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Instantaneous outbursts in underground coal mines have occurred in at least 16 countries, involving both methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The precise mechanisms of an instantaneous outburst are still unresolved but must consider the effects of stress, gas content and physico-mechanical properties of the coal. Other factors such as mining methods (e.g., development heading into the coal seam) and geological features (e.g., coal seam disruptions from faulting) can combine to exacerbate the problem. Prediction techniques continue to be unreliable and unexpected outburst incidents resulting in fatalities are a major concern for underground coal operations. Gas content thresholds of 9 m(3)/t for CH4 and 6 m(3)/t for CO2 are used in the Sydney Basin, to indicate outburst-prone conditions, but are reviewed on an individual mine basis and in mixed as situations. Data on the sorption behaviour of Bowen Basin coals from Australia have provided an explanation for the conflicting results obtained by coal face desorption indices used for outburst-proneness assessment. A key factor appears to be different desorption rates displayed by banded coals, which is supported by both laboratory and mine-site investigations. Dull coal bands with high fusinite and semifusinite contents tend to display rapid desorption from solid coal, for a given pressure drop. The opposite is true for bright coal bands with high vitrinite contents and dull coal bands with high inertodetrinite contents. Consequently, when face samples of dull, fusinite-or semifusinite-rich coal of small particle size are taken for desorption testing, much gas has already escaped and low readings result. The converse applies for samples taken from coal bands with high vitrinite and/or inertodetrinite contents. In terms of outburst potential, it is the bright, vitrinite-rich and the dull, inertodetrinite-rich sections of a coal seam that appear to be more outburst-prone. This is due to the ability of the solid coal to retain gas, even after pressure reduction, creating a gas content gradient across the coal face sufficient to initiate an outburst. Once the particle size of the coal is reduced, rapid gas desorption can then take place. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science.
A novel screening strategy has been developed for the identification of alpha-chymotrypsin inhibitors from a phage peptide library. In this strategy, the standard affinity selection protocol was modified by adding a proteolytic cleavage period to avoid recovery of alpha-chymotrypsin substrates. After four cycles of selection and further activity assay, a group of related peptides were identified by DNA sequencing. These peptides share a consensus sequence motif as (S/T)RVPR(R/H). Then, a corresponding short peptide (Ac-ASRVPRRG-NH2) was synthesized chemically and proved to be an inhibitor of alpha-chymotrypsin. The present work provides a useful way for searching proteinase inhibitors without detailed knowledge of the molecular structure.
To investigate changes in the three-dimensional microfilament architecture of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) during the process of phenotypic modulation, rabbit aortic SMCs cultured under different conditions and at different time points were either labelled with fluorescein-conjugated probes to cytoskeletal and contractile proteins for observation by confocal laser scanning microscopy, or extracted with Triton X-100 for scanning electron microscopy. Densely seeded SMCs in primary culture, which maintain a contractile phenotype, display prominent linear myofilament bundles (stress fibres) that are present throughout the cytoplasm with alpha-actin filaments predominant in the central part and beta-actin filaments in the periphery of the cell. Intermediate filaments form a meshed network interconnecting the stress fibres and linking directly to the nucleus. Moderately and sparsely seeded SMCs, which modulate toward the synthetic phenotype during the first 5 days of culture, undergo a gradual redistribution of intermediate filaments from the perinuclear region toward the peripheral cytoplasm and a partial disassembly of stress fibres in the central part of the upper cortex of the cytoplasm, with an obvious decrease in alpha-actin and myosin staining. These changes are reversed in moderately seeded SMCs by day 8 of culture when they have reached confluence. The results reveal two changes in microfilament architecture in SMCs as they undergo a change in phenotype: the redistribution of intermediate filaments probably due to an increase in synthetic organelles in the perinuclear area, and the partial disassembly of stress fibres which may reflect a degradation of contractile components.
Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans display both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth in vitro. The functional activity of these proteoglycans appears to be context specific and dependent on the presence of different chondroitin sulfate-binding molecules. Little is known about the role of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in the growth and guidance of axons in vivo. To address this question, we examined the effects of exogenous soluble chondroitin sulfates on the growth and guidance of axons arising from a subpopulation of neurons in the vertebrate brain which express NOC-2, a novel glycoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule N-CAM. Intact brains of stage 28 Xenopus embryos were unilaterally exposed to medium containing soluble exogenous chondroitin sulfates. When exposed to chondroitin sulfate, NOC-2(+) axons within the tract of the postoptic commissure failed to follow their normal trajectory across the ventral midline via the ventral commissure in the midbrain. Instead, these axons either stalled or grew into the dorsal midbrain or continued growing longitudinally within the ventral longitudinal tract. These findings suggest that chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans indirectly modulate the growth and guidance of a subpopulation of forebrain axons by regulating either matrix-bound or cell surface cues at specific choice points within the developing vertebrate brain. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
We present a review of perceptual image quality metrics and their application to still image compression. The review describes how image quality metrics can be used to guide an image compression scheme and outlines the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of a number of quality metrics. We examine a broad range of metrics ranging from simple mathematical measures to those which incorporate full perceptual models. We highlight some variation in the models for luminance adaptation and the contrast sensitivity function and discuss what appears to be a lack of a general consensus regarding the models which best describe contrast masking and error summation. We identify how the various perceptual components have been incorporated in quality metrics, and identify a number of psychophysical testing techniques that can be used to validate the metrics. We conclude by illustrating some of the issues discussed throughout the paper with a simple demonstration. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Previously we described activating mutations of h beta(c), the common signaling subunit of the receptors for the hematopoietic and inflammatory cytokines, GM-CSF, IL-3, and IL-5. The activated mutant, h beta(c)FI Delta, is able to confer growth factor-independent proliferation on the murine myeloid cell line FDC-P1, and on primary committed myeloid progenitors. We have used this activating mutation to study the effects of chronic cytokine receptor stimulation. Transgenic mice were produced carrying the h beta(c)FI Delta cDNA linked to the constitutive promoter derived from the phosphoglycerate kinase gene, PGK-1. Transgene expression was demonstrated in several tissues and functional activity of the mutant receptor was confirmed in hematopoietic tissues by the presence of granulocyte macrophage and macrophage colony-forming cells (CFU-GM and CFU-M) in the absence of added cytokines. All transgenic mice display a myeloproliferative disorder characterized by splenomegaly, erythrocytosis, and granulocytic and megakaryocytic hyperplasia. This disorder resembles the human disease polycythemia vera, suggesting that activating mutations in h beta(c) may play a role in the pathogenesis of this myeloproliferative disorder. In addition, these transgenic mice develop a sporadic, progressive neurological disease and display bilateral, symmetrical foci of necrosis in the white matter of brain stem associated with an accumulation of macrophages. Thus, chronic h beta(c) activation has the potential to contribute to pathological events in the central nervous system.
Two major factors are likely to impact the utilisation of remotely sensed data in the near future: (1)an increase in the number and availability of commercial and non-commercial image data sets with a range of spatial, spectral and temporal dimensions, and (2) increased access to image display and analysis software through GIS. A framework was developed to provide an objective approach to selecting remotely sensed data sets for specific environmental monitoring problems. Preliminary applications of the framework have provided successful approaches for monitoring disturbed and restored wetlands in southern California.
Structurally related tetratricopeptide repeat motifs in steroid receptor-associated immunophilins and the STI1 homolog, Hop, mediate the interaction with a common cellular target, hsp90, We have identified the binding domain in hsp90 for cyclophilin 40 (CyP40) using a two-hybrid system screen of a mouse cDNA library. All isolated clones encoded the intact carboxyl terminus of hsp90 and overlapped with a common region corresponding to amino acids 558-724 of murine hsp84, The interaction was confirmed in vitro with bacterially expressed CyP40 and deletion mutants of hsp90 beta and was delineated further to a 124-residue COOH-terminal segment of hsp90, Deletion of the conserved MEEVD sequence at the extreme carboxyl terminus of hsp90 precludes interaction with CyP40, signifying an important role for this motif in hsp90 function. We show that CyP40 and Hop display similar interaction profiles with hsp90 truncation mutants and present evidence for the direct competition of Hop and FK506-binding protein 52 with CyP40 for binding to the hsp90 COOH-terminal region. Our results are consistent with a common tetratricopeptide repeat interaction site for Hop and steroid receptor associated immunophilins within a discrete COOH-terminal domain of hsp90. This region of hsp90 mediates ATP-independent chaperone activity, overlaps the hsp90 dimerization domain, and includes structural elements important for steroid receptor interaction.
The massive coral Goniopora tenuidens can develop elongated sweeper polyps. These are thought to be involved in aggressive interactions with neighbouring benthic organ isms, like the sweeper tentacles of other corals. The cnidoms of sweeper polyps and ordinary polyps of G. tenuidens from the Great Barrier Reef were compared. Sweeper polyps had significantly greater densities of elongate holotrichous isorhizas (34577 +/- 3839/mg; mean +/- SD, n = 6) than ordinary polyps (936 +/- 371/mg; p < 0.05), while ordinary polyps had significantly greater densities of spirocysts (75994 +/- 15992/mg) than sweeper polyps (19469 +/- 7808/mg; p < 0.05). This suggests that sweeper polyps of G. tenuidens, like the sweeper tentacles of other corals, are modified for aggression, and that they probably act through nematocyst discharge. However, the scattered distribution of sweeper polyps observed on colonies of G. tenuidens in the field suggests that sweeper polyps may have other functions.
Standard tools for the analysis of economic problems involving uncertainty, including risk premiums, certainty equivalents and the notions of absolute and relative risk aversion, are developed without making specific assumptions on functional form beyond the basic requirements of monotonicity, transitivity, continuity, and the presumption that individuals prefer certainty to risk. Individuals are not required to display probabilistic sophistication. The approach relies on the distance and benefit functions to characterize preferences relative to a given state-contingent vector of outcomes. The distance and benefit functions are used to derive absolute and relative risk premiums and to characterize preferences exhibiting constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) and constant relative risk aversion (CRRA). A generalization of the notion of Schur-concavity is presented. If preferences are generalized Schur concave, the absolute and relative risk premiums are generalized Schur convex, and the certainty equivalents are generalized Schur concave.
The Ile-->Ser84 substitution in the thyroid hormone transport protein transthyretin is one of over 50 variations found to be associated with familial amyloid polyneuropathy, a hereditary type of lethal amyloidosis. Using a peptide analogue of the loop containing residue 84 in transthyretin, we have examined the putative local structural effects of this substitution using H-1-NMR spectroscopy. The peptide, containing residues 71-93 of transthyretin with its termini linked via a disulfide bond, was found to possess the same helix-turn motif as in the corresponding region of the crystallographically derived structure of transthyretin in 20% trifluoroethanol (TFE) solution. It therefore, represents a useful model with which to examine the effects of amyloidogenic substitutions. In a peptide analogue containing the Ile84-->Ser substitution it was found that the substitution does not greatly disrupt the overall three-dimensional structure, but leads to minor local differences at the turn in which residue 84 is involved. Coupling constant and NOE measurements indicate that the helix-turn motif is still present, but differences in chemical shifts and amide-exchange rates reflect a small distortion. This is in keeping with observations that several other mutant forms of transthyretin display similar subunit interactions and those that have been structurally analysed possess a near native structure. We propose that the Ser84 mutation induces only subtle perturbations to the transthyretin structure which predisposes the protein to amyloid formation.
In the adult olfactory nerve pathway of rodents, each primary olfactory axon forms a terminal arbor in a single glomerulus in the olfactory bulb. During development, axons are believed to project directly to and terminate precisely within a glomerulus without any exuberant growth or mistargeting. To gain insight into mechanisms underlying this process, the trajectories of primary olfactory axons during glomerular formation were studied in the neonatal period. Histochemical staining of mouse olfactory bulb sections with the lectin Dolichos biflorus-agglutinin revealed that many olfactory axons overshoot the glomerular layer and course into the deeper laminae of the bulb in the early postnatal period. Single primary olfactory axons were anterogradely labelled either with the lipophilic carbocyanine dye, 1,1'-dioctodecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI), or with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) by localized microinjections into the nerve fiber layer of the rat olfactory bulb. Five distinct trajectories of primary olfactory axons were observed in DLI-labelled preparations at postnatal day 1.5 (P1.5). Axons either coursed directly to and terminated specifically within a glomerulus, branched before terminating in a glomerulus, bypassed glomeruli and entered the underlying external plexiform layer, passed through the glomerular layer with side branches into glomeruli, or branched into more than one glomerulus. HRP-labelled axon arbors from eight postnatal ages were reconstructed by camera lucida and were used to determine arbor length, arbor area, and arbor branch number. Whereas primary olfactory axons display errors in laminar targeting in the mammalian olfactory bulb, axon arbors typically achieve their adult morphology without exuberant growth. Many olfactory axons appear not to recognize appropriate cues to terminate within the glomerular layer during the early postnatal period. However, primary olfactory axons exhibit precise targeting in the glomerular layer after P5.5, indicating temporal differences in either the presence of guidance cues or the ability of axons to respond to these cues. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The omega-conotoxins are a set of structurally related, four-loop, six cysteine containing peptides, that have a range of selectivities for different subtypes of the voltage-sensitive calcium channel (VSCC). To investigate the basis of the selectivity displayed by these peptides, we have studied the binding affinities of two naturally occurring omega-conotoxins, MVIIA and MVIIC and a series of 14 MVIIA/MVIIC loop hybrids using radioligand binding assays for N and P/Q-type Ca2+ channels in rat brain tissue. A selectivity profile was developed from the ratio of relative potencies at N-type VSCCs (using [I-125]GVIA radioligand binding assays) and P/Q-type VSCCs (using [I-125]MVIIC radioligand binding assays). in these peptides, loops 2 and 4 make the greatest contribution to VSCC subtype selectivity, while the effects of loops 1 and 3 are negligible. Peptides with homogenous combinations of loop 2 and 4 display clear selectivity preferences, while those with heterogeneous combinations of loops 2 and 4 are less discriminatory. H-1 NMR spectroscopy revealed that the global folds of MVIIA, MVIIC and the 14 loop hybrid peptides were similar; however, several differences in local structure were identified. Based on the binding data and the 3D structures of MVIIA, GVIA and MVIIC, we have developed a preliminary pharmacophore based on the omega-conotoxin residues most Likely to interact with the N-type VSCC. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
RWMODEL II simulates the Rescorla-Wagner model of Pavlovian conditioning. It is written in Delphi and runs under Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. The program was designed for novice and expert users and can be employed in teaching, as well as in research. It is user friendly and requires a minimal level of computer literacy but is sufficiently flexible to permit a wide range of simulations. It allows the display of empirical data, against which predictions from the model can be validated.
The small amounts of antibacterial peptides that can be isolated from insects do not allow detailed studies of their range of activity, side-chain sugar requirements, or their conformation, factors that frequently play roles in the mode of action. In this paper, we report the solid-phase step-by-step synthesis of diptericin, an 82-mer peptide, originally isolated from Phormia terranovae. The unglycosylated peptide was purified to homogeneity by conventional reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography, and its activity spectrum was compared to that Of synthetic unglycosylated drosocin, which shares strong sequence homology with diptericin's N-terminal domain. Diptericin appeared to have antibacterial activity:for only a limited number of Gram-negative bacteria. Diptericin's submicromolar potency against Escherichia coli strains indicated that, in a manner similar to drosocin, the presence of the carbohydrate side chain is not,necessary to kill bacteria. Neither the N-terminal, drosocin-analog fragment, nor the C-terminal, glycine-rich attacin-analog region was active against any of the bacterial strains studied, regardless of whether the Gal-GalNAc disaccharide units were attached. This suggested that the active site of diptericin fell outside the drosocin or attacin homology domains. In addition, the conformation of diptericin did not seem to play a role in the antibacterial activity, as was demonstrated by the complete lack of ordered structure by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and circular dichroism. Diptericin completely killed bacteria within I h, considerably faster than drosocin and the attacins; unlike some other, fast-acting antibacterial peptides, diptericin did not lyse normal mammalian cells. Taken together, these data suggest diptericin does not belong to any known class of antibacterial peptides.