991 resultados para Advanced capitalist countries
During the 2010 legislative session, House File 2531, Fiscal Year 2011 Standing Appropriations Act, was enacted and required school districts to report the specific use of sales tax dollars for school infrastructure purposes to the Department of Education. The Department published SAVE SILO annual report reflecting data for fiscal year 2011. This issue review provides a summary and additional analysis of that information.
BACKGROUND AND METHODS:: The objectives of this article were to systematically describe and examine the novel roles and responsibilities assumed by nurses in a forensic consultation for victims of violence at a University Hospital in French-speaking Switzerland. Utilizing a case study methodology, information was collected from two main sources: (a) discussion groups with nurses and forensic pathologists and (b) a review of procedures and protocols. Following a critical content analysis, the roles and responsibilities of the forensic nurses were described and compared with the seven core competencies of advanced nursing practice as outlined by Hamric, Spross, and Hanson (2009). RESULTS:: Advanced nursing practice competencies noted in the analysis included "direct clinical practice," "coaching and guidance," and "collaboration." The role of the nurse in terms of "consultation," "leadership," "ethics," and "research" was less evident in the analysis. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION:: New forms of nursing are indeed practiced in the forensic clinical setting, and our findings suggest that nursing practice in this domain is following the footprints of an advanced nursing practice model. Further reflections are required to determine whether the role of the forensic nurse in Switzerland should be developed as a clinical nurse specialist or that of a nurse practitioner.
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a major cause of premature death in young adults and children in developed countries. Standard forensic autopsy procedures are often unsuccessful in determining the cause of SCD. Post-mortem genetic testing, also called molecular autopsy, has revealed that a non-negligible number of these deaths are a result of inherited cardiac diseases, including arrhythmic disorders such as congenital long QT syndrome and Brugada syndrome. Due to the heritability of these diseases, the potential implications for living relatives must be taken into consideration. Advanced diagnostic analyses, genetic counselling, and interdisciplinary collaboration should be integral parts of clinical and forensic practice. In this article we present a multidisciplinary collaboration established in Lausanne, with the goal of properly informing families of these pathologies and their implications for surviving family members. In Switzerland, as in many other countries, legal guidelines for genetic testing do not address the use of molecular tools for post-mortem genetic analyses in forensic practice. In this article we present the standard practice guidelines established by our multidisciplinary team.
Aquest treball avarca des de reunions amb personal de qualitat d’una fàbrica decremalleres fins a la proposta d’un prototip d’una màquina que solucionés els seusproblemes concrets de producció. Pel camí s’ha fet recerca envers de solucionsprèvies que fossin factibles a realitzar en uns pocs mesos i amb els medis limitatsdels que es desponiaLes solucions, tant de mètodes d’assaig i observació com de disseny són un reflexclar de procés d’enginyeria en l’àmbit industrial espanyol. Els medis escassegen,però amb temps (tampoc gaire) i enginy es troben formes de satisfer lesnecessitats. Al cap i a la fi és el que s’espera de nosaltres com a enginyers.
The purpose of this study was to assess the cross-cultural validity of the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability scale short form C, in a large sample of French-speaking participants from eight African countries and Switzerland. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses suggested retaining a two-factor structure. Item bias detection according to country was conducted for all 13 items and effect was calculated with R2. For the two-factor solution, 9 items were associated with a negligible effect size, 3 items with a moderate one, and 1 item with a large one. A series of analyses of covariance considering the acquiescence variable as a covariate showed that the acquiescence tendency does not contribute to the bias at item level. This research indicates that the psychometric properties of this instrument do not reach a scalar equivalence but that a culturally reliable measurement of social desirability could be developed.
PURPOSE: Patients with locally advanced rectal carcinoma are at risk for both local recurrence and distant metastases. We demonstrated the efficacy of preoperative hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy (HART). In this Phase I trial, we aimed at introducing chemotherapy early in the treatment course with both intrinsic antitumor activity and a radiosensitizer effect. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Twenty-eight patients (19 males; median age 63, range 28-75) with advanced rectal carcinoma (cT3: 24; cT4: 4; cN+: 12; M1: 5) were enrolled, including 8 patients treated at the maximally tolerated dose. Escalating doses of CPT-11 (30-105 mg/m(2)/week) were given on Days 1, 8, and 15, and concomitant HART (41.6 Gy, 1.6 Gy bid x 13 days) started on Day 8. Surgery was to be performed within 1 week after the end of radiochemotherapy. RESULTS: Twenty-six patients completed all preoperative radiochemotherapy as scheduled; all patients underwent surgery. Dose-limiting toxicity was diarrhea Grade 3 occurring at dose level 6 (105 mg/m(2)). Hematotoxicity was mild, with only 1 patient experiencing Grade 3 neutropenia. Postoperative complications (30 days) occurred in 7 patients, with an anastomotic leak rate of 22%. CONCLUSIONS: The recommended Phase II dose of CPT-11 in this setting is 90 mg/m(2)/week. Further Phase II exploration at this dose is warranted.
EuroSIDA is a pan-European observational study that follows 14,265 HIV-infected patients from 31 European countries, Israel and Argentina, of which 2,560 are patients from eastern Europe (EE). The study group has performed several analyses addressing regional differences in the HIV-epidemic across Europe, where all countries were divided into five regions: south, west central, north, east central Europe and EE. Significant regional differences in patients' characteristics and pattern of AIDS diagnoses were documented. More patients from EE were diagnosed with tuberculosis compared to other regions. Significantly fewer HIV-infected patients in EE, who fulfilled the criteria for starting combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), actually received cART as compared with other regions of Europe. Those, receiving cART in EE had a lower initial virologic response rate irrespectively of the regimen used, although it has improved within years. Besides, treatment failure was more common in this region. Thus, improvements in the clinical management of HIV patients in EE are urgently needed. Strategies include creating scientific collaborations for HIV clinicians as well as teaching clinicians about the most advanced HIV management at clinically oriented courses held in eastern Europe.
PURPOSE: We evaluated the attitude in using chemotherapy near the end of life in advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAC). Clinical and laboratory parameters recorded at last chemotherapy administration were analyzed, in order to identify risk factors for imminent death. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of patients who underwent at least one line of palliative chemotherapy was made. Data concerning chemotherapy (regimens, lines, and date of last administration) were collected. Clinical and laboratory factors recorded at last chemotherapy administration were: performance status, presence of ascites, hemoglobin, white blood cell (WBC), platelets, total bilirubin, albumin, LDH, C-reactive protein (C-rp), and Ca 19.9. RESULTS: We analyzed 231 patients: males/females, 53/47 %; metastatic/locally advanced disease, 80/20 %; and median age, 66 years (range 32-85). All patients died due to disease progression. Median overall survival was 6.1 months (95 % CI 5.1-7.2). At the last chemotherapy delivery, performance status was 0-1 in 37 % and 2 in 63 %. Fifty-nine percent of patients received one chemotherapy line, while 32, 8, and 1 % had second-, third-, and fourth line, respectively. The interval between last chemotherapy administration and death was <4 weeks in 24 %, ≥4-12 in 47 %, and >12 in 29 %. Median survival from last chemotherapy to death was 7.5 weeks (95 % CI 6.7-8.4). In a univariate analysis, ascites, elevated WBC, bilirubin, LDH, C-rp and Ca 19.9, and reduced albumin were found to predict shorter survival; however, none of them remained significant in a multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: A significant proportion of patients with advanced PAC received chemotherapy within the last month of life. The clinical and laboratory parameters recorded at last chemotherapy delivery did not predict shorter survival.
Advanced soft-tissue sarcomas are usually resistant to cytotoxic agents such as doxorubicin and ifosfamide. Antitumor activity has been observed for gemcitabine and docetaxel combination. We conducted a retrospective study on 133 patients (58 males/75 females) with unresectable or metastatic soft-tissue sarcoma. The median age at diagnosis was 51.7 (18-82), with 76 patients with leiomoyosarcoma and 57 patients with other histological subtypes. The initial localizations were limb (44), uterine (32), retroperitoneal (23) and organs or bone (34). Patients received 900 mg/m2 of gemcitabine (days 1 and 8) over 90 min plus 100 mg/m2 of docetaxel (day 8), intravenously every 21 days. Gemcitabine/docetaxel combination was well tolerated with an overall response of 18.4% and with no clear statistical difference between leiomyosarcomas and other histological subtypes (24.2% versus 10.4% (p=0.06)). No difference was found between uterine soft-tissue sarcomas versus others. The median overall survival was 12.1 months (1-28). Better overall survival was correlated with leiomyosarcoma (p=0.01) and with the quality of the response, even for patients with stable disease (p<10(-4)). No statistical difference was found for the initial localization. Response to treatment and overall survival were better for patients in World Health Organization (WHO) performance status classification (PS) 0 at baseline versus patients in WHO PS-1, 2 or 3 (p=0.023 and p<10(-4), respectively). Gemcitabine/docetaxel combination was tolerable and demonstrated better response and survival for leiomyosarcoma, especially for patients in WHO PS-0 at baseline. For the other histological subtypes, the response was not encouraging, but the survival for patients in response or stable suggests further investigation.
BACKGROUND: Platinum-based doublet chemotherapy is recommended to treat advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in fit, non-elderly adults, but monotherapy is recommended for patients older than 70 years. We compared a carboplatin and paclitaxel doublet chemotherapy regimen with monotherapy in elderly patients with advanced NSCLC. METHODS: In this multicentre, open-label, phase 3, randomised trial we recruited patients aged 70-89 years with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC and WHO performance status scores of 0-2. Patients received either four cycles (3 weeks on treatment, 1 week off treatment) of carboplatin (on day 1) plus paclitaxel (on days 1, 8, and 15) or five cycles (2 weeks on treatment, 1 week off treatment) of vinorelbine or gemcitabine monotherapy. Randomisation was done centrally with the minimisation method. The primary endpoint was overall survival, and analysis was done by intention to treat. This trial is registered, number NCT00298415. FINDINGS: 451 patients were enrolled. 226 were randomly assigned monotherapy and 225 doublet chemotherapy. Median age was 77 years and median follow-up was 30.3 months (range 8.6-45.2). Median overall survival was 10.3 months for doublet chemotherapy and 6.2 months for monotherapy (hazard ratio 0.64, 95% CI 0.52-0.78; p<0.0001); 1-year survival was 44.5% (95% CI 37.9-50.9) and 25.4% (19.9-31.3), respectively. Toxic effects were more frequent in the doublet chemotherapy group than in the monotherapy group (most frequent, decreased neutrophil count (108 [48.4%] vs 28 [12.4%]; asthenia 23 [10.3%] vs 13 [5.8%]). INTERPRETATION: Despite increased toxic effects, platinum-based doublet chemotherapy was associated with survival benefits compared with vinorelbine or gemcitabine monotherapy in elderly patients with NSCLC. We feel that the current treatment paradigm for these patients should be reconsidered. FUNDING: Intergroupe Francophone de Cancérologie Thoracique, Institut National du Cancer.
BACKGROUND: Pediatric intensive care patients represent a population at high risk for drug-related problems. There are few studies that compare the activity of clinical pharmacists between countries. OBJECTIVE: To describe the drug-related problems identified and interventions by four pharmacists in a pediatric cardiac and intensive care unit. SETTING: Four pediatric centers in France, Quebec, Switzerland and Belgium. METHOD: This was a six-month multicenter, descriptive and prospective study conducted from August 1, 2009 to January 31, 2010. Drug-related problems and clinical interventions were compiled from four pediatric centers in France, Quebec, Switzerland and Belgium. Data on patients, drugs, intervention, documentation, approval and estimated impact were compiled. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Number and type of drug-related problems encountered in a large pediatric inpatient population. RESULTS: A total of 996 interventions were recorded: 238 (24 %) in France, 278 (28 %) in Quebec, 351 (35 %) in Switzerland and 129 (13 %) in Belgium. These interventions targeted 270 patients (median 21 months old, 53 % male): 88 (33 %) in France, 56 (21 %) in Quebec, 57 (21 %) in Switzerland and 69 (26 %) in Belgium. The main drug-related problems were inappropriate administration technique (29 %), untreated indication (25 %) and supra-therapeutic dose (11 %). The pharmacists' interventions were mostly optimizing the mode of administration (22 %), dose adjustment (20 %) and therapeutic monitoring (16 %). The two major drug classes that led to interventions were anti-infectives for systemic use (23 %) and digestive system and metabolism drugs (22 %). Interventions mainly involved residents and all clinical staff (21 %). Among the 878 (88 %) proposed interventions requiring physician approval, 860 (98 %) were accepted. CONCLUSION: This descriptive study illustrates drug-related problems and the ability of clinical pharmacists to identify and resolve them in pediatric intensive care units in four French-speaking countries.
We construct a rich dataset covering 47 developing countries over the years 1990-2007, combining several micro and macro level data sources to explore the link between political factors and body mass index (BMI). We implement a heteroskedastic generalized ordered logit model allowing for different covariate effects across the BMI distribution and accounting for the unequal BMI dispersion by geographical area. We find that systems with democratic qualities are more likely to reduce under-weight, but increase overweight/obesity, whereas effective political competition does entail double-benefits in the form of reducing both under-weight and obesity. Our results are robust to the introduction of country fixed effects.
Pharmacologic agents that target protein products of oncogenes in tumors are playing an increasing clinical role in the treatment of cancer. Currently, the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) represent the standard of care for patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) harboring activating EGFR mutations. Subsequently other genetic abnormalities with "driver" characteristics - implying transforming and tumor maintenance capabilities have been extensively reported in several small distinct subsets of NSCLC. Among these rare genetic changes, anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene rearrangements, most often consisting in a chromosome 2 inversion leading to a fusion with the echinoderm microtubule-associated protein like 4 (EML4) gene, results in the abnormal expression and activation of this tyrosine kinase in the cytoplasm of cancer cells. This rearrangement occurs in 2-5% of NSCLC, predominantly in young (50 years or younger), never- or former-smokers with adenocarcinoma. This aberration most commonly occurs a independently of EGFR and KRAS gene mutations. A fluorescent in situ hybridization assay was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the standard method for the detection of ALK gene rearrangement in clinical practice and is considered the gold standard. Crizotinib, a first-in-class dual ALK and c-MET inhibitor, has been shown to be particularly effective against ALK positive NSCLC, showing dramatic and prolonged responses with low toxicity, predominantly restricted to the gastro-intestinal and visual systems, and generally self-limiting or easily managed. However, resistance to crizotinib inevitably emerges. The molecular mechanisms of resistance are currently under investigation, as are therapeutic approaches including crizotinib-based combination therapy and novel agents such as Hsp90 inhibitors. This review aims to present the current knowledge on this fusion gene, the clinic-pathological profile of ALK rearranged NSCLC, and to review the existing literature on ALK inhibitors, focusing on their role in the treatment of NSCLC.
Introduction: Building online courses is a highly time consuming task for teachers of a single university. Universities working alone create high-quality courses but often cannot cover all pathological fields. Moreover this often leads to duplication of contents among universities, representing a big waste of teacher time and energy. We initiated in 2011 a French university network for building mutualized online teaching pathology cases, and this network has been extended in 2012 to Quebec and Switzerland. Method: Twenty French universities (see & for details), University Laval in Quebec and University of Lausanne in Switzerland are associated to this project. One e-learning Moodle platform (http://moodle.sorbonne-paris-cite.fr/) contains texts with URL pointing toward virtual slides that are decentralized in several universities. Each university has the responsibility of its own slide scanning, slide storage and online display with virtual slide viewers. The Moodle website is hosted by PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité, and financial supports for hardware have been obtained from UNF3S (http://www.unf3s.org/) and from PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité. Financial support for international fellowships has been obtained from CFQCU (http://www.cfqcu.org/). Results: The Moodle interface has been explained to pathology teachers using web-based conferences with screen sharing. The teachers added then contents such as clinical cases, selfevaluations and other media organized in several sections by student levels and pathological fields. Contents can be used as online learning or online preparation of subsequent courses in classrooms. In autumn 2013, one resident from Quebec spent 6 weeks in France and Switzerland and created original contents in inflammatory skin pathology. These contents are currently being validated by senior teachers and will be opened to pathology residents in spring 2014. All contents of the website can be accessed for free. Most contents just require anonymous connection but some specific fields, especially those containing pictures obtained from patients who agreed for a teaching use only, require personal identification of the students. Also, students have to register to access Moodle tests. All contents are written in French but one case has been translated into English to illustrate this communication (http://moodle.sorbonne-pariscite.fr/mod/page/view.php?id=261) (use "login as a guest"). The Moodle test module allows many types of shared questions, making it easy to create personalized tests. Contents that are opened to students have been validated by an editorial committee composed of colleagues from the participating institutions. Conclusions: Future developments include other international fellowships, the next one being scheduled for one French resident from May to October 2014 in Quebec, with a study program centered on lung and breast pathology. It must be kept in mind that these e-learning programs highly depend on teachers' time, not only at these early steps but also later to update the contents. We believe that funding resident fellowships for developing online pathological teaching contents is a win-win situation, highly beneficial for the resident who will improve his knowledge and way of thinking, highly beneficial for the teachers who will less worry about access rights or image formats, and finally highly beneficial for the students who will get courses fully adapted to their practice.