980 resultados para Adaptive radiation


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ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of heat treatment and ultraviolet radiation (UV-C) in the prevention of chilling injury in mangoes cv. Tommy Atkins previously stored or not under injury condition after their transference to ambient condition. Fruits were divided into groups: two were hydrothermally treated (46.1 ºC/90 min; 55 ºC/5 min) and two were exposed to UV-C radiation (1.14 kJ m-2; 2.28 kJ m-2). These groups were stored under chilling injury conditions (5 ºC for 14 days), as established in preliminary tests. Other untreated groups were stored at 12 ºC or 5 ºC. After the storage period, they were transferred to ambient conditions (21.9 ºC; 55% RH) and the quality was evaluated. All the data were submitted to multivariate analysis as the tool to verify the simultaneous effect of the treatments under the quality parameters. The multivariate analysis indicated that the hydrothermal treatments at 46.1 °C/90 min and 55 °C/5 min and the UV-C radiation at doses of 1.14 kJ m-2 and 2.28 kJ m-2 were effective in minimized the symptoms of chilling injury in mangoes ‘Tommy Atkins’ stored at 5 °C for 14 days. However, after their transference to environmental condition at 21.9 °C, only the UV-C kept this control, especially at a dose of 2.28 kJ m-2. This treatment did not prevent the development of the characteristic color or affected the normal ripening and allowed the conservation of fruit for a period of 14 days at 5 °C, plus seven days of storage at environmental condition, which corresponds to the shipping transportation plus the time for sale.


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A method for optimizing the strength of a parametric phase mask for a wavefront coding imaging system is presented. The method is based on an optimization process that minimizes a proposed merit function. The goal is to achieve modulation transfer function invariance while quantitatively maintaining nal image delity. A parametric lter that copes with the noise present in the captured images is used to obtain the nal images, and this lter is optimized. The whole process results in optimum phase mask strength and optimal parameters for the restoration lter. The results for a particular optical system are presented and tested experimentally in the labo- ratory. The experimental results show good agreement with the simulations, indicating that the procedure is useful.


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Oral mucosa is a frequent site of primary herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection, whereas intraoral recurrent disease is very rare. Instead, reactivation from latency predominantly results in asymptomatic HSV shedding to saliva or recurrent labial herpes (RLH) with highly individual frequency. The current study aimed to elucidate the role of human oral innate and acquired immune mechanisms in modulation of HSV infection in orolabial region. Saliva was found to neutralize HSV-1, and to protect cells from infection independently of salivary antibodies. Neutralization capacity was higher in saliva from asymptomatic HSV-seropositive individuals compared to subjects with history of RLH or seronegative controls. Neutralization was at least partially associated with salivary lactoferrin content. Further, lactoferrin and peroxidase-generated hypothiocyanite were found to either neutralize HSV-1 or interfere with HSV-1 replication, whereas lysozyme displayed no anti-HSV-1 activity. Lactoferrin was also shown to modulate HSV-1 infection by inhibiting keratinocyte proliferation. RLH susceptibility was further found to be associated with Th2 biased cytokine responses against HSV, and a higher level of anti- HSV-IgG with Th2 polarization, indicating lack of efficiency of humoral response in the control of HSV disease. In a three-dimensional cell culture, keratinocytes were found to support both lytic and nonproductive infection, suggesting HSV persistence in epithelial cells, and further emphasizing the importance of peripheral immune control of HSV. These results suggest that certain innate salivary antimicrobial compounds and Th1 type cellular responses are critically important in protecting the host against HSV disease, implying possible applications in drug, vaccine and gene therapy design.


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Although fetal anatomy can be adequately viewed in new multi-slice MR images, many critical limitations remain for quantitative data analysis. To this end, several research groups have recently developed advanced image processing methods, often denoted by super-resolution (SR) techniques, to reconstruct from a set of clinical low-resolution (LR) images, a high-resolution (HR) motion-free volume. It is usually modeled as an inverse problem where the regularization term plays a central role in the reconstruction quality. Literature has been quite attracted by Total Variation energies because of their ability in edge preserving but only standard explicit steepest gradient techniques have been applied for optimization. In a preliminary work, it has been shown that novel fast convex optimization techniques could be successfully applied to design an efficient Total Variation optimization algorithm for the super-resolution problem. In this work, two major contributions are presented. Firstly, we will briefly review the Bayesian and Variational dual formulations of current state-of-the-art methods dedicated to fetal MRI reconstruction. Secondly, we present an extensive quantitative evaluation of our SR algorithm previously introduced on both simulated fetal and real clinical data (with both normal and pathological subjects). Specifically, we study the robustness of regularization terms in front of residual registration errors and we also present a novel strategy for automatically select the weight of the regularization as regards the data fidelity term. Our results show that our TV implementation is highly robust in front of motion artifacts and that it offers the best trade-off between speed and accuracy for fetal MRI recovery as in comparison with state-of-the art methods.


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This work presents new, efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation methods for statistical analysis in various modelling applications. When using MCMC methods, the model is simulated repeatedly to explore the probability distribution describing the uncertainties in model parameters and predictions. In adaptive MCMC methods based on the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, the proposal distribution needed by the algorithm learns from the target distribution as the simulation proceeds. Adaptive MCMC methods have been subject of intensive research lately, as they open a way for essentially easier use of the methodology. The lack of user-friendly computer programs has been a main obstacle for wider acceptance of the methods. This work provides two new adaptive MCMC methods: DRAM and AARJ. The DRAM method has been built especially to work in high dimensional and non-linear problems. The AARJ method is an extension to DRAM for model selection problems, where the mathematical formulation of the model is uncertain and we want simultaneously to fit several different models to the same observations. The methods were developed while keeping in mind the needs of modelling applications typical in environmental sciences. The development work has been pursued while working with several application projects. The applications presented in this work are: a winter time oxygen concentration model for Lake Tuusulanjärvi and adaptive control of the aerator; a nutrition model for Lake Pyhäjärvi and lake management planning; validation of the algorithms of the GOMOS ozone remote sensing instrument on board the Envisat satellite of European Space Agency and the study of the effects of aerosol model selection on the GOMOS algorithm.


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The time required to image large samples is an important limiting factor in SPM-based systems. In multiprobe setups, especially when working with biological samples, this drawback can make impossible to conduct certain experiments. In this work, we present a feedfordward controller based on bang-bang and adaptive controls. The controls are based in the difference between the maximum speeds that can be used for imaging depending on the flatness of the sample zone. Topographic images of Escherichia coli bacteria samples were acquired using the implemented controllers. Results show that to go faster in the flat zones, rather than using a constant scanning speed for the whole image, speeds up the imaging process of large samples by up to a 4x factor.


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Lineages arriving on islands may undergo explosive evolutionary radiations owing to the wealth of ecological opportunities. Although studies on insular taxa have improved our understanding of macroevolutionary phenomena, we know little about the macroevolutionary dynamics of continental exchanges. Here we study the evolution of eight Carnivora families that have migrated across the Northern Hemisphere to investigate if continental invasions also result in explosive diversification dynamics. We used a Bayesian approach to estimate speciation and extinction rates from a substantial dataset of fossil occurrences while accounting for the incompleteness of the fossil record. Our analyses revealed a strongly asymmetrical pattern in which North American lineages invading Eurasia underwent explosive radiations, whereas lineages invading North America maintained uniform diversification dynamics. These invasions into Eurasia were characterized by high rates of speciation and extinction. The radiation of the arriving lineages in Eurasia coincide with the decline of established lineages or phases of climate change, suggesting differences in the ecological settings between the continents may be responsible for the disparity in diversification dynamics. These results reveal long-term outcomes of biological invasions and show that the importance of explosive radiations in shaping diversity extends beyond insular systems and have significant impact at continental scales.


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Laboratory and field experiments have demonstrated in many cases that malaria vectors do not feed randomly, but show important preferences either for infected or non-infected hosts. These preferences are likely in part shaped by the costs imposed by the parasites on both their vertebrate and dipteran hosts. However, the effect of changes in vector behaviour on actual parasite transmission remains a debated issue. We used the natural associations between a malaria-like parasite Polychromophilus murinus, the bat fly Nycteribia kolenatii and a vertebrate host the Daubenton's bat Myotis daubentonii to test the vector's feeding preference based on the host's infection status using two different approaches: 1) controlled behavioural assays in the laboratory where bat flies could choose between a pair of hosts; 2) natural bat fly abundance data from wild-caught bats, serving as an approximation of realised feeding preference of the bat flies. Hosts with the fewest infectious stages of the parasite were most attractive to the bat flies that did switch in the behavioural assay. In line with the hypothesis of costs imposed by parasites on their vectors, bat flies carrying parasites had higher mortality. However, in wild populations, bat flies were found feeding more based on the bat's body condition, rather than its infection level. Though the absolute frequency of host switches performed by the bat flies during the assays was low, in the context of potential parasite transmission they were extremely high. The decreased survival of infected bat flies suggests that the preference for less infected hosts is an adaptive trait. Nonetheless, other ecological processes ultimately determine the vector's biting rate and thus transmission. Inherent vector preferences therefore play only a marginal role in parasite transmission in the field. The ecological processes rather than preferences per se need to be identified for successful epidemiological predictions.


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Le cancer du poumon est la première cause de mortalité associée au cancer dans le monde. Le traitement curatif des tumeurs pulmonaires non-à-petites-cellules (NSCLC) diagnostiquées à un stade précoce se base sur une approche chirurgicale. Cependant, étant donné les comorbidités liées à la consommation de tabac, dont la bronchopneumopathie chronique occupe la première place, l'éligibilité chirurgicale pour ce type de cancer se trouve fréquemment limitée. Dans ce contexte, l'emploi de la radiothérapie stéréotaxique (SBRT) est une alternative valable chez les patients atteints d'un NSCLC primaire de stade précoce, et qui sont considérés inopérables à cause de leurs comorbidités. Depuis peu seulemement, le spectre de la SBRT a été élargi aux patients atteints d'un deuxième NSCLC primaire (SPLC), faisant suite à un premier NSCLC, traité avec un but curatif. Ils concernent donc des patients ayant déjà subits une intervention chirurgicale au préalable et qui présentent une réserve fonctionnelle pulmonaire extrêmement réduite. Le succès croissant de la SBRT résulte soit d'une efficacité thérapeutique comparables à la chirurgie, soit de sa toxicité qui semble limitée. À notre connaissance, seulement une étude a reporté des issues cliniques de patients affectés par des NSCLC primaires traités par SBRT. Cette dernière a utilisé la tomothérapie comme système d'irradiation (T-SBRT), sur un faible échantillon de patients (n = 27). Concernant l'irradiation des patients présentant des SPLC, la littérature disponible est pauvre et aucune publication a décrit l'utilisation de la T-SBRT. Ces éléments innovants ont donc motivé la rédaction d'un travail de thèse concernant les premières données cliniques de l'expérience faite au CHUV. Du point de vue des effets secondaires, si la pneumonie actinique précoce et tardive survenant au niveau du champ d'irradiation est désormais une complication iatrogène bien connue de la SBRT, une seule étude s'est intéressée à ce sujet dans le cadre de la T-SBRT. De plus, une entité bénigne et transitoire de pneumonie ( ?) a été reconnue depuis peu : la pneumonie organisée radio-induite (OP). Celle-ci semble se chevaucher comme un autre effet iatrogène à l'extérieur du champ d'irradiation. Originellement, cette dernière avait été rapportée dans les suites de la radiothérapie pour les cancer du sein. Elle a été décrite comme étant initialement limitée au champ d'irradiation et successivement pouvant s'étendre dynamiquement en dehors de celui-ci. Nous avons donc supposé que des infiltrats de OP peuvent être présents chez des patients asymptomatiques, et que ce dynamisme pourrait être identifié déjà au sein du champ d'irradiation. Notre étude a démontré que le traitement par T-SBRT garde des issues cliniques très encourageantes, aussi bien pour les tumeurs primaires que pour les SPLC. Entre autre, ce traitement semble avoir une toxicité limitée, et l'existence vraisemblable de la OP, déjà au sein du champ d'irradiation, peut aider les radiologues à différencier les infiltrats radio-induits d'une une récidive tumorale.


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In this diploma work advantages of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectrometry (CARS) and various methods of the quantitative analysis of substance structure with its help are considered. The basic methods and concepts of the adaptive analysis are adduced. On the basis of these methods the algorithm of automatic measurement of a scattering strip size of a target component in CARS spectrum is developed. The algorithm uses known full spectrum of target substance and compares it with a CARS spectrum. The form of a differential spectrum is used as a feedback to control the accuracy of matching. To exclude the influence of a background in CARS spectra the differential spectrum is analysed by means of its second derivative. The algorithm is checked up on the simulated simple spectra and on the spectra of organic compounds received experimentally.


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Computed tomography (CT) is a modality of choice for the study of the musculoskeletal system for various indications including the study of bone, calcifications, internal derangements of joints (with CT arthrography), as well as periprosthetic complications. However, CT remains intrinsically limited by the fact that it exposes patients to ionizing radiation. Scanning protocols need to be optimized to achieve diagnostic image quality at the lowest radiation dose possible. In this optimization process, the radiologist needs to be familiar with the parameters used to quantify radiation dose and image quality. CT imaging of the musculoskeletal system has certain specificities including the focus on high-contrast objects (i.e., in CT of bone or CT arthrography). These characteristics need to be taken into account when defining a strategy to optimize dose and when choosing the best combination of scanning parameters. In the first part of this review, we present the parameters used for the evaluation and quantification of radiation dose and image quality. In the second part, we discuss different strategies to optimize radiation dose and image quality at CT, with a focus on the musculoskeletal system and the use of novel iterative reconstruction techniques.


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In radionuclide metrology, Monte Carlo (MC) simulation is widely used to compute parameters associated with primary measurements or calibration factors. Although MC methods are used to estimate uncertainties, the uncertainty associated with radiation transport in MC calculations is usually difficult to estimate. Counting statistics is the most obvious component of MC uncertainty and has to be checked carefully, particularly when variance reduction is used. However, in most cases fluctuations associated with counting statistics can be reduced using sufficient computing power. Cross-section data have intrinsic uncertainties that induce correlations when apparently independent codes are compared. Their effect on the uncertainty of the estimated parameter is difficult to determine and varies widely from case to case. Finally, the most significant uncertainty component for radionuclide applications is usually that associated with the detector geometry. Recent 2D and 3D x-ray imaging tools may be utilized, but comparison with experimental data as well as adjustments of parameters are usually inevitable.