena precedente "De deis gentium varia et multiplex historia" di Lilio Gregorio Giraldi, i curiosi "Fasti" ovidiani, da lui stesso commentati e tradotti. Soprattutto, però, introduce il patrimonio millenario di favole ed esegesi classiche, di aperture egiziane, mediorientali, sassoni, a una chiave di lettura inedita, agile e vitalissima: l’ecfrasi. Le divinità e i loro cortei di creature minori, aneddoti leggendari e attributi identificativi si susseguono secondo un taglio iconico e selettivo. Sfilano, in trionfi intrisi di raffinato petrarchismo neoplatonico e di emblematica picta poesis rinascimentale, soltanto gli aspetti figurabili e distintivi dei personaggi mitici: perché siano «raccontate interamente» tutte le cose attinenti alle figure antiche, «con le imagini quasi di tutti i dei, e le ragioni perché fossero così dipinti». Così, le "Imagini" incontrano il favore di lettori colti e cortigiani eleganti, di pittori e ceramisti, di poeti e artigiani. Allestiscono una sorta di «manuale d’uso» pronto all’inchiostro del poeta o al pennello dell’artista, una suggestiva raccolta di «libretti figurativi» ripresi tanto dalla maniera di Paolo Veronese o di Giorgio Vasari, quanto dal classicismo dei Carracci e di Nicolas Poussin. Si rivelano, infine, summa erudita capace di attirare appunti e revisioni: l’antiquario padovano Lorenzo Pignoria, nel 1615 e di nuovo nel 1626, vi aggiunge appendici archeologiche e comparatistiche, interessate al remoto regno dei faraoni quanto agli esotici idoli orientali e dei Nuovi Mondi.
Addressing current limitations of state-of-the-art instrumentation in aerosol research, the aim of this work was to explore and assess the applicability of a novel soft ionization technique, namely flowing atmospheric-pressure afterglow (FAPA), for the mass spectrometric analysis of airborne particulate organic matter. Among other soft ionization methods, the FAPA ionization technique was developed in the last decade during the advent of ambient desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (ADI–MS). Based on a helium glow discharge plasma at atmospheric-pressure, excited helium species and primary reagent ions are generated which exit the discharge region through a capillary electrode, forming the so-called afterglow region where desorption and ionization of the analytes occurs. Commonly, fragmentation of the analytes during ionization is reported to occur only to a minimum extent, predominantly resulting in the formation of quasimolecular ions, i.e. [M+H]+ and [M–H]– in the positive and the negative ion mode, respectively. Thus, identification and detection of signals and their corresponding compounds is facilitated in the acquired mass spectra. The focus of the first part of this study lies on the application, characterization and assessment of FAPA–MS in the offline mode, i.e. desorption and ionization of the analytes from surfaces. Experiments in both positive and negative ion mode revealed ionization patterns for a variety of compound classes comprising alkanes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, organic peroxides, and alkaloids. Besides the always emphasized detection of quasimolecular ions, a broad range of signals for adducts and losses was found. Additionally, the capabilities and limitations of the technique were studied in three proof-of-principle applications. In general, the method showed to be best suited for polar analytes with high volatilities and low molecular weights, ideally containing nitrogen- and/or oxygen functionalities. However, for compounds with low vapor pressures, containing long carbon chains and/or high molecular weights, desorption and ionization is in direct competition with oxidation of the analytes, leading to the formation of adducts and oxidation products which impede a clear signal assignment in the acquired mass spectra. Nonetheless, FAPA–MS showed to be capable of detecting and identifying common limonene oxidation products in secondary OA (SOA) particles on a filter sample and, thus, is considered a suitable method for offline analysis of OA particles. In the second as well as the subsequent parts, FAPA–MS was applied online, i.e. for real time analysis of OA particles suspended in air. Therefore, the acronym AeroFAPA–MS (i.e. Aerosol FAPA–MS) was chosen to refer to this method. After optimization and characterization, the method was used to measure a range of model compounds and to evaluate typical ionization patterns in the positive and the negative ion mode. In addition, results from laboratory studies as well as from a field campaign in Central Europe (F–BEACh 2014) are presented and discussed. During the F–BEACh campaign AeroFAPA–MS was used in combination with complementary MS techniques, giving a comprehensive characterization of the sampled OA particles. For example, several common SOA marker compounds were identified in real time by MSn experiments, indicating that photochemically aged SOA particles were present during the campaign period. Moreover, AeroFAPA–MS was capable of detecting highly oxidized sulfur-containing compounds in the particle phase, presenting the first real-time measurements of this compound class. Further comparisons with data from other aerosol and gas-phase measurements suggest that both particulate sulfate as well as highly oxidized peroxyradicals in the gas phase might play a role during formation of these species. Besides applying AeroFAPA–MS for the analysis of aerosol particles, desorption processes of particles in the afterglow region were investigated in order to gain a more detailed understanding of the method. While during the previous measurements aerosol particles were pre-evaporated prior to AeroFAPA–MS analysis, in this part no external heat source was applied. Particle size distribution measurements before and after the AeroFAPA source revealed that only an interfacial layer of OA particles is desorbed and, thus, chemically characterized. For particles with initial diameters of 112 nm, desorption radii of 2.5–36.6 nm were found at discharge currents of 15–55 mA from these measurements. In addition, the method was applied for the analysis of laboratory-generated core-shell particles in a proof-of-principle study. As expected, predominantly compounds residing in the shell of the particles were desorbed and ionized with increasing probing depths, suggesting that AeroFAPA–MS might represent a promising technique for depth profiling of OA particles in future studies.
Clinically, the displacement of intravertebral fat into the circulation during vertebroplasty is reported to lead to problems in elderly patients and can represent a serious complication, especially when multiple levels have to be treated. An in vitro study has shown the feasibility of removing intravertebral fat by pulsed jet-lavage prior to vertebroplasty, potentially reducing the embolization of bone marrow fat from the vertebral bodies and alleviating the cardiovascular changes elicited by pulmonary fat embolism. In this in vivo study, percutaneous vertebroplasty using polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) was performed in three lumbar vertebrae of 11 sheep. In six sheep (lavage group), pulsed jet-lavage was performed prior to injection of PMMA compared to the control group of five sheep receiving only PMMA vertebroplasty. Invasive recording of blood pressures was performed continuously until 60 min after the last injection. Cardiac output and arterial blood gas parameters were measured at selected time points. Post mortem, the injected cement volume was measured using CT and lung biopsies were processed for assessment of intravascular fat. Pulsed jet-lavage was feasible in the in vivo setting. In the control group, the injection of PMMA resulted in pulmonary fat embolism and a sudden and significant increase in mean pulmonary arterial pressure. Pulsed jet-lavage prevented any cardiovascular changes and significantly reduced the severity of bone marrow fat embolization. Even though significantly more cement had been injected into the lavaged vertebral bodies, significantly fewer intravascular fat emboli were identified in the lung tissue. Pulsed jet-lavage prevented the cardiovascular complications after PMMA vertebroplasty in sheep and alleviated the severity of pulmonary fat embolism.
In many cases, it is not possible to call the motorists to account for their considerable excess in speeding, because they deny being the driver on the speed-check photograph. An anthropological comparison of facial features using a photo-to-photo comparison can be very difficult depending on the quality of the photographs. One difficulty of that analysis method is that the comparison photographs of the presumed driver are taken with a different camera or camera lens and from a different angle than for the speed-check photo. To take a comparison photograph with exactly the same camera setup is almost impossible. Therefore, only an imprecise comparison of the individual facial features is possible. The geometry and position of each facial feature, for example the distances between the eyes or the positions of the ears, etc., cannot be taken into consideration. We applied a new method using 3D laser scanning, optical surface digitalization, and photogrammetric calculation of the speed-check photo, which enables a geometric comparison. Thus, the influence of the focal length and the distortion of the objective lens are eliminated and the precise position and the viewing direction of the speed-check camera are calculated. Even in cases of low-quality images or when the face of the driver is partly hidden, good results are delivered using this method. This new method, Geometric Comparison, is evaluated and validated in a prepared study which is described in this article.
The first generation of the everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS 1.0) showed an angiographic late loss higher than the metallic everolimus-eluting stent Xience V due to scaffold shrinkage. The new generation (BVS 1.1) presents a different design and manufacturing process than the BVS 1.0. This study sought to evaluate the differences in late shrinkage, neointimal response, and bioresorption process between these two scaffold generations using optical coherence tomography (OCT).
Vascular calcification is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in dialysis patients. Human and animal studies indicate that sodium thiosulfate (STS) may prevent the progression of vascular calcifications. The pharmacokinetics of STS in hemodialysis patients has not been investigated yet.
Balloon sinuplasty is a tool that is used to treat selected patients with paranasal sinus pathologies. No studies have investigated the aetiology of failed access to the frontal sinus. The aim of our study was to specify the intraoperative technical failure rate and to analyse the aetiology of the failed access to predict potential technical difficulties before surgery. We retrospectively analysed the charts of patients who underwent balloon sinuplasty from November 2007 to July 2010 at three different ENT-Centres. CT-analysis of the patients with failed access was performed. Of the 104 frontal sinuses, dilation of 12 (12%) sinuses failed. The anatomy of all failed cases revealed variations in the frontal recess (frontoethmoidal-cell, frontal-bulla-cell or agger-nasi-cell) or osteoneogenesis. In one patient, a lymphoma was overlooked during a balloon only procedure. The lymphoma was diagnosed 6 months later with a biopsy during functional endoscopic sinus surgery. In complex anatomical situations of the frontal recess, balloon sinuplasty may be challenging or impossible. In these situations, it is essential to have knowledge of classical functional endoscopic sinus surgery of the frontal recess area. The drawbacks of not including a histopathologic exam should be considered in balloon only procedures.
Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) particles are promising contrast media, especially for molecular and cellular imaging besides lymph node staging owing to their superior NMR efficacy, macrophage uptake and lymphotropic properties. The goal of the present prospective clinical work was to validate quantification of signal decrease on high-resolution T(2)-weighted MR sequences before and 24-36 h after USPIO administration for accurate differentiation between benign and malignant normal-sized pelvic lymph nodes. Fifty-eight patients with bladder or prostate cancer were examined on a 3 T MR unit and their respective lymph node signal intensities (SI), signal-to-noise (SNR) and contrast-to-noise (CNR) were determined on pre- and post-contrast 3D T(2)-weighted turbo spin echo (TSE) images. Based on histology and/or localization, USPIO-uptake-related SI/SNR decrease of benign vs malignant and pelvic vs inguinal lymph nodes was compared. Out of 2182 resected lymph nodes 366 were selected for MRI post-processing. Benign pelvic lymph nodes showed a significantly higher SI/SNR decrease compared with malignant nodes (p < 0.0001). Inguinal lymph nodes in comparison to pelvic lymph nodes presented a reduced SI/SNR decrease (p < 0.0001). CNR did not differ significantly between benign and malignant lymph nodes. The receiver operating curve analysis yielded an area under the curve of 0.96, and the point with optimal accuracy was found at a threshold value of 13.5% SNR decrease. Overlap of SI and SNR changes between benign and malignant lymph nodes were attributed to partial voluming, lipomatosis, histiocytosis or focal lymphoreticular hyperplasia. USPIO-enhanced MRI improves the diagnostic ability of lymph node staging in normal-sized lymph nodes, although some overlap of SI/SNR-changes remained. Quantification of USPIO-dependent SNR decrease will enable the validation of this promising technique with the final goal of improving and individualizing patient care.
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of iodinated contrast agents on the formation of DNA double-strand breaks in vitro in lymphocytes and to verify these results in patients undergoing diagnostic computed tomography examinations. Blood samples were irradiated in vitro in the presence of iodinated X-ray contrast agent. Controls were irradiated without contrast agent. Fourteen patients were investigated using contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT), and 14 other patients with unenhanced CT. Blood samples were taken prior to and 5 min and 1, 2 and 24 h after the CT examination. In these blood samples the average number of γH2Ax-foci per lymphocyte was enumerated by fluorescence microscopy. Statistical differences between foci numbers developed in the presence and absence of contrast agent were tested using an independent sample t-test. In vitro foci numbers after irradiation were significantly higher when contrast agent was present during irradiation. In vivo, γH2Ax-foci levels were 58% higher in patients undergoing contrast-enhanced CT compared with those undergoing unenhanced CT. In the presence of iodinated contrast agents DNA, damage is increased and the radiation dose is not the only factor affecting the amount of DNA damage. Individual patient characteristics and biological dosimetry applications, e.g. the analysis of γH2Ax-foci, have to be considered.