605 resultados para Analgesics, Opioid


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Brain is one of the safe sanctuaries for HIV and, in turn, continuously supplies active viruses to the periphery. Additionally, HIV infection in brain results in several mild-to-severe neuro-immunological complications termed neuroAIDS. One-tenth of HIV-infected population is addicted to recreational drugs such as opiates, alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, etc. which share common target-areas in the brain with HIV. Interestingly, intensity of neuropathogenesis is remarkably enhanced due to exposure of recreational drugs during HIV infection. Current treatments to alleviate either the individual or synergistic effects of abusive drugs and HIV on neuronal modulations are less effective at CNS level, basically due to impermeability of therapeutic molecules across blood-brain barrier (BBB). Despite exciting advancement of nanotechnology in drug delivery, existing nanovehicles such as dendrimers, polymers, micelles, etc. suffer from the lack of adequate BBB penetrability before the drugs are engulfed by the reticuloendothelial system cells as well as the uncertainty that if and when the nanocarrier reaches the brain. Therefore, in order to develop a fast, target-specific, safe, and effective approach for brain delivery of anti-addiction, anti-viral and neuroprotective drugs, we exploited the potential of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) which, in recent years, has attracted significant importance in biomedical applications. We hypothesize that under the influence of external (non-invasive) magnetic force, MNPs can deliver these drugs across BBB in most effective manner. Accordingly, in this dissertation, I delineated the pharmacokinetics and dynamics of MNPs bound anti-opioid, anti-HIV and neuroprotective drugs for delivery in brain. I have developed a liposome-based novel magnetized nanovehicle which, under the influence of external magnetic forces, can transmigrate and effectively deliver drugs across BBB without compromising its integrity. It is expected that the developed nanoformulations may be of high therapeutic significance for neuroAIDS and for drug addiction as well.


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Binge eating occurs primarily on highly palatable food (PF) suggesting that the reward value of food has an important role in this behaviour. Bingeing also leads to reward dysfunction in rats and humans. The rewarding effect of binge eating may involve opioid mechanisms as opioid antagonists reduce PF consumption in animals that binge eat and binge eating produces neuroadaptations of opioid receptors in rodents. We tested this hypothesis by using the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. First we established a sucrose CPP in male and female Long-Evans rats (n=8 for each group) using 1%, 5%, 15%, or 30% sucrose solution. Next, rats underwent the sucrose bingeing model in which separate groups of rats (n=8 for each group) received 12hr and 24hr access to 10% sucrose solution and chow, 12hr access to 0.1% saccharin solution and chow, or 12hr access to chow only every day for 28 days. Immediately following these sessions, rats were conditioned and tested in the CPP paradigm using a 15% sucrose solution. Finally, we examined whether the sucrose bingeing model altered morphine reward in female rats. Rats (n=8 for each group) received 12hr and 24hr access to 10% sucrose solution and chow every day for 28 days. Immediately following this access period, rats were conditioned to morphine (6mL/kg) or saline solution in the CPP paradigm and tested for a CPP. In all experiments, rats drank more sucrose solution than water during conditioning sessions. Male rats did not develop a CPP to any concentration of sucrose solution and females developed a CPP to 15% sucrose solution only. Following the sucrose bingeing protocol, sucrose CPP was attenuated in male rats that binged on sucrose and in all female rats. Sucrose bingeing in females did not affect the development of a CPP to morphine. These results suggest that sucrose consumption and sucrose CPP are measures of different psychological components of reward. Furthermore, sucrose bingeing reduces the rewarding effect of sucrose, but not morphine, suggesting that opioid reward is still intact.


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AIMS: This paper reviews available literature regarding the effectiveness, safety and utility of intranasal (i.n.) naloxone for the treatment of heroin overdose.

METHODS: Scientific literature in the form of published articles during the period January 1984 to August 2007 were identified by searching several databases including Medline, Cinahl and Embase for the following terms: naloxone, narcan, intranasal, nose. The data extracted included study design, patient selection, numbers, outcomes and adverse events.

RESULTS: Reports of the pharmacological investigation and administration of i.n. naloxone for heroin overdose are included in this review. Treatment of heroin overdose by administration of i.n. naloxone has been introduced as first-line treatment in some jurisdictions in North America, and is currently under investigation in Australia.

CONCLUSION: Currently there is not enough evidence to support i.n. naloxone as first-line intervention by paramedics for treatment of heroin overdose in the pre-hospital setting. Further research is required to confirm its clinical effectiveness, safety and utility. If proved effective, the i.n. route may be useful for drug administration in community settings (including peer-based administration), as it reduces risk of needlestick injury in a population at higher risk of blood-borne viruses. Problematically, naloxone is not manufactured currently in an ideal form for i.n. administration.


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La dépression est le trouble psychiatrique le plus fréquent dans la population ayant subi un traumatisme cranio-cérébral (TCC). Les blessures aux autres parties du corps, les problèmes de santé, la douleur et les migraines semblent liés à la dépression post-TCC. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de mieux comprendre ces liens. Les taux de dépression chez les individus ayant des blessures aux autres parties du corps au moment du TCC ou de la douleur significative, des migraines, la prise d’analgésiques ou des problèmes de santé comorbides à 4, 8 et 12 mois post-blessure ont été comparés à ceux des gens qui ne présentent pas ces facteurs. Ensuite, l’influence de ces variables à 4 mois post-TCC sur le risque de développer la dépression au cours de la première année post-TCC a été analysé. Le risque de présenter une dépression au cours de la première année post-TCC est plus élevé pour les individus qui rapportent des blessures aux membres inférieurs au moment du TCC et de la douleur significative, des migraines, la prise d’analgésiques et des problèmes de santé comorbides à 4 mois post-blessure. Une histoire de dépression pré-morbide demeure la variable avec la plus grande force prédictive d’une dépression post-TCC. Ces résultats démontrent l’importance de suivis ciblés pour la population TCC présentant ces facteurs.


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La hiperalgesia secundaria a la administración de remifentanil se ha documentado tanto en estudios animales como en estudios experimentales en humanos y ha aumentado su incidencia dado su uso cada vez más frecuente para el mantenimiento durante diferentes procedimientos anestésicos, anestesia general balanceada, anestesia total intravenosa y sedaciones. La hiperalgesia secundaria al uso de remifentanil es un proceso pro-nociceptivo relacionado pero que difiere de la tolerancia aguda, en el que los neurotransmisores excitatorios de N- metil D aspartato (NMDA) juegan un rol central. Por tanto la ketamina se ha utilizado en diferentes dosis para la prevención de dicha hiperalgesia sin que se haya establecido su efectividad para la prevención y tratamiento de esta condición. Se encontraron 8 estudios publicados en los últimos 10 años que proponen a la ketamina como una estrategia útil y efectiva el tratamiento de la hiperalgesia inducida por el uso de remifentanil. Los resultados demuestran que la ketamina es un tratamiento costo efectivo para el tratamiento de la hiperalgesia en diferentes poblaciones sometidas a diversos procedimientos quirúrgicos y anestésicos que incluyan la administración de remifentanil tanto en la inducción como en el mantenimiento anestésico sin generar efectos secundarios adicionales, así como que logra disminuir el consumo de opioides y la EVA en el posoperatorio.