931 resultados para Abbott, Andrew: Methods of discovery
This report examines important issues pertaining to the different ways of affecting the information security of file objects under information attacks through methods of compression. Accordingly, the report analyzes the three-way relationships which may exist among a selected set of attacks, methods and objects. Thus, a methodology is proposed for evaluation of information security, and a coefficient of information security is created. With respects to this coefficient, using different criteria and methods for evaluation and selection of alternatives, the lowest-risk methods of compression are selected.
Synergetic methods of data complexation are proposed that make it possible to obtain a maximal amount of available information using a limited number of channels. Along with freedom degrees reducers, a mechanism of freedom degrees discriminators is proposed that enables all the channels to take part in the development of a cooperative decision in accordance with their informativeness in a current situation.
An approach for knowledge extraction from the information arriving to the knowledge base input and also new knowledge distribution over knowledge subsets already present in the knowledge base is developed. It is also necessary to realize the knowledge transform into parameters (data) of the model for the following decision-making on the given subset. It is assumed to realize the decision-making with the fuzzy sets’ apparatus.
The basic construction concepts of many-valued intellectual systems, which are adequate to primal problems of person activity and using hybrid tools with many-valued of coding are considered. The many-valued intellectual systems being two-place, but simulating neuron processes of space toting which are different on a level of actions, inertial and threshold of properties of neurons diaphragms, and also modification of frequency of following of the transmitted messages are created. All enumerated properties and functions in point of fact are essential not only are discrete on time, but also many-valued.
The offered paper deals with the problems of color images preliminary procession. Among these are: interference control (local ones and noise) and extraction of the object from the background on the stage preceding the process of contours extraction. It was considered for a long time that execution of smoothing in segmentation through the boundary extraction is inadmissible, but the described methods and the obtained results evidence about expedience of using the noise control methods.
We propose a method for image recognition on the base of projections. Radon transform gives an opportunity to map image into space of its projections. Projection properties allow constructing informative features on the base of moments that can be successfully used for invariant recognition. Offered approach gives about 91-97% of correct recognition.
The purpose of discussed optimal valid partitioning (OVP) methods is uncovering of ordinal or continuous explanatory variables effect on outcome variables of different types. The OVP approach is based on searching partitions of explanatory variables space that in the best way separate observations with different levels of outcomes. Partitions of single variables ranges or two-dimensional admissible areas for pairs of variables are searched inside corresponding families. Statistical validity associated with revealed regularities is estimated with the help of permutation test repeating search of optimal partition for each permuted dataset. Method for output regularities selection is discussed that is based on validity evaluating with the help of two types of permutation tests.
AMS subject classification: 93C95, 90A09.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62H30, 62J20, 62P12, 68T99
A pénzügyekben mind elméletileg, mind az alkalmazások szempontjából fontos kérdés a tőkeallokáció. Hogyan osszuk szét egy adott portfólió kockázatát annak alportfóliói között? Miként tartalékoljunk tőkét a fennálló kockázatok fedezetére, és a tartalékokat hogyan rendeljük az üzleti egységekhez? A tőkeallokáció vizsgálatára axiomatikus megközelítést alkalmazunk, tehát alapvető tulajdonságok megkövetelésével dolgozunk. Cikkünk kiindulópontja Csóka-Pintér [2010] azon eredménye, hogy a koherens kockázati mértékek axiómái, valamint a tőkeallokációra vonatkozó méltányossági, ösztönzési és stabilitási követelmények nincsenek összhangban egymással. Ebben a cikkben analitikus és szimulációs eszközökkel vizsgáljuk ezeket a követelményeket. A gyakorlati alkalmazások során használt, illetve az elméleti szempontból érdekes tőkeallokációs módszereket is elemezzük. A cikk fő következtetése, hogy a Csóka-Pintér [2010] által felvetett probléma gyakorlati szempontból is releváns, tehát az nemcsak az elméleti vizsgálatok során merül fel, hanem igen sokszor előforduló és gyakorlati probléma. A cikk további eredménye, hogy a vizsgált tőkeallokációs módszerek jellemzésével segítséget nyújt az alkalmazóknak a különböző módszerek közötti választáshoz. / === / Risk capital allocation in finance is important theoretically and also in practical applications. How can the risk of a portfolio be shared among its sub-portfolios? How should the capital reserves be set to cover risks, and how should the reserves be assigned to the business units? The study uses an axiomatic approach to analyse risk capital allocation, by working with requiring basic properties. The starting point is a 2010 study by Csoka and Pinter (2010), who showed that the axioms of coherent measures of risk are not compatible with some fairness, incentive compatibility and stability requirements of risk allocation. This paper discusses these requirements using analytical and simulation tools. It analyses methods used in practical applications that have theoretically interesting properties. The main conclusion is that the problems identified in Csoka and Pinter (2010) remain relevant in practical applications, so that it is not just a theoretical issue, it is a common practical problem. A further contribution is made because analysis of risk allocation methods helps practitioners choose among the different methods available.
It is important to the landscape architects to become acquainted with the results of the regional climate models so they can adapt to the warmer and more arid future climate. Modelling the potential distribution area of certain plants, which was the theme of our former research, can be a convenient method to visualize the effects of the climate change. A similar but slightly better method is modelling the Moesz-line, which gives information on distribution and usability of numerous plants simultaneously. Our aim is to display the results on maps and compare the different modelling methods (Line modelling, Distribution modelling, Isotherm modelling). The results are spectacular and meet our expectations: according to two of the three tested methods the Moesz-line will shift from South Slovakia to Central Poland in the next 60 years.
Az utóbbi évtizedekben egyre gyakrabban merült fel a közszolgálati szervezetek értékelésének igénye, és egyre újabb módszerek jelentek meg, amelyek felvetették ezek rendszerezésének szükségességét mind a gyakorlatban, mind a kutatásokban. A szerző a szakirodalomban fellelhető osztályozási kísérleteknek és az értékelés szakterülete szempontjainak figyelembevételével javaslatot tesz a közszolgálati szervezetek értékelési módszereinek osztályozási keretrendszerére. Az osztályozási szempontok között szerepel az értékelő helyzete, az értékelés szerepe és a megismerés módszere. Az osztályozási keretrendszer tartalmát a szerző példákkal is illusztrálja, amely jelzi a modell gyakorlati alkalmazhatóságát. Ugyanakkor a keretrendszer a kutatások fókuszának és érvényességi körének meghatározásában is segítséget nyújthat. _____ In the last decades the need of the evaluation of public sector organizations has emerged more and more often, and many new methods have shown up that has raised the need of their classification in practice and in research, as well. Based on literature review and the literature of evaluation the author makes a proposal on the classification framework of the evaluation methods of public sector organizations. The dimensions of the classification include the situation of evaluator, the role of evaluation and the approach of knowledge. The author illustrates the content of the framework with examples referring to the applicability of the model in practice. At the same time, the framework is also useful in determining the focus or the scope of research projects.
Despite the frequency with which fevers occur in children ages 1–3 years, lack of knowledge and understanding about the implications of fever and methods of fever management often results in anxiety among caretakers, sometimes prompting them to seek help at nearby emergency departments. Caretakers often look to health care professionals for advice and guidance over the telephone. The purpose of this study was to investigate caretakers' knowledge of the implications of fever, methods of fever management, perceptions of pediatric telephone triage and advice services regarding fever, and the effectiveness of after hour telephone triage directed toward improving the caretakers' ability to manage their child's fever at home. Pre-triage questionnaires were completed by 72 caretakers over the telephone before the triage encounter. Twenty-two of those same caretakers whose children were triaged using the fever guideline completed and returned the mailed post-triage questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze responses for the larger pre-intervention group and describe comparisons for the pre and post-triage responses in the smaller sample subset (n = 22). ^
Along with the accumulation of evidence supporting the role of entrepreneurship in economic development (Acs & Armington, 2006; Kuratko, 2005, Reynolds, 2007), governments have persisted in encouraging people to become entrepreneurs (Acs & Stough, 2008; Brannback & Carsrud, 2008). These efforts have tried to reproduce the conditions under which entrepreneurship emerges. One of these conditions is to develop entrepreneurial skills among students and scientists (Fan & Foo, 2004). Entrepreneurship education within higher education has experienced a remarkable expansion in the last 20 years (Green, 2008). To develop entrepreneurial skills among students, scholars have proposed different teaching approaches. However, no clear relationship has been demonstrated between entrepreneurship education, learning outcomes, and business creation (Hostager & Decker, 1999). Despite policy makers demands for more accountability from educational institutions (Klimoski, 2007) and entrepreneurship instructors demands for consistency about what should be taught and how (Maidment, 2009), the appropriate content for entrepreneurship programs remains under constant discussion (Solomon, 2007). Entrepreneurship education is still in its infancy, professors propose diverse teaching goals and radically different teaching methods. This represents an obstacle to development of foundational and consistent curricula across the board (Cone, 2008). Entrepreneurship education is in need of a better conceptualization of the learning outcomes pursued in order to develop consistent curriculum. Many schools do not have enough qualified faculty to meet the growing student demand and a consistent curriculum is needed for faculty development. Entrepreneurship instructors and their teaching practices are of interest because they have a role in producing the entrepreneurs needed to grow the economy. This study was designed to understand instructors’ perspectives and actions related to their teaching. The sample studied consisted of eight college and university entrepreneurship instructors. Cases met predetermined criteria of importance followed maximum variation strategies. Results suggest that teaching content were consistent across participants while different teaching goals were identified: some instructors inspire and develop general skills of students while others envision the creation of a real business as the major outcome of their course. A relationship between methods reported by instructors and their disciplinary background, teaching perspective, and entrepreneurial experience was found.
This is a study of preservice teachers’ ability to teach reading to struggling, diverse students, after participating in a school-embedded course incorporating a one-on-one tutorial directly supervised by reading experts. Changes in reading performance as well as plans to analyze changes in the preservice teachers will be discussed.