996 resultados para Adubação organomineral - Submédio São Francisco (PE)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The numeric simulation is an important tool applied in understanding the dynamics of groundwater flow. In a hydrogeological model the processes responsible for groundwater flow are described by numerical formulations that allow the simplification, representation and understanding of the dynamics of the Aquifer System. In this work, a steady state groundwater flow simulation of Urucuia Aquifer System (UAS) part of the Corrente river basin was conducted, using the finite element method through software FEFLOW, to understand the dynamics of groundwater flow and quantify the hydrologic balance. The aquifer system Urucuia lodges in the São Francisco hydrogeological province and corresponds to a set of interconnected aquifers that occur in rocks from Urucuia group in the Urucuia sub-basin described by Campos e Dardenne (1997). The system is a porous media one, in a shape of a thick table mountain, consisting essentially of sandstones. The Corrente river basin is located in UAS in Western State of Bahia and it's one of the main units to maintaining permanent flow (Q95) and average natural flow of the São Francisco river. The simulation performed in this work obtained the following results for the modelled region: horizontal hydraulic conductivity of 3 x 10-4 m/s and vertical one 6 x 10-5 m/s; maximum recharge of 345 mm and minimum of 85 mm/a. It was concluded that: (1) regional groundwater flow has eastbound; with an exception of the extreme northeast portion, where the flow has opposite direction; (2) there are smaller water side dividers with an approximate direction EW, that guide the flow of water to the drainage that cut the aquifer; and (3) the UAS at Corrente river basin can be understood as a free regional aquifer system, isotropic and homogeneous. Regionally, the small lithological variations present in the Urucuia group can be neglected and do not exhibit significant influences on the dynamics of ground water flow


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The region Indiara (GO) is located in southwestern of São Francisco Craton in the Internal Zone of the Brasília Belt, western part of the Tocantins Province. In this locality outcrop rocks of the Goiás Magmatic Arc. These rocks are muscovite gneiss with biotite, muscovite-biotite gneiss, biotite gneiss with muscovite and garnet, biotite-muscovite gneiss, muscovite porfiroclastic gneiss, biotite porfiroclastic gneiss, muscovite-quartz schists, garnetquartz schists, and metamafic rock (hornblende schists) as metric or kilometric lenses. The gneisses have granodioritic composition, granoblastic texture, with some portions with lepidoblastic texture, constituting a discontinuous centimeter to millimeter banding; the structure is anisotropic, marked by the preferred orientation of all the minerals. These gneisses are leucocratic, generally are inequigranular and fine to medium grained. The hornblende schists have nematoblastic texture, are inequigranular and fine to medium grained and have anisotropic structure that is given by a foliation, marked by a strong preferential orientation of the crystals of amphibole and other minerals present in the rock. The gneisses of the area are composed of plagioclase (oligoclase/andesine), quartz, microcline, muscovite, biotite, epidote, apatite, zircon, garnet, kyanite, oxides and hydroxides of iron and opaque minerals. And the metamafic rocks of Indiara region are composed mainly of amphibole, plagioclase (oligoclase/andesine), quartz, titanite, biotite, allanite, garnet, oxides and hydroxides of iron, apatite, epidote, rutile, muscovite and opaque minerals. At least three phases of deformation were observed in the rocks of area of study (Dn-1, Dn and Dn +1). The Dn phase and represented by a well-marked foliation Sn having low dip angle (average dip of 20 °) and dip direction to SW (210/21) and to NE (18/20); the Dn-1 phase is represented by a compositional banding (Sn- 1), this banding is generally...


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The towns of Castro Alves and Rafael Jambeiro, central-east of Bahia state, are located in the east of São Francisco Craton, in granulite terrains of Salvador-Curaçá Belt, formed in Paleoproterozoic. The region of study contains ortognaisses of Caraíba Complex, metamafic and metaultramafic rocks of São José do Jacuípe Suite, metasedimentary rocks of Tanque Novo-Ipirá Complex, granitoids, pegmatites and alkaline rocks. The study carried out regional and detailed geological mapping in addition to petrographical and geochemical characterization of six areas in the search for targets of feldspar and white diopside, minerals used in ceramic industry. The areas consist of granitic ortognaisses interspersed with lenses of mafic granulite rocks, calc-silicate rock, banded iron formations, paragnaisses, quartzites, and bodies of quartz-feldspar or feldspar pegmatites and alkaline rocks that fill discontinuities. The region of study contains four deformations phases, with a predominance of ductile structures. The foliation Sn has N30E to N70W direction, high angle of dip and is characterized by compositional banding of granoblastic and felsic bands interspersed with nematoblastic or lepidoblastic mafic bands. A mineral or stretching lineation Ln is associated with Sn and has trend of S55E to S72E. The rocks have been suffered a regional metamorphism with granulite facies peak and partial retrogression to greenschist facies. Geochemical studies indicate that the green coloring calc-silicate rocks have lower SiO2, MgO and higher Fe2O3 content compared with white calcssilicate rocks. The alkaline rocks of the studied area have higher Na2O, SiO2 and lower K2O, Fe2O3 content compared with others Paleoproterozoic alkaline rocks of Bahia state. The targets of diopside are associated with white calc-silicate rocks, while the targets of feldspar are associated with paragnaisses, pegmatites and alkaline rocks


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The present study evaluated the main physical and chemical characteristics of Syrah grapes, coming from the tropical region of São Francisco river valley, harvested at different times and their relationship with analytical characteristics of resulting wines. Grapes came from the first half of 2009 harvest, collected at Casa Nova - Bahia, a semi-arid and hot region, comprising an interval from 84 days after pruning (84 dap) to the beginning of grape over-ripening, 133 days after pruning (133 dap). Harvests at 84, 91, 98, 105, 112, 119, 126 and 133 dap, were analyzed for pH, soluble solids and acidity in grapes, which were then processed for wine production. Maximum sugar/acidity ratio (s/a = 56) were observed in grapes harvested between 126 and 133 dap, coincided with the highest concentration of anthocyanins (851 mg L-1 ) and total tannins (2.6 g L-1 ) in the resulting wines, indicating that grapes collected between 126 and 133 dap showed the best potential for winemaking in the tropical climate of São Francisco river valley. This result was confirmed by the analytical characterization of wines, that, between 126 and 133 dap, showed 12.8% alcohol, 31 g L-1 dry extract, 5.6 g L-1 ashes and a TPI of 58, using only one pumping per day, for 5 days maceration. Syrah grapes considered in the present work presented a good evolution of maturation, and grapes harvested between 126 and 133 days after pruning, showed the best oenological potential for the development of red wine. The use of pH and soluble solids appeared useful parameters in the estimation of maturation degree and quality potential of grapes for winemaking.


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Foi realizado o levantamento florístico e fitossociológico na porção mais extensa de mata no Parque Florestal Municipal São Francisco de Assis, na cidade de Varginha, sul de Minas Gerais. A área tem cerca de 10 ha e é cortada por um pequeno córrego. Foram lançadas 25 parcelas de 20m x 20m e medidos e cadastrados todos os indivíduos arbóreos com DAP > 5cm. Foram encontrados 1568 indivíduos que, juntos, somaram área basal de 23,65 m2, sendo registrados 102 espécies, 72 gêneros e 42 famílias no levantamento fitossociológico e 111 espécies, 77 gêneros e 43 famílias no levantamento florístico. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Myrtaceae, Fabaceae e Melastomataceae. As espécies de maior valor de importância foram Casearia arborea, Copaifera langsdorffii, Tachigali rugosa e Myrcia splendens. Os resultados encontrados são os esperados para as Florestas Estacionais Semideciduais da região.


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The paleoclimatic record of Jureia Paleolagoon, coastal southeastem Brazil, includes cyclic and gradual changes with different intensities and frequencies through geological time, and it is controlled by astronomical, geophysical, and geological phenomena. These variations are not due to one single cause, but they result from the interaction of several factors, which act at different temporal and spatial scales. Here, we describe paleoenvironmental evidence regarding climatic and sea level changes from the last 9400 cal yr BP at the Jureia Paleolagoon - one of the main groups of protected South Atlantic ecosystems. Geochemical evidences were used to identify anomalies from multi-proxy analyses of a paleolagoon sediment core. The anomalies of centennial scale were correlated to climate and transgression-regression cycles from the Holocene period. Decadal scale anomalous oscillations in the Quaternary paleolagoon sediments occur between 9400 and 7500 cal yr BP, correlated with long- and short-term natural events, which generated high sedimentation rates, mainly between 8385 and 8375 cal yr BP (10 cm/yr). Our results suggest that a modem-day short-duration North Atlantic climatic event, such as the 82 ka event, could affect the environmental equilibrium in South America and intensify the South American Summer Monsoon. (C) 2011 University of Washington. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.