958 resultados para Active Management
Two putative promoters from Australian banana streak badnavirus (BSV) isolates were analysed for activity in different plant species. In transient expression systems the My (2105 bp) and Cv (1322 bp) fragments were both shown to have promoter activity in a wide range of plant species including monocots (maize, barley, banana, millet, wheat, sorghum), dicots (tobacco, canola, sunflower, Nicotiana benthamiana, tipu tree), gymnosperm (Pinus radiata) and fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia). Evaluation of the My and Cv promoters in transgenic sugarcane, banana and tobacco plants demonstrated that these promoters could drive high-level expression of either the green fluorescent protein (GFP) or the beta -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene (uidA) in vegetative plant cells. In transgenic sugarcane plants harbouring the Cv promoter, GFP expression levels were comparable or higher (up to 1.06% of total soluble leaf protein as GFP) than those of plants containing the maize ubiquitin promoter (up to 0.34% of total soluble leaf protein). GUS activities in transgenic in vitro-grown banana plants containing the My promoter were up to seven-fold stronger in leaf tissue and up to four-fold stronger in root and corm tissue than in plants harbouring the maize ubiquitin promoter. The Cv promoter showed activities that were similar to the maize ubiquitin promoter in in vitro-grown banana plants, but was significantly reduced in larger glasshouse-grown plants. In transgenic in vitro-grown tobacco plants, the My promoter reached activities close to those of the 35S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), while the Cv promoter was about half as active as the CaMV 35S promoter. The BSV promoters for pregenomic RNA represent useful tools for the high-level expression of foreign genes in transgenic monocots.
The financial and personal burden of chronic cardiac disease is high. Costs are likely to increase over the next few decades. Promising applications of telehealth have appeared in the diagnosis and management of cardiac disease and there are indications that telehealth services can improve the management of chronic cardiac disease as well as extend services to remote and rural populations. Telehealth has been applied to the capture of symptoms of cardiac disease with electrocardiography and echocardiography, to the management and rehabilitation of recently discharged patients, and in peer-to-peer consultation where remote expertise can facilitate diagnosis. Telehealth promises cost reductions in service delivery, although there is a need for properly controlled cost-effectiveness trials to underpin telehealth with a firm evidence base.
Laboratory bioassay studies were conducted in southeast Queensland, Australia,: on the efficacy of Teknar (R), VectoBac (R) 12AS, and Cybate (R) (active ingredient: 1,200 international toxic units Bacillus thuringiensis var, israelensis [Bti]) against 3rd instars of the arbovirus vectors Aedes aegypti. Ae. notoscriptus, Ae. vigilax, and Ae. camptorhynchus. Probit analyses were then used to determine LD,, (median lethal dose), LD95, and lethal dose ratios (LDR). Aedes aegypti and Ae. notoscriptus, both container-habitat species, tolerated the highest Bti concentrations compared with saltmarsh Ae. vigilax and Ae. camptorhynchus. For example, the LDR for Ae. vigilax versus Ae. notoscriptus exposed to Cybate was 0.14 (95% confidence limit [CL] 0.03-0.61). Similarly, the Cybate LDR for Ae. camptorhynchus versus Ae. notoscriptus was 0.22 (95% CL 0.07-0.70). Teknar produced similar results with an LDR of 0.21 (95% CL 0.04-1.10) for Aedes vigilax versus Aedes notoscriptus. Differences in product efficacy were found when tested against the 2 container-breeding species. Cybate was less effective than Teknar with LDRs of 1.55 (95% CL 0.65-3.67) and 1.87 (95% CL 0.68-5.15) for Aedes aegypti and Ae. notoscriptus, respectively. The significant differences in susceptibility between mosquito species and varying efficacy between products highlight the importance of evaluating concentration-response data prior to contracting with distributors of mosquito control products. This information is crucial to resistance management strategies.
We conducted a randomised, controlled field trial during 1998/1999 to evaluate the hypothesis that improved piglet management would improve the reproductive performance of smallholder sows. Simple changes were introduced into the treatment herds including the construction of a heated piglet-separation pen, vitamin injections, creep feeding and early weaning. The control herds were unchanged. Data were collected from all sows in each enrolled herd over two farrowings. We enrolled 176 sows, including 170 (96 treatment and 74 control) sows that remained throughout the study period. Significant differences in the reproductive performance of treatment and control sows were recorded for interfarrowing interval (median 176 versus 220 days), average number liveborn over 2 litters (11 versus 12), and average preweaning mortality over 2 litters (0 versus 37%). Based on a discount rate of 17%, the benefit-cost ratio of the treatment was 11.1 and 12.1 over 3 and 5 years, respectively. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Mesenchymal hamartomas of the chest wall are rare benign lesions usually discovered in infancy. The authors present their experience with 3 cases. All of these cases were managed initially conservatively, although 1 child required a thoracotomy and partial tumour resection at 5 months of age because of respiratory compromise. The other 2 children have now reached 5 and 6 years of age with the tumors becoming less prominent. The authors believe many cases can be managed conservatively because malignant change has not been reported, and the lesions often become relatively smaller as the child grows. J Pediatr Surg 36:1346-1349, Copyright (C) 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company.
The suitability of spotlight counts to index red fox abundance was assessed in an arid environment through a comparison with a scat deposition index (active attractant). In most cases there was a high degree of correlation between the two indices, suggesting that the spotlight counts were accurately documenting fluctuations in population size. However, the precision of the spotlight index was often low (c.v. = 0.07-0.46), suggesting that the technique may not allow the statistical detection of small changes in abundance. During periods when there was an influx of new individuals into the population, the seasonal scat index displayed a three-month time lag in documenting abundance while foxes accustomed themselves to the presence of the regular food supply. The level of precision of the scat index was also found to be relatively low (c.v. = 0.21-0.48). Nevertheless, further refinements of this technique may produce a suitable measure of fox abundance.
OBJECTIVES Graves' disease (GD) complicates 0.1% to 0.2% of pregnancies, but congenital thyrotoxicosis is rare occurring in one in 70 of these pregnancies independent of maternal disease status. Antenatal prediction of affected infants is imprecise; however, maternal history, coupled with a high maternal serum TSH receptor binding immunoglobulin index (TBII) predict adverse neonatal outcome. Mortality is reported to be as high as 25% in affected infants and would therefore be expected to be higher in premature infants. This study illustrates that in sick, premature, extreme low birth weight (ELBW) or intrauterine growth retarded (IUGR) infants, the diagnosis maybe overlooked especially in the absence of antenatal risk assessment and management of thyrotoxicosis in this setting is complex. DESIGN and PATIENTS The records of premature neonates born at the three main maternity units in Brisbane, between January 1996 and July 1998 diagnosed with congenital thyrotoxicosis were reviewed. Data were recorded on gestational age, birth weight (B Wt), maternal thyroid history and current status, and neonatal course. Thyroid function and TBII status was assessed using standard biochemical assays. RESULTS Seven neonates from five pregnancies were identified (four female, three male). Mean gestational age was 30 week (25-36 week) and median B Wt was 1.96 kg (0.50-2.62 kg). Only one mother received formal antenatal counselling by a paediatric endocrine service and had a TBII (54%) measured prior to delivery. Three of five mothers had elevated TBII measured after diagnosis in their offspring (57%, 65%, 83%) and in one mother, a TBII was not performed. All mothers were biochemically euthyroid at delivery. Mean age at diagnosis was 9 days (1-16 days) and mean age at commencement of treatment was 12 days (7-26 days). Two infants received propylthiouracil and five received a combination of carbimazole and propranolol. Pour became biochemically hypothyroid, in three this resolved with cessation of the antithyroid drug (ATD), and one required ongoing T4 supplementation. Only one infant required treatment for cardiac failure and there were no deaths in this cohort. CONCLUSIONS This is a large series of extremely small and premature infants with neonatal thyrotoxicosis. Presentation was nonspecific. The diagnosis was delayed because of low birth weight, prematurity, multiple birth and/or an unrecognized maternal history of Graves' disease. The treatment of neonatal thyrotoxicosis was difficult in these extreme law birth weight infants yet no infant died and significant morbidity was confined to high output cardiac failure in one infant. With antenatal recognition of past or active Graves' disease, assessment of maternal TSH receptor binding immunoglobulin index prior to delivery and postnatal monitoring of cord TSH and venous fT4 and TSH on days 4 and 7 rapid treatment of affected infants may have further reduced neonatal morbidity.