980 resultados para Algebraic varieties
The material in genebanks includes valuable traditional varieties and landraces, non-domesticated species, advanced and obsolete cultivars, breeding lines and genetic stock. It is the wide variety of potentially useful genetic diversity that makes collections valuable. While most of the yield increases to date have resulted from manipulation of a few major traits (such as height, photoperiodism, and vernalization), meeting future demand for increased yields will require exploitation of novel genetic resources. Many traits have been reported to have potential to enhance yield, and high expression of these can be found in germplasm collections. To boost yield in irrigated situations, spike fertility must be improved simultaneously with photosynthetic capacity. CIMMYT's Wheat Genetic Resources program has identified a source of multi-ovary florets, with up to 6 kernels per floret. Lines from landrace collections have been identified that have very high chlorophyll concentration, which may increase leaf photosynthetic rate. High chlorophyll concentration and high stomatal conductance are associated with heat tolerance. Recent studies, through augmented use of seed multiplication nurseries, identified high expression of these traits in bank accessions, and both traits were heritable. Searches are underway for drought tolerance traits related to remobilization of stem fructans, awn photosynthesis, osmotic adjustment, and pubescence. Genetic diversity from wild relatives through the production of synthetic wheats has produced novel genetic diversity.
Plant morphogenesis in vitro can be achieved via two pathways, somatic embryogenesis or organogenesis. Relationships between the culture medium and explant leading to morphogenesis are complex and, despite extensive study, remain poorly understood. Primarily the composition and ratio of plant growth regulators are manipulated to optimize the, quality and numbers of embryos or organs initiated. However, many species and varieties do not respond to this classical approach and require further optimization by the variation of other chemical or physical factors. Mineral nutrients form a significant component of culture media but are often overlooked as possible morphogenic elicitors. The combination of minerals for a particular plant species and developmental pathway are usually determined by the empirical manipulation of one or a combination of existing published formulations. Often only one medium type is used for the duration of culture even though this formulation may not be optimal for the different stages of explant growth and development. Furthermore, mineral studies have often focused on growth rather than morphogenesis with very little known of the relationships between mineral uptake and morphogenesis. This article examines the present knowledge of the main effects that mineral nutrients have on plant morphogenesis in vitro. In particular, the dynamics of nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium supply during development are discussed.
The IWA Anaerobic Digestion Modelling Task Group was established in 1997 at the 8th World Congress on,Anaerobic Digestion (Sendai, Japan) with the goal of developing a generalised anaerobic digestion model. The structured model includes multiple steps describing biochemical as well as physicochemical processes. The biochemical steps include disintegration from homogeneous particulates to carbohydrates, proteins and lipids; extracellular hydrolysis of these particulate substrates to sugars, amino acids, and long chain fatty acids (LCFA), respectively; acidogenesis from sugars and amino acids to volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and hydrogen; acetogenesis of LCFA and VFAs to acetate; and separate methanogenesis steps from acetate and hydrogen/CO2. The physico-chemical equations describe ion association and dissociation, and gas-liquid transfer. Implemented as a differential and algebraic equation (DAE) set, there are 26 dynamic state concentration variables, and 8 implicit algebraic variables per reactor vessel or element. Implemented as differential equations (DE) only, there are 32 dynamic concentration state variables.
A new parafermionic algebra associated with the homogeneous space A(2)((2))/U(1) and its corresponding Z-algebra have been recently proposed. In this paper, we give a free boson representation of the A(2)((2)) parafermion algebra in terms of seven free fields. Free field realizations of the parafermionic energy-momentum tensor and screening currents are also obtained. A new algebraic structure is discovered, which contains a W-algebra type primary field with spin two. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Form factors are derived for a model describing the coherent Josephson tunneling between two coupled Bose-Einstein condensates. This is achieved by studying the exact solution of the model within the framework of the algebraic Bethe ansatz. In this approach the form factors are expressed through determinant representations which are functions of the roots of the Bethe ansatz equations.
A pairing model for nucleons, introduced by Richardson in 1966, which describes proton-neutron pairing as well as proton-proton and neutron-neutron pairing, is re-examined in the context of the quantum inverse scattering method. Specifically, this shows that the model is integrable by enabling the explicit construction of the conserved operators. We determine the eigenvalues of these operators in terms of the Bethe ansatz, which in turn leads to an expression for the energy eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian.
We introduce an integrable model for two coupled BCS systems through a solution of the Yang-Baxter equation associated with the Lie algebra su(4). By employing the algebraic Bethe ansatz, we determine the exact solution for the energy spectrum. An asymptotic analysis is conducted to determine the leading terms in the ground state energy, the gap and some one point correlation functions at zero temperature. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
A new integrable model which is a variant of the one-dimensional Hubbard model is proposed. The integrability of the model is verified by presenting the associated quantum R-matrix which satisfies the Yang-Baxter equation. We argue that the new model possesses the SO(4) algebra symmetry, which contains a representation of the eta-pairing SU(2) algebra and a spin SU(2) algebra. Additionally, the algebraic Bethe ansatz is studied by means of the quantum inverse scattering method. The spectrum of the Hamiltonian, eigenvectors, as well as the Bethe ansatz equations, are discussed. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.
We tested the hypothesis that early-planted seedbeds of rioe are mere heavily infested with brown planthopper (BPH) than later seedbeds, and that transplanted plants with lBPH are a source of subsequent population increase and possible outbreaks. The experiments were conducted at CARDI and Takeo province in wet season 2000 and early wet 2 season 200 I. BPH at O. 25. 50, 100, 200 1m were infested onto plants with low and high fertilizer treatments. Rice seeds of varieties moderately and highly susceptible to BPH were sown 3 weeks early, 2 weeks early, at the normal time, and later than normal (5 weeks) and treated with low and high fertilizer rates. At Takeo, the 3< weeks early seedbeds were infested by BPH migration, and both varieties with high fertilizer caught more immigrant insects and subsequently had damaging outbreaks of BPH in the third generation. At CARDl, no seedbeds were infested with immigrant BPH. Seedbeds in areas with continuous cropping of rice have a high risk of BPH attack, Seedlings infested with 200, 100, and 50 BPI[/m2 resulted in death of the plant. Plants with 100 and 200 BPH/m'! were kj[Jed sooner. With 25 BPIVm2 plants were not kllled, but subsequent population increase caused yi eld reduction. Yield loss was high ill higlh fertilizer treated plants. Key words , ,
We detail the automatic construction of R matrices corresponding to (the tensor products of) the (O-m\alpha(n)) families of highest-weight representations of the quantum superalgebras Uq[gl(m\n)]. These representations are irreducible, contain a free complex parameter a, and are 2(mn)-dimensional. Our R matrices are actually (sparse) rank 4 tensors, containing a total of 2(4mn) components, each of which is in general an algebraic expression in the two complex variables q and a. Although the constructions are straightforward, we describe them in full here, to fill a perceived gap in the literature. As the algorithms are generally impracticable for manual calculation, we have implemented the entire process in MATHEMATICA; illustrating our results with U-q [gl(3\1)]. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Supersymmetric t-J Gaudin models with open boundary conditions are investigated by means of the algebraic Bethe ansatz method. Off-shell Bethe ansatz equations of the boundary Gaudin systems are derived, and used to construct and solve the KZ equations associated with sl (2\1)((1)) superalgebra.
Most sugarcane breeding programs in Australia use large unreplicated trials to evaluate clones in the early stages of selection. Commercial varieties that are replicated provide a method of local control of soil fertility. Although such methods may be useful in detecting broad trends in the field, variation often occurs on a much smaller scale. Methods such as spatial analysis adjust a plot for variability by using information from immediate neighbours. These techniques are routinely used to analyse cereal data in Australia and have resulted in increased accuracy and precision in the estimates of variety effects. In this paper, spatial analyses in which the variability is decomposed into local, natural, and extraneous components are applied to early selection trials in sugarcane. Interplot competition in cane yield and trend in sugar content were substantial in many of the trials and there were often large differences in the selections between the spatial and current method used by the Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations. A joint modelling approach for tonnes sugar per hectare in response to fertility trends and interplot competition is recommended.
High index Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs) force standard numerical methods to lower order. Implicit Runge-Kutta methods such as RADAU5 handle high index problems but their fully implicit structure creates significant overhead costs for large problems. Singly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (SDIRK) methods offer lower costs for integration. This paper derives a four-stage, index 2 Explicit Singly Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (ESDIRK) method. By introducing an explicit first stage, the method achieves second order stage calculations. After deriving and solving appropriate order conditions., numerical examples are used to test the proposed method using fixed and variable step size implementations. (C) 2001 IMACS. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Data were collected in early ripening peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] varieties trained to a vase system to determine if a relationship exists between fruit weight and shoot diameter. The experiment was conducted with 3 varieties at Gainesville, FL with detailed pruning and with 3 other varieties at Atapulgus, GA with minimum pruning. All the varieties were similar in fruit development period (FDP) and fruit size. The largest shoot diameter was generally found in the upper canopy in all varieties. There was no correlation between shoot diameter and fruit weight for 'TropicBeauty', 'TropicSnow' and 'UF2000' at Gainesville under detailed pruning. There was a significant (p = 0.01) correlation for 'Flordacrest' in the lower (r = 0.53) canopy and for 'White Robin' in both the upper (r = 0.38) and lower (r = 0.40) canopy at Attapulgus, GA under minimal pruning. In these situations, large stems were associated with large fruit. 'Delta', grown at Attapulgus with minimal pruning, showed no correlation between shoot diameter and fruit weight, probably because it is male sterile and produced large fruit due to a reduced crop load.
The proanthocyanidin (PA) status of 116 accessions from the Leucaena genus representing 21 species, 6 subspecies, 3 varieties and 4 interspecific hybrids was evaluated under uniform environmental and experimental conditions at Redland Bay, Queensland, Australia in October 1997. The PA content of lyophilized youngest fully expanded leaves was measured spectrophotometrically by the butanol/HCl assay referenced to L. leucocephala ssp. glabrata standard PA and expressed as L. leucocephala ssp. glabrata PA equivalents (LLPAE). Considerable interspecific variation in PA concentration existed within the genus, ranging from 0-339 g LLPAE/kg dry matter (DM). Taxa including L. confertiflora, L. cuspidata, L. esculenta and L. greggii contained very high (> 180 g LLPAE/kg DM) PA concentrations. Similarly, many agronomically superior accessions from L. diversifolia, L. pallida and L. trichandra contained extremely high (up to 250 g LLPAE/kg DM) PA concentrations, although these taxa exhibited wide intraspecific variation in PA content offering the potential to select accessions with lower (120-160 g LLPAE/kg DM) PA content. Commercial cultivars of L. leucocephala ssp. glabrata, known to produce forage of superior quality, contained low amounts of PA (33-39 g LLPAE/kg DM). Artificial interspecific hybrids had PA contents intermediate to those of both parents, Lesser-known taxa. including L. collinsii, L. lanceolata, L. lempirana, L. macrophylla, L. magnifica, L. multicapitula, L. salvadorensis and L. trichodes, contained undetectable to low (0-36 g LLPAE/kg DM) quantities of PA and have potential as parents to breed interspecific hybrids of low PA status and superior forage quality. Extractable PA was the dominant PA component, accounting for 91% of total PA within the genus. Regression analysis of accession ranks from different experiments compared to these results indicated that genetic regulation of Leucaena spp. PA content was consistent (P < 0.01) under different edapho-climatic environments. The distribution of PA within the Leucaena genus did not concur with the predictions of various evolutionary and phylogenetic plant defence theories.