996 resultados para Age, 14C calibrated, CALIB 5 (Stuiver et al., 1998)


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High-resolution sediment cores from the Vøring Plateau, the North Iceland shelf, and the East Greenland shelf have been studied to investigate the stability of major surface currents in the Nordic Seas during the Holocene. Results from diatom assemblages and reconstructed sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) indicate a division of the Holocene into three periods: the Holocene Climate Optimum (9500-6500 calendar (cal) years BP), the Holocene Transition Period (6500-3000 cal years BP) and the Cool Late Holocene Period (3000-0 cal years BP). The overall climate development is in step with the decreasing insolation on the Northern Hemisphere, but regional differences occur regarding both timing and magnitude of SST changes. Sites under the direct influence of the Norwegian Atlantic Current and the Irminger Current indicate SST cooling of 4-5°C from early Holocene to present, compared to 2°C recorded under the East Greenland Current. Superimposed on the general Holocene cooling trend, there is a high-frequency SST variability, which is in the order of 1-1.5°C for the Vøring Plateau and the East Greenland shelf and 2.5-3°C on the North Iceland shelf.


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Variations in Mg/Ca-based sea surface temperature and oxygen isotope ratio (d18O) of the surface water in the northern East China Sea (ECS) were reconstructed with high resolution during the last 18 kyr using planktic foraminifera. Millennial-scale variations between warmer, more saline surface water and cooler, less saline surface water were recognized during the early deglacial period and the Holocene, suggesting changes in the mixing ratio between the Kuroshio Water and the Changjiang Diluted Water. Stronger East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) precipitation events in south China are identified at 10.5, 8.8, 7.0, 5.3, 4.7, 2.9, 1.7, and 0.5 ka, based on sea surface salinity (SSS) records of the northern ECS. Weaker EASM precipitation events are also detected at 9.3, 8.3, 7.3, 6.0, 3.3, 2.3, 0.7, and 0.4 ka during the Holocene. These events agree with the maxima in d18O records of stalagmites from various parts of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River drainage. This agreement supports that our SSS record properly captures the millennial-scale dry (less EASM precipitation) events over the drainage basin of the Changjiang River during the Holocene. These dry events are also in good agreement with North Atlantic ice-rafted events, suggesting a teleconnection between North Atlantic climate and the EASM during the Holocene.


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We attempt a reconstruction of salinity levels of the central Baltic Sea based on diatom assemblages, the isotopic composition of organic matter and sedimentological expression of anoxia over the last 10 000 years. We use the data to investigate the dependence of salinity levels on climate evolution and isostasy. Changes in salinity of surface and deep waters were most pronounced from 8400 to approximately 5000 cal. BP. Density stratification between salty deep and fresher surface waters caused the frequent development of anoxic conditions and deposition of laminated sediments on large parts of the sea floor in the central Baltic Sea, and dramatic changes in organic carbon-accumulation rates. From 5000 to 3100 cal. BP, the salinity of the basin decreased, oxygenation of deep sea floors was improved, and fertility of the sea surface was significantly reduced. This is reflected by low accumulation rates of organic carbon in bioturbated sediments. Since 2800 cal. BP, salinity rose again and anoxic periods were more common. Even though the major steps in environmental evolution in the Baltic Sea coincide with known patterns of climatic change of the North Atlantic realm over the last 10 000 years, we find no conclusive evidence for synchronous changes or linear responses on submillennial timescales. However, we note that major variations in our salinity records agree with temporal patterns of reconstructed summer warmth and winter precipitation in southern Scandinavia. Both types of record suggest that climate in the mid-Holocene was far from stable. Our data also confirm that climate evolution over the late Holocene had significant impact on environmental conditions in the Baltic Sea.


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An automated system is described for collecting and processing information from radiometric devices used in determination of isotopic age and sedimentation rate by radiocarbon and lead-210 methods. The system is used in a day-and-night continuous measuring mode, with six radiocarbon liquid counters and two low-background beta-counters. Examples are given of use of the system to determine average sedimentation rates in the Baltic Sea.


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Models indicate that a complete shutdown of deep and intermediate water production is a possible consequence of extreme climate conditions in the northern North Atlantic, and the high ratio of 231Pa to 230Th on Bermuda Rise is evidence that this might have happened ?17 ka during Heinrich event 1 (H1). However, new radiocarbon data from bivalves that lived at ?4.6 km on the Bermuda Rise during H1 lead to a different conclusion. The bivalve data do indeed indicate ventilation of the deep western North Atlantic was suppressed during H1 but not as much as it was during the last glacial maximum. We propose that high diatom flux to the Bermuda Rise during H1 is at least in part responsible for increased 231Pa/230Th at that time. Although we cannot say for sure why opal production was so high in a gyre center location at that time, increased leakage of silica rich waters from the Southern Ocean to the North Atlantic is one possibility.


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A sediment core from Reykjanes Ridge has been studied at 10- to 50-year time resolution to document variability of Holocene surface water conditions in the western North Atlantic and to evaluate effects of Holocene ice-rafting episodes. Diatom assemblages are converted to quantitative sea surface temperatures (SST) using three different transfer functions. Spectral and scale-space methods are also applied on the records to explore variability at different timescales. Diatom assemblage and SST records clearly show that decaying remnants of the Laurentide ice sheet strongly influenced early Holocene climate in the western North Atlantic. This overrode the predominance of Milankovitch forcing, which played a key role in the development of Holocene climate in the eastern North Atlantic and Nordic Seas. Superimposed on general Holocene climate change is high-frequency SST variability on the order of 1°-3°C. The record also documents climatic oscillations with 600- to 1000-, ~1500-, and 2500-year periodicities, with a time-dependent dominance of different periodicities through the Holocene; a clear change in variability occurred about 5 ka BP. The SST record also provides evidence for Holocene cooling events (HCE) that, in some cases, correlate to documented southward intrusions of ice into the North Atlantic.


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This datafile presents chemical and physical as well as age dating information from the Store Mosse peat bog in southern Sweden. This record dates back to 8900 cal yr BP. The aim of the research was to reconstruct mineral dust deposition over time. As such we have only presented the lithogenic element data (Al, Ga, Rb, Sc, Ti, Y, Zr, Th and the REE) as the sample preparation method was tailored to these. This data is supported by parameters describing the deposit including bulk density, humification, ash content and net peat accumulation rates.