940 resultados para Aberdeen Angus
Date of Acceptance: 09/07/2015
Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank Chaz Mein and Eva Wozniak at the Genome Centre, Queen Mary University of London, who were integral to the development of the DNA methylation assays and processing of samples. Financial Support: This work was supported by Wellbeing of Women (D.J.C., grant number RTF318) and the Scottish Government’s Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division including the Strategic Partnership for Animal Science Excellence (J.M.W., R.P.A., J.S.M. and C.L.A.).
Peer reviewed
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by Wellcome Trust grants WT092552MA (J.H.N. and I.R.B.), Senior Investigator Award WT100209MA (J.H.N.), 093228 (T.K.S.) and 092970 (M.S.P.S.), and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council grants BB/I019855/1 (M.S.P.S.), BB/H017917/1 (J.H.N. and I.R.B.) and BB/J009784/1 (H.B.). We acknowledge the Diamond Light Source for beam time. I.R.B. is supported as a Leverhulme Emeritus Fellow. J.H.N. is supported as a Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award holder and as a 1000 Talent Scholar at Sichuan University. A.C.E.D. was supported by an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre student fellowship. We thank R. Phillips, A. Lee and S. Conway for helpful discussions.
Mapping species distributions : A comparison of skilled naturalist and lay citizen science recording
Acknowledgements We are grateful to Elaine O’Mahony, Imogen Pearce, Richard Comont, Anthony McCluskey and other BBCT staff for the many hours of BeeWatch species identification and for all people who submitted sightings to BeeWatch, OPAL, BWARS and the various local recording schemes and societies. We thank the NBN for allowing us to download the bumblebee records without strings attached, and the Essex, Greater London, Cumbria and Sussex based recording centres for providing records upon request. Finally, we are indebted to Tom August and two anonymous reviewers for their valuable critique on an earlier version of this work.
The research described here is supported by the award made by the RCUK Digital Economy program to the dot.rural Digital Economy Hub; award reference: EP/G066051/1.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank all of the patients, relatives and control individuals who participated in the study. We are indebted to the late Prof. Walter Muir, Chair of Developmental Psychiatry and Honorary Consultant in Learning Disability Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh, who initiated these studies and whose work was dedicated to the welfare of the patients who generously participated. We are also grateful to Mrs. Pat Malloy for her assistance with DNA collection and MAQ assays screening of the Scottish samples. The Scottish sample collection was supported by a grant from the Chief Scientist Office (CSO), part of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates. This research was funded by grants from the CSO to B.S.P. (grant CZB/4/610), The Academy of Medical Sciences/Wellcome Trust to M.J. (grant R41455) and The RS Macdonald Charitable Trust (grant D21419 together with J.H.), the Swedish Research Council (grants 2003-5158 and 2006-4472), the Medical Faculty, Umeå University, and the County Councils of Västerbotten and Norrbotten, Sweden, as well as by grants from the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (FWO-F), the Industrial Research Fund (IWT) and the Special Research Fund of the University of Antwerp, Belgium. M.J. is funded by a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellowship for MB PhD graduates (R42811). We acknowledge the contribution of the personnel of the VIB Genetic Service Facility (http://www.vibgeneticservicefacility.be/) for the genetic analysis of the Swedish samples. Research nurses Gunnel Johansson, Lotta Kronberg, Tage Johansson and Lisbeth Bertilsson are thankfully acknowledged for their help and expertise. The Betula Study was funded by the Swedish Research Council (grants 345-2003-3883 and 315-2004-6977). We also acknowledge the contribution by the staff in the Betula project
The research described here is supported by the award made by the RCUK Digital Economy programme to the dot.rural Digital Economy Hub; award reference: EP/G066051/1.
Acknowledgements We thank Andrew Spink (Noldus Information Technology) and the Blogging Birds team members Peter Kindness and Abdul Adeniyi for their valuable contributions to this paper. John Fryxell, Chris Thaxter and Arjun Amar provided valuable comments on an earlier version. The study was part of the Digital Conservation project of dot.rural, the University of Aberdeen’s Digital Economy Research Hub, funded by RCUK (grant reference EP/G066051/1).
Funding This work was funded by Arthritis Research UK (grants 17859, 17971, 19654), INNOCHEM EU FP6 (grant LSHB-CT-2005-51867), MRC (MR/K013076/1) and the William Harvey Research Foundation
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Funded by OPTIMA Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Institute Strategic Programme Energy Grasses & Biorefining. Grant Number: BBS/E/W/10963A01 Defra GIANT LINK
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Peer reviewed