989 resultados para Acartia danae, c5
Re-infections with Trypanosoma cruzi are an aggravating factor for Chagas disease morbidity. The Colombian strain of T. cruzirepresents multiclonal populations formed by clonally propagating organisms with different tropisms and degrees of virulence. In the present study, the influence of successive inoculations with clones of the Colombian strain, exhibiting different degrees of virulence, on chronic myocarditis and the humoral and cellular immune responses (Col-C1 high virulence, Col-C8 medium virulence and Col-C5 low virulence) were demonstrated. Mice from three groups with a single infection were evaluated during the acute (14th-30th day) and chronic phases for 175 days. An immunofluorescence assay, ELISA and delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) cutaneous test were also performed. Mice with a triple infection were studied on the 115th-175th days following first inoculation. The levels of IgM and IgG2a were higher in the animals with a triple infection. DTH showed a higher intensity in the inflammatory infiltrate based on the morphometric analysis during a 48 h period of the triple infection and at 24 h with a single infection. The histopathology of the heart demonstrated significant exacerbation of cardiac inflammatory lesions confirmed by the morphometric test. The humoral responses indicate a reaction to the triple infection, even with clones of the same strain.
El fascinant mite de Dànae ha inspirat artistes de múltiples disciplines; poetes, escriptors, escultors, gravadors i pintors han quedat subjugats per aquesta història i per la seva ductilitat. En aquest document concentrarem la nostra anàlisi en l'estudi d'un conjunt representatiu i divers de pintures sobre l'escena de la pluja d'or del mite de Dànae.
A monoclonal antibody (MAb) HL-C5, which bound selectively to cells of the myeloid lineage tested, was derived from a fusion between P3/NS2/1-AG8 myeloma cells and splenocytes from a mouse immunized with cells of the promyelocytic leukemia line HL-60. Among a panel of 29 human cell lines derived from either hematopoietic or solid tumors, MAb HL-C5 was found to react exclusively with cells from the five differentiated acute myeloid leukemia lines, HL-60, ML1, ML2, ML3, KG-1B and not with the less differentiated myeloid lines. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis of normal bone marrow samples confirmed that the reactivity of MAb HL-C5 was limited to myeloid cells, from the promyelocytic stage of differentiation to the mature granulocytes. Indirect immunoperoxidase staining of cytocentrifuge preparations of normal bone marrow and peripheral blood leukocytes confirmed these results and showed that MAb HL-C5 stained neutrophils but not eosinophils or basophils. The antigen recognized by HL-C5 was recovered in the upper phase of chloroform-methanol-water lipid extracts prepared from HL-60 cells. By competitive binding experiments, it was found that MAb HL-C5 recognizes the same antigenic determinant as MAb WGHS 29-1, which has been reported to react with glycolipids containing the sugar sequence lacto-N-fucopentaose 111. Autoradiographs of thin layer chromatograms of HL-60 glycolipid extracts which were revealed by incubation with MAb HL-C5 or WGHS 29-1 followed by the addition of 125I-labelled rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulin antibody confirmed that the two MAbs reacted with the same or structurally very similar glycolipids.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of concomitant chemotherapy on loco-regional control (LRC) and cancer-specific survival (CSS) in patients with T1-T2 N0 M0 anal cancer treated conservatively by primary radiotherapy (RT). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1976 and 2008, 146 patients with T1 (n=29) or T2 (n=117) N0 M0 anal cancer were treated curatively by RT alone (n=71) or by combined chemoradiotherapy (CRT) (n=75) consisting of mitomycin C±5-fluorouracil. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to assess patient-, tumor- and treatment-related factors influencing LRC and CSS. RESULTS: With a median follow-up of 62.5 months (interquartilerange, 26-113 months), 122 (84%) patients were locally controlled. The five-year actuarial LRC, CSS and overall survival for the population were 81.4%±3.6%, 91.9%±2.6%, and 75.4%±3.9%, respectively. The five-year LRC and CSS for patients treated with RT alone and with CRT were 75.5%±6.0% vs. 86.8%±4.1% (p=0.155) and 88.5%±4.5% vs. 94.9%±2.9% (p=0.161), respectively. In the multivariate analysis, no clinical or therapeutic factors were found to significantly influence the LRC and CSS, while the addition of chemotherapy was of borderline significance (p=0.065 and p=0.107, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: In the management of node negative T1-T2 anal cancer, LRC and CSS tend to be superior in patients treated by combined CRT, even though the difference was not significant. Randomized studies are warranted to assess definitively the role of combined treatment in early-stage anal carcinoma.
Human cytosolic thymidine kinase (hTK1) has proven to be a suitable target for the noninvasive imaging of cancer cell proliferation using radiolabeled thymidine analogues such as [(18)F]3'-fluoro-3'-deoxythymidine ([(18)F]FLT). A thymidine analogue for single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), which incorporates the readily available and inexpensive nuclide technetium-99m, would be of considerable practical interest. hTK1 is known to accommodate modification of the structure of the natural substrate thymidine at the positions N3 and C3' and, to a lesser extent, C5. In this work, we used the copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition to synthesize two series of derivatives in which thymidine is functionalized at either the C3' or N3 position with chelating systems suitable for the M(CO)(3) core (M = (99m)Tc, Re). The click chemistry approach enabled complexes with different structures and overall charges to be synthesized from a common precursor. Using this strategy, the first organometallic hTK1 substrates in which thymidine is modified at the C3' position were identified. Phosphorylation of the organometallic derivatives was measured relative to thymidine. We have shown that the influence of the overall charge of the derivatives is dependent on the position of functionalization. In the case of the C3'-functionalized derivatives, neutral and anionic substrates were most readily phosphorylated (20-28% of the value for the parent ligand thymidine), whereas for the N3-functionalized derivatives, cationic and neutral complexes were apparently better substrates for the enzyme (14-18%) than anionic derivatives (9%).
En Pacasmayo, Región la Libertad, se efectuaron experimentos para determinación de ondas sonoras producidas por el zumbador utilizando equipos hidroacústicos y jaulas con peces en cautiverio, para evaluar su efecto en el ambiente biótico y abiótico. Se detectó incremento de oxígeno disuelto en el agua de mar (0,20 mL/L); fragmentación de diatomeas, presencia de quistes de esporas de Chaetoceros en superficie, disminución de la abundancia relativa de Acartia tonsa, Centropages brachiatus, Paracalanus parvus y Oithona setigera. El nivel de presión acústica generado por el zumbador estuvo dentro de la amplitud de onda máxima de 145 dB//1 μBar ref 1m, que no es letal en los peces; sin embargo, estos niveles de ondas acústicas afectarían el sistema sensorial, alterando su desplazamiento, orientación y equilibrio, ocasionando que los peces queden atrapados en la red de enmalle.
Two different monoclonal antibodies (MAb), called L-D1 and L-C5, were produced after immunization with either intact cells or the methanol phase of glycolipid extracts, respectively, from the same human colon carcinoma line, LoVo. As determined by an antibody-binding radioimmunoassay (RIA) on intact cells, MAb L-D1 and MAb L-C5 were highly reactive with all five colon carcinoma lines tested and with only one out of the 21 cell lines of various tissue origin tested. No reactivity of either MAb was observed with peripheral blood lymphocytes, granulocytes, or erythrocytes from healthy donors of various blood groups. Both MAb were tested in competitive binding experiments with an anti-CEA MAb from our laboratory (CEA 35) and with two previously described anti-colon carcinoma MAb from the Wistar Institute called 1083-17-1A (17-1A) and NS-19.9. In competitive binding experiments, MAb L-D1 was inhibited by MAb 17-1A and reciprocally, whereas MAb L-C5 was not inhibited by any of the other MAb tested. MAb L-D1 precipitated a major protein band with an apparent molecular weight (MW) of 41 kilodaltons (kD); interestingly, MAb 17-1A, which was reported to react with an uncharacterized antigen, precipitated the same protein band of 41 kD. This was confirmed with immunodepletion experiments. Furthermore, after treatment of the colon carcinoma cell line with tunicamycin, both MAb L-D1 and 17-1A precipitated a protein band of 35 kD. This shift of 6 kD suggests that the glycoprotein recognized by these 2 MAb contains two to three N-linked carbohydrate side chains. MAb L-C5 precipitated a group of three to four protein bands ranging from 43 to 53 kD that were not modified by tunicamycin treatment. A preliminary study conducted by using immunoperoxidase labeling on frozen sections of primary colon carcinoma showed that the two new MAb react strongly with these tumors, but also weakly with the normal adjacent mucosa, as did the other anti-colon carcinoma MAb tested.
The relaxivity of commercially available gadolinium (Gd)-based contrast agents was studied for X-nuclei resonances with long intrinsic relaxation times ranging from 6 s to several hundred seconds. Omniscan in pure 13C formic acid had a relaxivity of 2.9 mM(-1) s(-1), whereas its relaxivity on glutamate C1 and C5 in aqueous solution was approximately 0.5 mM(-1) s(-1). Both relaxivities allow the preparation of solutions with a predetermined short T1 and suggest that in vitro substantial sensitivity gains in their measurement can be achieved. 6Li has a long intrinsic relaxation time, on the order of several minutes, which was strongly affected by the contrast agents. Relaxivity ranged from approximately 0.1 mM(-1) s(-1) for Omniscan to 0.3 for Magnevist, whereas the relaxivity of Gd-DOTP was at 11 mM(-1) s(-1), which is two orders of magnitude higher. Overall, these experiments suggest that the presence of 0.1- to 10-microM contrast agents should be detectable, provided sufficient sensitivity is available, such as that afforded by hyperpolarization, recently introduced to in vivo imaging.
Children with unresolved brachial plexus palsy frequently develop a disabling internal rotation contracture of the shoulder. Several surgical options, including soft tissue procedures such as muscle releases and/or transfers, and bone operations such as humeral osteotomy are available to correct this deformity. This study describes the effect of subscapularis muscle release performed in isolation. Thirteen patients (5 boys, 8 girls) were reviewed at an average of 3.5 years after their surgery (range, 2-7 years). Their mean age at operation was 4.7 years (range, 1-8 years). Three children had C5-C6 palsies, 8 had C5-C7 palsies, and 2 had C5-C8 palsies. Postoperatively, patients presented significant gains in shoulder active lateral rotation (+49 degrees, from 5 to 54 degrees), active abduction (+30 degrees, from 63 to 93 degrees), active flexion (+46 degrees, from 98 to 144 degrees), and active extension (+23 degrees, from 7 to 30 degrees). Gains were also observed in passive range of motion, but of a lesser degree. Subscapularis muscle release is a procedure we found to have few significant complications and was highly effective in increasing active range of motion and restoring shoulder function.
Helping behavior is any intentional behavior that benefits another living being or group (Hogg & Vaughan, 2010). People tend to underestimate the probability that others will comply with their direct requests for help (Flynn & Lake, 2008). This implies that when they need help, they will assess the probability of getting it (De Paulo, 1982, cited in Flynn & Lake, 2008) and then they will tend to estimate one that is actually lower than the real chance, so they may not even consider worth asking for it. Existing explanations for this phenomenon attribute it to a mistaken cost computation by the help seeker, who will emphasize the instrumental cost of “saying yes”, ignoring that the potential helper also needs to take into account the social cost of saying “no”. And the truth is that, especially in face-to-face interactions, the discomfort caused by refusing to help can be very high. In short, help seekers tend to fail to realize that it might be more costly to refuse to comply with a help request rather than accepting. A similar effect has been observed when estimating trustworthiness of people. Fetchenhauer and Dunning (2010) showed that people also tend to underestimate it. This bias is reduced when, instead of asymmetric feedback (getting feedback only when deciding to trust the other person), symmetric feedback (always given) was provided. This cause could as well be applicable to help seeking as people only receive feedback when they actually make their request but not otherwise. Fazio, Shook, and Eiser (2004) studied something that could be reinforcing these outcomes: Learning asymmetries. By means of a computer game called BeanFest, they showed that people learn better about negatively valenced objects (beans in this case) than about positively valenced ones. This learning asymmetry esteemed from “information gain being contingent on approach behavior” (p. 293), which could be identified with what Fetchenhauer and Dunning mention as ‘asymmetric feedback’, and hence also with help requests. Fazio et al. also found a generalization asymmetry in favor of negative attitudes versus positive ones. They attributed it to a negativity bias that “weights resemblance to a known negative more heavily than resemblance to a positive” (p. 300). Applied to help seeking scenarios, this would mean that when facing an unknown situation, people would tend to generalize and infer that is more likely that they get a negative rather than a positive outcome from it, so, along with what it was said before, people will be more inclined to think that they will get a “no” when requesting help. Denrell and Le Mens (2011) present a different perspective when trying to explain judgment biases in general. They deviate from the classical inappropriate information processing (depicted among other by Fiske & Taylor, 2007, and Tversky & Kahneman, 1974) and explain this in terms of ‘adaptive sampling’. Adaptive sampling is a sampling mechanism in which the selection of sample items is conditioned by the values of the variable of interest previously observed (Thompson, 2011). Sampling adaptively allows individuals to safeguard themselves from experiences they went through once and turned out to lay negative outcomes. However, it also prevents them from giving a second chance to those experiences to get an updated outcome that could maybe turn into a positive one, a more positive one, or just one that regresses to the mean, whatever direction that implies. That, as Denrell and Le Mens (2011) explained, makes sense: If you go to a restaurant, and you did not like the food, you do not choose that restaurant again. This is what we think could be happening when asking for help: When we get a “no”, we stop asking. And here, we want to provide a complementary explanation for the underestimation of the probability that others comply with our direct help requests based on adaptive sampling. First, we will develop and explain a model that represents the theory. Later on, we will test it empirically by means of experiments, and will elaborate on the analysis of its results.
To involve citizens in developing the processes of city making is an objective that occupies part of the agenda of political parties in the context of the necessary renewal in representative democracy. This paper aims to provide some answers to the following questions: Is it possible to overcome the participatory processes based exclusively on the consultation? Is it possible to"train" residents to take an active role in decision-making? How can we manage, proactively, the relationship between public actors, technicians and politicians, in a participatory process? We analyse the process development for creating the Wall of Remembrance in the Barcelona neighbourhood of Baró de Viver, a work of public art, created and produced by its neighbours, in the context of a long participatory process focused on changing the image of the neighbourhood and the improvement of public space. This result and this process have been possible in a given context of cooperation among neighbours, local government and the research team (CR-Polis, Art, City, Society at the University of Barcelona). The development of a creative process of citizen participation between 2004 and 2011 made possible the direct management of decision making by the residents on the field of the design of public space in the neighbourhood. However, the material results of the process does not overshadow the great achievement of the project: the inclusion of a neighbourhood in taking informed decisions because of their empowerment in public space design and management of their remembrances.
Le cancer de la vessie est le deuxième cancer urologique le plus fréquent dans le monde. La plupart des patients (75%) sont initialement diagnostiqués avec un cancer non musculo- invasif. Après résection trans-urétrale, ie traitement standard pour ce type de lésion chez les patients présentant un risque important de récidive/progression consiste en une série d'instillations intravésicales du Bacille de Calmette-Guerin (i.e. le vaccin BCG). Cependant cette "BCG thérapie" est associée à des effets secondaires non négligeables et s'avère inefficace dans 30% des cas, des limitations donc importantes qui soulignent la nécessité de développer des stratégies thérapeutiques alternatives. L'utilisation d'antigènes associés aux tumeurs (TAA) comme vaccin, combinée à une application locale d'immunostimulants sur le site tumoral, est une approche prometteuse en vue de maximiser les réponses immunitaires anti-tumorales localement. Nous montrons que la bactérie vivante atténuée Ty21a, issue du vaccin Vivotif® contre la fièvre typhoïde, peut être utilisée comme immunostimulant intravésical (IVES), mais ce uniquement dans le cas où la bactérie est en phase exponentielle de croissance (Vivotif exp). En effet, l'instillation IVES de Vivotif exp à la suite d'une vaccination par un TAA, un antigène mineur d'histocompatibilité mâle H-Y (Uty), permet d'augmenter de 15 fois le nombre de cellules T CD8 totales et spécifiques de l'antigène dans la vessie. Le recrutement des cellules T est TLR4-dépendent, ce qui suggère un rôle des lipopolysaccharides du Vivotif exp. Par ailleurs, en comparaison avec le contenu bactérien de la capsule de Vivotif, les bactéries en phase exponentielle de croissance permettent également une augmentation préférentielle des chemokines C5/C5a, CXCL1, CXCL2 et CXCL5 dans la vessie, mais pas du nombre de cellules T exprimant les récepteurs apparentés (C5aR et CXCR2). De plus, combiner la vaccination Uty avec le Vivotif exp en IVES permet d'améliorer la survie des souris présentant une tumeur orthotopique de la vessie exprimant l'antigène Uty (lignée tumorale murine MB49). Puisque pour certains cancers, aucun TAA - du moins exprimé à tous les stades tumoraux - n'est identifié, il est nécessaire de développer d'autres approches non vaccinales. Dans une deuxième partie de ce travail de thèse, nous avons donc investigué deux stratégies permettant d'induire une destruction des cellules tumorales, la thérapie génique par gène de suicide, d'une part, et la thérapie photodynamique dans le proche infrarouge (NIR-PDT), d'autre part. Pour appliquer ces thérapies, nous avons utilisé comme vecteur sûr et non toxique une forme non réplicative du virus du « Human Papillomavirus » (HPV) capable de "pseudo-infecter" préférentiellement les souris présentant des tumeurs vésicales (MB49). L'utilisation de pseudovirions (PsV) HPV portant comme gène suicide la thymidine kinase, une enzyme du virus de l'herpès simplex, suivi d'un traitement par la prodrogue Ganciclovir, permet de tuer 90% des cellules MB49 in-vitro ainsi que de ralentir significativement le développement des tumeurs vésicales in-vivo. Par ailleurs, l'emploi de particules pseudo- virales HPV couplées à la phtalocyanine IR700, un pigment photosensible présentant un pouvoir cytotoxique une fois activé, permet de tuer, après application d'une lumière dans le proche infrarouge, quasi 100% des cellules MB49 in-vitro et, plus important, de régresser des tumeurs in-vivo. De façon générale, ce travail de thèse présente des approches thérapeutiques innovantes et prometteuses pour le traitement des patients avec un cancer non musculo-invasif de la vessie. -- Bladder cancer is the second most common urological malignancy in the world. At initial diagnosis, non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) accounts for 75% of bladder cancer. The standard of care of NMIBC consists of intravesical (IVES) treatments with Bacillus- Calmette-Guerin (BCG) following transurethral resections of the lesions. However, repeated BCG treatments are associated with significant side effects and treatment failure may occur in 30% of the cases, underlying the necessity of alternative therapeutic strategies. The use of tumor-associated antigens (TAA) as vaccines followed by the local application of immunostimulants where the tumor resides is a promising approach to increase anti-tumor immune responses locally. We show that live attenuated Ty21a bacteria used from the vivotif® vaccine against typhoid fever can efficiently be used as IVES immunostimulant, only if bacteria are grown to exponential phase (Vivotif exp). In this condition, IVES immunostimulation after TAA vaccination with a minor histocompatibility male antigen HY (Uty) resulted in more than 15-fold increase of both vaccine-specific and total CD8-T cells in the bladder. T cell recruitment was mediated by TLR-4 suggesting that it was mainly mediated by lipopolysaccharides of Vivotif exp. In addition, these bacteria, as compared to the bacterial content of the vivotif capsule preferentially increased C5/C5a, CXCL1, CXCL2 and CXCL5 chemokines, but not the numbers of T cells expressing the cognate receptors (C5aR and CXCR2). Combination of IVES Vivotif exp with Uty vaccination improved survival of mice with pre-established orthotopic Uty-expressing MB49 murine bladder tumors, as compared to vaccination alone. As known TAA are not identified in all cancers, or not expressed in all stages of the tumor, we further investigated two potent approaches able of initiating tumor-cell destruction, suicide-gene therapy and near-infrared (NIR) photodynamic therapy (PDT). Towards a safe and non-toxic application of these therapies, we used Human Papillomavirus (HPV) replication-defective vectors that were able to preferentially pseudo-infect MB49-tumor bearing mice. HPV pseudovirions (PsV) carrying the Herpex-Simplex virus thymidine kinase suicide-gene followed by treatment with the prodrug Ganciclovir resulted in 90% of MB49 cell-death in-vitro and was able to significantly reduce bladder tumor growth in-vivo. Furthermore, HPV virus-like particles coupled to a NIR phtalocyanine dye, IR700 in combination with specific NIR light led to almost 100% of MB49 cell-death in-vitro and more interestingly, to bladder tumors shrinkage in-vivo. Overall, in this thesis, we offer promising therapeutic approaches for application in NMIBC patients.
Spinal cord injuries result after diving into shallow water, often after incautious jumps head first into water of unknown depth during recreational or sport activities. Mortality is generally due to upper cervical trauma. The authors present a case of a diving-related death in a young woman who underwent medicolegal investigations. The measured water depth at the supposed dive site was 1.40 m. Postmortem radiology and autopsy revealed fractures of the body and the posterior arch of the fifth cervical vertebra, a fracture of the right transverse process of the sixth cervical vertebra and hemorrhages involving the cervical paraspinal muscles. Neuropathology showed a posterior epidural hematoma involving the whole cervical region and a symmetric laceration of the spinal cord located at the fourth and fifth cervical vertebra level, surrounded by multiple petechial hemorrhages. Toxicology revealed the presence of ethanol in both blood and urine samples. The death was attributed to cervical spine fracture (C5-C6), spinal cord contusion, and subsequent drowning. This case highlights the usefulness of postmortem radiology, examination of the deep structures of the neck, toxicology, neuropathology, and a detailed research of signs of drowning to formulate appropriate hypotheses pertaining to the cause and mechanism of death.