986 resultados para Anabrus simplex.


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Radiolarians are sporadic in sediments collected in the Sulu Sea during ODP Leg 124. Due to the generally poor preservation and low abundance of radiolarians in Sulu Sea sediments, no biostratigraphic datums are well defined, although three radiolarian zones are identified. Most samples containing radiolarians are pelagic or hemipelagic clays with varying proportions of volcanic ash. Detailed analysis of Sulu Sea radiolarians was limited to Miocene successions. Pliocene and Quaternary occurrences of radiolarians were noted but have not been zoned. The late middle Miocene of Sites 769 and 771 is represented by an assemblage of radiolarians (Diartus petterssoni Zone) that is entirely replaced by massive pyrite. This type of preservation develops only under anoxic conditions. The development of widespread anoxia in Sulu Sea waters in the late middle Miocene was probably the result of hydrologic isolation of basin waters, and may be associated with eustatic sea level fall over the silled basin. Upper lower Miocene pelagic and hemipelagic sediments that overlie pyroclastics and basalt flows in the Sulu Sea sites contain moderately to very poorly preserved radiolarians of the Calocycletta costata Zone. A thin unit of marine claystone was recovered from between the thick pyroclastics and basement rocks at Site 768. Radiolarians present in these claystones are rare and very poorly preserved. This radiolarian assemblage probably represents the C. costata Zone, although very poor preservation and low abundance make this interpretation equivocal. The radiolarian zones identified constrain the age of basin formation to late early Miocene or earlier.


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Bulk carbonate content, planktic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages, stable isotope compositions of bulk carbonate and Nuttallides truempyi (benthic foraminifera), and non-carbonate mineralogy were examined across ~30 m of carbonate-rich Paleogene sediment at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 259, on Perth Abyssal Plain off Western Australia. Carbonate content, mostly reflecting nannofossil abundance, ranges from 3 to 80% and generally exceeds 50% between 35 and 57 mbsf. A clay-rich horizon with a carbonate content of about 37% occurs between 55.17 and 55.37 mbsf. The carbonate-rich interval spans planktic foraminiferal zones P4c to P6b (~57-52 Ma), with the clay-rich horizon near the base of our Zone P5 (upper)-P6b. Throughout the studied interval, benthic species dominate foraminiferal assemblages, with scarce planktic foraminifera usually of poor preservation and limited species diversity. A prominent Benthic Foraminiferal Extinction Event (BFEE) occurs across the clay-rich horizon, with an influx of large Acarinina immediately above. The delta13C records of bulk carbonate and N. truempyi exhibit trends similar to those observed in upper Paleocene-lower Eocene (~57-52 Ma) sediment from other locations. Two successive decreases in bulk carbonate and N. truempyi delta13C of 0.5 and 1.0? characterize the interval at and immediately above the BFEE. Despite major changes in carbonate content, foraminiferal assemblages and carbon isotopes, the mineralogy of the non-carbonate fraction consistently comprises expanding clay, heulandite (zeolite), quartz, feldspar (sodic or calcic), minor mica, and pyrolusite (MnO2). The uniformity of this mineral assemblage suggests that Site 259 received similar non-carbonate sediment before, during and after pelagic carbonate deposition. The carbonate plug at Site 259 probably represents a drop in the CCD from ~57 to 52-51 Ma, as also recognized at other locations.


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The impact of an asteroid at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary triggered dramatic biotic, biogeochemical and sedimentological changes in the oceans that have been intensively studied. Paleo-biogeographical differences in the biotic response to the impact and its environmental consequences, however, have been less well documented. We present a high-resolution analysis of benthic foraminiferal assemblages at Southern Ocean ODP Site 690 (Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, Antarctica). At this high latitude site, late Maastrichtian environmental variability was high, but benthic foraminiferal assemblages were not less diverse than at lower latitudes, in contrast to those of planktic calcifiers. Also in contrast to planktic calcifiers, benthic foraminifera did not suffer significant extinction at the K/Pg boundary, but show transient assemblage changes and decreased diversity. At Site 690, the extinction rate was even lower (~3%) than at other sites. The benthic foraminiferal accumulation rate varied little across the K/Pg boundary, indicating that food supply to the sea floor was affected to a lesser extent than at lower latitude sites. Compared to Maastrichtian assemblages, Danian assemblages have a lower diversity and greater relative abundance of heavily calcified taxa such as Stensioeina beccariiformis and Paralabamina lunata. This change in benthic foraminiferal assemblages could reflect post-extinction proliferation of different photosynthesizers (thus food for the benthos) than those dominant during the Late Cretaceous, therefore changes in the nature rather than in the amount of the organic matter supplied to the seafloor. However, severe extinction of pelagic calcifiers caused carbonate supersaturation in the oceans, thus might have given competitive advantage to species with large, heavily calcified tests. This indirect effect of the K/Pg impact thus may have influenced the deep-sea dwellers, documenting the complexity of the effects of major environmental disturbance.


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A large spatial scale study of the diatom species inhabiting waters from the subantarctic (Argentine shelf) to antarctic was made for the first time in order to understand the relationships between these two regions with regard to the fluctuations in diatom abundances in relation with environmental features, their floristic associations and the effect of the Polar Front as a biogeographic barrier. Species-specific diatom abundance, nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentration were assessed from 64 subsurface oceanographic stations carried out during the austral summer 2002, a period characterized by an anomalous sea-ice coverage corresponding to a ''warm year". Significant relationships of both diatom density and biomass with chlorophyll-a (positive) and water temperature (negative) were found for the study area as a whole. Within the Subantarctic region, diatom density and biomass values were more uniform and significantly (in average: 35 and 11 times) lower than those of the Antarctic region, and did not correlate with chlorophyll-a. In antarctic waters, instead, biomass was directly related with chlorophyll-a, thus confirming the important contribution of diatoms to the Antarctic phytoplanktonic stock. A total of 167 taxa were recorded for the entire study area, with Chaetoceros and Thalassiosira being the best represented genera. Species richness was maximum in subantarctic waters (46; Argentine shelf) and minimum in the Antarctic region (21; Antarctic Peninsula), and showed a significant decrease with latitude. Floristic associations were examined both qualitatively (Jaccard Index) and quantitatively (correlation) by cluster analyses and results allowed differentiating a similar number of associations (12 vs. 13, respectively) and two main groups of stations. In the Drake Passage, the former revealed that the main floristic change was found at the Polar Front, while the latter reflected the Southern ACC Front as a main boundary, and yielded a higher number of isolated sites, most of them located next to different Antarctic islands. Such differences are attributed to the high relative density of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis in Argentine shelf and Drake Passage waters and of Porosira glacialis and species of Chaetoceros and Thalasiosira in the Weddell Sea and near the Antarctic Peninsula. From a total of 84 taxa recorded in antarctic waters, only 17 were found exclusively in this region, and the great majority (67) was also present in subantarctic waters but in extremely low (< 1 cell/l) concentrations, probably as a result of expatriation processes via the ACC-Malvinas Current system. The present results were compared with those of previous studies on the Antarctic region with respect to both diatom associations in regular vs. atypically warm years, and the distribution and abundance of some selected planktonic species reported for surface sediments.


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The application of quantitative and semiquantitative methods to assemblage data from dinoflagellate cysts shows potential for interpreting past environments, both in terms of paleotemperature estimates and in recognizing water masses and circulation patterns. Estimates of winter sea-surface temperature (WSST) were produced by using the Impagidinium Index (II) method, and by applying a winter-temperature transfer function (TFw). Estimates of summer sea-surface temperature (SSST) were produced by using a summer-temperature transfer function (TFs), two methods based on a temperature-distribution chart (ACT and ACTpo), and a method based on the ratio of gonyaulacoid:protoperidinioid specimens (G:P). WSST estimates from the II and TFw methods are in close agreement except where Impagidinium species are sparse. SSST estimates from TFs are more variable. The value of the G:P ratio for the Pliocene data in this paper is limited by the apparent sparsity of protoperidinioids, which results in monotonous SSST estimates of 14-26°C. The ACT methods show two biases for the Pliocene data set: taxonomic substitution may force 'matches' yielding incorrect temperature estimates, and the method is highly sensitive to the end-points of species distributions. Dinocyst assemblage data were applied to reconstruct Pliocene sea-surface temperatures between 3.5-2.5 Ma from DSDP Hole 552A, and ODP Holes 646B and 642B, which are presently located beneath cold and cool-temperate waters north of 56°N. Our initial results suggest that at 3.0 Ma, WSSTs were a few degrees C warmer than the present and that there was a somewhat reduced north-south temperature gradient. For all three sites, it is likely that SSSTs were also warmer, but by an unknown, perhaps large, amount. Past oceanic circulation in the North Atlantic was probably different from the present.


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Radiolarians were observed at all five sites drilled during DSDP Leg 58. Three sites (442, 443, 444) are south of Japan in the Shikoku Basin. The remaining two sites (445, 446) are east of Okinawa, in the Daito Ridge and Basin areas. The observations made on radiolarians during Leg 58 are understood best by considering these two areas separately. The basement ages, preservation, diagenesis, and paleoecology are similar within each area, but different between the two areas. The radiolarian zones of Riedel and Sanfilippo (1978) were used to determine the sediment age. Because of the mixed nature of the fauna, there was an opportunity to test the tropical zonation in middlelatitude sediments. A middle- to high-latitude biostratigraphy for the Pliocene and Pleistocene has been formulated (Hays, 1970; Kling, 1973; Foreman, 1975), but there is no Miocene radiolarian zonation for these latitudes. The tropical elements of the present fauna are sufficient to use the low-latitude zonation, although there is a loss of resolution in the Pleistocene. Because of poor preservation, zone boundaries are indistinct in much of the cored sediment. Determination of abundance in any sample is always subjective and varies among investigators. This work was in its final stages at the publication of Westberg and Riedel (1978), and the guidelines outlined therein are not closely followed. The abundances recorded in Tables 1 through 5 are based on strewn slides which were searched entirely if an individual of a species was found, or for 8 to 10 minutes if the species was not found.


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Reworked shallow-water foraminifers that settled on the upper slope of the central Great Barrier Reef at Site 821 (water depth, 212.6 m) were used as indicators of the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental conditions that have controlled the Pleistocene evolution of the adjacent platform. Throughout the 400-m-thick sequence drilled, the nature, composition, and distribution of the shallow-water foraminiferal assemblages studied indicate that (1) all the species recorded are at present living in diverse tropical, reef-related areas of the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic provinces; (2) the composition of the microfaunal taphocoenoses is almost identical between the different stratigraphic intervals studied and the modern Great Barrier Reef environments; (3) inner-neritic, tropical environments have continued to develop since the middle Pleistocene; (4) high- to moderate-energy platform edges occurred repeatedly throughout Pleistocene time. These factors may suggest that, since the beginning of the Pleistocene, several reef-like tracts have grown successively on the central area of the northeastern Australian shelf edge. These tracts probably had a sufficiently evolved morphological zonation to act as shelters for foraminiferal biocoenoses of high species diversity.


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During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 149, five sites were drilled on the Iberia Abyssal Plain in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. Both Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments were recovered. Oligocene to Miocene sediments were cored at deepwater Sites 897, 898, 899, and 900. Except for a few intervals, occurrences of generally abundant and well-preserved calcareous nannofossils suggest that the deposition of the turbidite-type sediments occurred above the calcite compensation depth (CCD). One major unconformity in the middle late Miocene is present. Detailed quantitative analyses of calcareous nannofossils are used to determine the changes occurring among the nannoflora in relation to sea-level variation. A succession of 89 biohorizons from the early Oligocene to the late Miocene are defined by combining the biostratigraphic results of the four sites studied in the Iberia Abyssal Plain. One new genus and eight new species are described: Camuralithus, Camuralithus pelliculatus, Ericsonia detecta, Helicosphaera limasera, Sphenolithus akropodus, Sphenolithus aubryae, Sphenolithus cometa, Reticulofenestra circus, and Syracosphaera lamina. Two new variations and seven new combinations are also introduced.


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Deep-sea benthic foraminifera show important but transient assemblage changes at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary, when many biota suffered severe extinction. We quantitatively analyzed benthic foraminiferal assemblages from lower bathyal-upper abyssal (1500-2000 m) northwest Pacific ODP Site 1210 (Shatsky Rise) and compared the results with published data on assemblages at lower bathyal (~ 1500 m) Pacific DSDP Site 465 (Hess Rise) to gain insight in paleoecological and paleoenvironmental changes at that time. At both sites, diversity and heterogeneity rapidly decreased across the K/Pg boundary, then recovered. Species assemblages at both sites show a similar pattern of turnover from the uppermost Maastrichtian into the lowermost Danian: 1) The relative abundance of buliminids (indicative of a generally high food supply) increases towards the uppermost Cretaceous, and peaks rapidly just above the K/Pg boundary, coeval with a peak in benthic foraminiferal accumulation rate (BFAR), a proxy for food supply. 2) A peak in relative abundance of Stensioeina beccariiformis, a cosmopolitan form generally more common at the middle than at the lower bathyal sites, occurs just above the buliminid peak. 3) The relative abundance of Nuttallides truempyi, a more oligotrophic form, decreases at the boundary, then increases above the peak in Stensioeina beccariiformis. The food supply to the deep sea in the Pacific Ocean thus apparently increased rather than decreased in the earliest Danian. The low benthic diversity during a time of high food supply indicates a stressed environment. This stress might have been caused by reorganization of the planktic ecosystem: primary producer niches vacated by the mass extinction of calcifying nannoplankton may have been rapidly (<10 kyr) filled by other, possibly opportunistic, primary producers, leading to delivery of another type of food, and/or irregular food delivery through a succession of opportunistic blooms. The deep-sea benthic foraminiferal data thus are in strong disagreement with the widely accepted hypothesis that the global deep-sea floor became severely food-depleted following the K/Pg extinction due to the mass extinction of primary producers ("Strangelove Ocean Model") or to the collapse of the biotic pump ("Living Ocean Model").